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Institute of adult education.


ENGLISH Language Stage two


1. Answer all questions according to the instruction.
2.This paper consists of sections A , B , and C
3. Any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the examination room
SECTION A ( 15 marks )

Answer all questions in this section

1. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter
beside the item number

(i) Joseph wrote a letter to his uncle who lives in Dar –Es - Salaam informing him
that he was intending to visit him in December this year . The kind of letter
Joseph wrote to his uncle is called...

A. a business letter B. A letter to the editor C. a friendly letter D. formal letter

(ii) I was invited to attend my brother’s wedding who was marrying Musichoke .
How do we call a man on his wedding day ?

A. a bride B. a bridegroom C. a pride price D. dowry

(iii) We have been studying in this school ......................three years now

A. since B on C. more D. for

(iv) The girl .........................skirt is black is very talkative

A. whose B. who C. which D. whom

(v) The boy was grazing a group of ...................up the mountain

A. ships B. sheeps C. Sheep D. ship

(vi)What is the reported speech of the following ‘’stop running ‘’? He ordered me

A. He told me to run away B. He ordered me to stop running person C. He ordered

me to stop running D. He stopped me

(vii) There isn’t in the house

A. any B .some C. many D. few

(viii) The guest of honour greeted student ‘’How do you do ? Student responded by

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A. Fine thank you B, Doing well C. How do you do D. What about you

(ix) Form four and form three were having a very hot discussion on a certain
topic .Their discussion was led by the chairperson who was assisted by the
secretary. Their discussion resembles what happens in the National Assembly .How
do we call such kind of discussion in secondary schools?

A. school Baraza B. Debate C. Conflict D. speech

(x) Before you travel by flight, ship to Zanzibar, you must first make

A. reservation B. scouting C. check up D. visit

2. Change the following sentences to the tense given in the brackets

I. Let us pay the bill ( past perfect tense)

II. He will go there tomorrow( simple present tense)
Iii. They live in Arusha ( future continuous)
Iv. Get up! ( Simple past)
V. They go to school every day( Simple present tense singular)

SECTION B: (40 Marks)

Answer all questions

3. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word(s)in the box

Much, many, few, little, a little, a few, both, all, fewer, each, every,any

I. __________help is needed.

ii ___________of us have said something.

III You can have as_________ milk as you want.

Iv The ticket cost us Tshs.20000__________.

V Not _________student is capable of learning

Vi Nearly __________home in Arusha has television set.

Vii ________forms one and two are making noise.

ViiiThere is ___________time to spare.

Ix Is there……………….. Water in the Jug?

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4. Choose the correct collective noun from the box below and then write it beside
the item number.

WORDS: army , jury , packet , audience, staff , bunch

(i) A collection of biscuits/cigarette together............................

(ii) A group of soldiers ....................

(iii) A collection of keys /flowers /bananas is a.............................

(iv) A group of judges performing their duties................................

5. Which of the underlined word is a possessive pronoun, personal pronoun,

reflexive pronoun, demonstrative pronoun and relative pronoun

(i) He come from Mbamba-bay.......................

(ii) We visited a teacher who teaches us Eniglish language......................

(iii)That is his house....................................

(iv) Those houses belong to my uncle...............................

iv) Puna has seen a lion

6.The following sentences are jumbled .Re –arrange in a logical sequence to make a
meaningful paragraph. Number One has been done for you as an example.

A. ‘’Don’t worry mama I’ll settle the bill after eating’’ he told her

B. The lady extended her hand towards him for money

C. Mwamba took his food joined the others sitting on a bench

D. One day, Mwamba walked to one of the women in the restaurant and ordered
rice and meat

E. The lady hesitated then slowly took a plate and filled it with food

F. After eating, he walked to a bucket, drank two glasses of water and walked away

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th


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7. Re-write the following sentences as instructed under each.
She owns a car. she is poor.( begin : Although_______________)

The thief broke my door. I had just closed my eyes. (use: No sooner ________)

The girl was not at home. She was not at school.(use: Neither_____ nor______)

“Come here tomorrow morning”, he told us. (begin : He told us_________)

SECTION C: (45 Marks).

Answer two question from this section question 9 is compasory.

8. Imagine that you are the principal speaker of the debate. .As a proposer of the
motion “Education is better than money” Give six points to support the motion.


A Wreath for Fr. Mayer - S. N. Nduguru (1977), Mkuki na Nyota
Unanswered Cries - Osman Conteh, Macmillan
Passed like a shadow - B.M. Mapalala (2006) DUP
Spared - S.N. Ndunguru (2004) MkukinaNyota
Weep not Child - NgugiWaThiongo (1987) Heinemann
The Interview - P. Ngugi (2002), Macmillan
Three Suitors: One Husband - O. Mbia (1994) Eyre Methuen
The Lion and the Jewel - W. Soyinka (1963), OUP
This Time Tomorrow - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1972) Heinemann
The Black Hermit - NgugiwaThiong’o (1968) Heinemann
Songs of Lawino and Ocol- O. P’ Bitek (1979), EAPH
Growing up with Poetry - D. Rubadiri (ed) (1989) Heinemann
Summons - R. Mabala (1960), TPH

9. Read the following poem then answer the following questions

A FREEDOM SONG by Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye (Kenya)
Atieno washes dishes,
Atieno plucks the kitchen,
Atieno gets up early,

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Beds her sacks down in the kitchen,
Atieno eight years old
Atieno yo.

Since she is my sister’s child

Atieno needs no pay
While she works my wife can sit
Sewing every sunny day,
With her earnings I support
Atieno yo.

Atieno sly and jealous

Bad examles to the kids
Since she mind them, like a school boy
Wants their dresses,shoes and beads.
Atieno ten years old,
Atieno yo.

Now my wife has gone to study

Atieno is less free,
Don’t I feed her,school my own ones,
Pay the party,union fee
All the progress? Aren’t you grateful?
Atieno yo?

Visitors need much attention,

Specially when I work nights.
That girl stays too long at market
Who will teach her what is right?
Atieno rising fourteen,
Atieno yo.

Atieno had a baby

So we know that she is bad
Fifty- fifty it may live
To repeat the life she had
Anding in post portum bleeding
Atieno yo.
Atieno’s soon replaced
Meat and sugar more than all
She ate in such a narrow life
Were lavished on her funeral
Atieno’s gone to glory

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Atieno yo.

a) What is the poem about?
b) What do you learn from the poem (three points)
c) Suggest four (4) possible themes in the poem
d) Suggest any two language use found in the poem
e) What did you learn from the poem give 3 poits

10. Authors show different issues in their works of art that are even happen in our
societies from your experience discuss the issues that outhors show from their books
that are even happen in our societies.
11. . Describe the difficulties faced by two characters, each one from any two play
you have read as they tried to build a better society.

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