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Hazard Risk Assessment


Hazardous chemicals if used properly play an important role in the manufacturing industry. From
experience, the Ice Cream Business can be considered as the most Hazardous because of the use of
Ammonia refrigerant needed in Refrigeration. Technically, Ice Cream as finished product are stored
in Cold Storages at -20 degrees Centigrade. Ammonia up to this date is still the best Refrigerant. It
would be a huge disaster if Ammonia gas is accidentally released in the atmosphere. Severe health
issues to people will arise and extreme inhalation can lead to fatality.

The second most hazardous factory is Sulphonation Plant. The chemicals used, particularly
Vanadium Pentoxide catalyst, if people are exposed for a longer time (inhalation of catalyst dust)
can lead to death. The Sulphonation Plant final products (Sulphonic Acid, Primary Alcohol Sulfate,
Sodium Lauryl Esther Sulfate, etc.) and by-products are also hazardous because they are all Acidic.
Exposure to Acids is very dangerous to one’s health and can lead to death.

Unilever being one the leading industry in Foods and Household Care has numerous Refrigeration
and Sulphonation Plant globally. We are very proud to say that we have not encountered a single
fatality through the years. This is the main reason why Unilever is very serious and committed to
Safety, Health and Environment, SHE. The Unilever SHE Policy statement is” Unilever will aim to
continuously improve its health & safety performance to a standard which is comparable with the
very best companies in our industrial sector. We will establish and maintain high standards of
safety at work for everyone working in the organization so as to prevent personal injury, promote
good health and prevent occupational ill health”

The Unilever Philippines Sulphonation Plant has been mothballed after 30 years in operation.
Exceptional maintenance has kept the Plant in perfect condition and at par with the best and new
Sulphonation Plant globally. The increasing number of Sulphonation Plant in the Philippines as well
as others in the region has diminished ULP’s Price Competitive advantage, Make vs. Buy. Due to this
effect, the management has decided to mothball the Plant and instead resort to buying of active
detergents locally.

The Sulphonation Plant Assets had been sold to recover some investment. It was decided to
dismantle and removed the Assets after a buyer had been selected.

The dismantling and removal will be done by the Buyer through their accredited 3 rd Party
Contractor. Once the Assets leaves ULP, it becomes the responsibility of the Buyer but as long as the
Assets are still inside ULP, the responsibility is still with ULP. The dismantling process is very tedious
because of rigid safety requirements. ULP’s main targets are: Zero Unsafe Actions and Conditions,
Zero Near Misses, Zero Minor Injuries, Zero Serious Injuries and Zero Fatality. We care for
everybody setting foot inside ULP and that includes the Buyer and their 3rd Party Contractor

Planning is very important because no planning is doomed to fail. It is ULP’s requirement to plan
everything starting from Safety Training, Buyer’s Personnel (working on the project) Employment
Certificate and Medical Clearance, Project Timeline, Hazard Risk Assessment, Job Safety Analysis,
PPE requirements, Equipment and Tools Integrity, Work Permits, Local Legislation, etc.
A fundamental part of the planning stage is Risk Assessment and the identification of the
organizations’ significant safety risks by identifying the hazards arising from its operation and
determining those which may impact health and safety. The Risk Assessment process is
fundamental to the successful management of health and safety and enables the identification of
events, activities and situations that could cause harm, and the evaluation of the associated risk.
This enables decisions to be made about how risk is controlled.

The Risk Assessment process shall meet the following criteria:

 They shall be undertaken for all routine and non-routine work and any identified significant
risks shall be eliminated and controlled.
 Where it indicates the need for additional control measures, the implementation of the
additional control measures must be monitored until the work is completed and the
effectiveness of the controls has been proven.
 Risk assessments relating to significant occupational health & safety risk must be
documented and kept under periodic review.

Please see below the Sulphonation and CFAS Dryer Plant Hazard Risk Assessment.

