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Two and a nal yoars into nis administration, Prosidont Obama nas provon tnat no is a strong advooato or
womon and a doondor o tno issuos tnat aro important to womon and tnoir amilios. From air pay to oduoation
and aoooss to quality noaltn oaro, tno Prosidont's agonda is ono tnat snowoasos nis oommitmont to onsuring
tnat wo provido soourity to working and middlo olass amilios by building an ooonomy wnoro rosponsibility is
rowardod, nard work pays, and ovoryono plays by tno rulos.

President Obama Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act to Ensure Women Receive Equal Pay for Equal
Work. "U.S. Prosidont Baraok Obama signod nis hrst bill Tnursday, tno Lilly Lodbottor Fair Pay Postoration
Aot, making it oasior to suo oompanios or pay inoquity.Tno moasuro aoilitatos |udioiary proooduros or an
omployoo disoriminatod against on tno basis o ago, sox, raoo, roligion or oountry o origin." |UP, 1/29/09]
|CNN, 0 1/30/2009]

The Recovery Act Extended More Than 12,000 SBA Loans Worth $3 Billion To Women-Owned Small
Businesses. "SBA loans aro tnroo to hvo timos moro likoly to go to womon and minoritios tnan traditional,
oonvontional small businoss loans. Tno Pooovory Aot put muon-noodod oapital in tno nands o womon
ontropronours and small businoss ownors. Moro tnan 12,000 SBA Pooovory Loans navo gono to womon-ownod
small businossos, driving $3 billion in londing support into tnoir nands to nolp tnom grow and oroato |obs."
|Oopartmont o Labor, 9/27/10]

The Small Business Administration Has Issued Over 2,300 Microloans To Women-Owned Businesses
Under The Obama Administration, The Maximum Size Of Which Was Increased By The Recovery Act.
"Tno now law signihoantly inoroasos tno maximum sizos o SBA loans. Tno law pormanontly inoroasos 7(a)
and 504 limits rom $2 million to $5 million (or manuaoturors in 504 loan program, up to $5.5 million). Also,
mioroloan limits will bo inoroasod rom $35,000 to $50,000, nolping ontropronours witn start-up oosts. O SBA's
Mioroloans, 2,383 mioroloans woro mado to WOBs sinoo Fobruary 2009, roprosonting 46.3% o all Mioroloans."
|Oopartmont o Labor, 9/27/10]

President Obama Created the National Equal Pay Enforcement Task Force to Enhance Enforcement of
Equal Pay Laws. "Obama ostablisnod tno National Equal Pay Enoroomont Task Foroo, wnion brougnt togotnor
sovoral agonoios-- tno Justioo and Labor dopartmonts, tno Equal Employmont Opportunity Commission and
tno Ohoo o Porsonnol Managomontto improvo onoroomont o oqual pay laws.. Tno task oroo, as woll as
Obama, also oallod on Congross to pass tno Payonook Fairnoss Aot." |CNN, 01/24/2011]

- Task Force Delivered Recommendations To Facilitate Enforcement Of Fair Pay Laws. "Tno
task oroo roloasod sovoral rooommondations in July, inoluding bottor ooordination among, improvod
privato sootor data oollootion, and a publio oduoation oampaign or omployors and workors."
|CNN, 01/24/2011]

After A 10-Year Delay, The Obama Administration Implemented A New Program To Support Access
To Federal Contracting Programs For Women-Owned Small Businesses. "t took moro tnan 10 yoars, but
womon-ownod businossos oan hnally bogin tno proooss o sooking oligibility or odoral oontraoting sot-asidos.
Tno U.S. Small Businoss Administration is roloasing hnal rulos or tno womon's oontraoting program Fob. 4, as
woll as instruotions on now to partioipato in it. Tno SBA also is launoning a wobsito wnoro womon-ownod small
businossos oan upload dooumonts domonstrating tnoir oligibility or tno program. Undor tno program, originally
oallod or tnrougn logislation onaotod in Oooombor 2000, odoral agonoios must rosorvo somo oontraots o
$3 million or loss or womon-ownod businossos in 84 industrios. Tno maximum inoroasos to $5 million or
manuaoturing oontraots.Tno SBA ailod to implomont tno program during tno oignt yoars o Prosidont Goorgo
W. Busn's administration, but SBA Administrator Karon Mills said tno program nas boon 'a top priority or tno
Obama administration'." |Pnoonix Businoss Journal, 2/4/11]

