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The project “Cement Sales Transaction System” is aimed at changing completely the
manual system of recording sales transactions into a computerized system. The project
will help to reduce human labour in the recording of sales transactions and also assist
the entire staff of the firm to prevent data redundancy, the process of operations of this
new system is very clear such that, the interface will allow you to add new records to the
files, to save, modify and delete records from the database. The system has an easy
modification process that allows the entering of new records and thus showcases, the
importance of information technology in the business sector and its numerous
contribution to keeping business information. The significance of the study are: it served
as a management information system (MIS) to the  management of the cement shop it
facilitated proper record keeping of sales procurement records, sales procurement
records can easily be verified and reports of sales procurement can be easily presented
when needed. The research methodology was a survey of case study, and data was
obtained from secondary sources such as the internet. The programming language used
is Visual BASIC and the database used is MySQL


Cover page: - - - - - - - - i

Title page: - - - - - - - - - ii

Approval Page: - - - - - - - - iii

Certification: - - - - - - - - - iv

Dedication: - - - - - - - - - v

Acknowledgement: - - - - - - - - vi

Table of Content: - - - - - - - - vii

Abstract: - - - - - - - - - x

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction: - - - - - - - - 1

1.1 Brief history of the case study: - - - - - 3

1.2 Previous work: - - - - - - - 5

1.3 Statement of the problem: - - - - - - 5

1.4 Aims and objectives of the study: - - - - - 6

1.5 Scope of the study: - - - - - - - 8

1.6 Limitation of the study: - - - - - - 8

1.7 Glossary: - - - - - - - - 8

Chapter Two

2.0 Literature review: - - - - - - - 10

2.1 Overview of the existing system: - - - - - 12

2.2 Meaning of computerization: - - - - - - 13

2.3 Reasons for computerization: - - - - - 13

2.4 Benefit of computerization: - - - - - - 14

Chapter Three

3.0 Data collection/System analysis: - - - - - 16

3.1 Re-statement of the problem: - - - - - - 18

3.2 Choice of programming language: - - - - - 18

3.3 Research design and methodology: - - - - - 19

3.4 Method of data collection: - - - - - - 20

3.5 Input and output specification: - - - - 22

3.6 Output specification : - - - - - - - 24

3.7 Files specification of the existing system: - - - - 26

Chapter Four

1.0 System design: - - - - - - 27

1.1 Functional specification: - - - - - 28

1.1.1 Function performed: - - - - - 29

1.1.2 System data flow diagram(s): - - - - - 30

1.1.3 User interface design: - - - - - - 31

1.2 New input and output requirement: - - - - - 32

1.3 Files to be maintained: - - - - - - 32

1.4 Equipment requirement : - - - - - - 33

Chapter Five

2.0 Program specification: - - - - - - 35

2.1 Project milestone: - - - - - - - 35

2.2 Coding and testing: - - - - - - - 36

2.3 Implementation and discussion: - - - - - 37

2.4 Problems encountered: - - - - - - 39

2.5 Summary and recommendation: - - - - - 40

5.5 Recommendations: - - - - - - - 41

References: - - - - - - - - 42

Appendixes: - - - - - - - - 43



1.0 Introduction

Undoubtedly, computer technology has gained enormous grounds and

impacts today as it forms the platform for various multi-dimensional development

in vast ramifications of human endeavors; this is because computers have found

wide applications in almost every aspect of business, industry, education,

government and socio-economic activities. One of the widely used applications of

computers in the area of data processing and manipulation which makes it an

imperative tool in a world of endless data management and processing functions.

In Nigeria today, computerization is fast gaining ground as most of its

records are data processing operations are giving a global seal of computerization.

Certainty, every company, research oriented institution and organizational bodies

keeps track records of information for the purpose of referencing, review,

evaluations, processing etc. thus, the method employed for these essential tasks

has proven ineffective and obsolete; the organization of records and information

with the use of jackets, files, file cabinets has remained an ancient monument,

which does not concur with modern data processing and management standards.

Cement sales transaction system is an effective business application

program in which work is organized, coordinated and focused to produce a

valuable report or services to customers, this system is made up of or caters for

the transaction of goods between the company and its customers in regards to

purchase of manufactured goods. This system represents the point of original

sales ordered, returns and adjustment from customer into the information system


This system keeps record of daily transaction as well as generate reports

that can be used by the firm management and its customers. Before the existence

of this system, there has been the manual system with problems such as

inaccuracy of results, time consumptions, inefficiency and it also appeared to be

very difficult to handle. However, with the introduction of the new system,

bookkeeping error is reduced by eliminating redundant writings, calculations and

typing. It also assist in maintaining complete, accurate and consistent records

because it encourages the use of standard bookkeeping practices. However, this

system will involve the customers getting to register with the firm and account

will be opened for the customer as a recognized customers, so that at any point in

time the customer can pay in money into the account as well as make acquisition

of goods according to the state of the account, when the customers pay money

into the account, a receipt is issued to that customer showing the amount paid, the

date of payment and also the receipt number.

1.1 Brief History Of The Case Study

Cement Company of Northern Nigeria Plc. Sokoto (CCNN) is one of the

pioneer cements industries in Nigeria having been incorporated by the then

premier of the former northern region, Late Sir Ahmadu Bello Sardaunan Sokoto,

it was incorporated in 1962 and commenced production in 1967 with an initial

installed capacity of 100,000 tons per annum at the Kalambaina Plant, the

increasing demand for cement necessitated an expansion of the plant with the

commissioning of a second line with an installed capacity of 500,000 tons per

annum in 1985, by the then Head of State, Major General Muhammad

Buhari.Thereafter in 1986 the first line was shut down due to its uneconomic

mode of operation, thus leaving the plant with a rated output of 500,000 tons per

annum. It is the first cement industry in Nigeria which is known to have been

using 100% locally sourced raw materials.