General Requirements
1.SHE Training: It is a must to all personnel assigned in the works to attend and pass all SHE trainings conducted by ULP.
2.Work Permit: It is mandatory to secure a Work Permit for all Dismantling Works to be done. Individual Work Permit will be required for different
works that may involve the following, e.g. Working at Heights, Line Breaking, Working on Confined Space, Handling of Hazardous Chemical, Hot Works,
3.Job Safety Analysis: The 3rd Party Contractor is required to prepare a JSA and to be discussed with the Contractor’s Workers. All workers involved in a
particular work shall affix their signature on the JSA Form. Prior to start of work, the JSA is again discussed with the workers involved in the work. The
JSA is the topic during the Tool Box Meeting. The Tool Box meeting should be very clear to all workers. NO JSA – NO WORK PERMIT-NO WORK!!!
4.Medical Certification: For different kind of work activities, different medical testing is required (Please see medical requirement matrix). For example,
for workers working at heights, the workers must be tested for Vertigo including Drug Test. The Contractor and ULP will check the right worker that is
fitted for the Job.
5. Daily Exercise: It is required that all Contractor personnel must do a 15 minutes exercise prior to start of work
6. Personal Protective Equipment: All workers MUST comply with the all PPE’s required. The PPE requirements will appear on the JSA. A ULP
representative will do the inspection.
7. Audit: Once the Scaffoldings are installed, ULP representatives will inspect and audit the scaffoldings. Work can only commence if given the go signal
by the ULP representative. An audit form will be prepared and filled up. Any non-conformances will be corrected by the Contractor. Contractor can only
start working if the audit is 100% compliant.
8. Contractor Representative: It is required that the following person MUST be present every day, 8 hours a day, until the duration of the Project. The
Contractor representative are: Contractor Lead Manager/Supervisor, Contractor Safety Officer and Contractor First Aider. A GJ Kids representative
MUST also be present at the Plant. ULP can suspend the work for the day if any one of the Contractor representative is absent.
9. Working Hours: Work is from Monday to Saturday only from 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. In case of Overtime, the maximum hours allowed is 2 hours to give
the workers plenty of rest so that they are FIT and Healthy the next working day. No work on Sunday and Holidays.
10. Uniforms: Workers will be assigned in Groups. It is recommended to have a minimum of 4 groups and each group will be required to work different
shirt color for easy identification.
11. Hauling and Disposal: It is required that assets for selling must be inspected and checked based on the Fixed Asset Registry List provided by ULP.
The checking should be made in the presence of a ULP Accounting personnel, a Manufacturing personnel and the Buyer’s representative. All list should
be marked and labelled. A Gate Pass should be prepared and duly signed and approved by a Unilever Manager, Middle manager and up. It must also be
signed by the Official Buyer representative. Contractors, Truck Driver and Truck Helpers are not allowed to sign in behalf of the Buyer
12. Good Housekeeping: The Plant must be thoroughly clean after a day’s work. This is mandatory. All rubbish materials including piece metals and
wood must be hauled and disposed to the disposal are. All structural metals and pipes must be arranged properly
13. Property Damage: In the event of damage to property cause by the carelessness of the workers, the Contractor will restore or replace the damaged
property. Unilever is not liable for any Asset damaged by the Contractor
Section 11: Air Raising Section
Activities Hazards Incident / Accident Mitigation / Countermeasures ULP GJK
/ Consequence
Dismantling of Instrumentation and Controls
1.De-energize power supply Electricity Electric shock Remove breaker for Instrumentation and Yes
of all Instrumentation and Controls. Disconnect power supply for each
Controls for Section 11 controls and instrumentations
Dismantling of Refrigeration Chillers
1.Compressors – 3 units Escape / release of Suffocation, Loss of Pump down Compressors and contained all Yes
Freon Gas breath, Difficulty in Freon gas into the liquid gas receiver
2.De-energize Power Supply 440 Volts Electricity Electrocution Breaker to be removed by ULP electrician Yes
and disconnect power
3.Installation of 3 tonner -Improper Handling and -Serious injury to - Provide a rigid and stable scaffolding Yes
Chain Block and removal of 3- Execution worker once the chain - Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
units super chillers -Working at Heights block breaks a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Serious injury if the -Use of rigid sling supports with at least 3-ton
super chillers fall on the capacity
workers -Transfer to the main yard and haul to truck
-Serious injury or
fatality should the
worker fall during the
installation and
dismantling of chain
Dismantling of 2 units Glycol Pumps
1.De-energize Power Supply 440 Volts Electricity Electrocution Breaker to be removed by ULP electrician yes
2.Line breaking Release of Ethylene -Hazardous in case of -Use of rubber gloves, long sleeve shirt, face Yes
Glycol Solution into the ingestion shield with eye goggles
drain and it will pollute -Slightly Hazardous in -Use catch pan to capture glycol spillage during
the estero case of skin contact line breaking and all residual glycol to be put in
drums with plastic bags
-Provide blind flange on the Glycol Vessel
discharge valve, after the valve
-Provide blind flange on the Glycol supply nozzle
-Transfer to Main Yard and haul to truck
3.Removal of 2 units Glycol Improper Handling and Injury to hands or foot -Provide A-Frame and 1 tonner chain block Yes
Pumps and transfer to Execution -Workers to use safety shoes, steel toe and
temporary storage area maong gloves
Dismantling of 3 Process Blowers and Ancillaries
1.De-energize Power Supply 440 Volts Electricity Electrocution Breaker to be removed by ULP Electrician Yes
and disconnect motor
2.Removal of inlet silencers -Improper Handling and Body injuries in case of -Provide 3 tonner chain blocks Yes
Execution sudden disengagement - Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
-Working at Heights a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 5-ton capacity
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Safety Shoes
-Transfer to Main Yard and haul into truck
3.Removal of 3-150 Hp -Improper Handling and Body injuries in case of -Provide 3 tonner chain blocks Yes
Motors Execution sudden disengagement - Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
-Working at Heights a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 5-ton capacity
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
steel toed Safety Shoes, lifelines
4.Line Breaking, 16” dia. BI --- -Improper Handling and -Body injuries in case of -Installation of rigid scaffolding – working at Yes
Pipes from Process Blower up Execution sudden disengagement heights
to Dehumidifier -Working at Heights -Fatality -Provide 3 tonner chain blocks
-From Dehumidifier to Sulfur -Hot Works - Chain blocks should be reliable and inspected
Combustion Furnace. by a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Line Breaking of Dilution Air -Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
from Dehumidifier into the at least 5-ton capacity
Conversion Tower and from -Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Dehumidifier to the Reactor Safety Shoes, Life lines
-Line Breaking of Cooling Air -Cordon the area
Fan from Cooling Air Fan to -Assign watchers (Supervisor and Safety
Conversion Tower and SO3 Coordinator) during dismantling of pipes
Coolers -Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
Note: work during the dismantling
The sizes of the pipes are -Cutting of pipes will be done in case of difficulty
huge. Extreme care in in lowering the whole
handling is extremely -Transfer the pipes into the Main Yard and haul
necessary into truck
5.Removal of 16” pipes -Improper Handling and -Body injuries in case of -Provide lifting facilities like A-frame Yes
Execution sudden disengagement -Use 1-ton chain block. Pipes to be provided with
-Working at Heights -Fatality hook plates
-Hot Works -Use rigid trolleys to transport pipes to
temporary storage area
6.Loosening of bolts and -Improper Handling and -Body injuries in case of -Provide 3 tonner chain blocks Yes
removal of 3 Process Blowers Execution sudden disengagement - Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
-Working at Heights -Fatality a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of rigid sling supports with at least 3 ton
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Safety Shoes, Life line
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Supervisor and Safety
Coordinator) during removal of blowers
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling
7.Removal of Process Blowers -Improper Handling and Body injuries in case of Provide 3 tonner chain blocks Yes
/ Motors Metal Skids Execution sudden disengagement - Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
-Working at Heights a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 5-ton capacity
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Safety Shoes, Life line
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Supervisor and Safety
Coordinator) during removal of blowers skid
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling
- Using sets of multi-ton rollers, transfer the
Blowers and Skids to the Main yard and haul into
the truck
Dismantling and Removal of Regeneration Fan
1.De-energize Motor and 440 Volts Electricity Electrocution Breaker to be removed by ULP Electrician Yes
disconnect power supply including motor connection
2.Line Breaking from Fan to -Improper Handling and -Body injuries in case of -Provide rigid scaffoldings Yes
Inlet of HE and from outlet of Execution sudden disengagement -Provide 3 tonner chain blocks
HE to Dehumidifier 4-way -Working at Heights -Fatality - Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
valves -Hot Works a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 5-ton capacity
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Safety Shoes
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Supervisor and Safety
Coordinator) during removal of pipelines
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling
3.Dismantling and removal of -Improper Handling and -Body injuries in case of -Provide rigid scaffoldings Yes
Regeneration Heat Execution sudden disengagement -Provide 3 tonner chain blocks
Exchangers -Working at Heights -Fatality - Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
-Hot Works a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 5-ton capacity
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Safety Shoes, Life lines
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Supervisor and Safety
Coordinator) during removal of Regeneration of
Heat Exchangers
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling
-Transfer the HE to the Main Yard and haul to
4.Dismantling and removal of Improper Handling and -Body injuries in case of -Provide rigid scaffoldings Yes
Regeneration Fan and motor Execution sudden disengagement -Provide 3 tonner chain blocks
-Fatality - Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 5-ton capacity
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Safety Shoes
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Supervisor and Safety
Coordinator) during removal of Regeneration of
Heat Exchangers
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling and transfer
Removal of Dehumidifier
1.Removal of Silica Gels -Silica Gel dust Very hazardous in case Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact Yes
Desiccant contained in two -Traces of SO2 Gas of skin contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes
(2) Beds -Working at Heights (corrosive, irritant, with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Get
(Please see Attachment No. -Working at Confined permeator), of eye medical attention immediately.
2, Removal of Silica Gels) Space contact (irritant, Skin Contact: In case of contact, immediately
corrosive), of ingestion, flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15
of inhalation. Liquid or minutes while removing contaminated clothing
spray mist may produce and shoes. Cover the irritated skin with an
tissue damage emollient. Wash clothing before reuse.
particularly on mucous Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Get
membranes of eyes, medical attention immediately.
mouth and respiratory Serious Skin Contact: Wash with a disinfectant
tract. Skin contact may soap and cover the contaminated skin with an
produce burns. anti-bacterial cream. Seek immediate medical
Inhalation of the spray attention.
mist may produce Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not
severe irritation of breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing
respiratory tract, is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention
characterized by immediately.
coughing, choking, or Serious Inhalation: Evacuate the victim to a safe
shortness of breath. area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing
Severe over-exposure such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. If
can result in death. breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the
Inflammation of the eye victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth
is characterized by resuscitation. WARNING: It may be hazardous to
redness, watering, and the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth
itching. Skin resuscitation when the inhaled material is toxic,
inflammation is infectious or corrosive. Seek immediate medical
characterized by attention.
itching, scaling, Ingestion: If swallowed, do not induce vomiting
reddening, or, unless directed to do so by medical personnel.
occasionally, blistering. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie,
belt or waistband. Get medical attention
2.Removal of Dehumidifier -Improper Handling and -Body injuries in case of -Demolition of Wall separating the Dehumidifier Yes
Execution sudden disengagement Area and Sulphur Storage Area. Provide suitable
-Working at Heights -Fatality scaffolding
-Hot Works -Property Damage -Clean and dispose broken concrete debris
-Provide rigid scaffoldings
-Provide 2-15 tonner chain blocks and should be
securely tied into the roof frame or to provide a
monorail using suitable I-beams
- The Chain blocks should be reliable and
certified by a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 15 tons capacity per chain block
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
steel toed Safety Shoes and Lifelines
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Contractor Supervisor and
Safety Coordinator) during removal of
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling and transfer
-The Dehumidifier should be lifted slightly and
the 2 chain blocks should be moved towards the
passageway / walkway. The idea is to lay the
Dehumidifier into the ground and ably supported
by suitable number of multi-ton rollers. While
the 2-5 tonner chain block is lowered, a 3rd chain
block mounted at the bottom of the tank sis
being pulled towards the direction of the main
yard. The process continues until the
Dehumidifier Tank is laid on the ground
- The Dehumidifier will be moved
manually towards the passageway/street
-Fabrication of 2 A-Frames to be used for the
lifting of the Dehumidifier and into the Truck