President Obamas Health Care Reform Will Provide Coverage For The Millions Of Uninsured Women.
"Tno now noaltn roorm law, tno Pationt Protootion and Aordablo Caro Aot (ACA) was signod by Prosidont
Obama on Maron 23rd, 2010. Tnis now law nolds tno potontial to oxpand womon's aoooss to noaltn insuranoo
oovorago and mako otnor roorms tnat may strongtnon tno oxisting noaltn oaro systom's ability to sorvo millions
o womon." |Kaisor Family Foundation, Oooombor 2010]
- President Obamas Health Care Reform Law Ensures That Women Cannot Be Denied Coverage
On The Basis Of Gender. "Booro tno Aordablo Caro Aot booamo law, insuranoo oompanios solling
individual polioios oould dony oovorago to womon duo to pro-oxisting oonditions, suon as oanoor and
naving boon prognant. Undor tno law, insuranoo oompanios aro alroady bannod rom donying
oovorago to onildron booauso o a pro-oxisting oondition. n 2014, it will bo illogal or insuranoo
oompanios to disoriminato against anyono witn a pro-oxisting oondition." |, aooossod

Health Care Reform Bans Insurers From Charging Higher Rates On The Basis Of Gender. "Booro tno law,
womon oould bo onargod moro or individual insuranoo polioios simply booauso o tnoir gondor. A 22-yoar-old
woman oould bo onargod 150% tno promium tnat a 22-yoar-old man paid. n 2014, insurors will not bo ablo to
onargo womon nignor promiums tnan tnoy onargo mon." |, aooossod 7/28/11]

The Presidents Reforms Expanded Coverage Of Preventative Screenings And Support Services For
Pregnant Women. Tno noaltnoaro ovornaul groatly improvos tnis situation. Somo o tno biggost onangos don't
kiok in until 2014, but noro's wnat to look or tnis yoar and noxt: Starting in tno all all now noaltn plans must oovor
oortain provontivo soroonings and otnor sorvioos or prognant womon at no additional oost to tno pationt.
Tno law roquiros omployors to provido timo o or now motnors to oxpross broast milk, as woll as a plaoo |not
a batnroom] to do so. t also autnorizos unding or rosoaron and troatmont o postpartum doprossion." |Los
Angolos Timo, 06/21/2010]

President Obamas Health Care Reform Provide Access To Free Preventive Care For Services Like
Mammograms And Cervical Cancer Screenings. "Tno ACA guarantoos womon aoooss to provontivo
sorvioos suon as mammograms and oorvioal oanoor soroonings, botn in privato insuranoo and Modioaro witn
no doduotiblos or oopays. t roquiros Modioaro to oovor an annual, oomprononsivo wollnoss visit tnat inoludos
porsonalizod provontion planning sorvioos. Privato plans also must oovor soroonings and vaooinations oritioal
to onildron's noaltn witnout out-o-pookot oosts." |National Partnorsnip or Womon & Familios, January 2011]
Prosidont Obama Stands By A Woman's Pignt To Cnooso. "Today marks tno 38tn annivorsary o Poo v. Wado,
tno Supromo Court dooision tnat protoots womon's noaltn and roproduotivo roodom, and ahrms a undamontal
prinoiplo: tnat govornmont snould not intrudo on privato amily mattors. am oommittod to protooting tnis
oonstitutional rignt. also romain oommittod to polioios, initiativos, and programs tnat nolp provont unintondod
prognanoios, support prognant womon and motnors, onoourago noaltny rolationsnips, and promoto adoption."
|Statomont by tno Prosidont on Poo v. Wado Annivorsary, 1/22/11]

Under Obama Administration Health Care Guideline, Birth Control Is Fully Covered by Insurance
Companies. "Hoaltn insuranoo plans must oovor birtn oontrol as provontivo oaro or womon, witn no oopays,
tno Obama administration said Monday in a dooision witn ar-roaoning implioations or noaltn oaro.Tno
roquiromont is part o a broad oxpansion o oovorago or womon's provontivo oaro undor Prosidont Baraok
Obama's noaltn oaro law." |Assooiatod Pross, 08/01/11]

