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1). What comprises of Indian Parliament?
(a) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha;
(b) Vice President, Rajya Sabha & Speaker, Lok Sabha;
(c) President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(d) Prime Minister, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.

2) Which of the following statements with regard to the Parliament is correct?

1.The Parliament consists of the President and two houses (the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha).
2.The Parliament has 33% of seats reserved for women;
3.Not more than 20 members of Lok Sabha represent the Union Territories who may be elected in the manner
provided by a law of the Parliament.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a.1,2 and 3;
b.Only 2;
c.1 and 3;
d.2 and 3.

3) A sitting of a House can be called and adjourned by –

(a) The Presiding Officer of the House;
(b) The President of India;
(c) Secretary-General of respective House
(d) Prime Minister.

4) What is the required Quorum in Parliament for valid transaction of business?

(a) One tenth of the total number of members of the House, including the presiding officer of the House; (b) One fifth
of the total number of members of the House including the presiding officer of the House;
(c) One twentieth of the total number of members of the House including the presiding officer of the House;
(d) None of the above is incorrect.

5) What is meant by ‘adjourning the House sine die’?

(a) Adjourning the House till reconstitution of the House after fresh elections;
(b) Adjourning to meet after a specified time;
(c) Postponing of a sitting of a House without any definite date for next sitting.

6) What happens to the business pending in the House, on adjournment of the House sine die?
(a) All the items of business lapse;
(b) Only certain business lapse, as provided in the Rules of that particular House;
(c) The business pending before the House does not lapse.

7) A Session of Parliament is called & prorogued by –

(a) The Speaker Lok Sabha;
(b) The Chairman Rajya Sabha;
(c) The President
(d) Prime Minister

8) When is it customary for the President to address both the Houses of Parliament assembled together?
(a) At the commencement of the first session after each general elections to the House of People;
(b) At the commencement of first session each year;
(c) On both the occasions as in (a) and (b) above;
(d) None of the above is correct.

9) What happens to the business pending in the House, on the prorogation of the House?
(a) The entire business pending before the House lapses;
(b) All business pending before the House, except what is saved by Article 107(3) of the Constitution and Rule 284,
335 and 336 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha, lapses.
(c) No pending business lapses

10) What is NOT true regarding bills pending consequent to ‘dissolution’ of Lok Sabha?
(a) A bill pending in the Lok Sabha lapses;
(b) A bill pending in the Rajya Sabha but not yet passed by the Lok Sabha also lapses
(c) A bill passed by the Lok Sabha but pending in Rajya Sabha also lapses.

11) Parliament Questions are of –
(a) Five Kinds;
(b) Four kinds;
(c) Three kinds;
(d) None is correct.

12) What is NOT TRUE about Closure and Guillotine in the context of Parliament?
(a) Both Closure and Guillotine are used for winding up of a particular ongoing discussion in the House;
(b) While Closure, requires a motion by a Member of the House, Guillotine does not require any motion;
(c) While Guillotine is used by the Speaker to cut short discussions on Demands for Grant, ‘closure’ can be moved by
any member;
(d) While Closure means closing the main doors of the House to enable ‘voting’, Guillotine is a sharp decorative blade
exhibited in the House.

13) Which one of the following statements is/are incorrect vis-à-vis Parliament procedure?
(a) Bulletin of a House and List of Business are one and the same.
(b) Bulletin is a publication containing information relating to the business of Parliamentary committees also.
(c) List of Business is prepared by the Secretary-General of the House containing details of business for that particular
(d) No business, not included in the list of business for the day shall, normally, be transacted at any sitting without the
permission of the Speaker.

14) Which one of the following statements is/are incorrect vis-à-vis Parliament business?
(a) A document to be laid on the Table of either House should be authenticated by the Minister concerned, preferably
on the front page.
(b) Prescribed number of copies of such a document should be sent to the Secretariat of the House concerned, at
least two clear days in advance.
(c) The Secretariat of the House concerned should be informed whether copies of such document are kept ready for
supply to the Members.
(d) Such documents can be released to the press as soon as the Minister authenticates them.

15) What is the maximum number of words prescribed for a Parliament question?
(a) 250 words;
(b) 200 words
(c) 150 words
(d) 100 words.