Removal of Glycol Tank

1.Emptying and Containment Contact with Ethylene Potential Acute Health -Contractor personnel should wear the following Yes
of Ethylene Glycol Solution in Glycol Solution Effects: -Hazardous in PPE’s, Eye goggles, Face Shield, Hard Hat, Rubber
Plastic Drum with Plastic case of ingestion. - Gloves, Long Sleeve Shirt, Plastic Apron, Safety
Liners and Cover with Lock Slightly hazardous in Shoes, Life lines
case of skin contact -Ensure that a safety shower is accessible and
(irritant, permeator), of near the Area
eye contact (irritant), of -Install a rigid hose at the outlet of the Glycol
inhalation. Recirculation Pump with a ball valve at the outlet
-Severe over-exposure -Provide 4 empty drums on a Pallet and tied
can result in death. together with a Plastic Twine
-Run the Pump manually and direct the hose
inside the drum. Slowly open the Ball Valve to
the right flow.
-Once the drum is full, stop the pump. Tie the
plastic liner and cover the drum with a lock
-Transfer the hose to the empty drum and repeat
the same process
-Continue until the Tank is empty
-Transfer the filled drums to a location prescribe
by ULP
2.Removal of Glycol Tank and -Improper Handling and Body injuries in case of -Provide rigid scaffoldings Yes
disposal Execution sudden disengagement -Provide 2-15 tons chain blocks and should be
-Working at Heights -Fatality securely tied into the roof frame or to provide a
-Hot Works -Property Damage monorail using suitable I-beams
- Chain block should be reliable and inspected by
a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 15-ton capacity per chain block
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Safety Shoes
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Supervisor and Safety
Coordinator) during removal of Dehumidifier
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling and transfer
-The Glycol Tank should be lifted slightly and the
2 chain blocks should be moved towards the
passageway/walkway. The idea is to lay the
Glycol Tank into the ground and ably supported
by suitable number of multi-tonner wheels.
While the 2-15 tonner chain block is lowered, the
3rd 15 tons chain block mounted on the bottom of
the tank is being pulled toward the direction of
the main yard. The process continues until the
Glycol Tank is laid on the ground.
- The Glycol Tank will be moved
manually towards the passageway/street
-Use of 2 A-Frames with 2-15 tons chain block to
be used for the lifting of the Glycol Tank and into
the Truck

Removal of two (2) Cooling Air Fans at the 2nd Floor

1.De-energize Power Supply 440 Volts Electricity Electrocution ULP Electricians to remove the breaker and Yes
and disconnect motor disconnect the power supply to the motor
2.Removal of two (2) Cooling -Improper Handling and Body injuries -Condon the area on the ground floor and assign Yes
Air Fans execution Fatality a watcher
-Working at Heights Use the right PPE’s
-Hot Works -Remove all mounting bolts
-Transfer the 2 Fans to the elevated bridge
-Install a monorail
-Install a 3-ton chain block
-Lift the 1st Fan above the railing and move the
chain block trolley towards the direction of the
main yard
-Once the railing is cleared, lower the chain block
until the fan reaches the ground
-Remove the chain hook on the motor and
transfer the motor into the main yard using sets
of multi-ton rollers
Repeat the same process for the 2nd motor
Removal of Chain Blocks, -Improper Handling and Body Injury -Properly execute. Execution is the reverse of Yes
Monorails and Scaffoldings Execution Fatality installation
-Working at Heights
Section 12: Gas Raising Section
Activities Hazards Incident / Accident Mitigation / Countermeasures ULP GJK
/ Consequences
Removal of Sulphur Melting Vessel
1.Removal of Mass-flow Electricity Electric Shock 1.ULP to disconnect all power supply Yes Yes
meters and other controls 2.GJK to remove all instrumentation and controls
including instrumentation
2.Removal of 2 Sulphur 440 Volts electricity Electrocution ULP to remove the breakers and test if the Yes
Pumps supply is already de-energize
-De-energize power supply
-Remove the foundation Improper Handling and Injury to hands / back Provide a suitable lifter during handling of Yes
mounting bolts and remove Execution injury pumps until it is placed in a trolley
the 2 sulphur pumps
3.Line breaking, Sulphur -Improper Handling and -Body injuries -Provide adequate pipe supports like hoist or Yes
pipes Execution -Fatality trolley with suitable size of rope when the pipes
-Residual solid Sulphur are lowered
present on the -No Cutting of pipelines to prevent Sulphur from
pipelines melting. Molten Sulphur emits Sulphur Sulfide
-Working at Heights -Pipelines to be removed on the flanges

4.Removal of Sulphur Melting -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Loosen and remove all foundation bolts Yes
Vessel Execution -Use jack to loosen the footings of the Melter
-Hot Works -Use chain block to lift the Melting Vessel into a
skid with multi-ton rollers and manually transfer
to the passageway
-Use multi-tonner trolley to transfer the Melter
to the main yard
-Using 2 A-Frames lift the Melter into the hauling
Removal of Sulphur Combustion Furnace
1.De-energize all Electricity Electric Shock ULP to disengage breakers, cut power supply Yes
instrumentation and Controls
2.Removal of -Improper Handling and -Body injury -Working at Heights: Provide a rigid scaffolding Yes
Instrumentation and Controls Execution -Fatality -Assign a watcher during work, buddy
-Working at Heights
3.Removal of foundation Improper Handling and Body injury -Provide suitable PPE, like face shield in such Yes
bolts Execution cases where hot work is required
4. Line breaking, 16” line -Improper Handling and -Body injury -Provide rigid scaffolding and a monorail for a 2- Yes
from outlet of furnace to the Execution -Fatality 5 tonner chain blocks extending up to the
Catalytic Tower 1st Bed. -Working at Heights -Health Issues Conversion Tower
Elevation is roughly 9 meters -Hot Works - Dismantling of Pipe on flanges
-Residual SO2 / H2S -Lowering of Pipe and into a trolley
-Transfer to main yard
5.Removal of Sulphur Furnace -Improper Handling and -Body injury -Demolition of concrete wall
Execution -Fatality -Provide rigid scaffoldings up to the Conversion
-Working at Heights -Health Issues Tower
-Hot Works -Provide 2-15 tonner chain blocks and should be
-Residual SO2 / H2S securely tied into the roof frame or to provide a
monorail using suitable I-beams. The monorail
should be extended to the Conversion Tower.
- The Chain blocks should be reliable and
certified by a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of synthetic nylon web sling supports with
at least 5-ton capacity per chain block
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
steel toed Safety Shoes
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Contractor Supervisor and
Safety Coordinator) during removal of Furnace
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling and transfer
-The Furnace should be lifted slightly and the 2
chain blocks should be moved towards the
passageway / walkway. The idea is to lay the
Furnace into the ground and ably supported by
suitable number of multi-tonner wheels. While
the 2-5 tonner chain block is lowered, a 3rd 15-
tons chain block mounted on the bottom of the
Furnace is being pulled toward the direction of
the main yard. The process continues until the
Furnace is laid on the ground and into a skid with
suitable number of multi-ton rollers
- The Furnace will be moved
manually towards the passageway/street
-Use of 2 A-Frames as previously fabricated and
fitted with 2-15 tons capacity is be used for the
lifting of the Furnace and into the Truck

