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Proposition: Let it be resolved that the PUV system in the Philippines be reformed

3rd Speaker (Practicability) – Vinz Sultan

 Reforming the transportation system in the Philippines is a practical and
necessary endeavor.
 While it is common knowledge that Jeepneys are able to transport many
passengers, the existing Traditional Jeepneys are old making them unsafe and
inefficient. The need to replace them is more practical than repairing them
because almost all of them are beyond repair anyway, and should be eliminated.
o Sure, it might be costly but the return of investment is more practical
rather than spending more money on repairs wherein operators and
drivers suffer more losses.
 We propose that part of the reform is the government also extending help to the
by providing funds as subsidy and extending loans for the gradual transition so
that it will not be a burden for the operator to acquire new units.
 I have __ arguments to prove the practicability of this reform.

1. It is feasible
o There is an estimated budget and there is already a budget allocated.
o In fact, we’ve already started with the pilot implementation of the PUV
Modernization Program in some areas in Metro Manila, Iloilo, Cebu, and
Davao. And it has been successful. Thus, we propose the continued
implementation of the same nationwide.
o While side NEGATIVE may argue that the program will be expensive, we
would argue that the return of investment is large and worth it.
o This is practical because:
 An estimated PHP 34 Billion worth of jobs can be retained.
 People will also spend less travel time because of efficiency.
 Billions of pesos can be saved from Fuel and Vehicle Operating
 And pollution will be reduced.
o Conclusion
 Therefore, we argue that the reform has long-term and sustainable
impacts such that it is a worthy investment for the government and
for the Philippine economy.

2. There will be better mobility and safety of passengers
o What is the problem/context?
 Outdated jeepneys are like running coffins. Even though this
humble ‘jeepney’ dominates the transport system in the country,
overloading is a common problem, the maximum capacity is not
followed, imposes high risks due to the minimum capacity of
passengers. The running condition and operation were also road
hazard for being old and often times lead to engine failure that
cause traffic jam or accidents.
 Upgrading to modern PUVs which have higher passenger capacity
improving quality of life of passengers. This will minimize accidents
because of overload and reduce traffic jams due to the numerous
jeepneys congested as there are a lot of commuters.
o Conclusion
 Therefore, we argue that the goal of PUV modernization is to
provide Philippine citizens with safe, environmentally sound, quality
public transportation systems. To do so, the program’s components
have been set up not only to transform the public transport fleet to
be cleaner and low emitting, but also to organize and consolidate
operators that compete for and in routes. To support this, the
program also included institutional and financial mechanisms (e.g.,
loan programs and training).

3. We lessen the need to use private vehicles because modernized PUVs are able
to provide the same service and comfort
o This is true because by modernizing our PUVs:
 You can enjoy a less stressful journey by letting someone else do
the driving so you give the commuters the opportunity to rest, sleep
or eat while traveling
 You also save more time having to worry about finding a parking
 Using public transport is cheaper as well compared to owning and
operating a car. High fuel cost is less practical, you can save by
commuting and you don't have to think about the maintenance like
change oil, repair and replacement of parts, and payment for the
renewal of OR/CR.
 It is available anytime and accessible to all, and it is able to provide
comfort as it is modernized.
o Conclusion
 Therefore, we argue that the modernized jeepney provides more
advantages and is practical, as it lessens traffic congestion, and it
also allows for commuters to save money, time, and energy
FOURTH ARGUMENT: (can be scrapped)
4. Practical use of fixed drop-off and pick-up points for drivers, operators, and
o What the modernization program includes is the establishment of fixed
drop-off and pick-up points for commuters. This means that PUVs are also
able to efficiently plan ahead of time
o Continuous flow of vehicles because PUVs stop only in a designated area
o prevent passengers from trying to board or alight in hazardous situations
such as at intersections or where a bus is turning and is not using the curb
o It provides the users better accessibility and reliability of the public
transportation system since it is fixed in a certain location
o More stops will make the service slower and travel times less predictable,
if limited drop off point means faster service
o Allows the passengers to plan out their route for multiple errands
o Reduces waste of time
o Foreigner/tourist friendly could easily understand the route system and
avoid confusion, where to ride or what to ride.
Therefore, we argue that establishment of fixed points of loading and unloading
areas as part of the Modernization program is practical. It is systematic that it provides
less time in travel and make people productive.

In conclusion, on our side Jeepney Modernization is Practical because of the

1. It is feasible and has a great return of investment that is practical and impactful to
our economy
2. It provides better mobility and safety of passengers as it is safe, environmentally
sound, quality public transportation system rather than the old or traditional jeepney
3. It lessens the need for private vehicles because modernized PUVs are able to
provide the same service and comfort therefore reducing traffic congestion
4. (The practical use of fixed drop-off and pick-up points for drivers, operators, and
passengers, less time mean productivity and positive impact on the economy).

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