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Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) Sizing Summary for 1A

Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021

Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM

Air System Information

Air System Name 1A Number of zones 14
Equipment Class TERM Floor Area 421.6 m²
Air System Type SPLT-FC Location Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data Calculated Space L/s Sizing Individual peak space loads

NOTE: No other data is applicable for a Terminal Units air system without a Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS).

Hourly Analysis Program 5.11 Page 1 of 10

Zone Sizing Summary for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM

Air System Information

Air System Name 1A Number of zones 14
Equipment Class TERM Floor Area 421.6 m²
Air System Type SPLT-FC Location Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Sizing Calculation Information

Calculation Months Jan to Dec Zone L/s Sizing Sum of space airflow rates
Sizing Data Calculated Space L/s Sizing Individual peak space loads

Terminal Unit Sizing Data - Cooling

Total Sens Coil Coil Water Time

Coil Coil Entering Leaving Flow of
Load Load DB / WB DB / WB @ 5.6 K Peak Coil Zone
Zone Name (kW) (kW) (°C) (°C) (L/s) Load L/(s·m²)
Zone 1 10.1 5.6 29.7 / 22.6 13.1 / 12.6 - Jul 1500 9.56
Zone 2 1.7 1.3 26.0 / 18.8 13.5 / 12.8 - Jul 1500 7.63
Zone 3 1.9 1.3 26.6 / 19.4 13.7 / 13.0 - Aug 1400 9.46
Zone 4 2.5 1.9 23.8 / 17.5 13.1 / 12.5 - Aug 1400 11.11
Zone 5 16.1 13.2 25.6 / 18.1 13.1 / 12.4 - Jul 1500 8.39
Zone 6 8.4 6.9 25.8 / 18.3 13.5 / 12.8 - Aug 1600 11.66
Zone 7 4.0 3.4 25.4 / 17.7 13.1 / 12.4 - Jul 1600 11.62
Zone 8 4.1 3.5 25.3 / 17.8 13.4 / 12.7 - Sep 1600 11.27
Zone 9 3.9 3.3 25.4 / 18.0 13.4 / 12.7 - Sep 1400 9.02
Zone 10 6.9 5.7 25.5 / 18.1 13.2 / 12.5 - Aug 1600 8.62
Zone 11 4.5 3.7 25.4 / 17.9 13.2 / 12.5 - Jul 1600 8.73
Zone 12 5.2 4.3 27.4 / 18.7 13.3 / 12.5 - Jun 1600 8.55
Zone 13 4.8 3.8 25.8 / 18.6 13.6 / 12.9 - Oct 1500 14.26
Zone 14 5.9 5.0 25.4 / 17.7 13.1 / 12.4 - Jul 1500 12.29

Terminal Unit Sizing Data - Heating, Fan, Ventilation

Heating Htg Coil

Heating Coil Water Fan OA Vent
Coil Ent/Lvg Flow Design Fan Fan Design
Load DB @11.1 K Airflow Motor Motor Airflow
Zone Name (kW) (°C) (L/s) (L/s) (BHP) (kW) (L/s)
Zone 1 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 280 0.078 0.062 113
Zone 2 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 84 0.023 0.018 8
Zone 3 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 85 0.024 0.019 12
Zone 4 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 150 0.042 0.033 11
Zone 5 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 873 0.242 0.192 57
Zone 6 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 466 0.129 0.103 32
Zone 7 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 232 0.064 0.051 11
Zone 8 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 241 0.067 0.053 11
Zone 9 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 225 0.063 0.050 13
Zone 10 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 379 0.105 0.083 24
Zone 11 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 253 0.070 0.056 14
Zone 12 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 254 0.070 0.056 16
Zone 13 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 257 0.071 0.056 27
Zone 14 0.0 -18.3 / -18.3 0.00 340 0.094 0.075 15

Zone Peak Sensible Loads

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 1 4.0 Jul 1500 0.0 29.3
Zone 2 1.2 Jul 1500 0.0 11.0