Removal of V2O5 Conversion Tower

1.Removal of instrumentation
and controls
-De-energize power supply Electricity Electrocution Electricians to wear the right PPE Yes
-Removal of thermocouples -Working at Heights -Body Injuries Installation of scaffoldings Yes
and gauges -Fatality
2.Removal and containment -Handling of V2O5 -Very hazardous in case 1.Safety Condition prior to actual removal of YES
of V2O5 on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Catalyst, LP 125 and LP of ingestion, of V2O5
bed of the Conversion Tower 225 inhalation. -Personnel involved MUST wear the correct PPE,
(Please see attachment No.1 -Working at Heights -Hazardous in case of e.g. Body over-all, steel toed Safety Shoes,
for a more detailed -Working in Confined skin contact (irritant), Chemical Respirator, Complete Head Covering (2
instruction) Space of eye contact (irritant). t-shirts to cover the whole head, dace and neck),
-Slightly hazardous in Eyes Goggles Fully Enclosed, Rubber Gloves,
case of skin contact Standby Respirator
(permeator). – -At least 2 personnel working on each platform
-Severe over-exposure -Eye Wash to be provided on the working
can result in death. platform
-Contractor’s Supervisor, Safety Officer and First
Aider presence on Site
-Condon the area
-No other work being done in the Plant
-Roll-up door to be closed during the removal of
-Personnel involve in the work must pass the
medical examination, e.g. No Lung Problem
-Emergency Shower on Site

2.Removal and Containment of V2O5

-Provide suitable number of Drums with cover
and lock and Sacks with Plastic Liners
-Provide a Hoist with at least 20 meters with 1”
diameter Rope
-Open the 1st Bed Manhole
-Contractor personnel to empty contents of the
1st bed and to be placed on the sacks
-Lower the sacks into the ground and worker
below to place the sacks in the Drum
-Place the drum cover and secure the cover with
-Put signage on the Drum, “Vanadium Pentoxide,
LP 125” for the 1st and 2nd Bed. For the 3rd Bed
signage, “Vanadium Pentoxide, LP 225
-Once done for all the 3 beds, clean all the
powder residues with a Vacuum Cleaner
-Put back the 3 Bed Manholes and tighten the
-Transfer all the drums to a place recommended
by ULP
3.Removal of Catalytic Conversion Tower
A .Installation of rigid Improper Handling and Body Injuries No need to install a scaffolding because the Yes
Scaffolding and monorail Execution Fatality scaffolds and monorails are already installed
during the removal of the Sulphur Furnace
b.Line Breaking
-Dismantling and removal of Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Weld an 1” thick. MS eye plate on the top Yes
16” dia. Pipeline from the Execution Fatality portion of the 16” dia. Pipe (close to the 12E5).
outlet of the 3rd Bed and into -Install a 3-ton chain block on the existing
the 1st SO3 Cooler, 12E5 monorail and hook the end of the chain with
hook on the eye plate
-Use the correct PPE, like Hard Hat, Eye goggles,
face shield, rubber gloves, over-all suit, portable
-Dismantle the bolts and nuts on the top flange
and lower flange
-Remove the pipe and lower the 3-ton chain
block until the pipe reach the ground
-With the use of 2 trolleys, transfer the pipe into
the main yard
-Install the pipe into the truck
c.Removal of Conversion Tower
1.Dismantling of Catwalks -Improper handling and Body injury -Install a rigid scaffolding for the 3 catwalks Yes
and Ladder with Cage execution Fatality -Contractor to wear the right PPE
-Working at Heights -Cordon the Area
-Hot Works -Mount the 5-ton chain block into the monorail
and attach the cable hook into the 1st Catwalk
railing. Properly secure the cable hook in the
-Through the use of oxy-acetylene, all metal
structure welded into the Conversion Tower
metal body must be removed through cutting
-Once disconnected, lower the metal structures
on the ground floor
-Remove the metal structure and transport to
the truck
-Mount the 5-ton chain block into the 2nd
Catwalk railing and proceed with the dismantling
similar to the 1st bed
- Mount the 5-ton chain block into the 3rd
Catwalk railing and proceed with the dismantling
similar to the 1st bed
d.Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Provide 2-15 tonner chain blocks and should be Yes
Conversion Tower Execution -Fatality securely mounted in the monorail.
-Working at Heights - The Chain blocks should be reliable and
-Hot Works certified by a refutable 3rd party supplier
-Use of “synthetic nylon web sling” supports with
at least 15-tons capacity per chain block
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat,
Steel toed Safety Shoes, Lifeline, Eye Goggles,
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers (Contractor Supervisor and
Safety Coordinator) during removal of Furnace
-Only crew involved in the JSA will be allowed to
work during the dismantling and transfer
-The Conversion Tower should be lifted slightly
and the 2 chain blocks should be moved towards
the passageway / walkway. The idea is to lay the
Furnace into the ground and ably supported by
suitable number of multi-tonner wheels. While
the 2-15 tonner chain block is lowered, a 3rd 15-
tons capacity chain block mounted on the
bottom of the Conversion Tower is being pulled
toward the direction of the main yard. The
process continues until the Conversion Tower is
laid on the ground
- The Tower will be moved manually using a steel
platform and supported by multi-ton rollers
towards the passageway/street
-Ensure that the Tower is stable on the platform
through the use of wedges
-Use of 2 A-Frames as previously fabricated and
fitted with individual 15 tons chain block is be
used for the lifting of the Conversion Tower and
into the Truck.
Removal of 3-SO3 Coolers, Oleum Vessel, Oleum Pump and Ancillaries
1.Removal of Electricity Electric Shock -De-energize all power supply Yes
Instrumentations and -Disconnect all terminals
2.Line Breaking of Oleum -Residual Solid and -Contact will cause -ULP hired 3rd Party must wear the required Yes Yes
Lines – Containment of Liquid H2SO4 (Oleum) corrosion to skin, eyes PPE’s, e.g. Chemical Over-all Suit, Chemical
Hazards -Working at Heights and respiratory tract. - Respirator, Eye Goggles, Face Shield, Hard Hat,
Inhalation of fumes at Long Rubber Gloves and Rubber Boots
high concentration may -Purchase the right number of Blind Flanges for
be fatal. the following: 3 Bottom Nozzle of SO3 Coolers, 4
-Reaction with organic Inlet Nozzle of Oleum Vessel, 2 Nozzle for Inlet
compounds will cause and Outlet of Oleum Filter, Outlet Nozzle of
explosion. Reactor
-Removed all mounting bolts of Oleum Pipe
-Removed the Pipes and immediately install the
Blind Flanges. A 1/8” thick. Teflon Gasket must
be used
-A Safety Shower is near the Area
- Residual SO2-SO3 Gas -Very hazardous in case A Fan shall be operational while the blinding Yes
of skin contact process is being done.
(corrosive, irritant,
permeator), of eye
contact (irritant,
corrosive), of ingestion,
of inhalation.
-Liquid or spray mist
may produce tissue
damage particularly on
mucous membranes of
eyes, mouth and
respiratory tract.
-Skin contact may
produce burns.
Inhalation of the spray
mist may produce
severe irritation of
respiratory tract,
characterized by
coughing, choking, or
shortness of breath.
Severe over-exposure
can result in death.
-Inflammation of the
eye is characterized by
redness, watering, and
-Skin inflammation is
characterized by
itching, scaling,
reddening, or,
occasionally, blistering
3.Removal of Oleum Pipelines -Improper handling and -Body injuries -All pipes must securely be tied with a 1” Yes
and Oleum Vessel execution -Fatality diameter abaca rope prior to dismantling
-Working at Heights Health Issues -Once the pipes are blinded, slowly lower all the
-Residual Oleum pipes on the ground
-Remove the mounting bolts of the Oleum Vessel
and transfer the Oleum Vessel into the Truck
-Disposal to be dictated by ULP
4.Line Breaking: 16” dia. SO3 -Improper handling and -Body Injuries -Ensure that workers wear the right PPE’s Yes
Pipe from the 1st Cooler to execution -Fatality -All pipes shall be provided with 1” thick Eye
the 2nd Cooler, from the 2nd -Residual of SO2-SO3 -Health Issues Plate and welded at the upper part of the 16”
Cooler to the 3rd Cooler, from gas (small amount) dia. pipes
the 3rd Cooler to the Oleum -Working at Heights -Attached a 5-ton chain block on the existing
Filter -Hot Works monorail and hook the end of the chain to the
eye plate
-Dismantle the flanges and remove the bolts.
-Tie a 1” dia. Abaca rope of the lower part of the
-Disengage the 16” dia. Pipe and lower the chain
-Pull the abaca rope to the direction of the
-Continue lower the Pipe until it reaches the
-Transfer the pipes into the main yard and into
the Truck for hauling
4.Removal of 1st SO3 Cooler -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Ensure that the workers are wearing the right Yes
Execution -Fatality PPE’s
-Working at Heights -Health concerns -Cordon the area
-Hot Works -Assign watchers stationed at the ground floor
-Residual SO3 Gas -Install a 15-tons chain block with trolley on the
existing monorail above the 1st Cooler and the
chain securely placed and tight on top of the
-Remove all mounting bolts of the cooler
-Remove one of the horizontal structural frame
-Lift the Cooler and operate the mechanical
trolley towards the passageway
-Once the Cooler position is around 1 meter
from the ground floor, install a 15-tons chain
block on the bottom of the Cooler
-Lower the 15-tons chain block and
simultaneously pulling the 15-tons chain block
-Repeat procedure until the Cooler lays on the
ground horizontally ably resting on a skid with
multi-ton rollers
-Transfer the Cooler to the main yard using
multi-ton roller
-Load into the truck using the 2 A-frames with 2-
15 tons chain block
5.Removal of 2nd SO3 Cooler Improper Handling and Body Injuries Same procedure with the removal of the 1st Yes
Execution Fatality Cooler
6.Removal of 3rd SO3 Cooler -Improper Handling and Body Injuries Same procedure with the removal of the 1st Yes
Execution Fatality Cooler
-Working at Heights
-Hot Works
-Residual SO3 Gas
Section 16: Sulphonation Section
Activities Hazards Incident / Accident Mitigation / Countermeasures ULP GJK
/ Consequences
Removal of all instrumentation and controls
1.Remove all power supply to Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Ensure workers use the right PPE’s Yes
all controls Execution -De-energize all power supply
-Remove terminal connections
2.Remove all instrumentation Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Ensure workers use the right PPE’s Yes
and controls Execution -Use scaffoldings
-Assign watcher during work

