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Evaluation of an IT investment

Management Information Systems

JUNE 20, 2023

Jana Al Sukhon
Table of Contents
Overview of Abdali Hospital.................................................................................................................1
IT Investment Portfolio..........................................................................................................................2
AIMS System Requirements...................................................................................................................2
Proposed Project Plan............................................................................................................................3
Purpose of implementing AIMS.............................................................................................................4
Enhanced Efficiency and Resource Optimization...............................................................................5
Improved Patient Care and Experience..............................................................................................5
Strengthened Compliance and Data Security....................................................................................5
Alignment with Hospital's Goals and Strategies.................................................................................5
Financial Evaluation and Feasibility...................................................................................................6
Context for System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)...........................................................................6

Overview of Abdali Hospital

In the centre of Amman, Jordan, you can find the 200-bed private multi-specialty hospital
known as Abdali Hospital. It was established in 2014 in association with Johns Hopkins
Medicine by an investor group.
Since it is a private hospital, Abdali Hospital charges patients according to the services they
receive. To meet the varied medical needs of the community, it provides a wide range of
medical specialisations and services. With 200 beds, the hospital can handle a large number
of patients while yet providing top-notch care.
The collaboration with Johns Hopkins Medicine, a prestigious and well-known healthcare
organisation. Through this partnership, Johns Hopkins Medicine's knowledge, experience,
and best practises are made available to Abdali Hospital. This connection enables the hospital
to stay current with healthcare innovations, uphold standards of excellence, and improve the
level of care it offers patients.
The following are the major aims of Al Abdali Hospital, based on typical goals in healthcare
1. Give patients high-quality treatment with a focus on their comfort, security, and
2. Increase operational effectiveness for effective healthcare delivery by streamlining
workflows, improving resource allocation, and optimising processes.
3. Enhance the patient experience by focusing on accessibility, convenience, communication,
and comfort.

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4. Embrace technological advancements and leverage innovative IT solutions to improve
healthcare delivery, patient outcomes, and stay up to date with industry advancements.

5. Ensure compliance with healthcare regulations, including patient privacy, data security, and
quality standards.
6. Foster collaboration and partnerships with renowned healthcare institutions to access
knowledge, expertise, and best practices for improved patient care.
7. Continuously improve quality and patient safety through robust quality assurance
programs, rigorous infection control measures, and patient safety initiatives.
8. Develop a skilled and competent workforce by attracting, retaining, and developing highly
skilled healthcare professionals through training, education, and professional development
9. Engage and educate the community by raising awareness about healthcare issues and
providing educational initiatives to promote preventive care and healthy lifestyles.
10. Maintain financial stability by effectively managing resources, optimizing revenue
streams, and controlling costs while delivering high-quality healthcare services.

IT Investment Portfolio
Abdali Hospital has made significant IT investments to support its operations and provide
high-quality care. The organization has implemented electronic health records (EHRs) to
digitize patient information, improve data accessibility, and enhance care coordination. In
order to facilitate precise diagnoses and treatment planning, the hospital has also made
investments in diagnostic and imaging services like MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, and X-ray.
Along with a strong emphasis on infection control, patient safety committees, and lean
management techniques for continuous improvement, the IT investment portfolio also places
a significant emphasis on patient safety and quality assurance.

AIMS System Requirements

The following are suggested Al Abdali Hospital business needs that can act as AIMS system
1. Anaesthesia Record Integration: Complete patient information is provided through
seamless integration with the hospital's current EHR system..
2. Monitoring and recording of the patient: Vital signs monitoring and recording in
real-time, anaesthesia drug administration, and pertinent patient data.
3. Managing Medication: Accurate and effective management of anaesthesia drugs,
with automated documentation and dosage calculations.
4. Preoperative Assessment: Assist in reviewing test results, comorbidities, allergies,
and medical history of the patient for safe anaesthesia planning.
5. Decision Support Tools: Clinical decision assistance tools, such as allergy alarms
and drug dose calculators.

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6. Anesthesia Processes Optimization: SStreamlined processes for effective order
entry, paperwork, and interaction with the surgical team and nurses.
7. Data Analytics and Reporting: Robust analytics capabilities for analyzing
anesthesia-related data and generating reports.
8. Integration with Medical Devices: Interface with anesthesia monitoring devices to
capture real-time data and ensure accurate documentation.
9. Compliance and Security: Compliance with regulatory standards and data privacy
10. User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and user-friendly interface for ease of use and
minimal errors.

Proposed Project Plan

By following this proposed plan, Al Abdali Hospital can successfully implement AIMS,
improving anaesthesia workflows, data accuracy, and patient care.

Project Overview:
Objectives: Integrate AIMS, improve operational efficiency, enhance patient care,
ensure compliance.

Project Phases:
a. Planning and Preparation: Needs assessment, project team formation, define goals
and timelines.
b. Vendor Selection and Customization: Evaluate and select AIMS vendor, customize
c. System Implementation and Testing: Configure AIMS, conduct testing, provide
d. Go-Live and Post-Implementation Support: Transition to AIMS, ongoing technical

Project Resources:
Project Manager, Project Team, Vendor Representatives, Training and Support

Project Evaluation and Documentation:

Regular progress meetings, evaluate outcomes, prepare project documentation.