The limestone used in the production of Sokoto Cement occurs naturally

at the Kalanbaina quarry which is about three kilometer from the factory site. It is

ripped, conveyed directly to a stone crusher where the lump size is reduced before

stockpiling in a manner that smoothens any chemical variation. Sokoto cement is

renowned as the Finest Ordinary Portland Cement being produced in the country

conforming to the Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS) of 1974 and universally

accepted by the British Standard (BS) of 1982. Sokoto Cement had been affirmed

by numerous test carried out in Germany and other several countries by some

international construction companies, which results to the Sokoto Cement meets

their requirement for all construction works.

The company is structured into department namely:

1) Administration department

2) Finance department

3) Production department

4) Maintenance department

5) Marketing and sales department

6) Audit department

7) Procurement, inventory and project department

8) Human resources department

Each department has a Directory/Head that is responsible for the

managing of the operation of such department with the Managing Director/Chief

Executive as the overall head who maintained to the day-to-day operation of the


1.2 Previous Work

Several authors have discussed on the subject matter in various journals,

textbooks and online publication and in automated sales transaction system. Few

among them are the design and implementation of cement sales transactions

system by Christopher (2008). The authors describes thus research was conducted

to determine the process involved in various sales transactions of the company.

Despite the significant financial investment involved in implementing it, the

research conducted shows cases with the suggestion that the purpose of using

software program in conducting various sales transaction is to reduce the various

monopoly of works and provide accuracy, safety, easy access and improve

efficiency of the company.

1.3 Statement Of The Problem

This research is investigating the manual operation used by sales

department of Cement Company of Northern Nigeria Plc. Sokoto, in conducting

sales transaction, the need to stop all manual process and convert it into

computerized system. Below are some of the problems;

1) The department open separate files for each customer, which makes the

files bulky, therefore, there is very tendency of files being missing or

misplace which lead to loss of information about the customers.

2) There is lack of security in the sense that many people have access to the

customer’s file which may lead to either alteration or removal of some

documents containing vital information about customer.

3) The present system is costly because many staff may be involved in the

operation of manual system of sales transaction.

4) The present system is not effective because the system does not have

standard way of data storage, data processing and data retrieval.

5) There is redundancy in the sense that information is not centralized

whereby single information can be obtained from different place within

the department.

Therefore, it is necessary to design a system for the sales department used

in the sales transaction systems to replace the present manual system, in order to

overcome the above stated problems with the existing manual operation.

1.4 Aims And Objectives Of The Study

This project is aimed at designing a computer system that can replace the

existing system being used by the sales department of the Cement Company of

Northern Nigeria Plc. Sokoto. Below are some of the aims and objectives of the


1) To designed a system which will create single file for all the categories of

customers so as to reduce files being missing or replaced.

2) To designed a system which may control the number of people to have

access to it so as to make it more secured.

3) To improve quick decision making by the organization through generation

of timely report.

4) To enhanced on conventional record analysis so that improvement of

management information can be achieved.

5) To encourage the use of computer in sales transaction.

6) To reduce monopoly of works for the workers.

7) To facilitate efficiency, accuracy and timely job without wasting of time.

8) To provide safeguard of files.

9) To provide easy access to records.

10) To designed a system with centralized information which will help to

avoid redundancy being experienced by the existing system.

1.5 Scope Of The Study

The scope of this research is to study the manual mode of operation of

sales transaction system of Cement Company of Northern Nigeria Plc. Sokoto.

The project will cover the activities of sales department which include the

different categories of customers they transaction with, the process involved and

report generated by the department. The study will also cover the designing

process of a new computer system which can be used as a substitute to manual


1.6 Limitation Of The Study

Due to limited time and resources available to the researcher, the

researcher was unable to cover various departments of the company such as

Finance, Audit, Production etc. the study is limited to the marketing and sales

department only which controls the company’s sales transaction. Other factors

that limited the research are limited information and lack of cooperation by the

organization for security purpose.

1.7 Glossary

Cement: Is a binder, a substance used in construction that sets, hardens and

adheres to other materials binding them together.

Sales: The action or process of selling something or being sold.

Transaction: The conduct of business or an instance of buying or selling


System: This is a unit of organized whole that is made up of different but

interrelated parts. A system is composed of interacting parts that operates together

to achieve some objective or purpose.

Computer: An electronic device capable of accepting data as input, process it

and gives out meaningful information as output as was desired by the user.

CNNN: Cement Company Northern Nigeria.

Report: Is an effective way to present information in a printed formats.




The review of literature provides a brief overview of the resources used to complete this

project. Included in this review, is how this resource helped to contribute to this research


2.1The Management Information System

The review on management information systems had existed since seventies. Many

studies had been conducted in this area (Kauffman 1989) and many conferences had been

devoted to this subject (The 15thInternational conference on management information

systems research theme “improving productivity and adding value through information

systems”. 13/14 September 1994 and 11/12 July 1995). Failure of value generation of

information systems was also documented (Loveman, 1988; Svendsen, 1996).

A management information system is set interrelated components that collect/retrieve,

process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an

organization. In addition to supporting decision making and control, information systems

helped managers and workers to analyze problems, visualize complex subjects and

created new products. An information system contains information about significant

people, positions and things within the organization or in the environment surrounding it.

In order to have an information system, there had to be raw data that had to be

transformed into information, which was meaningful and useful to human beings. Laudon

(2010) stated that information was a resource like any other commodities. It becomes

stale and worthless if not used in time. This called for regular updates to replace old, stale

and outdate information. Information collected and possessed had to be utilized for

increased benefits to solve problems, appropriate decision making and for development

(Abidi, 1991). At the same time, the right information was obtained (Yilmaz, 1995).

Other scholars observed information as part of business existence and acquiring and

processing it were fundamental aspects of life itself (Debons, 1988). Yet other scholars

argued that information was power and even the Holy Bible said, ‘My people were

perishing because of lack of information’ (Hosea, 1995)

A management information system is a computer based system that supplies the

necessary information to efficiently manage an organization. This system entails three

primary resources; information, technology and people. A management information

system is designed to record information and enhance communication among employees

(Knight et al. 2005)

According to (Ajayi, 2007), management information system is information that

generates accurate, timely and organized information so that managers and users can

make decisions, solve problems, supervise activities and track progress and focuses on

generating information that management and other users need to perform their jobs.

