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Preliminary Feasibility Study

PT Indo Mina Lestari

Jakarta, 28 March 2022


• Global Tuna Market reached USD 39,3 Bio and projected to be USD 47,7 Bio
in 2026.

• Tuna consumption of USA is 500.000 ton/year (about half is imported).

• Tuna production of Indonesia in the year 2017 reached 466.000 ton/year from
Paci c Ocean, but only 30% is exported.
IML’s Target

• To increase Tuna production by 1.000 ton/month.

• To ensure the Indonesia’s Tuna supply chain by opening hub in USA.

• Achieving global standard for Tuna certi cation and the product quality.

IML’s Strategy

• Company acquisition of PT MPM, PT MPS, and PT Pelaku.

• Increasing the number of shing vessels.

• Increasing e ciency and yield through machine processing.

• Building 2.000 ton capacity cold storage in Biak.

• Creating hub in east coast and west coast of USA.

No Component Total Investment (in IDR bio) Detailed informa on

1 Acquisi on 108 (detail below)

a. PT MPM 26 for 50% of share

b. PT MPS 7 for 50% of share

c. PT Pelaku 75 for 50% of share

2 Acquire Fishing Vessels 290 (detail below)

a. 15 vessels of 30 GT (on progress) 60 Vessels available at Timika

b. 5 vessels of 150 GT (on progress) 30 Vessels available at East Java and Timika

c. 50 vessels of 30 GT 200 On progress of searching

3 Build Processing Plant and Cold Storage in Biak 40 (detail below)

For machine cut, packaging machine,
a. Machinery and Cold Storage 30
contact freezer, and freezer
b. Infrastructure 10 on progress

4 Working Capital 95 (detail below)

Weekly turnover for 250 ton cold
a. Opera onal in USA (East Coast and West Coast) 75
Fuel, crews, bait, and other logis c
b. Opera onal in Biak and Ambon 20

• Tuna product retail price ~$50/kg.

• Tuna product trading price ~$15-25/kg.

• Sales of 1.000 ton/month @ $ 20 —> $ 20 Mio/month.

• Net pro t margin 20% —> $ 4 Mio.

• BEP = <12 months if 1.000 ton/month capacity achieved from start.


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