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Purpose of implementing AIMS
The purpose of implementing an Anaesthesia Information Management System (AIMS)
across Abdali Hospital is to enhance the management and documentation of anesthesia-
related processes and improve patient safety during surgical procedures. The particular
purposes of the proposed project plan can be summarized as below:

1. Streamline Anesthesia Workflow: From preoperative assessment to postoperative

documentation, the AIMS implementation aims to streamline the entire anesthesia workflow.
The system improves overall efficiency by digitizing and automating various anesthesia-
related tasks and reducing manual labor.

2. Improve Documentation Accuracy: Anesthesia-related data, such as vital signs,

medication administration, fluid management, and intraoperative events, are meticulously
documented by the AIMS. Anesthesia records that are more accurate and complete are
produced as a result of this electronic documentation's elimination of the errors and
information gaps that are frequently associated with manual record-keeping.

3. Enhance Patient Safety: By providing real-time access to crucial patient data, drug
interactions, allergy alerts, and decision support tools, the AIMS project puts patient safety
first. This enables surgical anesthesiologists to make well-informed decisions, guarantee the
proper administration of medications, and promptly respond to any complications.

4. Facilitate Care Coordination: Anaesthesia providers, surgeons, nurses, and other

perioperative care professionals all benefit from seamless communication and care
coordination when AIMS is implemented. The system makes it easier to share relevant
patient information, makes it easier to work together, and makes the surgical team work better
as a whole.

5. Support Clinical Decision-Making: TEvidence-based guidelines, drug dosage

calculators, and clinical decision-support tools are available to anesthesiologists through the
AIMS. These resources help anesthesia providers make better decisions about how to manage
anesthesia, improve patient outcomes, and follow best practices.

6. Generate Comprehensive Analytics and Reports: The AIMS stores a lot of data about
anesthesia that can be used to make comprehensive analytics and reports. The anaesthesia
department can benefit from these insights for quality improvement projects, research, and
data-driven decision making.

7. Enhance Data Security and Compliance: The AIMS project's primary objective is to
guarantee the confidentiality and security of anaesthesia-related data. The system reduces the
risk of data breaches and protects patient information from unauthorized access by enforcing

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strict access controls, adhering to data privacy regulations, and implementing robust security

In general, the implementation of an AIMS at Abdali Hospital aims to make use of

technology to meet regulatory requirements, increase patient safety, increase the accuracy of
documentation, facilitate care coordination, and support clinical decision-making. In addition
to contributing to the hospital's commitment to providing high-quality, patient-centered
healthcare services, the project aims to improve the overall quality of anaesthesia care.

Enhanced Efficiency and Resource Optimization
The AIMS system will transform Abdali Hospital's procedures and workflow, resulting in
optimized resources and improved efficiency. It will make staff scheduling easier, make it
easier to share data easily, and give you real-time access to important information. As a result,
administrative burdens will be reduced, more time will be allotted for patient care, and
significant cost savings will result.

Improved Patient Care and Experience

The implementation of the AIMS system will have a significant impact on patient care and
experience. Healthcare professionals will be able to make quick and well-informed decisions
with complete patient data at their fingertips. Patients' engagement and overall satisfaction
will rise as a result of the system's seamless integration, which will also make it possible to
coordinate care across departments and give them online access to their medical records.

Strengthened Compliance and Data Security

Increased Data Privacy and Security Compliance Abdali Hospital adheres to strict data
privacy and security regulations. Standardized procedures and advanced security measures,
such as robust authentication protocols and encryption, will be implemented with the AIMS
system. Patients will begin to trust the organization, its reputation will be safeguarded, and
legal and financial risks will be reduced as a result.

Alignment with Hospital's Goals and Strategies

Alignment with the Goals and Strategies of the Hospital The AIMS system is in line with
Abdali Hospital's goals of providing high-quality, patient-centered care, being efficient in
operation, and complying with regulations. It backs the hospital's strategic focus on using
technology to streamline operations and improve care.

Financial Evaluation and Feasibility

The decision to purchase the AIMS system was made after taking into consideration the Total
Cost of Ownership (TCO), the Net Present Value (NPV) of daily cash flows, and the Return
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on Investment (ROI). Despite their limitations, these tools offer useful insights into the
project's financial viability. The NPV calculation takes into account the system's anticipated
costs and benefits over its lifetime, such as the costs of hardware, software, implementation,
training, and maintenance.

Context for System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

AContext for the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Abdali Hospital offers a well-
organized method for managing IT projects. Each period of the SDLC, including necessities
gathering, framework plan, advancement, testing, execution, and upkeep, is upheld by fitting
documentation and quality affirmation processes, guaranteeing consistence with medical care
guidelines and industry norms.

In conclusion, Abdali Hospital's implementation of the AIMS system has the potential to
significantly enhance processes and outcomes, including the enhancement of patient care and
experience as well as an increase in operating room reimbursement. Abdali Hospital's
strategic goals are seamlessly incorporated into the project, which aims to establish the
hospital as a technologically advanced and patient-focused healthcare provider..

The proposed AIMS project should be approved by Abdali Hospital. The project perfectly
complements the company's IT investment portfolio and strategic objectives. By utilizing
cutting edge innovation and incorporated frameworks, the Points venture will altogether
improve effectiveness, patient consideration, and information security. It is a valuable
addition to the IT infrastructure of Abdali Hospital because of the advantages of improved
resource allocation, streamlined operations, improved care coordination, and a better patient

It is essential to note that the AIMS project's successful execution depends on a

comprehensive feasibility study, stakeholder involvement, and thorough planning and
implementation procedures. As a result, a comprehensive economic feasibility study for the
Anaesthesia Information Management System is included in the Excel sheet that is attached.

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