Many scholars had put forward views and recommendations on how Management

Information System (MIS) would operate and be managed especially with a sales

management information system.

Consequently, Poel et. al. (1989) looked at the different forms of

architectures that made up the system to be in place that allowed continuation of

information planning. In the process, information systems had evolved to support these

efforts. Among the different types of systems, information architecture was found where

information flow was required to support the business processes which led to the

development of the application architecture where operational management had to

indicate the functionality, how the information systems needed to interact and who was

responsible for which data. The information architect identified and maintained the

relationships between the different architectural levels and the whole structure of the

information system led to supporting the company’s architecture and guarded the quality

of the results i.e. conciseness, completeness, consistency, accuracy, effectiveness,

timeliness of the system.

The development architecture used many methods but there was need to come up with

one method for the system with the right software development process. With one

method for use, operational management work would improve as problems got solved

instantly in a sales Management Information System, easy to understand, elegant,

consistent and complete. This would be implemented with a well-defined interface with

data-hiding using passwords and usernames for data access from the system and loose

coupling. The system developed had to know the different applications in place and had

to communicate efficiently and effectively. The processing of the data was undertaken

through sales transaction processing with open source that facilitated Management to get

the required reports immediately. This helped in tracking and monitoring at the same time

control the system for the extraction of the right information through an application. The

response of the required report for well access correlated information across the

Management Information System database depended on the data management system

complexity of join operations and the differences between the data sources.

According to Stoner et al. (1995) Management Information System is the computer based

information system used for effective planning, decision-making and control. This was

through a database. As organizational leaders, good information ought to be maintained

and controlled in a database by use of security measures through quotas, usernames, and

passwords and given privileges. A database is a shared collection of logically related data

and a description of this data, designed to meet the information needs of an organization.

Consequently, Connolly and Begg (2001) stated a Database Management System and

Management Information System was a software system that enabled users to define,

create, maintain and control access to the database. In many instances, it gave access to

users at the click of a button to get the required information without traversing into many


Accordingly, constraints were alleviated like storage space, budget and time factor

making information easier operated in order to be automatically converted into printed

form, which is exactly encompassed in the new era.

This gave chance to enter into the global competition. Output could be brought forward at

any desired time. Information would be retrieved at any time when needed which was

requirement development in the changing world. The Manual system takes long to finish

a single transaction resulting into time wastage to get the required reports. It was

inadequate and did not respond to the needs of management for efficient and effective

data access.

Daft (1991) looked at Management Information System as a mechanism that collected,

organized and distributed data used by management, usually being helped by use of

computers in performing their management functions. He argued that MIS had certain

characteristics that made it useful for managing information. These included quality,

timeliness, completeness and relevance that called for an automated system to replace the

traditional manual system. Gilbert (1997) also viewed MIS as informal method of making

information available to managers in order to facilitate accurate, timely and right decision

making for organizational purposes. If the management information system was

automated, reports would be done accurately and timely.

In addition, Laudon and Laudon (2002) defined Management Information System as a

service to management by providing managers with reports and in some cases with on-

line access (transaction) to the organization’s current performance and historical records.

MIS was a key to planning, controlling and decision making for management through

transaction processing of systems for the data.

2.2 To identify requirements of management information system

Brooke and Hatch (1994) defined computer based information system as essentially an

Information Management System using computer technology to carry out some or

planned tasks. The basic components of computer based information system are:

This generic term refers to the physical artifacts of technology. It may also mean the

physical components of a computer system, in the form of computer hardware input and

output devices constitute the hardware components of information management system

(Mark, 2004).

It’s a term used to describe a collection of computer programs, procedures and

documentations that perform some tasks on a computer. The term includes applications

software such as word processer and system software such as operating systems. The

programs and applications convert data into machine reader language, (Daniel, 2004)

procedures these are set of rules, protocol or guidelines, which an organization

establishes for the use of computer based information system.

These are computer experts, managers, users, analysts, programmers, database managers,

and many other computer professionals who utilize the computer based information

system (Phil, 2002).

Data refers to qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable (a value that may change

within the scope of a given problem or set of operations) or set of variables and in

database, data refers to the basic facts about attributes of an object for instance the name,

type or make it should be noted that data is useful when it is processed to provide

information. Leadsom (2014)

Database systems are systems designed to manage large amount of information. For

example Microsoft access, Microsoft SQL and oracle. It is reasonable to say that

databases play a critical role in almost all areas where computers are used i.e. business

and good governance. Today, the success of an organization depends on its ability to

acquire accurate, timely data about its operations to manage this data effectively and use

it to analyze its activities. Silverschatz (2002) The purpose of a database is to maintain

the data that is used and generated from the restaurant. Then the data stored will be used

to facilitate smooth running of sales operation and record management.

Management Information System security refers to protection of information system

against unauthorized access to or modification of information, whether in storage,

processing or transit, and against denial of services to authorized users, including

measures necessary to detect, document, and counter such threats. The main goals of

information security are confidentiality or secrecy, integrity, availability, accountability

and assurance. The goal of information integrity is to protect information from

unauthorized modification. Information availability ensures that the information is

available when needed and is not made inaccessible by malicious data. Information

accountability ensures that every action of an entity can be uniquely traced back to the

entity. Security assurance is the degree of confidence in the system with respect to

predefined security goals. (Davie, 2011)

Access authorization restricts access to computer to group of users by the use of

authentication systems. These systems can protect either the whole computer such as

through an interactive login screen or individual services, such as an ftp server there are

many methods for identifying and authenticating users, such as passwords, identification

cards and more recently, smart cards and biometric systems. (Baskerville, 2002)

According to Feldman (2008), network security is aimed at protecting the system from

un planned events and natural disasters such as hard disk crashes, virus attacks and other

disasters backups are away of securing information, they are another copy of all the

important computer files kept in another location. These files are kept on hard disks,

CD=Rs, CD-Ws and more recently on cloud where backup files are hosted on internet.