16) What is the maximum number of Starred Questions that could be placed in the list of questions on any particular
(a) Fifteen;
(b) Twelve;
(c) Eighteen;
(d) Twenty.

17) Which one of the following statements vis-à-vis Parliament Questions is/are incorrect?
(a)A Parliament Question shall not ordinarily contain less than 150 words;
(b)A Parliament Question shall not repeat, in substance, questions already answered or to which an answer has been
(c)A Parliament Question shall not ordinarily ask for information on matters which are under consideration of a
Parliamentary Committee;
(d)A Parliament Question shall not reflect on the character or conduct of any person whose conduct can only be
challenged on a substantive motion;

18) Which one of the following vis-à-vis Parliament Questions is/are incorrect?
(a)To get an oral answer, an ( * ) mark should be put at the right hand top corner of the Question.
(b)Only one Starred Question will be accepted from one member on a particular day.
(c)A Member of Parliament can put both Starred and Unstarred Question together.
(d)If an MP gives notice for many unstarred questions, a total of 5 unstarred questions will only be listed for a day.

19) Which one of the following vis-à-vis Parliament Questions is/are incorrect?
(a)A total of 230 unstarred questions could be listed for one day. (There could be an addn. of 25 question pertaining
to State/States under Presidents’ Rule)
(b)A supplementary question consequent to Oral answer to a question may be held ‘out of order’ if in the opinion of
the Speaker that instead of seeking information, it gives information or it seeks confirmation or denial of an opinion.

(c)A Question may be addressed to a PRIVATE MEMBER provided it relates to a bill, resolution or any other matter for
which that particular member is responsible.
(d)If the ‘last sitting of a Session’ is cancelled, the Questions in the lists of Questions for oral as well as written answer
for that day shall be carried over to first sitting of next session.

20) What is Zero Hour?

(a) First hour of the sitting of the House;
(b) The gap between the Question hour and the starting of the day’s business;
(c) The last half-an-hour of the day;
(d) None of the above.

21) Which one of the following vis-à-vis Half-an-hour discussion(Rule 55) is/are incorrect?
(a)Half-an-hour is allotted, on 3 sittings in a week, for discussion on a matter of public importance which has been the
subject of a recent question, Oral or Written, and the answer to which needs further elucidation.
(b)A member wishing to raise such a matter has to give notice in writing to the Secretary-General of the House
concerned three days in advance;
(c)Only one Half-an-Hour discussion is allowed in one sitting and only one discussion is allowed in the name of one
member in a week. No member can raise more than three discussions in one session.
(d) After ‘the member’ makes the statement, not more than FOUR members (intimated before commencement of the
sitting), can put questions for further clarification before the reply of the Minister. There is no motion nor any voting.

22) Which one of the following vis-à-vis Short duration discussions (Rule 193) is/are incorrect?
(a)An MP may give Notice for raising a discussion on a ‘matter of urgent public importance’ together with an
explanatory note stating the reasons and urgency.
(b)The Notice for ‘short duration discussion’ should be supported by atleast two members.
(c)The Speaker or the Chairman, as may be the case, may allow not more than TWO HOURS at or before the end of
the sitting. He may allow two sittings in a week for Short Duration Discussion.
(d)When called by the Presiding Officer, the MP makes a brief Statement and the Minister briefly replies. The MP who
gave notice has ‘the right to reply’.

23) Which one of the following vis-à-vis Suo Motu Statement (Rule 372) is/are incorrect?
(a)A Minister may make a Suo Moto Statement under Rule 372, on a matter of public importance, with the consent of
the Speaker.
(b)If there are any questions or Calling Attention or Adjournment Motion on the issue, the Suo Moto Statement should
cover all the relevant points. No question shall be asked.
(c) At least two copies should be given to the Lok Sabha Secretariat one day in advance or atleast at 10 AM on the
day on which the Statement is proposed.
(d)This will be included in the Agenda on the date as indicated by the Minister and normally as the last item of the

24) Consider the following statements:

i.A Parliament Question is addressed by correct name and designation of a Minister.
ii. Parliament Question may also be addressed to a Private Member if a Pvt. Member bill introduced by that MP is
under consideration of the House.
a. Both the statements are incorrect.;
b. Both the statements are correct.;
c.Statement (i) is correct and (ii) is incorrect;
d.Statement (ii) is correct and at (i) is incorrect.