Health Care Reform Established A New Long-Term Care Insurance Program That Helps Individuals In
Need Of Long-Term Care To Continue Living At Home Or In Their Community. "Tno Community Living
Assistanoo Sorvioos and Supports (CLASS) program is tno hrst odoral, voluntary longtorm oaro insuranoo
program. Until now, long-torm oaro oovorago nas boon availablo primarily tnrougn individual polioios puronasod
in tno privato insuranoo markot, or, onoo somoono nas doplotod nis or nor savings, tnrougn Modioaid. CLASS
is a program or working adults tnat will provido a oasn bonoht to onrolloos wno navo boon in tno program or at
loast hvo yoars and wno nood long-torm sorvioos. t is dosignod to givo pooplo addod unds so tnat tnoy oan
oontinuo living at nomo or in tno oommunity. t will bo ully undod by onrolloo promiums (promiums and bonohts
navo not yot boon sot). Tno program will likoly bo availablo in 2013." |Familios USA, Maron 2011]

President Obamas Health Care Reforms Provides Grants And Training Programs For Long-Term Care
Workers. "Tno Aordablo Caro Aot adds a now sootion to tno Publio Hoaltn Sorvioos Aot to provido grants to
onoourago pooplo to train to bo long-torm oaro workors. Grant rooipionts will nood to mako a minimum two-yoar
sorvioo oommitmont." |Familios USA, Maron 2011]

The Recovery Act Included The Largest Increase In Financial Aid Since The GI Bill, Including Funding
Aimed At Helping Single And Married Mothers Go Back To School. "Tnoro is nolp out tnoro or moms wno
want to go baok to sonool. t's in tno orm o billions o dollars in stimulus monoy rooontly mado availablo to
nolp Amorioans -- inoluding singlo and marriod motnors -- got oollogo dogroos or |ob training. Tno $17 billion
paokago is tno biggost inoroaso in hnanoial aid tnis oountry nas soon sinoo tno G Bill, aooording to Soorotary
o Eduoation Arno Ounoan's ohoo." |Miami Horald, 11/8/09]
- 32 Percent Of College Women Benet From Pell Grants. Noarly 32 poroont o womon usod Poll
Grants in ordor to urtnor tnoir oduoation |Studont Finanoing o Undorgraduato Eduoation: 2007-2008,
U.S. Oopartmont o Eduoation, 08/2010].

President Obama Has Implemented Programs Aimed At Increasing Girls Preparedness In Science,
Technology, Engineering, And Mathematics Fields. "Titlo Part E o tno HEA inoludos tno Minority Soionoo
and Enginooring mprovomont Program (MSEP). Tno MSEP supports tno Fodoral Govornmont's oorts to
improvo and oxpand tno soiontiho and toonnologioal oapaoity o tno Unitod Statos, to support its toonnologioal
and ooonomio oompotitivonoss, and to addross barriors tnat navo lod to tno undor-roprosontation o minority
studonts, partioularly girls, in STEM holds. Tno goals o MSEP aro to inoroaso tno numbor o minoritios in K-12
sonools, partioularly girls, tnat aro proparod to ontor soionoo, toonnology, onginooring, and matnomatios (STEM)
holds, and to also inoroaso tno numbor o minoritios, partioularly womon, wno graduato witn undorgraduato and
graduato STEM dogroos." |Oopartmont o Eduoation, 7/6/10]

The Obama Administration Awarded $2.4 Million In Grants For 13 Projects Aimed At Increasing
Girls Prociency In Science And Math. "On tno 37tn annivorsary o Titlo X, U.S. Soorotary o Eduoation
Arno Ounoan |oinod Wnito Houso Sonior Advisor valorio Jarrott and an all-star lino-up o womon atnlotos and
soiontists or a roundtablo disoussion on tno landmark logislation, and no announood tno award o $2.4 million
in grants to 13 groups to support pro|oots tnat will nolp nign sonool girls gain nignor prohoionoy in matn and
soionoo." |Oopartmont o Eduoation, 6/23/09]

The Recovery Act Made An Increased Investment In Child Care For Working Mothers. "Tno Amorioan
Pooovory and Poinvostmont Aot (APPA) is providing a $2 billion inoroaso or tno Cnild Caro and Oovolopmont
Blook Grant (CCOBG) or 2009 and 2010, inoluding $255 million or improving tno quality o onild oaro, o wnion
$93.6 million is targotod or aotivitios to improvo tno quality o oaro or inants and toddlors." |National Womon's
Law Contor, 4/14/10]
- President Obamas FY 2012 Budget Estimated That 1.7 Million Children Were Able To Benet
From Child Care Assistance Under The Recovery Act. "Tno Prosidont's budgot proposos to inoroaso
CCOBG unding by $1.3 billion.Tno additional unding would onablo tno program to maintain
sorvioos to tno additional onildron and amilios sorvod undor tno APPA-undod oxpansion. A total o
1.7 million onildron would bo ablo to roooivo onild oaro assistanoo220,000 moro onildron tnan would
bo sorvod witnout tnis inoroaso." |National Womon's Law Contor, 2/18/11]

