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diminishing status on the planet so Churchill used the

new Queen to get the status of his nation back

After Queen Elizabeth passed away Liz Truss used the

same way to get back to the old status in the world

enough to hold together And the probability that

the Empire break isn't that small

tradition stability progresschange

2 hold countries together after Ww2 1 give GB a new prime

3give the force to her son 7 Prince Andrew was kicked out

6 holding a tea party Great Waves of social cultura

9 9000 at providing camouflage and technological change over

9 still point of our turning world the last 70 years

3 respect for institutiondecayed

traditionstability progresschange

The queen was still point of our Great waves of social cultural

turning world 191 technological change over

she was like a give which the last 70 years 3

kept the country together 31 respect for institutions decayed 3

preserved the Uk 3 kicked Prince Andrew out

monarchy still has a of the royal family

heceditary head 41 joining the EU Hoo late

leaving the EU again 2016

Royal Family

British accent


diversity between



What do these people associate with British Britishness

Royal Guards Royal Family tradition history Big Ben

red busses tea pub rugby

loyalty to the flag

multi culturalism ethnic diversity

Criticism of the term British Britishness

It shouldn't be called a kingdom but rather

countries of Britain to stress the diversity between

the different parts of Britain

England is too dominant

Britishness is diluted by immigration


A wider sense of Britishness where someone can

feel British and English Scottish Carabbean etc

Brits are very ironic about themselves

timelines history

1301 Prince of Wales

1535 Ireland under english entvoll

1542 annexed wales

1604 Scottish hingbecame hing of england

17oz union or england and scotland

son ireland became part of the union

19century The British Empire is the first superpower and dominates the world

1920 Northern ireland became independent

Afterwar Tre fall of the British Empire

1998 Scotland wales build their own government

2014 referendum of Scotland was defeated

2014 Brexit


Describe the relationship

Uk and Eu before the

Outline the
path to Brexit
Outline the consequences of


1 Describe the relationship between the Uk and the EU

before the

ambivalentambigious relationship

bad history wars

good trade

Tendencies towards independence from the EU UKIP foundet

in 1993

Uk refuse to adopt the EURO

Uk is critical towards giving Iparts of their sovereignty to

the EU
fear of losing national heritage identity

2 Outline the path to

1980 Thatcher I want my money back The EU profits move

from the Uk than the other way rounds

Tendencies towards independence from the EU Ukip fandet in 1993

voted in favour of leaving the EU PM Theresa

June 2016 53

David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister PM New

2017 negotiations between Uk and EU started

3 consequences of the referendum

British politicans no longer welcome at EU summits

other countries startes thinking about leaving the EU

g Hungary Poland Italy

later called hardBrexi

politicans in the EU ash for a clear cut

political earthquake in the UK David Cameron resigned as

New PM Theresa
Prime Minister PM May

relationship between the EU and the Uk had to be redefined

Scotland feels cheated and is thinking about leaving the Uk

many people betived the Uk would be

lot of a disinformation


national pride an was

going to happen

regain control of weren't thinking

immigration about the consequences

take back control


Guardian Daily Mail

If there was an election now

fury of Tory MPs memberpagment Labour would have a large majority

they are worried about the The Tories are instabil fighting

planned tax cuts because µ

they may mean less money They may even have to increase
for infrastructure roads etc social benefits to help peoplepay
the party has fractured their energy bills
into members who support The government postpone the
Truss and members who don't growth plan to November
Stichs to political facts tax reduction
The Guardian Daily Mail
broadsheet lavality papers tabloids yellow press

informative factual causes emotions fear

simple and clean layout big headlines capital letters

Seems more serious and differing fonts and colours
A lot of advertising

D 51
Winston Churchill 1946

Europe is the most cultivated continent and the cradle

of Christianity and humanity
There should be a United States of Europe

Britain should be a part of this union

Robin Cook 12001

Europe is very important for the future of the Uk
Uk is an integral part of Europe economically politically

but also with similar valves

Uk should play a leading role in the EU

David Cameron 12013
He has a positive vision of the EU It's a means

to freedom democracy prosperity stability for all members

Europe is in the midst of a deep crisis i e the

aftermath ofthe
financial crisis

The Uk should play an active and committed part

He wants a better deal for Britain

What is the Brexit Trilemma

Good Friday Agreement No border between the

Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland
Britain had to choose between three options

Hard border between Northern Ireland and the

rest of the UK
Northern Ireland is de facto still in the EU
and separated from the UK

The Uk stays in the EU no Brexit

A hard border between Northern Ireland and
the Republic of Ireland
Risk of a civil war in Northern Ireland