25) What is a Motion?

(a) A formal proposal brought before the House for eliciting a decision or expressing the opinion of the House;
(b) Generally, no discussion on a matter can take place in the House except on a motion made with the consent of the
Speaker or the Chairman, as the case may be.
(c) Both are correct;
(d) Both are incorrect.

26) What is not part of process of a Motion in the House of Parliament?

(a) Moving the motion and proposing the question by the Speaker/Chairman;
(b) Debate or discussion where permissible;
(c) Vote or decision of the House
(d) Sending it to the assent of the President.

27) What is not a kind of Motion?

(a) Substantive
(b) Subordinate;
(c) Substitute
(d) Subsidiary

28) Which one of the following is correct, regarding a Substantive Motion?

(a) A Substative Motion is a self-contained independent proposal, capable of expressing a decision of the House.
(b) It neither depends on nor arises out of another motion.
(c) The Motion of Thanks on the President’s Address, Motion for adjournment, Motion of no-confidence, Motion for
election or removal of Speaker or Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, etc. and all Resolutions are substantive motions.
(d) All are correct.

29) Which one of the following is correct, regarding a Substitute Motion?

(a) It is moved in substitution of the Original Motion, proposing an alternative to it
(b) Before the discussion on original motion commences, any member can move a substitute motion.
(c) Discussion is held on both the original and substitute motions together.
(d) All are correct.

30) Which one of the following is NOT correct, regarding a Subsidiary Motion?
(a) They are of three kinds viz. Ancillary, Superseding and Subordinate Motions;
(b) They depend upon or relate to other motions
(c) Most of them are dilatory motions

31) “That the Bill be recommitted to a Select Committee”. What kind of Motion is it?
(a) Ancillary Motion;
(b) Superceding Motion;
(c) Amendment;
(d) Substantive Motion.

32) “That the amount of the Demand be reduced to Re.1/-“. What kind of motion is this?
(a) Token cut Motion;
(b) Sample Cut Motion;
(c) Economy Cut Motion;
(d) Disapproval of Policy Cut Motion.

33) "That the amount of the Demand be reduced by Rs…… (specified amount)". What kind of Motion is it?
(a) Token cut Motion;
(b) Sample Cut Motion;
(c) Economy Cut Motion;
(d) Disapproval of Policy Cut Motion.

34) Which of the following is correct with regard to moving a ‘no confidence motion’?
(a) No Confidence Motion is moved in Lok Sabha under its Rule No.198(1);
(b) Speaker will grant leave only if not less than 50 members support the motion when the motion is moved;
(c) Moving such a motion becomes a possibility because of the provision in Article 75(3) which says, the COM is
collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha;
(d) All the above are correct.

35) Which of the following is correct with regard to moving a ‘no confidence motion’?
(a) A Motion moved in Lok sabha expressing ‘lack of confidence in the COM’ is called the No Confidence Motion;
(b) After leave to move the motion is granted, detailed discussion takes place
(c) After the members have spoken, usually the PM himself replies to the charges leveled, followed by reply by the
mover of the motion and voting.
(d) All the above are correct.

36) What is correct relating to Calling Attention Motion?

(a) It is moved under Rule 197 of the Lok Sabha;
(b) Not more than two matters will be taken in one sitting;
(c) Minister concerned comes to the House with full details including a Note for supplementaries;
(d) All are correct.

37) Which of the following is incorrect about the Adjournment motion?

(a) Only one adjournment motion will be moved in one sitting and not more than one matter shall be discussed in the
same motion;
(b) The matter raised in the adjournment motion should not be subjudice;
(c) Atleast fifty members should support the Notice for adjournment motion;
(d) When leave is granted, the business of the House is brought to a grinding halt instantly.

38) Which one of the following vis-à-vis ‘Censure Motion’ is/are incorrect?
(a)Whereas a ‘motion of no-confidence’ need not specify any grounds on which it is based, a censure motion must set
out the grounds or charges on which it is based.
(b)Censure motion can be moved against the Council of Ministers or an individual minister or a group of ministers for
the failure or against their policy.
(c)There is no specific provision in the Rules for the moving of a censure motion; such a motion is governed by the
rules applicable to motions in general.
(d)Leave of the House is required to move a censure motion.

