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Asynchronous Test for Grade 3

I. Instructions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best
describes the answer.

1. It is the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for and to return

A. Emotions
B. Empathy
C. Gratitude
D. All of the above

2. It has 9 letters, which has two letters’ T’s and 4 vowels, you will not miss it, as I thank

A. Emotions
B. Gratitude
C. Empathy
D. All of the above

3. It is one of creative ways to express gratitude.

A. Help your family or loved ones

B. Let your mother do the house chores
C. Do not listen to your parents
D. Just play and do what makes you happy

4. Another way to express creative gratitude.

A. Do fight with siblings

B. Send out thank you cards
C. Play with classmates and friends
D. Disobey your parents

5. What benefits will gain in practicing gratitude?

A. It gives us psychological problem

B. It makes us arrogant
C. It improves our good relationship with our family and friends
D. None of the above
6. What is the guideline that we need to do during the disaster?

A. Floor Plan or Escape Plan

B. Business Plan
C. Operational Plan
D. Organizational Plan

7. It is the number can cause of house fire

A. Lightning Strike
B. Poor mechanical maintenance
C. Careless smoking
D. All of the above

8. What is the acronym in proper using of fire extinguisher


9. It is a practice in extinguishing fires or in the conduct and manner of exit in case of fire?

A. Earthquake Drill
B. Fire Drill
C. Tornado Drill
D. All of the above

10. Why Fire Drill is important?

A. To be prepare and to have knowledge in making way to escape safely in the event of
emergency situation
B. Just to conduct the drill for mandatory activities
C. For exposure of school and other establishments that they are doing the drill
D. None of the above

11. What kind of device that sense smoke typically as an indicator of fire

A. Fire alarm
B. Smoke detector
C. Flashlight
D. Fire extinguisher
12. What kind of device installed in a building or an area which gives available and visible
warning of an outbreak of fire

A. Fire station
B. Fire Truck
C. Fire Alarm
D. Fire extinguisher

13. What will you do when earthquake happen?

A. Panic
B. Calm
C. Dance
D. Run

14. What will you do to participate during earthquake drill?

A. Keep talking and laugh

B. Walk run
C. Cover duck and hold
D. Just sit and relax

15. What practice or exercise helps us to be aware and save ourselves during disaster

A. Zumba
B. Yoga
C. Fire and Earthquake drill
D. Gym

16. What is the three basic earthquake drill?

A. Sit, Stand and Jump

B. Stand, Walk and Run
C. Duck cover and Hold
D. Drop, Crouch and Hold

17. What is the importance of earthquake drill

A. Help you and your loved ones understand what to do incase you are not with them
during earthquake.
B. Just to follow the mandatory activities
C. For the documentation only
D. All of the above

18. What is the component of earthquake drill?

A. Alarm
B. Building
C. Cellphone
D. Radio

19. What will you do during earthquake?

A. Just stay from the tall buildings and wait until earthquake stop.
B. Sleep and don’t mind the earthquake
C. Stay away from glass, windows, and walls and anything that could fall down
D. Panic and run

20. It used to describe something that arrives at exact time and is not late

A. Be on time
B. Turn on camera
C. Mute your microphone
D. Eat your lunch and breakfast

21. What are the important things you should put in your study area?

A. Make up and fashion accessories

B. Pillow and Blanket
C. T.V and Gaming Computer
D. Books, Note Book, Pen and Pencil

22. It is one of our online rules that we must to follow to be able to listen and understand the

A. Make sure your camera is always on

B. Make sure your microphone is always on
C. Make sure your camera is always off
D. Always use the chat box for chatting nonsense

23. It is also known as a “House Rules” during online classes

A. Protocols
B. Policies
C. Netiquette
D. Classroom Rules

24. What hand signal you will use if you need help?

A. 1 finger up
B. 2 fingers up
C. 3 fingers up
D. Raise your hand

25. What hand signal you will use if you want to ask or say something?

A. 1 finger up
B. 2 fingers up
C. 3 fingers up
D. Raise your hand

II. Draw 5 items that you will put inside of your GO-BAG make it in a creative way.
(5 pts.)

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