None of these options were acceptable for Brexiteers

Boris Johnson choose option

Liz Truss seems willing to blackmail the EU with

a hard border in Northern Ireland which may result
in a civil war She seems to be unsure whether
the EU is friend or an enemy

Hope for the EU

She may not be PM for long
The relationship may get even worse

Truss is known for changing her mind So relations

may change for the better

Constitutional monarchy

E Court

House of lords Haus of Commons laws or other

I üintiiniFirii
Pastthe past system GEIL Tretagainst

House of
SUN article in favour Of BREXIT 13 6 2016

advantages of Brexit advantages of remaining in EU

Britain will be richer Safer worse for immigration jobs

and free i 7 wajes wär of life 1 12 14

Britain can Pick and Öse Föör and worse goverad countries

the best immigrants from all are joining the EU 1 161

over the world 1.33
great deals with other 854 pressure outo the state 1.18 20

of the world l 321331

Britain will be even ge w

reality check 12022

a lack of shifted workers
disouption of supply chains

a lack of skilled workers

Standart of living has decreased instead of increased

no great deals with other countries

still depends on the EU good from the EU
Speech by prime minister David Cameron 211612022

advantages Fetergining risk of leaving

500 million customers on our ts

doorstep 4.12 higher prices


Source of ios Opportunities

the economy will shrink c 16

a recession
prospects for future generations
1 24125 are at stake g gg

uncertainty 11.171N

reality check 2022

developments in society

Society has become more progressive women's rights

LGBTQ Alt Freedom of speech support for the underprivileged

use of technology

aces to information everything anywhere anytime

mobile phones people are more connected to people who
are not present and less connected to the people
around them
Filtered information algorithmus influence what content
we are presented
influence what we buy and think
Use of products The lifespan of products has shortened


Security support
from Crime the poor

war sich people health insurance NAS

data protection old people pension

natural disasters disabled people

Supply with bare unemployed people welfare

ne ess es Cw
Food electricity


Wealth a good job good income

health fulfilling
social invironment

family friends co workers

community feel accepted feeling of being a part

rather than apart


What are the criteria for social status

parents wealth
self presentation

peer group
family status
social class in the US

upper class the elite super rich

upper middle class rich peoplebusiness
cable to havetheir
middle class relatively wealthy
teacherspoliceofficers normations
carts repaired
wouldn't be able
lower middle dass i they
just get by topayfor a mechanic

lower class I poor need welfare

noion badlypaid


If your parents I family are will probably be in

lower class the lower class
Climb ladder

middle class middle dass 1 50

lower class 258

upper class 1 25

Upper class any of the classes

social mobility seems relatively high as wealth is the

only criterion
Baby Boomer
born in baby boom after secound WW

more konservative
not open
Likable to work

Silent G Baby Boomer Generation X Generation Y Greration

influenced by WI 60s early 80s the Millennials 90s to 2010

war I sosto late so

µg HT

religious influenced bytheUs technologicalrevolutionmore divers generation grow u

papa complain aboutyounger rather conservative moresateyologiccily with socialmedia

stuch in the past by
influenced punkt concerned about and use it a lo
heavymetal privacy
faith and Pessimistic no futuregeneration seit expressive physically less
optimism complaining about aww an unaus
Text Why we insist on labeling generations

