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Gujarat State Petronet Ltd.

GSPL Bhavan,
E-18, GIDC El€ctronici Estate, Nr. K-7 Circle,
Sector-26, Gandl n€ar-382028.
"rel.: +91'79-232685001600 Ftx | +9t-79-232685o6
: www.gspc$

No.: GSPL/Amritsar cGD/Forest/NOC/1475 Date:16.12.2017

Divisional Forest Officer
Amritsar Forest Division
Amritsar (Punjab)
sub.r Amritsar City Gas oistdbution Netwo,k Projed: Diversion of 0.2173 ha of Forest land lor
laying 10"/6"dia naturalgas pipeline to set up Phase-ll of city Gas Distribution Network in
Amritsar City and surounding area underforest division and Dlstrict Amritsar: gglldlange
Ref.: Nodal office lettet no. FcNlgaol!7a12017/4589 dtd. 30.11.2017 & vout good oftl.e
endorsement fo. 7960 dtd. 01.12.2017
Dear Sir,
With reference to your letter for the subiect rnatter, please find below the following for your kind
1) Municipal corporation Amritsar had Issued Demand note vide letter no. E E.-lv (Civil)/96 dtd.
30-06.2016 (copy attached) and after deposition of payment partty final permission issued
vide letter no. E.E. (c)/ 181 dtd. 18.10.2016 (Copy auached)
2) Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB), Govt. of lndia has authorised Gujarat
State Petronet Limited (GsPL) for layinS, building, operatint and expendint City Gas
Distribution Network in the whole amritsar Geographical Area vide letter dtd, 05.05.2015
(Copy attachedr

3) Application submitted for extending the network in Municipal Corporation Amritsar area for
connecting common Kitchen of Golden Temple is under consideration with Local Govt., Govt
of Puniab, as Govt. is in processto frame a guideline for single window clearance forsaid CGD
network project as the same has directed by honourable High Court of Punjab & Haryana. ln
the same obiect, a meeting had also conducted on 13.11.2017. Shortly after framing the
guideline for single window clearance, permission for expansion of CGo network will be
Sranted as confirmed by Municipal Corporation.
Considering the above facts we request you to kindly do the needful for trantinS permission at
the earliest possible.
Since this is a time bound projed of lnfrastructure Development and National lmportance, we
request your kind support to do the needful.


M V RamnaEyan
osD (AmriBar & Bhatinda)

R.gictc. OGc. GSPC Bhavan. Behind Udyog Bh.!en, Seaor - 11. Gandhinagar - 382010, Gujarat, india.
CIN: L40200GJ1998SGC035188
Municipal Corporation,
;; :
The Executive Director (Technical, HSE & Asst. int)
Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Bhawan'
E-l8, GIDC Electronic Estate, Nr. K-7, Circle'
Sector -26, Gandhinagar-382028.

f. 6 Datedt Zol of t t
No. /E.E.-IV(civil)/

Name: - Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar City Gas Distribution Net
work Project.

Subject: Request for granting permission for laying of i2" dia Steel Natural Gas
pipetine to Ue taiO parallel and across to various utilities to set up City Gas
bi.t.iU.,tion Network for distribution of Natural gas for domestic
commerciauindustrial use within Municipal corporation Amritsar.

The Commissioner Municipal Corporation Amritsar vide it order dated

4.05.2}l6has granted ROW 4.7km for laying 12" steel pipeline for GSPL Gas pipe line by open
trenching method in the East Constituency of Municipal Corporation Amritsar'

As per Govt. of India, petroleum & mineral pipelines (acquisition of Right of

users in land) Act 1962 section 10(4) for ROW compensation. The competent authority,
District Collector of Amritsar, vide its orderNo. DRA (M) 530-533 dated0T:06.2016 has fixed the
market rates. Accordingly, the bill of demand of one time land compensation of ROW and

, cut charges were derived which is as below:

Detail of Road Length 107" of Area in sqr

1\lalket yald.
r:rte of
3feet wide
per Sq.
From Sultan wind Pind 2.lkm 2100x3.28x3
Chowk to Sultanwind 9
Gate at Right side of road
Sultanwind Gate to Moran 1.4km 1400x3x3.28 99,49,3341-

Wala Chowk inclLrding 9

(Ghee Mandi Chowk &
Mahan Singh Gate) at the
right side ofroad
Moran Wala Chowk to 1200x3.28x3
Petrol Pump Batala road
_1 a t a
including (Hussainpura
Chowk and Hukam Singh
Road ) at right side of
Total Length
The road cut charges calculateli for the above ROW of 4.7km. is Rs. 1,64,39000
accordingly the
bill of demand is Rs. 2,42,17 $84 + Rs. 1,64,39000 = Rs. 4'06,56,3341-

The Commissioner, MCA vide its order da1ed27.062016 has approve the bill of demand

of Rs. . 4,06,56,3341with following terms & conditions:


D Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar City Gas Distribution Net work. will
carry out GpR survey along the route where the duct has to be laid for detection of
existing utility. The data of utility collected through GPR survey would be
unconditionally shared with relevant Authority free of cost'
iD permission granted to the applicant Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar
City Gas Distribution Net work will not be transferable and will be applicable only
for the period for which it has been granted'
iiD lf required, the concemed Department / Authority can direct the applicant Gujarat
State petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar City Gas Distribution Net work. to
change the
' l2,,Steel Gas Pipe Line in stipulated time period or shift the Gas pipe line to other
area and the applicant Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar City Gas
Distribution Net work shall be bound to do the same for which all the expenses would
be borne bY the aPPlicant company'
iv) The Municipal Corporation, Amritsar shall not be responsible for any damage to 12"'
Steel Gas pipe Line and resultant losses, if any, during the course of official duty
anY of their emPloYees.
v) Responsibiliry of public safety will lie with Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd.' (GSPL)
Amritsar City Gas Distribution Net work. During establishment or post establishment
of Gas Net Work and laying of 12" Gas steel pipe line, during its maintenance or other
relate{ activities. The Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar City Gas
Distribution Net work shall take all necessary safety steps,& measures while executing
the work and Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar City Gas Distribution
Net work will indemnify the local Authority against any accident and damage caused
to life or property during execution and post execution' *n, a

vi) Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar City Gas Distribution Net work. or
any 3rd party will not be allowed to display any advertisement on routes of Gas
line network without permission of the relevant local Authority.
vii) The pits / trenches shall be reinstated within 72hows after completion of the work
to satisfaction of the Assistant corporation Engineer civil Zone'
viii) ln case of any damage to the essential services i.e. water supply, sewerage system and
telecommunication lines, electricity supply etc; it will be the'responsibility of

Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Amritsar City Gas Distribution Net work. to
the cost
the services restored from the concemed Local Authority within 24 hours and

so incurred would be borne by the applicant Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd.,


Amritsar Citv Gas Distribution Net work' '

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Executive Engineer -IV(C),
Municipal Corporation,
The Executive Director (Technical, HSE & Asst. Int)
Gujarat State Petroleum Ltd., (GSPL) Bhawan,
:+ E-l8, GIDC,fl,lssffonic Estate, Nr. K-7, Circle,
Sector -26, Gandhi Nagar- 382028.

No.n.nQ)r lff Dated/ tfTo//

Subject: Request lbr granting permission for laying of 12,, dia Steel Natural Gas
pipelin to be laid parallel and across to various utilities to set up cify Gas
Distrib tion Network for distribution of Natural gas for domestic
conimerciaUindustrial use within Municipal Corporation Amritsar.

Ref: l.Dernand Notice vide this office letter No. E.E.-IV (civil)/96 dated 30.06.2016.
2.LeIIer No. E. E. -IV (Civ 1l)I B a dabd 2 4.08.20 | 6.
3. Your letter No. cSPLiASR-CGD-1A4CA 12016 dt.08.09.2016

to your submitting GPR'Survey of underground utilities on

Sultanwind Road from UBD Canal towards Sirltanwind Gate for a length of one km. Ld.
Commissioner. MCA has granted ,: permission to lay underground Gas Pipe Line for a
length of One ltm. as per your proposed alignment on GPR plan & already agreed terms
& conditions of demand notice dt. 30.06.2016.