Hourly Analysis Program 5.11 Page 2 of 10

Zone Sizing Summary for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM

Zone Zone Zone

Cooling Time of Heating Floor
Sensible Peak Sensible Load Area
Zone Name (kW) Cooling Load (kW) (m²)
Zone 3 1.2 Jul 1500 0.0 9.0
Zone 4 1.8 Jul 1500 0.0 13.5
Zone 5 12.6 Jul 1500 0.0 104.0
Zone 6 6.7 Jul 1600 0.0 40.0
Zone 7 3.4 Jul 1600 0.0 20.0
Zone 8 3.5 Oct 1600 0.0 21.4
Zone 9 3.3 Oct 1500 0.0 25.0
Zone 10 5.5 Aug 1500 0.0 44.0
Zone 11 3.7 Jul 1500 0.0 29.0
Zone 12 4.3 Jun 1600 0.0 29.7
Zone 13 3.7 Dec 1500 0.0 18.0
Zone 14 4.9 Jun 1500 0.0 27.7

Space Loads and Airflows

Time of
Cooling Peak Air Heating Floor
Zone Name / Sensible Sensible Flow Load Area Space
Space Name Mult. (kW) Load (L/s) (kW) (m²) L/(s·m²)
Zone 1
1A-B-CINEMA ROOM 1 4.0 Jul 1500 280 0.0 29.3 9.56
Zone 2
1A-B-MAID 1 1.2 Jul 1500 84 0.0 11.0 7.63
Zone 3
1A-B-PANTRY 1 1.2 Jul 1500 85 0.0 9.0 9.46
Zone 4
1A-B-WINE 1 1.8 Jul 1500 150 0.0 13.5 11.11
Zone 5
1A-1F-DIN+PRIVATE LIVING 1 12.6 Jul 1500 873 0.0 104.0 8.39
Zone 6
1A-1F-RORMAL LIVING 1 6.7 Jul 1600 466 0.0 40.0 11.66
Zone 7
1A-2F-BEDROOM 1 1 3.4 Jul 1600 232 0.0 20.0 11.62
Zone 8
1A-2F-BEDROOM 2 1 3.5 Oct 1600 241 0.0 21.4 11.27
Zone 9
1A-2F-BEDROOM 3 1 3.3 Oct 1500 225 0.0 25.0 9.02
Zone 10
1A-2F-FAMILY 1 5.5 Aug 1500 379 0.0 44.0 8.62
Zone 11
1A-2F-MASTER BEDROOM 1 3.7 Jul 1500 253 0.0 29.0 8.73
Zone 12
1A-3F-ALTAR 1 4.3 Jun 1600 254 0.0 29.7 8.55
Zone 13
1A-3F-GYM 1 3.7 Dec 1500 257 0.0 18.0 14.26
Zone 14
1A-3F-MULTI-FUNCTION 1 4.9 Jun 1500 340 0.0 27.7 12.29

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Air System Design Load Summary for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM


COOLING OA DB / WB 36.8 °C / 28.8 °C HEATING OA DB / WB 20.0 °C / 13.8 °C
Sensible Latent Sensible Latent
ZONE LOADS Details (W) (W) Details (W) (W)
Window & Skylight Solar Loads 187 m² 11927 - 187 m² - -
Wall Transmission 136 m² 2885 - 136 m² 0 -
Roof Transmission 0 m² 0 - 0 m² 0 -
Window Transmission 187 m² 3359 - 187 m² 0 -
Skylight Transmission 0 m² 0 - 0 m² 0 -
Door Loads 0 m² 0 - 0 m² 0 -
Floor Transmission 422 m² 3967 - 422 m² 0 -
Partitions 640 m² 8461 - 640 m² 0 -
Ceiling 423 m² 11413 - 423 m² 0 -
Overhead Lighting 5691 W 5691 - 0 0 -
Task Lighting 0W 0 - 0 0 -
Electric Equipment 6234 W 6233 - 0 0 -
People 61 4480 3323 0 0 0
Infiltration - 0 0 - 0 0
Miscellaneous - 0 0 - 0 0
Safety Factor 0% / 0% 0 0 0% 0 0
>> Total Zone Loads - 58417 3323 - 0 0
Zone Conditioning - 55551 3323 - 0 0
Plenum Wall Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Plenum Roof Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Plenum Lighting Load 0% 0 - 0 0 -
Exhaust Fan Load 0 L/s 0 - 0 L/s 0 -
Ventilation Load 365 L/s 5326 13577 365 L/s -1320 0
Ventilation Fan Load 0 L/s 0 - 0 L/s 0 -
Space Fan Coil Fans - 907 - - -907 -
Duct Heat Gain / Loss 0% 0 - 0% 0 -
>> Total System Loads - 61784 16900 - -2227 0
Terminal Unit Cooling - 61784 16924 - -2227 0
Terminal Unit Heating - 0 - - 0 -
>> Total Conditioning - 61784 16924 - -2227 0
Key: Positive values are clg loads Positive values are htg loads
Negative values are htg loads Negative values are clg loads

