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This Chapter Present the summary, insights and recommendation acquired from

the data presented and analyzed from the precious chapter.


The study was conducted at KNCHS (Koronadal National Comprehensive High

School). This study is entitled "The Perceived Effects of Misbehavior Among KNCHS

Grade 11 HUMSS 2 Students." There are three` SOP of this research: (1) What are the

struggles of having misbehavior among Grade 11 HUMSS 2 students? (2) Do parents

or guardians believe that student misbehavior negatively affects their child's academic

performance and social development? (3) How do Senior High School students of

Grade 11 HUMSS 2 cope with the negative effects experienced due to misbehavior?

The participants of this research are HUMSS 2 students who are enrolled in KNCHS

Senior High. The questionnaire will be the primary instrument used in this study. We

employed a purposive sampling technique to select participants, seeking permission

from the teacher and principal in the Senior High School (SHS) Department to

administer the questionnaires and conduct interviews. According to our research, there

are numerous perceived effects of misbehavior among Grade 11 HUMSS 2 students.


The previous chapter described the experiences of the students in KNCHS

Grade 11 HUMSS 2 and how they dealt with the misbehavior of their classmates. It

primarily focused on the main problem faced by the students and their reactions to

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these challenges. Additionally, the chapter discussed the perceived effects of the study

and outlined the methods used to conduct the research.


Based on the study's findings, analysis, and insights, the following

recommendations are suggested to implement a comprehensive discipline policy that

clearly communicates behavioral expectations and consequences. Conduct workshops

or seminars on character development and values education to foster the growth of

Grade 11 HUMSS 2 students' character and values. Additionally, foster collaboration

between teachers and parents to address misbehavior early on, ensuring timely support

and guidance. Lastly, promote a supportive and inclusive school culture through positive

peer relationships and anti-bullying campaigns, creating a safe and welcoming

environment for all Grade 11 HUMSS 2 students. By implementing these measures, a

positive learning environment can be created, encouraging their personal and academic




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