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Enterprise-Bank Direct Link System for

China Merchants Bank

Development Guide

1 System Introduction


The development guide hereof specifies the Enterprise-Bank Direct Link System for
China Merchants Bank (“The System”) to users for thorough understanding of the
system, and works as a guidance on advanced development of the system to enable
seamless interaction and organic integration with systems including enterprise
finance/ERP/E-commerce platforms (“Enterprise Financial System”).


The online corporate banking of China Merchants Bank (CMB) is served with a
complete set of handling and approval mechanism to assist enterprises in regulating
their financial systems and processing online business with security, however, this is
subject to enclosed access within the corporate banking system.

Many enterprises are equipped with their own financial systems by which data
required for business handling such as the offline editing list for payment, payroll and
recipient’s information are created and transferred to the corporate banking system for
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handling and approval, thereafter, data returned from the bank will be imported in the
financial system. Data exchange currently takes place only in the file format between
corporate financial system and corporate banking system, whereas enterprises expect
that direct data exchange with the corporate banking system can be available within
their own systems.

For the purpose of the above, CMB developed the System which provides two
connection modes with corporate financial system: the embedded mode and the
prepositive mode.

Embedded Direct Link:

This mode is designed to enable direct interaction between financial systems and
corporate banks by means of calling the interface provided by the System within the
corporate financing system. The System is embedded in the financial system as its
component to exchange data in an off-ground way, the financial system sends direct
orders to the corporate banking system through the interface provided by the System
and receives data returned from the banking system.

Prepositive Direct Link:

This mode is designed to enable the corporate financial system to send orders to
corporate banking system and receive data returned from the banking system by
means of message interaction in communication with the prepositive computer (PC
with the System installed and direct link service enabled) which is installed in the
internal network of the enterprise.


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Anticipated readers are persons related to the advanced development through the
application of the System, and others for whom it is required to understand the

Terms and Definitions

Direct Link:

An online access mode provided by CMB for direct link between “corporate banking”
system and the financial system of the enterprise.

CA (Certification Authority):

(Certification Authority) is an authoritative agency with authority, impartiality and

reliability to award digital certificate. Its prime tasks include application acceptance,
issue and management of the digital certificate. Usually, the applicant’s identity will
be confirmed for accuracy when the application is under acceptance.

Digital Certificate:

Digital certificate refers to the electronic means to verify user’s identity and access
authority of the network resource. Digital certificate issued to users with the digital
signature technology adopted by Certification Authority (CA) is used as the digital
evidence to prove the user himself/herself in the digital domain. Certificates of the
System are signed and issued by CA of CMB to verify user’s identity in CMB
corporate banking system.

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2 Solution


The System supports two modes of direct link:

 Embedded Mode: APIs (Application Programming Interface) are provided through the

Dynamic Link Library (DLL) under Win32 and the Java development kit (jar) for

enterprises to continue related advanced development. Development kits such as VC, VB,

C#, DELPHI, CB, PB and JAVA are available in this mode.(See catalog " Programming

Interface " for details)

 Prepositive Mode: HTTP requests are sent to the System to enable direct link with the

bank.(See catalog "HTTP Request" for details)

Structure Diagram

企业银行服务器:Corporate Banking Server,招商银行:CMB,企业端:

Enterprise,直联接口:Direct Link Interface,财务系统:Financial System,电子
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商务:E-commerce,其他系统:Other Systems,模式结构示意图:Model
Structure Diagram

From diagram above, enterprises may have their well served financial management
systems, internal fund transfer and external payment of the enterprise are firstly
treated under its internal financial management procedure, then orders created are
directly submitted to CMB through the programming interface provided by CMB,
where after , CMB undertakes procedures in terms of the orders; enterprise
information such as the account information and trade information may also be
accessible from CMB through the direct link interface.

Overall Requirement

System Requirement

 Hardware: recommended CPU: Pentium133 above, RAM: 32MB, display: 256 color or

above (true color, 16 bytes above recommended), hard disk: spare space > 100M. To users

with digital certificate card, a serial interface/USB interface is required for installation of

the digital certificate card driver;

 Operating System: Chinese/English WINDOWS 98/NT/2000/XP/2003 recommended,

and an external Chinese platform is required for English WINDOWS;

 Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 above required. Netscape browser is not


 System Environment: both the financial system and direct link system are recommended

to be operated in an individual PC with protection against computer virus or Trojan.