You are further advised to deposit the balance payment of demand notic to
the MC-A account at thc earliest.

E r -IV(C),
For- Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation,

._, Endst No.S.F](C)/ Date:

1. A copy of above is forwarded to Ld., commissioner, Municipal corporation,

Amritsar for your kind information please.
2. A copy of above is forwarded to G.M. Project, PMIDC, Municipal Bhawan,
Sector35, chandigarh for information w.r.t. cwp No. 18490 of 200g and cM
9116 pending in Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High court chandigarh.
A copy of above is forwarded to s.E. (civil), Municipal corporation, Amritsar for
your kind infonnation please.

Executive Engineer -IV(C),
tr'or- Commissioner,
Municipal Corporation,
. Amritsar.
Schedule D
[see regulations l0 ( l) a\d 18 (7))
Grant of authorization for laying, building, operating or expaniling CGD network


M/s Gujarat State Petronet Limited,

(Attn; Shri ttavindm Agarwal, General Manager (Comm.)),
E-18, GIDC Electronic Estate,
Sector 26, Gandhinagar,
Gujarat- 382028

Subject: Grant of Authorization to I\'ils Gujarat Sate Petronet Limited for

development of City Gas Disribution Network in the GeograPhical
Area of Amritsar District Puni

With reibrence to your apPlication-,:um-bid for grant of authorization for

laying, building, operating or expanding the CGD network in Amritsar
District (Punjab), it has been decided to grant you the authorization subject to
the Petrcleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities ro Lay.
Build, Operate or Expand City or Local Natural Gas Distribution Networks)
Regulations, 2008 and the following terms and conditions:

l. The Authorized Area for laying, building, operating or expanding the

proposed CGD Network shall cover an area of 2648 square kilometers and

as depicted in the enclosed drau ing.

2. The activities of laying, building, operating or expansion of the CGD

Network to commence within a period of 180 days from the date of this

J. The activities permitted above shall have to be completed as per the
approved time schedule enclosed at Annexure l. Anl failure on the Part of
the entity in complying with the milestonu" p.".l.ib"d in the time
schedule shall lead to consequences as specified under regulation l6 ofthe

Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to LaY'.

Build, Operate or Expand City or Local Natural Gas Distribution
Nerworks) Regulations. :008.

4. The entity shall design and install an optimal size of the infrastructure in
terms of pipelines ofvarious types including steel belting ofthe authorized
area, online compressors of adequate capacity for compressing of natural

gas into CNG, allied equipments and facilities in the CGD network as
identified in its DFR depending upon the potential demand for natural gas.
The infrastructure in the CGD network should be adequate to maintain
unintemrpted flow of natural gas in the pipelines and be also able to
maintain supplies at adequate pressure to online CNG stations.

5. The entity shall maintain an uninterrupted supply of natural gas to all

categories ofcustomem in the CGD network. In the event of an1' disruption

in the supply of natural gas in the CGD Network, first priorit)' shall be

accorded to restoration of supplies to domestic PNG customers. ln case of

disruption of supply to domestic PNG customers for more than twelve
hours, the entity shall compensate to the domeslic customer on the

following basis:-

(a) the normative ,olume of natural gas consumption for the first
domestic PNG connection for cooking requirements based on last
three months weighted average consumption per day to be applied for

each day's disruprion and muhiplied by ten:


$r rAFn i{ EftrIE6 +r
*rceha x.rr.t o..**hory eoiJ
rd Fbor, ttbdd Tr.d.,.
ilrr rit. =rt frrit_fiomr
4.D., Ro.d, D.rhi, r j OdO,
(b) normative value of natural gas consumption shall be based on last
three months' weighted average billing price of natural gas for
supplies to the first domestic pNG connection for cooking
requirements; and

(c) the value of compensation shall be equal to normative volume of

natural gas consumption as per clause (a) multiplied by normative
value as per clause (b) and shall be adjusted by allowing a credit tothe

domestic PNG Customer in the next billing cycle or in the nexr pre-
paid smart card in case of sman card metering.