Suggested locations for backups are fireproof, waterproof and heatproof safe, or in a

separate, offsite location than that in which the original files are contained. Some

companies or individuals also keep their backups in safe deposit boxes in the bank vaults.

Application of sales management information system ensures that an appropriate data is

collected from the various sources, processed, and sent further to all needy destinations.

The system is expected to fulfill the information needs of an individual, a group of

individuals, the management functionaries: the manager and the top management.

The management information system helps the clerical personnel in the transactional

processing and answers their queries on the data pertaining to the transaction, the status

of the particular record and preferences on a variety of documents. The management

information system helps the junior management personnel by providing the operational

data for planning, scheduling and control, and helps them further in decision making at

the operational level to collect an out since the management information system plays a

very important role in the organization, I creates an impact of the organization’s

functions, performance and productivity.

2.3 To design and implement a sales management information system

The systems design phase is generally broken into two sub phases, top-level design and

detailed design. Top-level design consists of the identification of the major system

components and their functions. In order to specify the top-level design, a number of

alternative system design concepts are synthesized and evaluated in terms of a variety of

selection criteria, which include cost implementation, operation and maintenance.

(Bentley 1989) the detailed design phase also identifies the initial reports to be produced

by the system reporting levels, frequency, content, and format. With fourth-generation

database software it is an easy matter to change reports or develop new reports, so the

specification of the output reports is not critical since it will almost surely change


According to Whitten (1979), System implementation consists of developing all of the

system components, data collection forms; data collection, transfer and processing

procedures, data entry procedures and screens, software; report forms, report distribution,

quality control procedures. As mentioned, we recommend the use of an iterative, rapid-

prototyping approach to the software implementation. It is highly recommended to field-

test major systems in a single geographic area before going full scale. This field testing

involves not only software, but all aspects of the system for example data collection

procedures, training and quality control. The importance of allowing for prototyping and

field testing cannot be minimized. The system procedures will allow for regular feedback

of data to the source levels, for review and correction.

2.4 To develop a management Information System (MIS) to manage sales


According to Levin (2006), management information systems serve as a system’s

framework for organizing business computer applications. Business applications of

computers should be viewed as interrelated and integrated computer based information

system and not as independent data processing job. Comparison sales management has

been made easier due to automatic management systems/computerized, Instead of

recording data manually consuming a lot of time.

A management information system is one method a company uses to obtain reliable

information regarding its business operations. It should not be concerned with whether

the information can be retrieved, but rather how and what information should be

retrieved, so management can make effective decisions. Once information is provided

through the management information system, decisions can be made regarding the

effectiveness of business operations (Maier, 2000).

Laudon (2001) Management Information Systems serve the functions of controlling and

decision making at the managerial level. It provides managers with reports of the clinic

current performance and historical records. These are well-documented advantages of a

good information system.

The basic components of computer based information system are hardware, software,

procedures and data. Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer system,

in the form of computer hardware input and output devices. Software is used to describe a

collection of computer programs, procedures and documentations that perform some

tasks on a computer system. They include applications software such as word processes

and system software such as operating systems. Procedures are set of rules, protocol or

guidelines which an organization establishes for the use of computer based information

system and data refers to qualitative or quantitative attributes of a variable (a value that

may change within the scope of a given problem or set of operations) it should be noted

that data is useful when it is processed to provide information. Daniel (2004)

Demon (2005) identifies some advantages of computerized management information

systems which include minimizing the unnecessary duplication of information,

consistency which is maintained by ensuring that any changes made to the information

held in the database are reflected to all users and although information is held in a

structured manner, the database normally provides sufficient flexibility to meet the

different requirements of the users. Gordon (2006) indicated that Data is organized since

there few people to use the system and everyone is allowed to access the system, they

help in organizing and managing documents effectively. Since the data is stored in highly

organized manner, accessing necessary data is very easy, it helps save time. Users are

able to access data needed in real time thus enabling them access detailed information

and accurate data is provided.

2.5 Characteristics of sales Management Information System

It allowed authorized users to access information when required without traversing into

many things. It was by just a click of a button on a developed graphical user interface. All

this was done efficiently and effectively by developing and implementing Sales

Management Information System.

2.6 System’s Comparison

The existing system at Nawab Asian Bistro Restaurant is manual. The new system is in

line with what other organizations are doing for sales management and transactions in

their businesses with the right standard. However, this system is opening all business

Management mind to be moving together with the new technology, that is automation of

the information system.

2.7 Conclusion

The basic condition for a successful business is access to information. Reliable

information base improves the performance and competitiveness of the company in the

market. It enables managers to make quality and timely decisions and contribute to the

growth of the company. In conclusion, it can be stated that to create high quality

information support for managers is not just a matter of implementation information

systems. Another essential request is to have good and decision making level of the

managers, who are able to extract offering opportunities from sales management systems

and use them to the correct decision.



3.0 Introduction

This chapter provides a description of how the study was conducted. It covers the

research design, study population, sampling size, sampling method, data collection, and

data analysis, measurement of study variables, data analysis and limitations of the study.

3.1 Research design

The study used both descriptive and analytical methods. Descriptive was undertaken to

ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of sales management system, and

analytical based on qualitative and quantitative data both from primary and secondary

sources. The study also based on the views of respondents to design and develop.

3.2 Study population

Settings and Respondents – the target populations is 150 employees and 15 managers of

the Restaurant.

3.3 Sampling technique

The sample design was probability. Under the probability design; the researcher used

simple random sampling simplify because it gives an equal chance for respondents to

participate in the study and the results can be generalized to a larger population. This was

because the respondents were within the building.

3.4 Sample size and composition

A total of 49 respondents were determined using Krejcie and Morgan (1970) table.

Samples were selected using stratified random sampling technique which was involved in

dividing the population into strata and selecting of samples from each stratum.

Table 1 Showing Categories of respondents

Department Number of respondents Sample Sampling technique

Inventory 5 5 Purposive sampling


Sales department 10 10 Purposive sampling

Other department 35 34 Purposive sampling

Total 50 49

Source: Krejcie and Morgan (1970)

3.5 Data sources

Data was collected from both primary and secondary sources.