3.Line Breaking
-Cooling Tower Line from the -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Ensure that all workers are wearing the Yes
Cooling Tower to the Reactor Execution Fatality prescribed PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat, Eye Goggles,
-Cooling Tower Line from -Working at Heights Property Damage Face shield, Long sleeve shirt, Maong Gloves for
Reactor to Cooling Tower -Hot Works BI Pipes and Rubber Gloves for Stainless pipes,
-Reactor Bottom pipe to Acid steel toed safety shoes plus others as required
Pumps -Install rigid scaffolding for all overhead pipes.
-Pipeline from Acid Big pipes are extremely dangerous
Recirculating Pump to -Cordon the area
Neutralization Mixer -Assign watchers
-Pipeline from Acid -During rigging of big overhead pipes, 5-ton
Recirculating Pump to Ageing chain blocks must be used
Vessel -All pipes dismantled should be immediately
-Pipe from Ageing Vessel to brought to the main yard and into the truck for
Stabilizer disposal
-Pipe from Stabilizer to Acid -Clean the area
Transfer Pump
-Pipeline from Acid Transfer
Pump to Sulphoric Acid Tank
-Pipe from Feedstock Vessel
to the Reactor Proportioning
-Pipe from Reactor
Proportioning Pump to the
-Pipe from Reactor to Acid-
Gas Cyclone Separator
-Pipe from Acid-Gas Cyclone
Separator to Electrostatic
-Other pipes
4.Dismatling, Removal of
Pumps and Vessels at Section
-Two (2) Proportioning -Improper Handling and Body Injury -Ensure that all workers are wearing the Yes
Pumps Execution Fatality prescribed PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat, Eye Goggles,
-Two (2) Acid Recirculating -Working at Heights Face shield, Long sleeve shirt, Respirator, Rubber
Pumps -Residual SO3 Gas Gloves for Pumps and Vessels, steel toed safety
-One (1) Acid Transfer Pump shoes plus others as required
-One (1) Oleum-Gas Filter -Install rigid scaffolding for all overhead Vessels.
Vessel -Cordon the area
-One (1) Ageing Vessel -Assign watchers
-One (1) Stabilizer -During rigging of the Vessels, 3-tons chain
-One (1) Acid-Gas Cyclone blocks must be used
Separator -All pumps and vessels dismantled should be
-One (1) Cooling Tower immediately brought to the main yard and into
Return Pump the truck for disposal
-Mixed Acid Vessel -Clean the area
-Two (2) Feedstock Vessel
Removal of 16R1 108 Tubes Falling Film Reactor
-Removal, transfer and -Improper Handling and Body Injuries 1.Installation of a 15-tons chain block
hauling of the Reactor Execution Fatality -Properly secure the 15-tons chain block into the
-Working at Heights Property Damage plant roof beam. The location should be
vertically above the Reactor
-Properly install and secure a 15-tons chain into
the top cylindrical portion of the Reactor. No
welding of eye plates!!!
2. Workers to use the right PPE’s
3.Cordon the Area
4.Assign watchers during the duration of the
5. Water the ground floor of the Area and
provide a Fire Extinguisher
6. Dismantle and Cut suitable rectangular size
portion of the 2nd floor catwalk (in the direction
of the SO3 Coolers) to enable the Reactor to
move freely while it is being lowered
7.Install a 15-tons chain block at the structural
roof beam directly above the Reactor. 1-5 tons
chain block on 1 column and 1-5 tons chain block
on the other column. The 2 chain block Chains
should be secured at the bottom of the Reactor
8.Removed the holding bolts of the Reactor at
the 3rd floor
9. Lift the Reactor and rotate it slightly to free
the holding brackets from the square opening of
the Reactor
10. Lower the Reactor until the bottom reaches
around 1 meter from the ground floor.
11. Simultaneously operate the 15 tons chain
block and the 2x5 tons chain block until the
Reactor lays horizontally on the ground
12. A suitable number of multi-ton rollers
installed at the bottom of a skid must be
positioned to catch the Reactor
13. Ensure that the Reactor is stable through the
use of wedges
14. Transport the Reactor to the Main Yard
15. Haul the Reactor into the Truck using the 2-
A-Frames fitted with 2 15 tons chain block and
out of Unilever
16.Re-install and re-weld the cut portion of the
17.Clean the Area
Section 17: Neutralization Section
Activities Hazards Incident / Accident Mitigation / Countermeasures ULP GJK
/ Consequences
De-energize and remove all instrumentation and
-Remove power supply of all Electricity Electric shock -Remove power supply and disconnect terminals Yes
instrumentations and
-Dismantle and remove all Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Provide rigid scaffoldings Yes
instruments and control Execution Fatality -Wear the right PPE’s
-Remove all instrumentation and controls
Line Breaking
-Cooling water lines from -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Ensure that all workers are wearing the Yes
Cooling Pipe Main Header to Execution Fatality prescribed PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat, Eye Goggles,
17P3 H2O recirculating pump -Working at Heights Fire Face shield, Long sleeve shirt, Maong Gloves for
including return -Hot Works Damage to Property BI Pipes and Rubber Gloves for Stainless pipes,
-Cooling water lines from -Fire (Boiler) steel toed safety shoes plus others as required
Cooling Pipe Main Header to -Install rigid scaffoldings for all overhead pipes.
17E1 Heat Exchanger Big pipes are extremely dangerous
including return -Cordon the area
-Pipe from 17P4 Feedstock -Assign watchers
pump to 17E1 -Provide sufficient number of Fire Extinguishers
-Pipe from 17P2 to two (2) -During the dismantling works near the Boiler
Homogenizers Area, the contractor should install sufficient
-Pipe from 17P4 & 17P6 PAS covers, e.g. tarpaulin canvass, so as to protect
Transfer Pump to two (2) PAS the Boiler from sparks
Storage Tanks at Drying Plant -During rigging of big overhead pipes, 3-ton
and Pipes to three (3) PAS chain blocks must be used
Storage Tanks at NSD Bars -All pipes dismantled should be immediately
-Others brought to the main yard and into the truck for
-Clean the area
Dismantling and removal of various line 17P1A/B/C,
17P2, 17P3, 17P4 and 17P6
-De-energize all power supply Improper Handling and Electrocution -Remove the breakers at the MCC room at the Yes
Execution 2nd floor
-Remove all terminal connections
-Dismantling and removal of Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Contractors to use the right PPE’s Yes
Pumps Execution -Remove all foundation-motor nuts
-Remove all pumps by means of a Lifter
-Place Pumps in trolleys and transport to main
-Place pumps in truck through the use of A-
Frame and chain block
Dismantling and removal of 17E1 Heat Exchanger and
17MX1 Mixer
-Dismantling and removal of -Improper Handling and Body Injury -Drain the water residues of the heat exchanger Yes
17E1 Heat Exchanger Execution Fatality -Installation of rigid scaffoldings
-Working at Heights -Installation of Monorail above the heat
-Hot Works exchanger
-Install 2-15 tons chain blocks and tie the chain
hook tightly and properly secured at the top of
the heat exchanger
-Provide eye plates if necessary
-Remove the holding bolts and nuts of the heat
-Install a 15 tons chain block on the existing
structural column and tie the chain end to the
lower portion of the heat exchanger
-Lift slightly the heat exchanger, say 1 foot
-Cut the horizontal beam holding the heat
-Move the heat exchanger towards the direction
of the Homogenizer
-Support the HE by a skid with sets of multi-ton
rollers once the HE lays on the ground
-Transfer to main yard for loading into the truck
-Dismantling and removal of -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Installation of rigid scaffoldings Yes
17MX1 Mixer Execution Fatality -Installation of Monorail above the Mixer
-Working at Heights -Install a 3-tons chain block and tie the chain
-Hot Works hook tightly and properly secured at the top of
the Mixer
-Remove the holding bolts and nuts of the Mixer
-Lift the Mixer until it exceeds the platform
-Move the Mixer towards the direction of the
-Lower the Mixer until it reaches the ground and
into a skid and supported by multi-ton rollers