In case the disruption of supplies is attributed to any lault of the domestic

PNG customer, no compensation shall be payable by the entiq...

6. The entity is allowed an exclusivirl, period under the petroleum and Natural

Gas Regulatory Board (Exclusivity lor City or Local Natural Gas

Distribution Networks) Regulations, 2008, in respect ofthe following:

(a) 300 months from the date of issue of this communication for laying.
building and expansion ofthe CGD network; and

(b) 60 months from the date ofissue of this communication in terms ofan
exemption from the purview of common carrier or contract carrier for
the CGD network:

Provided that the entity meets the obligations in line with the peuoleum
and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Exclusivity for City or Local Natural
Gas Distribution Netu,orks) Regulations, 2008:

Provided funher that the period ofexclusivity allowed under sub-clause (a)
or sub-clause (b) may be terminated before the expiry ofthe period

+llfrlt .fr rrttu frftrt +{

r.loobuh r N.tu..tO!.'ir
R.auhtory Bo.d
tll Floo., Ubrld Tr.da C..rh
utr !lf, :|l frR{i-rroar
a.!.l Ro.d, ih* OdnHtO@,
mentioned above in line with the provisions under Petroleum and Natural
Gas Regulatory Board (Exclusivity for Citl or Local Natural Gas

Distribution Networks) Regulatiors, 2008.

7. The authorized entity shall be required to take prior approval from the
Board for creation of any lien. charge or hypothecation of the CGD
network to secure finances for the project and fumish details of utilization
of funds. However, in case ofraising funds from any financial institution or
bank, the entity will be required to only inform the Board ofthe sanction of
the funds within a period ofseven days

8. The entity shall submit a detailed and clear financial closure repon to the
Board within a period of one hundred and eighty days from the date of
autho zation issued by the Board under regulation l0 of Petroleum and
Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build, Operate
or Expand City or Local Natural Cas Distribution Netrvorks) Regulations,

9. The entity shall publish the approved network tariff for transponation of
natural gas as well as the compression charge for CNG in the CGD network

in the authorized area which is also annexed to this schedule.

10. The entity shall publish the applicable retail selling price of PNG for all
categories of customen and also for the purpose of invoicing in Rs./


I I . The entity shall publish aind display the retail selling price of CNG for the

purpose of invoicing to CNG customers in Rs./ Kg at all CNG dispensing

' .--Fa^._

tEtfr{r rtt rrffta tl! hFr.rr. d

P.nlhm t ilrtld O.! R u[o.y E..Rt
)"U lqr tlr. !a{ aa *!r
l.t Fbor, l/Vo,ld
rt { rtt.
Tra! C.6lr.
i{ iR{Flroor
8$a. Ro.d. lrbr O.lil-l10001
12. The fumishing of performance bond of Rs 2ll2 Crores (Rupees Two
Thousand Two Hundred and Twelve Crores Onl).) is
4guarantee for timely
commissioning ofthe project as per the prescribed targets in the bid and for
meeting the service obligations during the operating phase ofthe projecr.

13. The entity shall abide by-

(a) the service obligations as specified under regulation

14 of the
Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to
Lay, Build, Operate or Expand City or Local Natural Gas Distribution
Networks) Regulations, 200g:

(b) the service obligations specified under the petroleum and Natural Gas
Regulatory Board (Exclusivity for City or Local Natural Gas
Distribution Nerworks) Regulations, 200g;

(c) the service obligations specified in Schedule-J to the peroleum and

Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build,
Operate or Expand City or Local Natural Gas Distribution Networks)
Regulations, 2008;

(d) the quality of service standards as specified under regulation 15

Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to
Lay, Build, Operate or Expand City or Local Natural Gas Distribution
Ner\ orks ) Regularions. !00g.