3.5.1 Primary sources

Since all information was not available through secondary source, it was necessary to

venture into primary data sources to get the opinions of selected members of the

population. Primary data was obtained through personal interviews, administered

questionnaires; this was used due to specific needs and quality control to solve exactly

the identified problem.

3.5.2 Secondary sources

Secondary data was obtained from two areas; the first is the internal source which is

within the Restaurant where several documents were used to reveal needed information,

these included; stock and sales performance records. The second source is the external

source which includes information acquired from books, newspaper and the internet; this

was used because it generates new insights from previous analyses (Fabregues, 2013).

Reanalyzing data can also lead to unexpected new discoveries.

3.6 Data collection methods

This involved reviewing the existing system. The review required data collection and

analysis. Data collection involved techniques like interviews, questionnaires.

3.6.1 Interview

In this method the stock and accounts department and human resource department

members were orally interviewed using an interview guide. Interviews were used to

understand sales management system and required personal data. And interview was used

because data obtained particularly from semi-structured and unstructured interviews, can

be much richer and informative than data obtained from other methods.

3.6.2 Questionnaire

In addition to face to face interviews, a questionnaire was designed and used to get more

information from all departments of Restaurant were given a questionnaire. A

questionnaire that was used is also attached in appendix A, this is because questionnaires

collect large amounts of information from a large number of people in a short time.

3.7 The Critique of the Research Methods

The Systems Analysis and design stages used in the project were: -

3.7.1 Problem identification

The researcher critically studied the system’s operations for the current system that

revealed that the system was manual and many methods were used to produce reports that

resulted into delays. The purpose of this first phase is to find out the scope of the problem

and determine solutions. Resources, costs, time, benefits and other items should be

considered here.

3.7.2 Systems analysis and Requirements

The second phase is where teams consider the functional requirements of the project or

solution. It’s also where system analysis takes place or analyzing the needs of the end

users to ensure the new system can meet expectations.

3.7.3 System design

The third phase describes in detail the necessary specifications features and operations

that will satisfy the functional requirements of the proposed system which will be in


3.7.4 System Development

Now the real work begins! The development phase marks the end of the initial section of

the process. Additionally, this phase signifies the start of production. The development

stage is also characterized by instillation and change. SQL with PHP were used to

develop the system. SQL was used because it is very fast in information retrieval through

the database management information system and it’s easily accessible by network

facility using Windows.

3.7.5 Integration and Testing.

This involves systems integration and system testing (of programs and procedures)

normally carried out by a quality Assurance (QA) professional to determine if the

proposed design meets the initial set of business goals. The system was tested by the

researcher by inserting in sample data so as to see whether it meets the set standards and

if not debugged and correction of all possible errors before taking it for implementation at

the case study.

3.7.6 Implementation

This phase is when the majority of the code for the program is written, and when the

project is put into production by moving the data and components from the old system

and placing them in the new system via a direct cutover.

3.7.7 Operations and Maintenance

This is the phase where end users can fine-tune the system, if they wish, to boost

performance, add new capabilities or meet additional user requirements.

3.8 Limitations of the study

Lack of Knowledge, the use of management sales tracking requires the knowledge of

number of related subjects. Deficiency in knowledge in related subjects like sales

tracking principles, statistics, economics, principle of management etc. will limit the use

of management sales tracking.

Psychological Resistance

Changes in traditional sales tracking practices and organizational set up are required to

install the sales management system. It calls for a rearrangement of the personnel and

their activities and framing of new rules and regulations which generally may not be liked

by the people involved.



4.0 Introduction.

This chapter provides a description of the different techniques that were employed not

only to understand the business process but also to provide a foundation for developing

the proposed computerized system for manages sales records and perform task for sales

anywhere, anytime. The designer was able to study how work is done with the current

system and clearly identify its weaknesses, and find out the requirements for proposed


4.1 Problem Identification

i. Through interviews and questionnaires, the researcher observed that the old

system of paper filling frame work caused data insecurity.

ii. Inconsistency, delay and slow information flow between departments due to lack

of immediate retrievals, the information is very difficult to retrieve and to find

particular information.

iii. Error prone manual calculations, preparation of accurate and prompt reports, lack

of prompt updating. Nawab Asian Restaurant needed sales management

information system that will capture store retrieve, manage and secure sales

information. The system is very fast, accurate, user-friendly and reliable.

4.2 System study and Investigation

This section provides a study of the current system which was conducted using the

methodology outlined in chapter three and through this the designer found out the


The designer observed that there is a delay in access and control to sales records and a

threat to their security due to the fact that there is no defined person to take the files to the

managers i.e. every department carries its own records which is hard to be managed by

the restaurant managers since they are not in single location. Sometimes they end up

losing them and more so sales records accumulate every now and then yet the space

where they are kept doesn’t “grow” so this implies that with time these records won’t be

fitting in the storage and therefore there will be need to shift to a bigger storage area

which may not be available.

The designer also found out that it is still easy to pluck a record from the files and the

records officers may not be in position to identify that such a thing has happened not until

the some auditing information is needed for accountability.

4.3 System Requirements

This section describes the operation environment for the system, the new system runs

under an environment that satisfies the following:

Requirement Specification

4.3.1 User Requirements

The User requirements were summarized below and to maintain i.e. enter, update and

insert data on the following:

To register users: The new system should be in position the register and assign access

rights and privileges to the system users.

i. The system should only allow authorized users to operate it.

ii. The system should handle data validation using JavaScript

iii. The system should produce transaction reports

iv. The interfaces of the system should be easy to interact with i.e. the system should

be user friendly

v. The system should allow easy navigation

vi. The system should manage access rights

vii. The system should be first enough while it saves time because is a web based


4.3.2 Functional requirements

A descriptive analysis of the functionality and capabilities of the system are described.