39) Who presides over the Lok Sabha when the offices of both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker fall vacant?
(a) The Vice-President, on the orders of the President, will preside over the Lok Sabha;
(b) The Senior Most member of the Lok Sabha automatically guided to the Chair by the Leader of the House and the
Leader of Opposition;
(c) The duties of the Speaker will be performed by such member of Lok Sabha as the President may appoint, who will
be known as Speaker pro-term.
(d) All the above are incorrect.

40) Which one of the following vis-à-vis ‘Parliamentary Assurance’ is/are incorrect?
(a)Directions by the Speaker/Dy Speaker/Presiding Officer and assurances by Ministers are compiled by the Ministry of
Parliamentary Affairs as Assurances and sent to concerned units. Normal time limit for compliance of assurance is six
months, unless extended by Minister for Parliamentary Affairs.
(b)Each Section of a Ministry, maintains a Register of Assurances for Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha separately and
(c)The progress of compliance will be reviewed by the Section Officer every week. The Branch Officer will check the
register every fortnight if the House is in session and once in a month if the House is not in session.
(d) The S.O. should take advance action for extension of time beyond permissible time limit. Minister in charge should
approve the extension. The Branch officer will keep the higher officers and the Minister informed of the extent of
implementation and delay, if any.

41) When a non-Money bill is passed by both the Houses of Parliament, it is forwarded to the President who has the
following options. Indicate which one of these is incorrect.
(1) The President can give his assent straight-away;
(2) He can declare withholding of his assent;
(3) He can send the Bill for reconsideration. If the Bill is reconsidered and passed again, he has to give his assent.
(a) All are correct;
(b) All but (1) are correct;
(c) All but (2) are correct;
(d) All are incorrect.

42) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis ‘secret sitting’ in Parliament.

(1) The Speaker can convene a secret sitting of Lok Sabha on the request made by the Leader of Opposition;
(2) The Chairman can convene a secret sitting of the Rajya Sabha on the request of Leader of the House;
(3) While the Lok Sabha is in secret sitting, no stranger is allowed in the Chamber or lobby. However, Members of the
Rajya Sabha and Officials in ‘official gallery’ can be present.
(4) When the need for secrecy ceased to exist, a Motion will be moved by the Leader of the House or any other
Member of Parliament authorised in this behalf to terminate the secret sitting.
(a)All are incorrect;
(b)All are correct;
(c) All but (4) are incorrect;
(d) All but (2) are incorrect.

43) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Parliamentary Committees:

(1) Parliamentary committees are of two kinds viz. Ad hoc committees and Standing committees;
(2) Ad hoc committees are temporarily constituted for a particular purpose and then they are wound up.
(3) Some of them are WATCH DOG committees over the executives e.g., Committee on Govt. assurances, all the
Finance committees.
(4) Committee system is available only in Lok Sabha. No committees in Rajya Sabha.
(a)All are incorrect;
(b)All are correct;
(c) All but (4) are correct;
(d) All but (2) are correct.

44) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Parliamentary Committees:

(1) Finance Committees and Committee for the Welfare of the SC/ST are elected Committees.
(2) No unwilling MP is appointed to a Parliamentary Committee; The Chairman of the Committee shall be appointed by
the Speaker from amongst its members.
(3) If the Speaker/Dy.Speaker is member of a Committee, he functions as an ex-officio Chairman of the Committee.
(4) The quorum to constitute a sitting of the Committee shall be, generally around 1/3 rd of the total number of the
members of the Committee.
(a)All but (3) are correct;
(b) All but (4) are correct;
(c) All are correct;
(d) All are incorrect.

45) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Parliamentary Committees:

(1)The sittings of the Committee shall be held in private and generally within the precincts of the Parliament House.
(2)The Committee may sit while the House is sitting and the members will be called to the House if there is need for
their participation in a ‘division’.
(3)A Parliamentary Committee may make special reports even if such matter is beyond its terms of reference.
(4)Prorogation of the House does not result in the dissolution of the Committee which can continue its business.
(a)All but (3) are correct;
(b) All but (4) are correct;
(c) All are correct;
(d) All are incorrect.

46) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Public Accounts Committee:

(1) PAC consists of 15 members elected by the Lok Sabha and 7 members of the Rajya Sabha.
(2) Chairman is appointed from among the members of the Committee. If Dy. Speaker is a member, he will function
as the Chairman.
(3) The Chairman of PAC is normally selected from one of the Opposition parties. Present PAC Chairman is Dr.M.M.
(4) A Minister is not eligible for election to this Committee. The term of the Committee is one year.
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (4) are correct;
(d) All but (3) are correct.

47) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Estimates Committee:

(1) This Committee consists of 30 members—all elected from the Lok Sabha every year.
(2) A Minister is not eligible for election to this Committee. Chairman is nominated from among the members. If
Deputy Speaker is a member, he is the Chairman.
(3) The term of the Committee is one year.
(4) Present Chairman of this Committee is Chezhian.
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (4) are correct;
(d) All but (3) are correct.

48) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Committee on Public Undertakings:

(1) This Committee consists of 15 members elected by the Lok Sabha and 6 members of Rajya Sabha; (2) Chairman is
appointed by the Speaker from among the members.
(3) A Minister is not eligible for election to this Committee. The term of the Committee is one year.
(4) Its functions include examination of reports, if any, of the Comptroller and Auditor General, on Public
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (1) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

49) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Committee on Welfare of SC/STs:

(1) Like the Estimates Committee, this Committee also has 30 members, all from the Lok Sabha;
(2) Chairman is nominated by the Speaker among the members.
Its term is one year. Ministers are not eligible to be elected to this Committee.
(3) Its functions include examination of the report of National Commission on SC/ST (Article-338) and suggest
measures taken by the Union Government.
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (1) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

50) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Business Advisory Committee:

(1) This Committee of Lok Sabha consists of including the Speaker who is the ex-officio Chairman.
(2) Similar Committee functions for Rajya Sabha with 11 members headed by the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
(3) Lok Sabha Committee members are nominated by the Speaker. Almost all sections of the House are represented in
the Committee;
(4) Function of the Committee is to recommend the time that should be allotted for each of the business in the House.
Decisions reached by the Committee are always unanimous.
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (1) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

No. of Questions: 30 Time: 20 minutes
1) Which one among the following statements about pro-tem speaker of Lok Sabha is NOT correct?
a. Normally, the senior most MP is appointed as pro-tem speaker.He/She is appointed by the President of India;
b. He/She takes oath/affirmation before the President in the Central Hall of Parliament;
c. The Pro-tem Speaker presides over the first sitting of the Lok Sabha. He/She administers oath/affirmation to
the newly elected Members of Lok Sabha;
d. Pro-tem is a Latin phrase which means “for the time being”. On the election of new Speaker, the office of
the pro tem speaker ceases to exist.
2) Which one of the following statements regarding Half-an-hour discussions in Lok Sabha is correct?
a.The Speaker may allot half-an-hour every day during the session;
b. A member wishing to raise a matter shall give notice to the Secretary General in writing.
c. There shall be a formal motion before the House.
d. Notice for Half-an-hour discussion can be given on any matter whether it is a subject of a recent occurrence or not.

3) Which of the following statements if is/are correct?

1. The Speaker holds office from the date of his election till immediately before the first meeting of Lok Sabha
after the dissolution of the one to which he was elected.
2. He/She also presides over the joint sitting of both the Houses of Parliament, in case the Speaker is absent
from such a sitting.
3.The Speaker may resign his office by writing under his hand to President.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a).1,2 and 3; (b). 1 and 2 only; (c).1 only; (d) 2 and 3 only.

4) Who presides over the House in the absence of both the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker?
(a) Any one of the Chairpersons from a panel of 10 LS members nominated by the Speaker may preside over the
(b) Every such time, the President appoints one the LS members as Presiding Officer
(c) Senior most member of the House presides
(d) All are incorrect.

5) The speaker’s vote in the Lok Sabha is called –

(a) Casting Vote; (b) Sound Vote; (c) Direct vote; (d) Indirect vote.

6) Consider the following statements comparing the Appropriation Bill and Finance Bill:
1.No amendments can be moved in case of Appropriation Bill, while they can be in case of Financial Bill;
2.The Appropriation Bill is meant only for withdrawal of money from the Consolidated Fund of India, while the Finance
Bill is meant for both withdrawal and putting resources of taxation into the Consolidated Fund.
3.Appropriation Bill can be rejected in Rajya Sabha, while the Finance Bill cannot be.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a.1 and 2; b.Only 3; c.1 and 3; d.All of these.

