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Operator flexView Manual


19. Appendix

19.1 flexView interface installation

Each engine with WECS-9520 control system is delivered with USB memory
stick i.e. flexView-USB-Stick Contents for WECS-9520. This memory stick
contains the latest software needed for the setup of the engine interface on the
Operator PC. It consists of drives for USB-to-CAN adapter, flexView installation
files, etc.

The content of this memory stick should be updated at the first opportunity e.g.
during attendance of Wärtsilä service engineer.

· Double-click the installation file: Install-flexView.exe as shown on the

figure (Fig. 128). These files can be found on the flexView-USB-Stick.

flexView-USB-Stick Contents for WECS-9520

Fig. 128
· Select Next in the following screen:

Installer welcome window

Fig. 129

· Carefully read the readme file and click Next again (Fig. 130).

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ReadMe file window

Fig. 130
· In the Select Components window select the item according to your

Select Components window

Fig. 131
· For a new installation it is required to install the VCI drivers first (refer to
chapter 19.2). Only then continue with the flexView Base-Installation
(chapter 19.4) and flexView Plant setup (chapter 19.5).

Do not select the VCI driver installation, if they are already installed on your
computer, unless you need to reinstall the drivers for repair (chapter 19.7)

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19.2 Installation of VCI drivers

VCI (Virtual CAN Interface) drivers are necessary for the operation of the
IXXAT USB-to-CAN adapter.

· Start the Install-flexView.exe installation file (see chapter 19.1).

· Select the VCI driver in the Select Components window and click Next
(Fig. 131, Fig. 132).

VCI drive installation selection

Fig. 132

The USB-to-CAN adapter must not be connected before the drivers are installed
and the PC has been restarted.

· Click Next to start copying installation files

The installation program is ready to start the VCI driver setup

Fig. 133

· Click Next, after all installation files have been copied

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The driver setup files are being copied to your computer

Fig. 134

VCI Installer windows

Fig. 135
· Click Finish when the installation process is finished.

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VCI installation window

Fig. 136

· Press OK to restart

VCI license agreement

Fig. 137

19.3 Installation of USB-to-CAN adapter

After restarting the computer it is necessary to connect the IXXAT USB-to-
CAN adapter to all USB ports one after another. By doing that USB ports will
be configured to work with the adapter.

· Plug in IXXAT CAN-to-USB adapter to USB port of the flexView computer:

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Plugging in USB-to-CAN adapter

1 2

1. USB-to-CAN adapter, 2. USB port on operator flexView PC

Fig. 138

MS Windows recognizes the new hardware (i.e. USB-to-CAN adapter) and

starts the installation.

Hardware installation

Fig. 139

After a successfull driver installation the following message will be displayed:

Device driver installation message

Fig. 140

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Operator flexView Manual
Connect the USB-to-CAN adapter sequentially to all other USB ports on the
computer to complete the driver setup for these ports.

After the successfull installation the “USB” LED on the USB-to-CAN adpter has
to be green.

19.3.1 Software driver installation verification

This procedure helps to check the successful installation of the USB-to-CAN
adapter on the flexView computer with Windows 7 operating system. Follow
the steps below

· Go to Startè Computer è Properties menu

Step 1

Fig. 141

· In the opened System window click on link:

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Step 2

Fig. 142

· In the opened Device manager window locate

entry and click on the plus one time if needed.
· If the driver was installed successfully there will not be any warning signs
near “VCI3 USB-to-CAN compact” entry.

Step 3

Fig. 143
The correct drivers` version can be checked also here (for Windows XP):
· Go to Startè Control Panel è Add or Remove Programs menu
· There should be the following records shown in Fig. 144.

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VCI drivers in Windows XP

Fig. 144

19.4 flexView Base-Installation setup

Start the flexView installation file (See chapter 19.1).

In the Select Components window select flexView base installation.

flexView Base installation selection

Fig. 145

Do not select the VCI driver installation if they are already installed on your

Select Next in the following screen:

Installation window

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Fig. 146

The new flexView program and all necessary system files are installed on the

Installation progress window

Fig. 147

It is not necessary to reboot.

MS .NET installation window

Fig. 148
Click Yes.

MS .NET installation window, License Agreement

Fig. 149
Click Install.

