Distinguish Guest

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Distinguish guest, our excellent and gorgeous public schools district supervisor, Dr.

Maria Theresa M. Imperial, Ma’am, school heads, our ever energetic and dynamic principal
Dr. Alicia C. Uguis, Our vigorious and purposeful barangay Captain, Rodrigo E. Azero, Cap;
Barangay Officials our ever supportive and Hardworking PTA officials, my co-mentors,
graduates, supportive parents, visitors, friends, ladies and gentlemen, a joyous afternoon to
one and all.
Graduation is one of the very remarkable events we celebrate for the completion of
academic study; it is a ceremony in which diplomas, certificates, medals are awarded to
pupils who has successfully completed their duties. This is the thought that at last, they are
through with their elementary schooling. We should be very thankful to the teachers for
their untiring efforts in teaching and guiding the pupils towards the right path and also to
the parents, who supported their needs. This morning, we are all here to witness as this
batch of graduating class of SY 2022-2023 bade goodbye to their elementary years and soon
enters high school life.
So, without further ado, let us all welcome the guest, officials, parents, and
candidates for graduation in their processional march, and this will be followed by the
singing of the Philippine National Anthem by a multimedia / sound system, and please
remain standing for the doxology by sound system also.
Next, will be the words of Welcome, to be given to us by April Joy B Yungot with
Let us all welcome her with round loud applause!
At this juncture of moment Ladies and Gentlemen, may we have our very own Principal, Dr.
Alicia C. Uguis for the presentation of candidates for graduation; and this will be followed by
the acceptance and confirmation of graduates for graduation by our public schools distric
supervisor, Dr. Maria Theresa M. Imperial.
And now for the distribution of Certificates, may I request our public school distict
supervisor, Dr, Maria Theresa M. Imperial together with the guest speaker, to be assisted by
our Principal Dr. Alicia C. Uguis, PTA and Brgy. Officials.
At this point of time may I call on our Public Schools District Supervisor Dr. Maria M.
Imperial for her inspirational talk. A big hand of applaus

Thank you so much, Maam for your inspiring and enthusiastic words of
encouragement to the graduates.
Now, may I call on Dr. Darmie B. Duron the grade-C Adviser for the awarding of
academics/Meritorious awards to the deserving pupils.
At this point of time may I call on Mrs. Leslie B. Amorado for the Introduction to the
guest speaker. A round of applause please.
Thank you so much Ms. Cristine A. Gallibot for your very enthusiastic and inspiring
words of encouragement to the graduates.
May I call on our Principal Dr. Alicia C. Uguis together with our Public Schools District
Supervisor to do the honor in presenting the certificates of Appreciation to our honored
Thank you maam.
Now let us here the words of gratitude to ge given us by Rhyza mae O. Bagarinao with
Now let me call on Mr. Lettrel L Langubon with honors for the pledge of loyalty.
Now, let us hear the 2023 graduating class for their tribute to parents and teachers and for
their graduating song.
Thank you graduates
At this moment a message to be given to us by our purposeful brgy chairman Hon. Rodrigo
B. Azero, a round of applause pls.
Thank you so much kap for your message to our dear graduates.
Now me I call on our dear principal Dr. Alicia C. Uguis for her acknowledgment and
forwarding statement, a round of applause pls.
Thank you very much maam,
To end up, let us witness the guest, officials, teachers, parents and graduated for batch
2022 – 2023 for their recessional march,
On behalf of teaching force of Fatima Elementary School, we would like to thank the people
whos efforts are profound and hearty, may you be filled with Gods blessing and praises.
And to the graduates our wishes and prayers be with you today and the days to come, to all
of you THANK YOU,
This is your host EVELYN ELLOVIDO a grade 5 teacher. Have a safe home, Thank you and

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