7) Consider the following statements regarding the legislative process in Parliament & indicate which one is right:
1.A bill can be referred to a Select/Joint Committee of Parliament at the first, second or third reading.
2.A bill passed by one House, must be passed by the other House within 6 months of its receiving the bill;
3.At the joint-sitting of the two Houses to pass a Bill, only the difference between the Houses are resolved through
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
a. Only 1; b. Only 2; c. 2 and 3; d. All of these.

8) Consider the following points of differences between a private member bill and a government bill:
1.Private member bill has to be drafted by the member himself without any secretarial assistance unlike a Government
bill; 2. Introduction of a Private Member bill requires one months notice as compared to the notice of 7 days in the
case of Govt. bill. 3. Private bill reflects the stand of the opposition whereas the Govt. bill reflects the stand of the
ruling party or the coalition. 4. No private bill could be introduced by a non-Minister from the ruling party.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
a. 1 and 2;
b.1,2 and 3;
c. 2 and 3;
d.1 and 4.

9) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Committee on Pvt. Member Bills and Resolutions:
(1) This Committee is constituted after each general elections and thereafter on 1st June each year. (2) This
Committee consists of 15 members and the Deputy Speaker is its Chairman when nominated as a member of the
Committee. The Committee is nominated by the Speaker.
(3) The function of the Committee is to allot time for examination of Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions.
(4) In case, the bill seeks to amend the Constitution, it is considered by this committee, before its introduction in
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (1) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

10) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Committee on Committee on Subordinate Legislation:
(1)This Committee consists of 15 members, nominated by the Speaker. Chairman is appointed from among the
members, by the Speaker. This Committee in RS also has 15 members.
(2) Minister is not nominated to this Committee. The term of the Committee is one year.
(3) Functions of this Committee includes scrutinizing and reporting whether the rules (subordinate legislation) have
been made within the powers provided by the Constitution/Act of the Parliament;
(4) To examine whether there is any delay in making the rules, whether the Rules are ambiguous etc.
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (1) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

11) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Committee on Govt. Assurances:

(1) This Committee consists of 15 members nominated by the Speaker.
(2) A Minister is not nominated to this Committee.
(3) Ministers at times give assurances or undertakings either to consider a matter or to take action or to furnish the
House further information later. These are treated as assurances.
(4) The functions of this Committee are to scrutinize whether these assurances etc. have been implemented within a
period of 2 months;
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (1) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

12) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Committee on Petitions:

(1) This Committee consists of 15 members nominated by the Speaker.
(2) A Minister is not nominated to this Committee. If an MP nominated to this committee ultimately becomes a
Minister, he should resign.
(3) The Committee examines every petition presented to the House or referred to it.
(4) Petitions which are not referred to it by the Speaker are not examined by the Committee.
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (1) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

13) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Committee on Empowerment of women:

(1) The Committee consists of 30 members, 20 nominated by the Speaker from amongst the members of Lok Sabha
and 10 nominated by the Chairman, Rajya Sabha from amongst the members of the Rajya Sabha.
(2) The term of the Committee is of one year.
(3) The Committee has been primarily mandated with the task of reviewing and monitoring the measures taken by
the Union Government in the direction of securing for women equality, status and dignity in all matters.
(4) The Committee would also consider the report of the National Commission for Women.
(a) All are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (1) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

14) A Bill which is reserved for the consideration of the President who has to declare his assent within -
a. a maximum period of 6 months;
b. a maximum period of 3 months;
c. No time is imposed by the Constitution upon the President either to declare his assent or withhold;
d. None of the above.

15) Which one of the following statements with regard to the Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana is NOT correct?
a. It was launched in the year 2014 on the birth anniversary of Lal Bahadur Shastri.
b. Members of the Parliament will adopt villages to create model villages.
c. District Magistrates will act as coordinates.
d. A Rajya Sabha MP has to choose a Gram Panchayat in the State from which he or she was elected.

16) In which of the following cases is it compulsory for Governor to send the Bill to the President for consideration?
a.Any kind of Money Bill;
b.Any kind of non Money Bill;
c.Where the law in question would derogate from the powers of the High Court under the constitution; d.Where the
law in question is related to control of law and order within the territory of the State.