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System Psychrometrics for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM



Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Ventilation Air Inlet 36.8 0.02192 365 400 5326 13577
Vent - Return Mixing Outlet -17.8 0.00000 0 0 - -
Ventilation Fan Outlet -17.8 0.00000 0 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.00927 4121 81 55551 3323
Return Plenum Outlet -17.8 0.00927 4121 81 0 -

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System Psychrometrics for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM

Air Density x Heat Capacity x Conversion Factor: At sea level = 1.207; At site altitude = 1.204 W/(L/s-K)
Air Density x Heat of Vaporization x Conversion Factor: At sea level = 2947.6; At site altitude = 2941.0 W/(L/s)
Site Altitude = 18.9 m


Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Zone 1 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 113 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 29.7 0.01435 280 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.1 0.00891 280 0 5621 4479
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.1 0.00891 280 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.1 0.00891 280 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.6 0.00919 280 0 3897 -
Zone 2 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 8 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 26.0 0.01058 84 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.5 0.00899 84 0 1268 394
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.5 0.00899 84 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.5 0.00899 84 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.00933 84 0 1128 -
Zone 3 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 12 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 26.7 0.01133 85 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.9 0.00927 85 0 1315 516
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.9 0.00927 85 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.9 0.00927 85 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.8 0.00955 85 0 1120 -
Zone 4 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 11 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 23.8 0.01000 150 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.1 0.00883 150 0 1936 516
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.1 0.00883 150 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.1 0.00883 150 0 0 -
Zone Air - 22.6 0.00907 150 0 1719 -
Zone 5 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 57 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 25.6 0.00988 873 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.1 0.00871 873 0 13151 2997
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.1 0.00871 873 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.1 0.00871 873 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.6 0.00903 873 0 12121 -
Zone 6 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 32 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 25.7 0.01005 466 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.5 0.00894 466 0 6851 1519
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.5 0.00894 466 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.5 0.00894 466 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.00917 466 0 6280 -
Zone 7 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 11 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 25.5 0.00988 232 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.7 0.00905 232 0 3301 568
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.7 0.00905 232 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.7 0.00905 232 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.00928 232 0 3090 -
Zone 8 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 11 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 25.5 0.01015 241 0 - -