The required input, outputs and processing requirements are listed. The following are the

functional requirements in the system.

i) The system allows registered user input for login purposes

ii) The system allows recommended user to insert data

iii) The system generates reports basing on required source

iv) Automatic calculation of payments

4.3.3 Nonfunctional requirements

Nonfunctional requirements are requirements that specify criteria that can be used to

judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.

i. The system allows future developments and additions to be possible.

ii. The system lays out the menu in an effective way depending on the nature of user.

iii. The system uses less space

iv. The user interfaces are easy, friendly and constant which is easy for the user to

know them

v. The system is reliable and can work in all conditions

4.4.1 Software Requirements

The system ran on the principles of a Relational database management system with all the

embedded advantages over other database management systems. SQL application

supported the back end of the system and coupled with PHP programming. PHP allows

interfacing many different database systems that provides an open database connectivity

standard (ODBC) such as. MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft products and others, Other

advantages are low cost and availability. PHP is portable across multiple platforms and is

created as an open-source

4.5 System Analysis

During the project study phase, weaknesses of the current system were identified as well

as the strength of the new system; requirements of Sales management information system

were categorized into user requirements and hardware requirements.

4.5.1 Existing Sales Management Information Systems

This refers to the literature review, observation, interviews and questionnaires as

explained in chapter three. It should be noted that at Nawab Asian Bistro were able to

analyze existing systems as discussed below. The current system was manual where data

is written on different papers and transferred to the different departments, human errors

were vulnerable since it was paper based and retrieval of files was time consuming as

they had to manually locate files some of which were even lost and thus finding such

information was hard. Per the statistics carried 96% of the users were not contented with

the system reason that it was not secure in terms of security and storage as it was prone to

damages like loss of important information was average yet 4% were somehow okay with

the system reason that the paper work can used for future reference. The users

recommended that the proposed system should be user friendly, multipurpose enough to

handle a number of users at once, could generate feedback when request is submitted and

use of passwords which could deny access to unauthorized users of system which ensured

security. Context diagrams, Data flow diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams were

used in the analysis and design of the system.

4.5.2 Weakness of the Current System

After a successful investigation of the present system, the following weaknesses were


The cement company of Northern Nigeria plc, Sokoto workers finds it tiresome and time

consuming when computing sales, expenses and inventory as well, this lead to late

release of reports concerning the performance in the restaurant.

The system of information storage is susceptible to security problems such as illegal

modification and update of records.

4.5.3 Strength of the new system

These were introduced to solve problems with the existing manual systems. The

automated Sales Management information System has many advantages over manual

system. This can be explain as follow:

The major benefit with this is that it helps the workers to accomplish their daily functions

more efficiently. No more need for paper work.

Quick access to the required information as it is only one click away.

It solves the problem of time consuming hence customers are served on time.

It also enhances security as access to the system requires authentication. This means that

only authorized users can access that system.

4.5.4 Features of the new system

The system should capture sales data at the cashier table that can be used by all

departments of the restaurant. The system should generate sufficient reports

automatically. The system should identify settled and pending bills. The system should

also update the inventory.

4.6 Feasibility Analysis

Depending on the result of the initial investigation the survey was now expanded to a

more detailed feasibility study. This was about a test of system according to its

workability, impact of the organization, ability to meet needs and effective use of the

resources. It focused on these major questions:

1. What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a candidate system meet


2. What resources are available for given candidate system?

3. What are likely impacts of the candidate system on the organization?

4. Whether it is worth to solve the problem?

During feasibility analysis for this project, the following primary areas of interest are to

be considered that is technical feasibility, economic feasibility and operational feasibility.

4.6.1 Technical Feasibility

This was study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable

system. This evaluation determined whether the technology needed for the system was

available or not. Whether the work for the project to be done with current equipment

existing software technology and available personal, whether the system can be upgraded

if developed and if this was concerned with specifying equipment and software that will

successfully satisfy the user requirements

4.6.2 Economic feasibility

Economic justification was generally the “Bottom line” consideration for Sales

Management Information System. Economic justification included a broad range of

concerns that included cost benefit analysis. In this the researcher weighed the cost and

the benefits associated with the system and if found that it suits the basic purpose of the

organization i.e. profit making than making losses after being implemented.

4.6.3 Operation feasibility

It was mainly related to human organizations and political aspects. The point that were

considered are; what changes will be brought with the system, what organization

structures are disturbed, what new skills will be required, or the existing workers have

these skills, if not, could they be trained in due course of time, it was found out the

system is operational feasible as it very easy for the End users to operate it. Since it only

needs basic information about Windows platform.

4.7 System’s Design

At design phase, a relational database model was employed to be able to accomplish the

tasks involved in designing the new database of the system due to the following reasons:

Minimization or elimination of data redundancy thereby minimizing or eliminating

wastage of storage space probability of contradiction between the values of the data items

in different files and problems of updating identical data items so that the database files

are all equally valid.

A relational database model, the data and the programs are mutually independent, this

means that the data can be moved or updated without the need to make alterations to the
programs involved. It includes all interrelations of data and has a common approach to

the retrieval, insertion and modification of data. Relational database model, by

normalization does put data into tabular form by removing repeating groups and then

removes duplicated data from the relational tables. The goal of normalization is to create

a set of relational tables that are free of redundant data and that can be consistently and

correctly modified. It eliminates redundant data, which in turn saves space and reduces

manipulation anomalies.