Does the concept of generations make any sence Discuss


advertisers are ab labeling is not really accurate

young people in the internet competition between generations

where you can find them not everybody fit in this chema

it visualisses general development put people in boxes

it's difficult to make generlizations

about generation group because

everybody is different and there

seams to be a lack of valid


epinions nl
We should stop using the idea of different generations because

many people fit in

It stresses similarities between groups of people

esp within one generation

B It has advantages for marketing

Labeling generations can have advantages e g for marketing

or predict future developments as long as we're aware of

its imperfections generalisation lach of valid data

5 2512

changes in attitude
Gen Y is more tolerant esp towards LGBTQAlt than previous

generations c 25 sex Orougs alcohol family structures 4.17

they are less committed to traditional institutions

leg religion trade union political parties 111,12

They concentrate more on themselves and their career

rather than on welfare they are more selfish 4.44 46


They grew up in a time of growing wealth and low unemployment

less empathie than previous generations

the tree capitals economic social cultural
CEO seniormanagers
elite t e t t

financeproperty management

middle class


new affluent




GreatBritishclassSurveyl traditional

class system in the Uk defined by wealth

upper class traditional I conservative

middle class more liberal progressive

working dass traditional conservative

Arguments in favour against trans gender equality

trans gender toilets

People only feel constable shaming public toilets with

people of the same sex gender

people who are trans gender often prefer to use the other

people who are cis gender often feel unconftable with that

Jonesopinionon ociete

currant status If you have a high social status you're much

more likely to get away with a crime

Gwen Jones How can we smash the class ceiling

merit the quality of being good and deserving praise or a

good quality

meritocracy a social system society or organisation in which

people get success or power because of their abilities

not because of their money or social status position
What do you learn about

A subjekt at Eton Collage

A way of doing small talk to achieve a goal without mentioning it

a technique to manipulate people

economic inequality is widely accepted as long as there is

equality of opportunity at least as long as people belive in it

Solutions for the class ceiling

education for everyone

transparency about criteria for certain positions

What is insulate Britain and what do they want

eco activists who want more insulated homes in Britain

and a reduction of the use of fossil frets

ecological economic motivation as fuel prices andblocking traffic

a not of older people esp pensioners

What dothey do

Trying to get attention bygloeing themselfes on ground and blocking


Why do they do it
They think the British government isn't doing enough

They don't do it for themselves they don't profit from it

however some of want to save money due to batter insulation

How are they perceived by the public the government

How do people politicans react to them

A not of people disapprove of the protests because they disrupt

their lives
Politicians send police to arrest them

Politicans ask for stricter law's and civil punishment

DO Some research whatthey are famous for
Anja je arno what when where why How

left wing extremistgroup founder in 19701

carriedout bombings niomppingtotherattains in Germany

aired several important people

Theywant to overthrow the government establish a socialist communist state

Eventually most of them ended up in prison

Declared themselves disbandet

Insulate Britain

in favour against

thousands of people are already theyinterruptthe tires or ordinary

dying fromclimate change people it's not their fault

in comparison the disruptions Treyshouldbrace the politicians

are just small inconveniences offices parlament etc

problems thegovernmentwouldn't to be againstthem theywon't

reach theirgoats

Trey should find a different

form or protest that is

backed bythe majority

Oral Exam Example

You glued yourselves on the ground to protest again climate

change Your partner is a motorist and is blocked by you

Male a discussion between you and your partner and discuss

the advantages and disadvantages


Who Rat trailing barstaff nurses miouiver pandemics

where all over Uk especially in England

why higher wages better working conditions

they found compromises with employers but not with Wrestminster

hynot fear that other workers will demand the same

Fear of a spiralling inflation

they are careful about tax money

largest decrease in household income

since WWI

options The nurses get a not of support

The public is understanding in general still

Sonets poet director actor comedies

son of Glovemaler Äanespeare
married to Anne MacBeth
Elisabethan era Hamlet

the Renaissance

e o
big impact
j attracted all classes

the Globe 2300g

timeless plays

On Englishlanguage and characters

the tragic flow
one are more characte
havegot a flaw in th
personality which leads
to the inevitab

some actors were real stars and became quite rich
travelled a lot

few props

few actors 1 actor 3 4rotes

Shakespear is the most frequently quoted and most filmedauthor

Other contemporary winters questioned his education and sprayed mud on him


Elisabethan era the Renaissance

explorers relativepeace

inventions e g printing stability

science questioning ancient Unolledget an era of chang

µ g an ananas aus prosper

religion transition from Catholic Church to Growing wealth

Church of England

Theatres were very popular although tickets were quite expensive

up to a day's wagel

stage gestures
ar lines
improve play
rote attention



history plays
Why do people still get hooked on Shakespeare

timeless character of the plays

relatable characters and story telling

love I hate life I death free will fate war peace young 1 old

loyality betrayal timeless contrasts

S deals with the big questions in lite

Being an actor in Shakespearean times

Not many earned enough to make a living

To keep customers coming plays had to be changed constantly

They had to remember up to 15,000 lines and up to

30 plays at the same time
Tough rules for actors harsh punishment
The theatre groups owned the plays and not the playright
the scripts were kept locked away in the companies

Rome und Juliette

setting Verona Italy

background Romeo Juliet belong to two different families who

hate each other Capulet Montage

plot R T fall in love but they can't be together

They decide to elope to run away together

With the help of a priest
Juliet fakes her death
Writes a letter to Romeo explaining the trick
Their families think they're dead and they
can elope
But Romeo doesn't get the letter thinks Juliet
had died and kills himself Juliet wales up
sees Romeo and kills herself too

themes fate free will love hate life death loyalty betrayal

Is Romeo and Juliet a typical Shahesearean play

choice of themes the main

characters die

There is no tragic flaw their love is too strong

The world they live in is too
cruel and don't allow their love

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