Hourly Analysis Program 5.11 Page 6 of 10

System Psychrometrics for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM

Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Cooling Coil Outlet - 14.1 0.00934 241 0 3302 580
Heating Coil Inlet - 14.1 0.00934 241 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 14.1 0.00934 241 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.00957 241 0 3083 -
Zone 9 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 13 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 25.5 0.01004 225 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.6 0.00905 225 0 3222 660
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.6 0.00905 225 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.6 0.00905 225 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.00934 225 0 2990 -
Zone 10 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 24 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 25.8 0.01026 379 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.8 0.00915 379 0 5473 1240
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.8 0.00915 379 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.8 0.00915 379 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.8 0.00946 379 0 5041 -
Zone 11 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 14 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 25.5 0.00988 253 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.4 0.00888 253 0 3709 744
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.4 0.00888 253 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.4 0.00888 253 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.00918 253 0 3453 -
Zone 12 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 16 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 27.4 0.01007 254 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.6 0.00894 254 0 4211 844
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.6 0.00894 254 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.6 0.00894 254 0 0 -
Zone Air - 26.6 0.00925 254 0 3954 -
Zone 13 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 27 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 26.1 0.01154 257 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 15.2 0.01014 257 0 3380 1059
Heating Coil Inlet - 15.2 0.01014 257 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 15.2 0.01014 257 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.01032 257 0 2930 -
Zone 14 ( Cooling )
Ventilation Air - - - 15 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 25.4 0.00948 340 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 13.1 0.00868 340 0 5043 807
Heating Coil Inlet - 13.1 0.00868 340 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 13.1 0.00868 340 0 0 -
Zone Air - 24.7 0.00889 340 0 4746 -

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System Psychrometrics for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM



Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Ventilation Air Inlet 20.0 0.00727 365 400 1320 0
Vent - Return Mixing Outlet -17.8 0.00000 0 0 - -
Ventilation Fan Outlet -17.8 0.00000 0 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 4121 0 0 0
Return Plenum Outlet -17.8 0.00728 4121 0 0 -

Hourly Analysis Program 5.11 Page 8 of 10

System Psychrometrics for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM

Air Density x Heat Capacity x Conversion Factor: At sea level = 1.207; At site altitude = 1.204 W/(L/s-K)
Air Density x Heat of Vaporization x Conversion Factor: At sea level = 2947.6; At site altitude = 2941.0 W/(L/s)
Site Altitude = 18.9 m


Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Zone 1 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 113 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 18.4 0.00728 280 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 280 0 471 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 280 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 280 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00727 280 0 0 -
Zone 2 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 8 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.5 0.00728 84 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 84 0 48 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 84 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 84 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 84 0 0 -
Zone 3 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 12 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.6 0.00728 85 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 85 0 63 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 85 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 85 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 85 0 0 -
Zone 4 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 11 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.4 0.00728 150 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 150 0 72 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 150 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 150 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 150 0 0 -
Zone 5 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 57 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.4 0.00728 873 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 873 0 399 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 873 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 873 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 873 0 0 -
Zone 6 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 32 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.4 0.00728 466 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 466 0 218 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 466 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 466 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 466 0 0 -
Zone 7 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 11 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.3 0.00728 232 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 232 0 91 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 232 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 232 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 232 0 0 -
Zone 8 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 11 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.3 0.00728 241 0 - -

Hourly Analysis Program 5.11 Page 9 of 10

System Psychrometrics for 1A
Project Name: D9-1A(6C;SC=1.62,U=0.37) 11-08-2021
Prepared by: Rankine & Hill (Vietnam) 02:02PM

Dry-Bulb Specific Sensible Latent

Temp Humidity Airflow CO2 Level Heat Heat
Component Location (°C) (kg/kg) (L/s) (ppm) (W) (W)
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 241 0 94 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 241 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 241 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 241 0 0 -
Zone 9 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 13 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.3 0.00728 225 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 225 0 95 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 225 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 225 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 225 0 0 -
Zone 10 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 24 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.4 0.00728 379 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 379 0 171 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 379 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 379 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 379 0 0 -
Zone 11 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 14 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.3 0.00728 253 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 253 0 105 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 253 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 253 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 253 0 0 -
Zone 12 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 16 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.4 0.00728 254 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 254 0 115 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 254 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 254 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 254 0 0 -
Zone 13 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 27 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.5 0.00728 257 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 257 0 154 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 257 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 257 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 257 0 0 -
Zone 14 ( Deadband )
Ventilation Air - - - 15 - - -
Cooling Coil Inlet - 17.3 0.00728 340 0 - -
Cooling Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 340 0 130 0
Heating Coil Inlet - 17.0 0.00728 340 0 - -
Heating Coil Outlet - 17.0 0.00728 340 0 0 -
Zone Air - 17.0 0.00728 340 0 0 -

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