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Royen Paul Alexandre G.

Bonos Studypool Tutor Application

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Humanities

How has technology affected day-to-day life in the past 25 years? Do you believe that the increased
reliance on technology is ultimately a good thing for humanity and the planet?

25 years ago is far different from now from the surroundings and environment, way of
communication, sources of energy, medical field and transportation. These form of technology has
been evolving day to day, people of our society tend to rely on these technological advancements
to improve productivity. It became the lifeline of humans it has huge contribution it makes life
easier in different aspect of life, these technological advancements can make the impossible
possible. It’s like a series of numbers that is leading to infinity, human creativity is limitless
nowadays. The current situation of the world is like a prophecy from 25 years ago more over
technology advancements may lead to something greater and is molded by history. It really has a
massive effect in today’s generation, children nowadays tend to play gadgets for more than hours
and hours, even cooking in just a matter of minutes is possible, turning the light bulbs using voice
command, or talking to a loved one even you are thousand miles away.

According to Sherry Turkle (2012) TED talk, “I’m still excited by technology, but I
believe, that we’re letting it takes us places that we don’t want to go.” She also stated that those
little devices in our pockets, are so psychologically powerful that they don’t only change what we
do, they change wo we are.

Technology has great advantage for people, flipping the coin it also has disadvantages. The
reliance on technology is a good thing and a bad thing, in a different perspective lot of things 25
years ago is not that efficient if we would use it in today’s era but bringing technologies to the past
might bring faster advancement. Now the point is, technology is very important we have to
remember that too much reliance is not good and too much no reliance is not good also. We are
living on it, innovations and advancements impacts the society it changes how we think and act.


Fresh Essays. (June 2022). Effects of Technology Over the Past 25 Years. Retrieved from

Turkle, S. (2012). TED talk, Connected, but alone. Retrieved from

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