The entities were identified and data elements organized in relational tables, consisting of

rows and columns whereby a row represents a record and a column represents an attribute

of a record. On purpose, this project was designed to provide an effective sales

management System for Cement Company of Northern Nigeria PLC, Sokoto)

4.7.1 Design features of the database

With the features of the database, the researcher defined the tables and the fields that

were contained in the tables. The data types stored in each field of the tables were then

defined. The relationships between the various entities in the database were identified and

defined i.e. one to one, one-to-many, and many-to-many. A relationship is an association

between two entities. The creation of relationships between the various tables, the

researcher had to ensure data integrity. Data integrity is one of the cornerstones of

relational model. It is enforced in the relational model by entity and referential integrity

rules. These rules where applied to the database through the following measures:

a) Every instance of an entity, the value of the primary key must exist. The incorrect

data input and duplicate data in the primary key field were rejected by the system

and a message sent to the user to notify him/her of the mistake that has been
made. This is achieved through the proper defining of data types, the fields of the

tables and enforcing the rules of primary key.

b) Data integrity ensures that the primary key doesn’t accept null values. This is an

entity integrity rule that goes hand in hand with the primary key.

c) The entity integrity rule also specifies that values in the primary key must be

unique. This rule helps in uniquely identifying records in the tables. The

application of this rule does also help in fast data retrieval.

d) The referential integrity rule states that every foreign key value must match a

primary key value in an associated table. Referential integrity ensures that we can

correctly navigate between related entities.

4.7.2 The Architectural design for the designed system

Figure 1: The Architectural design for the designed system

4.7.3 Context diagram

The environment in which the software used is depicted in this figure; it shows the

system’s main process and entities

Context flow diagram

Login, Register And assign

roles Login and do their tasks

Administrator system Users

View reports Prepare reports

Fig 2: level 0 data flow diagram

4.7.4 Dataflow schema

Figure 2 Show the level 1 data flow schema of the system

4.7.5 Entity relational Diagram

The figure below shows how the entities are related to each other. The relationship is of

either, one to one, one to many or many to many.

Figure 3: Entity relational diagram

4.8 Data Dictionary

This is an illustration of the implementation of the system data entities based on MYSQL

database management system


Id Int 11 Primary Key

b_date Date Date

Cash_sales Int 11 Cash_sales

Credit_card Int 11 Credit_card

d_kassam Int 11 D_kassam

d_fine Int 11 D_fine

bal_bfwd Int 11 Bal_bfwd

Table 1: Bank Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

invoice_id Int 11 Primary key

invoice_date Date Date

invoice_number Varchar 100 Invoice no

Supplier_id Int 11 Foreign key

Amount Int 11 Amount

Status Varchar 2 Status

Table 2: invoices Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

ch_ID Int 11 Primary key

cheque_No Varchar 20 Cheque no

cheque_date Date Date

issued_to Int 11 Issued to

amount Int 11 Amount

ch_from Date Date

ch_to Date Date

Remarks Text Remarks

Type Varchar 3 Type

issued_name Varchar 100 Issued name

cheque_type Varchar 10 Cheque type

Table 3: Cheque Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

ex_id Int 11 Primary key

Expense Varchar 100 Expense Name

exp_type Varchar 4 Expense type

Desc Varchar 10 Description

Table 4: Cement Company of Northern Nigeria plc, Sokoto_expenses Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

Id Int 11 Primary key

Category Varchar 50 Category

Table 5: Items Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

O_id Int 11 Primary key

O_date Date Date

O_expense Int 11 Purchases

O_desc Text Description

Amount Int 11 Amount

Pay_by Int 11 Pay by

Table 6: Others Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

item_id Int 11 Primary key

category_id Int 11 Category

stock_name Varchar 100 Stock Name

measure Int 11 Standard measure

sold_by Int 11 Sold by

Amount Int 11 Total Amount

Department Int 11 Department

Table 7: Nawab Stock Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

Order_id Int 11 Primary key

Order_by Int 11 Order by

O_date Date Date

Status Int 11 Status

Order_number Int 11 Order No

People Int 11 People on table

Table_number Int 11 Table No

Table 8: Orders Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

S_id Int 11 Primary key

Type Varchar 50 Sale type

Measure Int 11 Measure

Table 9: Sale type Table

Field name Data type Field size Description

List_id Int 11 Primary key

Order_id Int 11 Order

Item_id Int 11 Items

Quantity Int 11 Quantity

Price Int 11 Price

Table 10: Order list

Field name Data type Field size Description

Stck_id Int 11 Primary key

Item_id Int 11 Items

Count Int 11 Inventory

Updated Date Date

Table 11: Stock_count

Field name Data type Field size Description

Supplier_id Int 11 Primary key

Supplier_name Varchar 100 Supplier name

Supply Varchar 100 Item supplied

Description Varchar 20 Description

Table 12: Supplier

Field name Data type Field size Description

Id Int 11 Primary key

User_name Varchar 100 User name

User_key Varchar 100 Password

Role Int 11 Role

Status Int 11 Status

Table 13: Users

4.7.3 System Development

All system interfaces in this chapter were created in PHP coder while creating HTML and

PHP interfaces.

4.7.4 System Testing

Since the software application is working prototype model, two types of testing were

used i.e. execution based testing and non-execution testing .Execution based testing is the

process of inferring certain behavioral properties of the product based in part on the

results of executing the production of a known environment with selected inputs. Non

execution testing for the specifications and this involved validation. Validation helped to

determine whether the application as a whole satisfied the specifications or objectives.

Testing was done after the system was put in place. This was done in two ways namely

unit testing and integration testing. Test Plan

The software Test plan (STP) is designed to prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and

schedule of all testing activities. The plan will identify items to be tested, the features to

be tested, the types of testing to be performed, the personnel responsible for testing, the

resources and schedule required to complete testing. The purpose of the software test plan

is such as;

To achieve the correct code and ensure all functional and design

Requirements are implemented as specified in the documentation

To provide a procedure for unit and system testing

To identify the test methods for unit and system testing

49 Process of test plan

Identify the requirements to be tested. All test cases shall be derived using the current

design specification.

Identify particular test to use to test each module

Identify the expected results for each test.

Perform the test.

Document the test data test cases used during the testing process.

The following explain the ways in which testing is done Unit testing

Unit testing was carried out on individual modules of the system to ensure that they are

fully functional units. We did this by examining each unit, for example the underwriter’s

page. It was checked to ensure that it functions as required and that it adds patient’s data

and other details and also ensured that this data is sent to the database. The success of

each individual unit gave us the go ahead to carryout integration testing. All identified

errors were dealt with. Integration Testing

The researcher carried out integration testing after different modules had been put

together to make a complete system. Integration was aimed at ensuring that modules are

compatible and they can be integrated to form a complete working system. For example

the researcher tested to ensure that when a user is logged in, he/she is linked to the

appropriate page, and also could access the database.