President Obama Made An Investment In Early Childhood Education That Will Support The Expansion
Of Programs To An Additional 55,000 Pregnant Women, Infants, And Toddlers. "Tno U.S. Oopartmont o
Hoaltn and Human Sorvioos (HHS) today announood tnat Hoad Start and Early Hoad Start programs will roooivo
unding and bo oligiblo to apply or grants wortn $2.1 billion undor tno Amorioan Pooovory and Poinvostmont
Aot (APPA). Hoad Start will roooivo $1 billion, wnilo $1.1 billion will bonoht Early Hoad Start. Hoad Start will also
bonoht rom a soparato $235 million inoroaso in unding or hsoal yoar 2009, bringing tno total unding inoroaso
or Hoad Start and Early Hoad Start to moro tnan $2.3 billion.Grants wortn noarly $1.2 billion, will support Early
Hoad Start oxpansion and allow tno program to sorvo 55,000 moro prognant womon, inants, toddlors and tnoir
amilios and noarly doublo tno numbor o Early Hoad Start partioipants." |Oopartmont o Hoaltn and Human
Sorvioos, 4/2/09]

The President Has Allocated $225 Million In Furthering The Safety And Security Of Women. Tno
Amorioan Pooovory and Poinvostmont Aot o 2009 (H.P.1) inoludos $4 billion in Oopartmont o Justioo grant
unding to onnanoo stato, looal, and tribal law onoroomont oorts, inoluding tno niring o now polioo ohoors,
to oombat violonoo against womon, and to hgnt intornot orimos against onildron.Tno ma|ority o tnoso unds
will bo awardod to statos, allooatod basod on population, undor tno Sorvioos*Training*Ohoors*Prosooutors
(STOP) Formula Grant Program to promoto a ooordinatod, multidisoiplinary approaon to onnanoo sorvioos and
advooaoy to viotims, improvo tno oriminal |ustioo systom's rosponso, and promoto oootivo law onoroomont
and prosooution stratogios to addross domostio violonoo, dating violonoo, soxual assault, and stalking."
|Oopartmont o Justioo, 06/2011]

As Promised on the Campaign Trail, President Obama Appointed a White House Advisor on Violence
Against Women. "A longtimo advooato or viotims o domostio violonoo and soxual assault was namod to
a now post as a Wnito Houso advisor on violonoo against womon. n announoing tno appointmont o Lynn
Posontnal, vioo Prosidont Joo Bidon said tnat oroating tno |ob allows tno Wnito Houso to rovivo a oous on
domostio violonoo issuos." |Los Angolos Timos, 06/27/2009, via Noxis]

President Obamas Cabinet Is Comprised Of More Women Than Any Other Cabinet In History. " sno is
oonhrmod by tno Sonato, Sobolius will oomploto a Cabinot tnat oxports say is tno most divorso in nistory. t will
navo sovon womon and nino raoial and otnnio minoritios among its 21 momborsand only oignt wnito mon.
Bill Clinton, tno last Oomooratio prosidont, nad hvo womon and six minoritios in a hrst Cabinot tnat no said "looks
liko Amorioa"ono moro in oaon oatogory tnan Goorgo W. Busn nad."|USA Today, 04/20/2009]

President Obama Created The First Ever White House Council On Women and Girls. "Prosidont Obama
signod an oxooutivo ordor oroating a Wnito Houso Counoil on Womon and Girls, to nolp oliminato tno onallongos
tnoy aoo and to onsuro tnat oabinot lovol agonoios ooordinato tnoir polioios and programs tnat aoot womon
and amilios." |Now York Timos, 03/12/2009]

The President Nominated Two Women To The Supreme Court. "Tno Sonato oonhrmod Elona Kagan as
tno 112tn |ustioo o tno U.S. Supromo Court on Tnursday, oroating a nistorio, liboral,tnroo-woman bloo on tno
nation's nignost oourt.Tnis marks tno hrst timo tnat tnroo womon will sit on tno oourt at tno samo timo." |Cnioago
Tribuno, 08/06/2010, via Noxis]

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