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Part 3

Questions 19 to 26 are based on the following passage.

Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer A, B ,C or D.
For each question, mark your answer on the answer sheet.

1 Floods are caused in areas where there is excessive downpour and poor drainage system
- including overflow of water from rivers and oceans, water in the plains due to dam break
and after heavy downpours. They can cause major destruction just as other natural calamities
to some affected countries; Thailand, Pakistan and Australia.

2 The impact of the floods depends on their type and severity. Slow On-set Floods is
caused when the water bodies such as rivers overflow and affect the nearby areas. This flood
develops slowly and may last from a few days to weeks. These spread over several
kilometres and mostly impact the low lying areas. Water accumulated due to flood in such
areas may cause harm to property and can also be the cause of various diseases. Meanwhile,
Rapid On-set Floods take slightly longer time to build and can last for a day or two but are
extremely destructive. However, people are mostly warned about these and have the chance
to escape before the situation becomes worse.

3 Flood like situation arises each time the downpour is more than the drainage system can
absorb. At times, heavy rainfall occurring for a short period of time can cause flood while
on other occasions light rainfall that goes on for days may result in flood like situation. The
dams are created to hold water break as they are unable to detain large amount of water
thereby resulting in flood in the nearby areas. At times, excessive water is deliberately
released from the dam so as to stop it from breaking. This may also result in flood. Floods
caused due to water logging after a heavy rainfall are known to have fatal consequences. It
results in loss of life, rise in diseases, price rise, economic loss and destruction of the
environment among other issues.


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