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Require quarterly preventive maintenance schedule 100%
MANAGEMENT Facilities of all facilities and equipments. Completion Q1 H E

submission of
Conduct daily visit of equipments and facilities 100% request and
for status and condition. Completion before approval
Install a lockset in the storage areas for 100% Within 1 month
housekeeping. Completion upon approval
20% cost
Profitability Ensure 20% Cost Reduction from last year reduction End of Q4
Implement a ticketing sysem that will be approved

by all department heads and implemented by 100% ENGG

February Completion Feb-23 ADMIND/MIS
Implement a tracking system that monitors and
generate spontaneously report about all types of 100%
request Completion Mar-23 ENGG ADMIN
Ensure that tasks are are properly endorsed
to the next shift or next staff expected to Zero work SHIFT SUPS/ALL
continue the unfinished work backlog Monthly STAFF
Use the GPS to track the employee's location while
on duty. Ensure that the Personnel is attending to
their assigned task Zero IRs Monthly ALL
Ensure that tasks are completed appropriately
and completely within timeframe Zero backlogs Monthly ALL
Ensure that Engineering policies and procedures are 100%
complete, updated, submitted to HR Completion End of Q1
Ensure that Engineering policies and
procedures are properly implemented Zero IR Monthly
Purchase additional equipment to suffice the 100% Within 1 month
servicing given to departments. Completion upon approval ENGG/HK
Implement the areas of Engineering by the 5s
system (sort,straighten,shine, standardize, 100%
sustain). Completion End of Q1
pational Efficiency
Occupational Efficiency
Ensure policies and procedures are written
and updated by June 2023 should came up
with a strong formalities and etiquette.
partnership with hr and supervision of general 100%
manager should take place. Completion Jun-23 ENGG/HR
After justifying the need, hire additional 100%
personnel. Completion 23-Feb ENGG/HR
Attend the daily operations meeting with the 100%
General Manager. Completion 23-Jan CHF ENGR
Implement departmental policies and 100%
procedures. Completion End of March CHF ENGR/HR
Finish the task that have been allocated to 100%
you in quickly or by the deadline. Completion 23-Jan CHF ENGR
Ensure that POS (Point of Sale) System
connectivity is functioning at all times during Zero
operating hours. Complaint/IR Monthly MIS/ENGG
Ensure that Engineering policies and procedures are Zero
complete, updated and properly implemented Complaints Monthly
Ensure that all Engineering staff are provided with
Staff product knowledge, technical and service skills
Competence training. 100% End of Q2
Product Knowledge Training 100% Score End of Q2
Technical Skills Training 100% Score End of Q2
Service Skills Training 100% Score End of Q2
Training Ensure that all employees training record is updated
Documentation and submitted to the Training Department. 100% Monthly
Submit all the training attendance sheet to
the training Department every Saturday 100% Weekly
Ensure to provide minimum of 40 Hours Training 100%
Training training to all employees Attendance End of Q4 HR
Schedule all employees to attend 40 Hours 100% Manager/
Training Annually Attendance End of Q4 Supervisor
Ensure that everyone in Engineering management
Leadership team attends the leadership training program of 100%
Competence T&D. Attendance End of Q4 ENGG and HR
Ensure that all newly hired employees are

provided a new employee orientation training 100% Manager/

prior to their start. Attendance End of Q4 Supervisor
CSR Program Ensure to organize Two (2) CSR Program Annually 2 CSR Program End of Q4 HR
Schedule all employees to attend at least 1 Attendance on Manager/
CSR Program annually 1 CSR Program End of Q4 Supervisor
Ensure that all employees have attended at Attendance on Manager/
least 1 CSR Program 1 CSR Program End of Q4 Supervisor
12 OSH
OSH Program Ensure to schedule an OSH Training Once a Month Trainings End of Q4 HR
Schedule all employees to attend OSH Attendance on Manager/
annually 1 OSH Training End of Q4 Supervisor
Ensure that all employees have attended at Attendance on Manager/
least 1 OSH annually. 1 OSH Training End of Q4 Supervisor
Grooming Ensure to publish updated grooming standard 100% End of Q1 HR
Ensure all team members comply with the Managers/
Grooming Standard Zero IR Monthly Supervisors
Ensure to all LRSC are processed within the one Attendance on
Code of week upon receipt. 1 CSR Program Managers/
Discipline End of Q4 Supervisors
Ensure all team members comply with the Managers/
Code of Discipline Zero IR Monthly Supervisors
Provide human resource with specific
competency requirements per positions as 100%
basis for hiring engineer staff Completion 23-Feb ENGG ADMIN
Bonding moments with the staff( meeting,
briefings, rounds, lunch break and special Zero Internal
occasions) Conflict 23-Jan CHF ENGR
Establish an open-door policy to address staff Zero Internal
concern and recommendations. Conflict 23-Jan CHF ENGR
To avoid miscommunication issues, offer Zero Internal
personnel mentoring and guidance. Conflict 23-Jan DH
Conduct daily briefing with staff on task to be
accomplished, status of previous task 100%
Completion 23-Jan CHF ENGR

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