50 System validation

As one of the specific objectives of this study, validation of the system was very


Validation of the system was done by comparing it to the questions asked by the users at

Nawab Asian Bistro Restaurant. Most of their answers matched with what the system can

do. JavaScript was used to validate user input and the respective input. For example the

system does not accept blank field; the system also discriminate between numerical and

numerical characters.

4.7.4 Screen shots of the system

Refers to the copying what is currently displayed on a screen to a file or printer. If the

system is in graphics mode, the screen capture will result in a graphics file containing a

bitmap of the image

Fig. 3 User login Screen

Figure 4: user login page

The figure above shows the user login screen when wrong password and username used.

i.e. the system will not allow the user with false password or username to access any


Fig 5: Cashier home page

The above figure shows the cashier home page after a successful login. It indicates the

features and the quick links that redirects to different cashier pages, especially the settled

and pending bills of sales, printing the receipts for the customer and total items sold in


Fig 6: General Expenses Report

The figure above summarizes the purchases made within the restaurant and come up with

total amount. It is done on a daily basis.

Fig 7: Summary Report for boss purchases and sales

The above figure shows the summary of boss purchases and sales, then at the end

provides gross profit/loss of the restaurant

4.9 System Implementation

This section guides system users about this software application and explains how the

implementation of the system was done and also how it executes its functionalities. The

system application was implemented using a Windows environment and MySQL was

used to develop the DBMS and PHP to link the HTML forms to the database.

4.9.1 Software Requirements

i. A server for example wamp, Xamp

ii. Operating system for example window 7

iii. Internet browser that support HTML5 for example Google chrome, explorer.

4.9.2 Hardware requirements

i. 1GB RAM

ii. 150GB hard disk at least

iii. A computer of any type

4.9.3 Environmental and Other Requirements

i. Before use, there should be a staff capacity development to enable users adopt to

the new system and learn its PROS and CONS and whatever they were required

to do at whatever stage in processing information.

ii. Some Computer table and good chairs

iii. A Server as a backup for the system

iv. A dust free environment and burglarproofed rooms for safety

v. Power outlet sockets in the rooms.

vi. Computer network well set up.

4.9.4 Security and accessibility to the database

This is done through use of passwords to access the database. When accessing the

database the dialogue box request one to enter the user name, password.

4.10 Implementation

This stage involves installing all components of the system that include hardware,

software and training users of the system. The conversion plan for this system is parallel

conversion given the advantage of low risks and being able to compare performance

between the new system and the old one.

4.11 User manual

In this part, the researcher looked at information that was needed to utilize the application

by the end user. It focused on the user learning how to start application, use the

application and close the application. The user to be able to start the application does

need to log on the system using a valid user name and password.


Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

5.1 Summary

After the system implementation, accurate records are got, no likelihood of data errors,

there is real time access data and unlimited User Access

5.2 Anticipated Limitations of the study

Lack of Knowledge. The use of management sales tracking requires the knowledge of

number of related subjects. Deficiency in knowledge in related subjects like sales

tracking principles, statistics, economics, principle of management etc. will limit the use

of management sales tracking.

Psychological Resistance

Changes in traditional sales tracking practices and organizational set up are required to

install the sales management system. It calls for a rearrangement of the personnel and

their activities and framing of new rules and regulations which generally may not be liked

by the people involved.

5.3 Conclusion

Basing on the objective of the study, it was established that sales tracking management

for Restaurant sales has a great impact to decision making. Largely, the restaurant had

registered a decline in service delivery because of the poor means of managing sales data.

5.4 Recommendations

I made the following recommendations for future improvements to the system. Widening

the scope, the project’s scope was rather limited to only one department of

restaurant .The scope can further be widened to include all the other departments like

Human Resource and online services to make a more integrated system that covers the

entire project. Increased accessibility, the system can also be further enhanced so that the

managers themselves can be able to access their restaurant information online in a secure


5.5 Areas for further study

Widening the scope with accounting management information like Income Statements,

Balance Sheets and Trial balances among others


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Appendix 1: interview guide:

An interview guide on the Cement Company of Northern Nigeria plc, Sokoto of sales

management system using database

Dear respondent,

This study is part of an academic evaluation for the development of a graduate project not

for anything else. So I kindly request you to spare some time to respond to the following

questions. Your answers will be highly welcome with the maximum confidence. This

study was about designing a Cement Company of Northern Nigeria plc, Sokoto sales

management system using database for residents and staff, so that they can move from

manual system to a computerized system.

User one

i. Which type of system are you using to record the stock and sales data for your


ii. What type of data do you get from the stock and sales to be kept in the files?

iii. What are some of the problems you face during the use of the manual system?

iv. Does this system have an effect on recording daily sales of the company?

v. Do you think an implementation of another system will help you?

Thanks for your help.




, pursuing Diploma in Computer Science carrying out a project report on the Cement

sales transaction system to improve on Sales Management at Cement Company of

Northern Nigeria plc, Sokoto. You are kindly requested to positively respond to the

questionnaire and information provided will be treated with confidentiality and will only

be used for the purpose of this project. Please circle a response for each question.

Questionnaire for improving on Sales management information system of Cement

Company of Northern Nigeria plc, Sokoto

1. Employee Name……………………………………………..

2. Department……………………………………………………….

3. Position………………………………………………………….

4. Do you take Day or Evening please of working?

a) Day

b) Evening

5. The time Demands for the Restaurant work

a) Less than 2 hours per week

b) Between 2 and 5 hours per week

c) Between 5 and 10 hours per week

d) Between 10 and 15 hours per week

e) More than 15 hours per week


6. Does your system produce periodic reports?

Yes No

7. Does the restaurant staff members willing to go under training in case the new system

is put in place?

Yes No

8. How often do you update the sales records in the Restaurant.


9. Who are the users of the system?


10. What security measures do you use to maintain system security?




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