Technology Requirement

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 Confirm the finacial system and direct link of the System in use are strictly test-proven in

the testing environment of CMB and approved by the technology department of CMB

before official application of the direct link system;

 Confirm all the DDLs of the System in use are digitally signed by CMB.

Enterprise Requirement

 Open CMB Corporate Bank (V4.0 above);

 Sign the direct link agreement with CMB;

 Open services in demand such as the account inquiry and direct payment, digital

certificate card issued by CMB is required in transaction.

Development Procedures


 Open CMB Corporate Bank (V4.0 above) service at the local branch/sub-branch of CMB;

 Apply debugging service for the direct link system at the local branch/sub-branch of

CMB, the bank will allocate user ID and password, etc. for test demand;

 Download development kit of the System (including installation programme of the

development kit and the development guide hereof, etc.) from CMB website;

 Run development kit installation to complete installing the System;

 Revise the file -- system32\drivers\etc\hosts -- by adding two lines of data:

 Change the server setting for communication as testing computer by using

FBSdkManager.exe/ FBSdkTest.exe, see Fig. below:

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 Verify validity of the testing environment through testing programme provided. (Note:

users are allowed to login with non-certificate card approach in the testing environment)


 Develop to realize service functions in need (source code of the testing programme

provided can be used for reference when calling interface) based on the self-owned

financial system and programming interface provided;

 Test service functions of the self-owned financial system (verification based on the testing

programme provided is available).


 Sign the direct link agreement at the local branch/sub-branch of CMB;

 Open services in need such as direct payment/account inquiry at the local branch/sub-

branch of CMB;

 Download development kit of the System from CMB website;

 Run development kit installation to complete installing the System;

 Configure the service mode at the Corporate Bank Client by corporate system


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 Relevant direct link operation can be undertaken in the self-owned financial system to

complete related service. (Note: Users are required to login with certificate card in the

real environment)

3 Prepositive Direct Link

3.1 Overview

1,The System supports HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKET requests which are submitted to the

prepositive program FBSdkManager by enterprises in the post form, and reply
messages received are treated to realize direct link with banks.

2. The system enables automatic reconnection with the bank (Previously disconnected
link with the bank will be automatically reconnected when HTTP request is received).

3. Both the request message and the reply message use XML formats (see XML
Message Type for reference).

4. Note: Direct link with the bank will be enabled if only HTTP request is sent to the
computer running the prepositive programme FBSdkManager, therefore, network
security of the computer hereof and its network isolation from other irrelated
computers must be safely maintained.

3.2 XML Format

Request data:

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?> // encoding="BIG5" for traditional Chinese
    <FUNNAM></FUNNAM>  // function name
    <DATTYP>2</DATTYP> // data format(always 2)
    …                 // user data,
  <Interface-Name>  // interface name according to function
    </Field-Name>Field-Value</Field-Name>  // field name and value
    …                 //multi-field supported
    …                 // multi-interface supported

response data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK"?> // the value of encoding value is equal to

that // of the request
    <FUNNAM></FUNNAM>  // function name
    <DATTYP>2</DATTYP> // data format(always 2)
    <RETCOD></RETCOD>  // return code for the request
    <ERRMSG></ERRMSG>  // error message
    …                 // user data
  <Interface-Name>  // interface name according to the function
    </Field-Name>Field-Value</Field-Name>  // field name
    …                 //multi-field supported
    …                 // multi-interface supported


There can be more than one interface in one request. Each has its own interface

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3.3 Frequency of interface call

Frequency of interface call is subject to the following limitations:

 payment request: call interval not less than 1 second

 query request:call interval not less than 2secconds

Frequency of interface call is defined and calculated for one single user of the interface.

3.4 Multi-thread support

The system can process calls from multi users. Calls from one user will be processed in
queue according to the original sequence. It is advised that no more than 50 calls from one
user sent , in case of long response delay. There’s no limit for the number of users at the same
Only one example of the program can be set up in a single computer.

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