-Transfer to main yard for loading into the truck
-Dismantling and Removal of
Two (2) Homogenizers
-Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Condon the area and assign watchers during Yes
Two (2) Homogenizers Execution Fatality work
-Working at Heights -Installation of rigid scaffoldings
-Hot works -Installation of Monorails above the
-Installation of 2-15 tons chain blocks and the
chain is securely tied to the Homogenizers. Use a
15-ton synthetic nylon web sling if necessary
-Install a 3rd 15 tons chain block mounted on the
Reactor structural column and the end of the
chain is securely mounted on the 2 legs of the
-Dismantle the existing catwalk
-Dismantle and remove the foundation nuts
-Lift one (1) Homogenizer to a height equivalent
to the diameter of the vessel
-Operate the 3rd Chain block
-Simultaneously operate the 3 chain blocks. The
2-15 tons chain block is being lowered while the
3rd 15 tons chain block is pulled towards the
Reactor. Continue the process until the Vessel is
horizontally lying on the ground floor.
-Use a skid where the 4-multiton rollers are place
on the 4 corners of the skid
-Once the Vessel is lying on the skid, use wedges
to secure the Homogenizer
-Transport the Vessel to the Main Yard and haul
it to the truck using the 2 A-frames with 15 tons
chain block
-Repeat the same procedure to the other
Homogenizing Vessel
Section 14: Gas Treatment Section
Activities Hazards Incident / Accident Mitigation / Countermeasures ULP GJK
/ Consequences
Removal of Electrostatic Precipitator
-De-energize the ESP High Voltage Electricity Electrocution -Remove the breaker at the MCC Yes
Transformer Fatality -Disconnect the terminals, main terminal and
from transformer to ESP
-Line Breaking of Pipe from -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Workers must wear the correct PPE’s Yes
the top of the ESP to the Execution -Fatality -Cordon the Area
bottom side of the Scrubber -Working at Heights -Health Issues -Assign watchers
-Hot Works -Provide rigid and sufficient number of
-Small traces of SO2 / scaffoldings
SO3 gas -Install eye plate on the pipe
-Install 2-3-ton chain blocks on both ends of the
-Remove all bolts and nuts on the flanges
-Lower the pipe on the ground
-Cut the pipe into suitable size
-Transport the pipes to the main yard with
-Haul to truck
-Removal of transformer -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Workers to wear the recommended PPE’s Yes
Execution -Fatality -Installation of rigid scaffolding
-Working at Heights -Installation of a 15 tons chain block on the
-Hot Works monorail and the chain hook is attached to 15
tons capacity synthetic nylon web sling by a
shackle. The end of the nylon web sling should
be attached to the transformer with a shackle
-Removal of all mounting bolts and nuts
-Lifting of transformer until it clears the catwalk
-Move the transformer outside the railing and
outside the catwalk
-Lower the chain block + transformer until it
reaches the ground
-Catch the transformer on a skid with 4-multiton
-Transfer to main yard and hauling into the truck
-Removal of Electrostatic Precipitator, ESP
-Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Open ESP manholes at the top and side of the Yes
ESP Execution -Fatality ESP and install an exhaust blower “joining” at the
-Working at Heights -Fire side manhole. Leave the exhaust blower in
-Hot Works operation for 24 hours
-Traces of SO3 gas -Workers to wear the right PPE’s
-Provide suitable numbers of Fire Extinguishers
-Provide a nylon water hose with a nozzle at the
end of the hose to put-off small fires cause by
the Hot Works
-Provide rigid scaffoldings reaching 2 meters
below the roof
-Provide and install a monorail I-beam on the
roof structural beam and extending towards the
-Cut and removed the metal catwalk in the
direction of the Scrubber. The size of the catwalk
to be removed should be around 6” more than
the diameter of the ESP. The railing is included
-Install 2-15 tons chain block (mechanical chain
trolley is highly required) on the monorail and
fastened the chain block chain into a 2x15-tons
capacity Synthetic Nylon Web Sling
-Securely fasten the other end of the chain to the
top of the ESP
-Tighten the Chain Block and ensure the chain
and sling is straight and tight
-Dismantle and remove the four (4) legs of the
ESP and dispose
-Install a 15-ton chain block on the existing
structural column near the Scrubber and
Laboratory. Wrap around the end of the chain to
the lowest portion of the ESP cylinder
-Lift the 2x15 tons chain blow simultaneously at
around 4 inches.
-Lower the 2x15 tons Chain block and pull the
15-ton Chain block simultaneously including the
2-motorized trolley. It’s like an orchestra. The
supervisor doing the signaling while 5 workers
are individually operating the motorized trolleys
and chain blocks
-A structural frame should be positioned on the
ground and fitted with 8 multi-ton rollers
installed on across the frame.
-Ensure that the ESP will lay horizontally on the
structural frame.
-Transport to the main yard for disposal but will
only commence once the Cooling Tower is
Dismantling and Removal of Scrubber
-Remove power supply of all Electricity Body Injuries -Remove the breakers at the MCC room at the Yes
instrumentations and Fatalities 2nd floor
controls -Remove all terminal connections
-Dismantling of -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Ensure workers wear the right PPE’s Yes
Instrumentations and Executions Fatalities -Provide rigid scaffoldings with full body harness
controls -Working at Heights
-Dismantling and removal of Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Ensure workers are wearing the right PPE’s Yes
sulfite recirculating pump and Execution -Lift the pumps with the use of a Lifter and
sulfite transfer pump transport to the Main Yard for disposal
-Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Ensure workers are using the right PPE’s Yes
Scrubber Stack Execution Fatalities -Installation of Rigid Scaffoldings
-Working at Heights -Cordon the area
-Hot works -Assign watcher during works
-Cut the stack into sections to lessen the load
and lower to the ground with a 5-tons chain
-Assemble in trolleys and transport to the Main
Yard for hauling and disposal
-Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Open the Scrubber manhole and install an Yes
FRP Scrubber Execution Fatalities exhaust blower “joining” at the side manhole.
-Working at Heights Properly insert the intake duct inside the
Scrubber. Leave the exhaust blower in operation
for 24 hours
-Workers to wear the right PPE’s
-Provide suitable numbers of Fire Extinguishers
-Provide a nylon water hose with a nozzle at the
end of the hose to put-off small fires cause by
the Hot Works
-Provide rigid scaffoldings reaching 2 meters
below the roof
-Provide and install a monorail I-beam on the
roof structural beam and extending towards the
-Install 1-15 tons chain block (mechanical chain
trolley is highly required) on the monorail and
fastened the chain block chain into a 1-15 tons
capacity Synthetic Nylon Web Sling
-Securely fasten the other end of the chain
below the Scrubber flange
-Tighten the Chain Block and ensure the chain
and sling is straight and tight
-Dismantle and remove the holding nuts of the
Scrubber and dispose
-Install a 15-ton chain block on the existing
structural column near the ESP & Reactor. Wrap
around the end of the chain to the lowest
portion of the Scrubber
-Lift the 15 tons chain block until the Scrubber
bottom reaches 1.5 meter.
-Lower the 15 tons Chain block and pull the 15-
ton Chain block towards the direction of ESP.
While the process is on-going, the mechanical
trolley is operated towards the direction of the
-A structural frame should be positioned on the
ground and fitted with ample number of multi-
ton rollers installed below the frame.
-Ensure that the Scrubber will lay horizontally on
the structural frame.
-Transport to the main yard for disposal
-Lift the scrubber into the truck by the use of A-
Restoration & Good Yes