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MS .NET installation progress window

Fig. 150

Click OK.

MS .NET installation complete window

Fig. 151

The flexView software is registered in the system configuration.

MS .NET installation window

Fig. 152

Installation completed. Click Finish.

Installation window

Fig. 153

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19.5 flexView plant installation
The flexView plant installation generates files and folders for a specific plant
(vessel or power plant) on the computer. The plant ID or vessel hull number has
to be entered for this setup.
With the first online connection to the engine’s WECS system, flexView uploads
the system configuration from the modules and is ready to use.
Start the flexView installation file (see chapter 19.1).

flexView Plant installation selection

Fig. 154

In the Select Components wondow select flexView plant.

Click Next in the Start Installation menu and select WECS-9520 as installation

flexView Plant product selection

Fig. 155

Click Next.

Enter the vessel’s plant ID (Hull No.) as indicated in the Manual Control Panel
in the control room or the local control stand, when you press the
SOUND OFF – ALM ACKN. button for more than 5 seconds Fig. 156.

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Operator flexView Manual
MCP panel sound acknowledge button

Fig. 156

Engine software information on MCP panel

Fig. 157

Plant ID input

Fig. 158

The vessel related files are created by the flexView installation program.

Installation window

Fig. 159
Installation is finished.

The flexView program screen layout is designed for the standard Windows
appearance layout.

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Operator flexView Manual
If the default Windows XP appearance is used with the flexView program, the
menu row is not fully visible.

19.6 PC settings for flexView

There are a few settings to do on the computer to ensure a correct functioning
of flexView
§ Set language to English
§ Remove USB-Port auto power settings
§ Decimal symbol must be “.” (Regional and language
Options/Regional Options/Customize/Decimal symbol)

Window XP Display properties

Fig. 160

To change these settings, click with the right mouse button on the desktop and
select Properties Fig. 160.

Window XP Appearance change window

Fig. 161

Select the card Appearance and change the Windows and buttons from

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Operator flexView Manual
Windows XP style to
Windows Classic style and click OK.

Correct flexView appearance

Fig. 162
Now the flexView screen is properly displayed by Windows.

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Operator flexView Manual

19.7 Reinstallation of the VCI drivers

In case when VCI drivers have been corrupted e.g. by virus or installation of
wrong and harmful software these drivers have to be reinstalled.
For the reinstallation the following steps have to be done:
· Close (exit) any running flexView program.
· Unplug IXXAT USB-to-CAN adapter from the USB port of a flexView PC.
· Do the installation steps described in chapter 19.2.
o Previously installed VCI drivers will be automatically uninstalled.
· After installation restart flexView PC as requested.
· Now IXXAT USB-to-CAN adapter can be connected to the flexView PC.
Follow the steps in chapter 19.3.
· Now the flexView program can be started again.

19.8 Typical flexView failure messages and indications

flexView error message

If this error appears when starting up flexView, the VCI drivers have not been
properly installed.

Fig. 163

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flexView no indication
If all indications fields show question marks instead of values, either
· the FCM module to which flexView is connected is switched off, or
· the USB-to-CAN adapter failed to initialize.

Fig. 164

flexView in demo-mode
If the CAN adapter is not connected flexView is only allowed to run in demo-

Fig. 165

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flexView does not connect to the FCM-20
If the connection to the FCM is not correct or the FCM-20 is switched off the
flexView cannot establish connection to it and displays the message shown

Fig. 166

HDF-5 files corrupt

If flexView defines a HDF-5 file as corrupted, it writes ”.corrupt” at the end of the
file. Those files can be deleted.

Fig. 167

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flexView frozen state

If the USB-to-CAN adapter failed to initialize, the CAN LED remains off. Unplug
and re-plug the adapter into the USB port to fix the problem.

Single indications showing question marks appear, if other FCM modules are
switched off.

If all indication fields and menu bars changed to a light blue color and data is
not updated anymore, then a trend is running in the background with maximum
possible scan time.
This is not a failure but a normal condition: to prevent CAN bus overload the
scanning of all other flexView indications is paused, until the trend is stopped.

The “offscan” condition is indicated by the light blue background.