17) Which of the following are the right provisions regarding the joint sitting of two Houses for resolving the deadlock
on a Bill?
1.Joint sitting can also be called for Financial Bills under Article-117;
2.Joint sitting is governed by the rules of procedure of Lok Sabha and not those of Rajya Sabha.
3.The presiding officer during the joint sitting is the Speaker of Lok Sabha and in his absence, the Deputy Speaker of
Lok Sabha and in his absence, a member of the panel of Chairpersons of Lok Sabha.
4.Joint Sitting is organised through an agreement between the presiding officers of Lok Sabha and Rajaya Sabha.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
a.1 and 2;
b.1,2 and 3;
c.3 and 4;
d.All of these.

18) In which among the following situations Division in the House is essential?
1.Passing of a money bill; 2.Passing of any resolution of national importance; 3.Amending the Constitution; 4.Passing
a No-Confidence Motion
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
a. 1,2,3 and 4; b. 1,3 and 4 only; c. 1 and 2 only; d. 3 and 4 only.

19) Which of the following is correct with reference to ‘breach of privilege’ of Parliament?
(1) Parliamentary Privileges are certain rights and immunities enjoyed by members of Parliament, individually
and collectively, so that they can “effectively discharge their functions”.
(2)When any of these rights and immunities are disregarded, the offence is called a breach of privilege and is
punishable under rules of Parliament.
(3)A notice is moved in the form of a motion by any member of either House against those being held guilty
of breach of privilege.
(4)The Speaker/Chairperson can decide on the privilege motion himself or herself or refer it to the privileges
committee of the Parliament.
a. All are correct;
b. 1,3 and 4 only;
c. 1 and 2 only;
d. 3 and 4 only.

20) Which among the following actions may be initiated by the Speaker in the event of grave disorder occasioned by a
Member coming into the well of the House or abusing the rules of the House persistently and wilfully obstructing the
business by shouting slogans or otherwise?
1. Such Member may be suspended from the House for five consecutive sittings or for the reminder of the Session
whichever is less;
2. The Speaker may adjourn or suspend the business of the House in case of grave disorder;
3. The Speaker may direct the Member to withdraw from the House;
4. The Speaker may send the Member to judicial custody.
Select the Correct answer using the codes given below:
a.1,2,3 and 4; b. 1,2 and 3 only; c. 1 and 4 only; d. 2 and 3 only.

21) Which of the following circumstances would lead to the resignation of the Union government?
1.When Parliament fails to pass the budget;
2.When Parliament fails to pass a Constitution Amendment Bill introduced by the Government.
3.When a Bill introduced by the government cannot be passed in the Rajya Sabha.
4.When the vote after the debate on a motion for discussing a major policy initiative of the government goes against
the government.
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
a.1,3 and 4;
b.1 and 4;
c.None of these;
d.All of these.

22) Which of the following is correct with reference to ‘breach of privilege’ of Parliament?
(1) Rule No 222 in Chapter 20 of the Lok Sabha Rule Book and correspondingly Rule 187 in Chapter 16 of
the Rajya Sabha rulebook governs privilege.
(2)The Constitution also extends the parliamentary privileges to certain other dignitaries like the Attorney
General of India.
(3)The parliamentary privileges do not extend to the President who is also an integral part of the
Parliament. Article 361 of the Constitution provides for privileges for the President.
(4)Privilege Committee is a Standing Committee to examine breach of privilege cases. Lok Sabha committee
has 15 members, while the Rajya Sabha committee has 10 members.
a. All are correct; b. 1,3 and 4 only; c. 1 and 2 only; d. 3 and 4 only.

23)Which of the following statements vis-à-vis Private Member bills is/are incorrect?
a)Two and a half hours are allotted in the Lok Sabha on every alternative Friday for Private Member Bills. The other
alternative Friday is allotted for Private Member Resolutions.
b)In Rajya Sabha the entire sitting except the Question hour of a Friday is allotted to Private member business.
c)The stages through which a Government Bill and Private Member Bill have to cross are the same in the Parliament.
d)A Private Member can introduce a maximum of three bills in a session.