Section PU: Cooling Tower, PAS Storage Tanks, Air Compressor and Ancillaries
Activities Hazards Incident / Accident Mitigation / Countermeasures ULP GJK
/ Consequence
De-energize all equipment at Section PU
-De-energize power supply to -Electricity Body Injuries -Remove the breakers at the MCC room at the Yes
Cooling Tower and Pump, Pas -Working at Heights Fatalities 2nd floor
Tank Agitator Motor, Pas -Improper Handling & -Remove all terminal connections
Tank Transfer Pumps, Air Execution
Compressor Motor, Calorifier
Pump including Controls &
-Removal of instruments and -Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Install a scaffolding Yes
controls execution Fatality -Use of right PPE’s
-Working at Heights
Dismantling and removal of equipment
-Line Breaking -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Workers must wear the correct PPE’s Yes
Execution -Fatalities -Cordon the Area
-Working at Heights -Fire -Assign watchers
-Hot Works -Provide rigid and sufficient number of
-Provide suitable number of fire extinguishers
-Install eye plate on the pipe
-Install 2-3-ton chain blocks on both ends of the
-Remove all bolts and nuts on the flanges
-Lower the pipe on the ground
-Cut the pipe into suitable sizes
-Transport the pipes to the main yard with
-Haul to truck
-Demolish the concrete cooling tower sump
-Dismantling and removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries --Ensure that all workers are wearing the Yes
Cooling Tower and Pump, Pas Execution -Fatalities prescribed PPE’s, e.g. Hard Hat, Eye Goggles,
Tank Agitator Motor, Pas -Working at Heights Face shield, Long sleeve shirt, Maong Gloves for
Tank Transfer Pumps, Air BI Pipes and Rubber Gloves for Stainless pipes,
Compressor, Calorifier Pump steel toed safety shoes plus others as required
-Cordon the area
-Assign watchers
-Provide sufficient number of Fire Extinguishers
-During rigging of big overhead motors, a 3-tons
chain block must be used. Provide overhead
-All equipment dismantled should be
immediately brought to the main yard and into
the truck for disposal
-A forklift might be used to transfer some of the
-Good Housekeeping: Clean the area