14. In case the authorization ofthe entity is terminated, the Board may assign
the rights and obligations of the entiry to any agency or another
entily on
such terms and conditions, as it may deem fit. Further, the entity may be
required, as per the directions of the Board, to continue the operations
the CGD network at the same level till another agency or entity appointed
by the Board takes over rhe full conrrol ofthe CGD network.

. -*^n^

)"9 rlqft- ti frFin tH

rsl ll1. tttl tt *Et 'y S;;
,.aroaqh & |{6tn Ola nagstt

i.t Ftod. lltt td T,Ila C.itr

rll tta. i{ frrll_rrba
E.!.r Roir,, t\a{, o.t -liomt
15. The entity shall comply with the applicable provisions under the Peroleum

and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build,

Operate or Expand City or Local Natural Gas Distribution Networks)
Regulations, 2008, Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatorl' Board
(Determination of Network Tariff for City or Local Natural Gas
Distribution Net*orks and Compression Charge for CNG) Regulations,
2008, Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatorl Board (Exclusivitl' for City or

Local Natuml Gas Distribution Networks) Regulations, 2008, relevant

regulations for technical standards and specifications, including safety
standards, any other regulations as may be applicable and the provisions of
the Act.

16. The entity shall comply with any other temr or condition which may be
notified by the Board in public interest from time to time.

You are requested to confirm your acceptance by filling-in the acceptance ofthe
grant of authorization provided below and return the same in original (Please
note that all pages along with the Annexure are to be initialed & stamped),

Yours faithfully,
,,\..... '

Arvind Kumar

Dateo: '] l-\'"" '' - Additional Advisor


.at{ 9Ttft5 rtf, frffiIr-c da

cN' '
P.toaum A N.tuntO.t R.euatory go.,n
sq! n'a, rttr
1 "dt i.l
.t Fto.r, y\lbdd
da C.nk.
rr.l tr. ii ft*Frioor
_)€ B.!.r Ro.d, ll{ O.hFirO@!
Acceotance ofthe Grant of Authorization

I / We hereby accept the grant ofauthorization issued by the pNGRB vide letter
ref. PNGRB/CGD/BID/4l20l3tl4lGA-Amritsar Disrrict (purjsb)-Bid
Evaluation dated 5th May,2015 and agree to comply with all the tems and
conditions subject to which I / We have been granted tho authorization for
laying, building, operating or expanding city or local natural gas distribution
network in the authorized area of Amritsar Distlict (Punjab).

Date: 15.05.20 t5

Place: Gandhinagar

Signature ofthe Entity or Authorized

ANNEX I - GA ofAnrits.r District (Punjrb)

Minimum Work hogramme as per BID

MhiDon Wor* PrognD r! pcr ReguhtioN (to be compLt d dllritg ftrt fivc yG.B
of cxclurMty)

IEch- Kms ofPipelire to be Lsid. No. of Domcatic PNG Connections

953.28 24415

Yerr wile Brerk Up of trrgets

Tot.l IDch- l(m! of Pipelire io be Yearl Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Yc.r 5 (2OoA) (sto/") (8Oo/") (90o/") o00%)

953.28 190.66 476.64 762.62 857.95 953.28

Yesr wile Brerk UD of tarcctg

Infr$tructure for PNG DoEe3tic Ye.r 2 Year 3 Yesr 4 Yerr 5

Yeirl (rs%) (50%') (70%l (lmvol
24115 3667 12212 tTn l :44.15

Net8ork T.rif, (froE l-25 Rs. pcr MMBTU 0.01
Comprcclion Ch.rge (froD l-25 Years) Rs. per Kg. 0.0t

ry="f +ffi{i
qh rn!frE +i frfrrrir, d
& N.tsnt c.t
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tr.l rE. rt Fd-lrm.
B.b.r Ro.d, it
1rr Froor, Wond tr.6. C.nt,.

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