24) Wlhich of the following statements vis-à-vis Official bills is/are INCORRECT?
(1)Financial Memoranda inviting attention to the clauses envisaging expenditure should be got prepared by the MoF.
(2)A Memorandum explaining the proposal for ‘delegation of legislative power’ should be got prepared by DoPT.
(3)Recommendation of the President to introduce certain bills have to be obtained by the Administrative Ministry.
(a)All the three statements are correct;
(b) None of the statements is correct;
(c) 1 and 3 correct;
(d) No.3 alone is correct.

25)Consider the following statements vis-à-vis introduction of official bills:

(1) On the day allotted, the Minister in Charge of the Bill will move a motion for leave of the House to introduce the
(2)If leave is granted, the Bill will be introduced.
(3)This stage is called the 'first reading'.
(4)If the motion for leave is opposed, the Speaker at his discretion can allow the bill to be introduced.
(a)All the Statements are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) Only (1) and (2) are correct;
(d)All but (4) are correct.

26) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis bills becoming Act:

(1) Introductory stage of the bill in Parliament is called First reading.
(2) The stage when the Minister in charges moves a motion to take it up for consideration is Second reading.
(3) When the bill is actually taken up by the House for clause by clause consideration is second stage of second
(4) The Minister concerned reads out the bill clause by clause for the House to consider it at length, which is called
second stage of Second reading.
(a) All are correct;
(b) None is correct;
(c) All but (1) is right;
(d) All but (4) is right.
27) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis a non-Money Bill becoming an Act:
(1) When the Bill passed by one House and sent to the other House does not pass the bill for 6 months the President
may summon a joint sitting of both the Houses to settle the dispute.
(2) Provision for convening a Joint Session is available in Article 108 of the Constitution.
(3) President cannot summon a joint session if the bill lapses due to dissolution of Lok Sabha.
(4) If the dissolution takes place after President has notified the joint sitting, such sitting will be held not withstanding
the dissolution.
(a) All the statements are correct;
(b) None of them is correct;
(c) All but (3) are correct;
(d) All but (4) are correct.

28) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis ‘circulating a bill for public opinion’:
(1) When a Bill is introduced in the House, public opinion is called for through advertisement;
(2) When a Bill is introduced in the House, public opinion is elicited through media and Parliament’s website;
(3) When a Bill is introduced in the House, public opinion is called from from State Governments only;
(4) Public opinion is called for from all the States and UTs who publish the bill in their own Gazettes for public opinion
and then forward the consolidated opinion of the public to the House from which reference was received.
(a)All are right;
(b) All are wrong;
(c) All but (1) are right;
(d) All but (4) are right.

29) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis a Bill becoming an Act:

(1) Majority required to pass all non-Money bills/Constitution amendment Bills is SIMPLE MAJORITY. (2) Majority
required to pass Money bills, is Special Majority. (3) Majority required to pass Constitution amendment bills is
prescribed in Article 368;
(a) All are correct;
(b) Only (2) is correct;
(c) Only (1) and (3) are correct;
(d) None is right.

30) Consider the following statements vis-à-vis Joint Session to consider a disputed non-Money bill:
(1) The President will notify the House through a message of his intention for joint session to deliberate on the
disputed bill and voting on it.
(2) If the House is not in session, it will be notified through a public notification. Once a Notification has been issued,
neither House should proceed with the Bill.
(3) The Chairman of Rajya Sabha (Vice President) will preside over the Joint Sitting.
(4) In the joint sitting, no amendment can be proposed except those which are found necessary due to delay in
passage of the bill.
(a) All the statements are correct;
(b) All are incorrect;
(c) All but (2) are correct;
(d) All but (3) are correct.


1 C 11 C 21 C 31 B 41 A
2 C 12 D 22 D 32 D 42 C
3 A 13 A 23 D 33 C 43 C
4 A 14 D 24 B 34 D 44 C
5 C 15 C 25 C 35 D 45 C
6 C 16 D 26 D 36 D 46 D
7 C 17 A 27 B 37 D 47 C
8 C 18 C 28 D 38 D 48 C
9 B 19 D 29 D 39 C 49 C
10 B 20 B 30 A 40 A 50 A


1 B 11 D 21 B
2 B 12 D 22 A
3 B 13 A 23 D
4 A 14 C 24 D
5 A 15 A 25 D
6 A 16 C 26 D
7 B 17 B 27 A
8 B 18 A 28 D
9 A 19 A 29 C
10 A 20 B 30 D

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