Removal of Ribbon Mixer for ESP Treatment and

De-energize power supply to Electricity Electrocution -Use of electrician PPE’s Yes
the Mixer Motor -Buddy system when working
Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Use of right PPE’s Yes
Mixer Stack Execution -Fatality -Provide rigid scaffoldings
-Working at Heights -Transfer the Stack to the yard for hauling
-Use to A-frame with 1-ton chain to lift the stack
into the truck
Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries - Use of right PPE’s Yes
Motor and Gearbox Execution -Remove the coupling
-Remove the mounting bolts of the Motor and
-Provide a lifter when lowering the Motor and
Gearbox into a Trolley
-Transfer Motor and Gearbox to the yard for
-Use to A-frame with 1-ton chain to lift the
Motor and Gearbox into the truck
Dismantle and Remove the -Improper Handling and -Body injuries -Use of right PPE’s and Fire extinguishers Yes
Ribbon Mixer Execution -Install a monorail atop the Mixer
-Working at Heights -Tie the end of the chain to the Mixer body
-Hot works -Remove the Mixer mounting bolts
-Cut portion of the platform to free the Mixer
-Lower the chain block to a skid below
-Transfer the mixer to the yard
-Use the A-frame and lift the Mixer to the truck
Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Use the right PPE’s and Fire Extinguishers Yes
Mixer and Canopy Execution -Dismantle and remove the Canopy
-Working at Heights -Dismantle and Remove the working platform
-Hot works -Load of metal to the trolley and transfer to the
-Haul metals using the A-frame with chain block
into the yard
CFAS Drying Plant
Activities Hazards Incident / Accident Mitigation / Countermeasures ULP GJK
/ Consequences
De-energize all equipment at PAS Dryer Plant
De-energize the power supply -Electricity -Electrocution -Provide rigid scaffoldings Yes
of all motors, -Working at Heights -Body Injuries -Use of electrician PPE’s
instrumentation and controls -Fatalities -Buddy system when working
Dismantling of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Provide rigid scaffoldings Yes
instrumentation and controls Execution -Fatalities -Use of electrician PPE’s
-Working at Heights -Buddy system when working
Cleaning of PAS Dryer Plant
Cleaning of the entire 3rd -PAS dust -Fire -Connect a High Pressure Washer to the Water Yes
Floor, 2nd Floor and 1st Floor -Health issues when line
with High Pressure Water inhaled -Plug the electrical socket into a 220 Volts power
-Wrap using plastic and securely taped
-Clean the 3rd Floor catwalk extensively in
particular to the checkered mesh
-Repeat the same procedure on the 2nd floor and
ground floor
-Clean the Silos inside and outside
-Clean the 2-Roll Mills
-Clean all equipment on the ground floor, 2nd
floor and 3rd floor
-Thoroughly clean the 2 Thin-film Evaporator and
use hot water while the Evaporator is running
-De-energize the evaporator motors
-Dry clean the whole Plant
Removal of Pas Flakes / Needles Silos
Line breaking -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Assign a watcher with water hose with ball valve Yes
Execution -Fatality on his hand
-Working at Heights -Residual Fire -Fire extinguishers ready at the 2nd and ground
-Hot Works floor near where the work is
-Install rigid scaffolds
-Installation of 1-ton chain block wrapped
around the duct
-Removal of flange bolts and lower the duct to
the ground
-Transport and haul to the truck for disposal
-Repeat the above procedure for the rest of the
Dismantling and Removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Assign a watcher with water hose with ball valve
Silos Execution -Fatality on his hand
-Working at Heights -Residual Fire -Fire extinguishers ready at the 2nd and ground
-Hot Works floor near where the work is
-Install rigid scaffolds
-Attach a 15-tons chain block on the 3rd floor
platform and tied up to the Silo with at least 3 5-
tons capacity synthetic nylon web sling
-Remove the Silo mounting bolts
-Lift the Silo around 6” above the 2nd floor
-Remove by cutting torch portion of the 2nd floor
catwalk to free up the Silo mounting frame
-Lower the Silo until it reaches the ground
-Lay the Silo on a skid with multi-ton rollers
-Install wedges on the Silo and skid
-Transport the Silo to the yard and haul to the
-Repeat the same procedure to the rest of the
Removal of two (2) units Roll Mill
De-energize power supply of Electricity Electrocution -Electricians to wear correct PPE’s Yes
the 2 roll mills -Pull out breaker at the MCC
Line Breaking from the chiller -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries and -Assign a watcher with water hose with ball valve Yes
to the roll mill and from the Execution fatality on his hand
roll mil to the chiller. Supply -Working at Heights -Residual Fires -Fire extinguishers ready at the ground floor near
and Return lines -Hot Work where the work is
-Install rigid scaffolds
-Installation of 1-ton chain block wrapped
around the pipes
-Removal of flange bolts and lower the pipes to
the ground
-Transport and haul the pipes to the truck for
Dismantling and removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries and -Provide rigid scaffolds Yes
two (2) Roll Mils Execution Fatality -Install a 10 tons chain block mounted on the 2nd
-Working at Heights floor catwalk structural frames
-Remove the Evaporator Chute and lower it to
the ground. Transport to the yard and haul into
the truck
-Mount the end of the chain block into the top
frames of the roll mill. Use at least 3 5-ton
capacity synthetic nylon web sling
-Remove the mounting bolts
-Lift the roll mill to say 2’ and place directly
below the roll mill the skid. The skid should have
4 multi-ton rollers
-Transport the roll mill into the yard and haul it
to the truck
-Repeat the same procedure to the other Roll
Removal of Trane Super chiller
De-energize power supply Electricity Electrocution -Electricians to wear right PPE’s Yes
-Remove the breaker at the MCC
-Disconnect terminals
Line breaking, cooling water -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Assign a watcher with water hose with ball valve
supply and return lines execution -Fatality on his hand
-Working at Heights -Residual Fire -Fire extinguishers ready at the ground floor near
-Hot Work where the work is
-Install rigid scaffolds
-Installation of 1-ton chain block wrapped
around the pipes
-Removal of flange bolts and lower the pipes to
the ground
-Transport and haul the pipes to the truck for
Dismantling and removal of Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Install the A-Frame above the Super chiller
Trane Super chiller Execution -Install a 5-tons chain block on the A-frame and
mount the chain end into the Super chiller.
Ensure that all instrumentations and panel are
-Remove the mounting bolts
-Operate the chain block and lift the Super chiller
to 2’ above the ground.
-Insert below the skid with 4 multi-ton rollers
-Lower the chain block until it reaches the skid
-Remove the chain block and transport the super
chiller to the yard and haul to the truck
Removal of Vapor Extraction -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Assign a watcher with water hose with ball valve
Fan, Heat Exchanger and Execution -Fatality on his hand
Ancillaries at the 2nd floor -Working at Heights -Residual Fires -Fire extinguishers ready at the 2nd and ground
-Hot Works floor near where the work is
-Install rigid scaffolds
-Installation of 1-ton chain block wrapped
around the duct
-Removal of flange bolts and lower the duct to
the ground
-Transport and haul to the truck for disposal
-Repeat the above procedure for the rest of the
Dismantling and Removal of Vapor Extraction Fan, Heat
Exchanger and Ancillaries
De-energize power supply of Electricity -Electrocution -Electricians to wear right PPE’s Yes
136K1 -Fatality -Remove the breaker at the MCC
-Disconnect terminals
Dismantling and removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Assign a watcher with water hose with ball valve Yes
equipment at 2nd floor Execution -Fatality on his hand
-Working at Heights -Residual Fire -Fire extinguishers ready at the 2nd and ground
-Hot Works floor near where the work is
-Install rigid scaffolds
-Attach a 5-tons chain block on the 3rd floor
platform and tied up to the Vapor Extraction Fan,
136K1, with at least 1 5-tons capacity synthetic
nylon web sling
-Remove the 136K1 mounting bolts
-Lift the 136K1 around 6” above the 2nd floor
-Remove by cutting torch portion of the 2nd floor
catwalk to free up the 136K1
-Lower the 136K1 until it reaches the ground
-Lay the 136K1 on a skid with multi-ton rollers
-Transport the 136K1 to the yard and haul to the
-Repeat the same procedure to the rest of the
Dismantling and Removal of Two (2) Thin-Film
De-energize power supply to Electricity Electrocution -Electricians to wear right PPE’s Yes
the Evaporator Motors and -Remove the breaker at the MCC
removal of instrumentations -Disconnect terminals
Dismantle and Removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Install a 15-tons Chain Block at the existing Yes
Evaporators Execution -Fatality Evaporator Monorail at the 3rd Floor
-Working at Heights -Residual Fire -Wrap around the chain into the Evaporator Top.
-Hot Works It should be properly secured
-Dismantle and Removed the Evaporator
Working Platform at the 3rd Floor
-Remove portions of the 3rd and 2nd Floor
Catwalk to enable the Evaporator to swing freely
when it is lowered
-Slowly lower the 15-tons Chain Block until the
Evaporator bottom reaches a height of 1 meter
from the ground floor
-Install a 2nd 15-tons chain block and tie to a
structural column near the Plant entrance
-Properly secure the chain block Chain to the
lower body portion of the Evaporator
-Prepare the skid with multi-ton rollers
-Operate the 2 chain blocks simultaneously until
the Evaporator lay horizontally on the skid
-Remove the Chan Blocks
-Transfer the Evaporator to the yard and haul
into the truck
-Repeat the same procedure to the other
Dismantling and Removal of Two (2) PAS Storage Tank
De-energize Power Supply of Electricity Electrocution -Electricians to wear right PPE’s
2 PAS Tank Motors and Pump -Remove the breaker at the MCC
Motors -Disconnect terminals

Line Breaking -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Assign a watcher with water hose with ball valve Yes
Execution -Fatalities on his hand
-Working at Heights -Fire -Fire extinguishers ready at the ground floor near
-Hot Work where the work is
-Install rigid scaffolds
-Installation of 5-tons chain block wrapped
around the pipes
-Removal of flange bolts and lower the pipes to
the ground
-Transport and haul the pipes to the truck for
Dismantling of 2 PAS Pumps Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Remove the foundation bolts of the pump Yes
Execution baseplates
-Manually lift the pumps and placed on trolley
-Workers to wear maong gloves
Removal of PAS Tanks -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Install a 15-tons Chain Block at the existing PAS Yes
Execution -Fatalities Tank Monorail at the 3rd Floor Level
-Working at Heights -Fire -Wrap around the chain into the PAS Tank Top. It
-Hot Works should be properly secured
-Dismantle and Removed portions of the PAS
Tank Working Platform at the 3rd Floor to clear
the tank during the dismantling process
-Removed the holding bolts of the tank 3
-Remove portion of the wall between the PAS
Tanks and the Plant
-Raise the Chain Block to free the baseplate
footing of the Tank
-Install a 2nd 15-tons Chain block and tie to a
structural column near the Plant entrance
-Properly secure the Chain block Chain to the
legs of the Tank
-Demolish the Tank concrete curb
-Prepare the skid with multi-ton rollers
-Operate the 2 chain blocks simultaneously (the
2nd Chain Block is being pulled while the 1st Chain
Block is being lowered) until the PAS Storage
Tank lays horizontally on the skid
-Remove the Chain Blocks
-Transfer the Tank to the yard and haul into the
-Repeat the same procedure to the other PAS
Storage Tank
-Re-install the wall after pulling out the Calorifier
Dismantling and Removal of Calorifier and Pump
De-energize Pump power Electricity Electrocution -Electricians to wear right PPE’s
supply -Remove the breaker at the MCC
-Disconnect terminals
Line Breaking Improper Handling and Body Injuries -Drain the pipes Yes
Execution -Disconnect flanges
-Remove pipes
-Transport the pipes and into the truck for
Dismantling and removal of -Improper Handling and -Body Injuries -Workers to wear the right PPE’s Yes
Calorifier Execution -Fatalities -Drain the Calorifier
-Working at Heights -Install a rigid Scaffold
-Hot Works -Install a monorail. Weld an I-beam, one end at
the PAS Tank Platform and one end at the
Building column
-Install a 5-tons Chain block and secure the chain
end to the top of the Calorifier
-Remove the mounting bolts at the legs of the
-Raise the Chain block at least 2 feet from the
-Install a 2nd 5-tons chain block and tie it to the
building columns
-The end of the Chain must be tied to the legs of
the Calorifier
-Operate the 2 chain blocks simultaneously, the
1st is being lowered while the 2nd is being pulled
Rest the Calorifier horizontally on a skid fitted
with multi-ton rollers
-Transport to the yard and haul to a truck
-Return the wall into its original condition

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