Fig. 168

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19.9 Crank Angle Sensor Free End offsets adjustment

After mechanical work on the CAS and CAS drive, the crank angle offsets must
be adjusted.

1. Turn the engine with the turning gear until the flywheel marks show TDC,
cylinder number one = 0.0°.
- Marks (1) and (2) should be aligned as indicated in Fig. 169.
- TDC of cylinder number one can be cross checked from the crank case.
But safety measures must be taken accordingly before opening of the
crankcase – see “Warning labels” located near the crank case doors on
the engine.

2. Start the flexView program and go to the ADJUST card.

3. With the flywheel position as described in the first point, read the crank angle
values displayed in the fields “Crank angle 1/2". If they are different from
0.0° CA, enter the displayed values as offsets in the fields "CA 1/2 Offs.".

For negative deviations, e.g. 359.8<°, use negative values, e.g. -0.2<°,
see Fig. 169.

Adjustment of the crank angle offsets

2 1 2

T.D.C. 1

1. Mark on gear wheel, 2. Marks on shaft encoder and holder

Fig. 169

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19.10 Crank angle gear wheel adjustment

Calibration of engine TDC signal offset

1. Move the engine into place by turning the gear device CCW or CW until the
TDC pickup is in line with the target. The engine TDC which is mounted on
the fly wheel is activated. This is indicated on its LED. Check on flexView
card ADJUST that the TDC window shows “Tooth”. See figure Fig. 170

2. Move the engine CCW by using the turning gear device until the LED on
the TDC pickup is switched off. Now turn the engine CW until the LED on
the TDC pickup lights up. Read the current crank angle position of the
engine by using the angle scale on the fly wheel and enter the value in
flexView, card ADJUST. See figure Fig. 170 pos.2.

3. Move the engine further by turning gear device CW until the LED on the
TDC pickup switches off. Then move the engine CCW until the LED of the
TDC pickup switches on. Read the current crank angle position of the
engine by using the angle scale on the fly wheel and enter the value in
flexView, card ADJUST. See figure Fig. 170 pos.3.

4. The mean TDC offset angle will be calculated automatically. The result is
displayed on “flex View”. See figure Fig. 170 pos.4.

CAS gear wheel adjustments

4 2 3

8 6

7 5

Fig. 170

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Wiring check and calibration process of ACM-20 modules and pickups

The following instruction has to be performed autonomously for both ACM-20

units (ACM #1 – E96.1 and ACM #2 – E96.2)

1. Pickups “A”, “B”, “C” and “REF” are wired with ACM-20. The associated
LEDs on the ACM-20 are either off or light up yellow.

In order to determine the correct wiring disconnect directly the plug

connector at the pickup one by one. The associated LED on the ACM-20
LED changes to red. After the check reconnect the plug connector. See
figure Fig. 171

2. Turn the engine CW by turning gear device. The pickup sequence on the
ACM-20 has to be in the correct order: “A”, “B”, “C” etc indicated by the
yellow LEDs. See figure Fig. 171

LED display on ACM-20 unit

Fig. 171

3. Turn the engine CCW by using the turning gear device until the reference
mark is detected by the ACM-20 module. The “REF” LED lights up.

Calibration process – determining offset angles between pickups

The conditions for calibration are: Engine at standstill and turning gear device
is engaged.

1. Turn the engine CCW past the reference mark – the LED switches off again
– until the engine is turned away more than 45° from the reference mark.

2. Switch on the dedicated calibration mode with “START” in the flexView card
ADJUST and then start turning CW the engine by turning gear device. From
now on, the engine is interlocked and cannot be started until the following
step has been completed. See figure Fig. 170 pos.5.

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Operator flexView Manual
3. The engine turns CW driven by turning gear device. The ACM-20 unit scans
teeth and gaps of the gear-wheel and calculates the angles between the
pickups (auto calibration). Once the reference mark is detected the LED is
switched on shortly (see figure Fig. 171). When the LED switches off
again, the calibration process is done and the interlock of the engine is

Remark: When the engine is turning the turning gear device, it must not
be stopped until the reference mark has been detected.

4. Turn the engine again CW or CCW over the same reference mark. The
ACM-20 module begins with the continuous transmission of the current
crank angles over SSI to WECS. The LED “CA” is switched on. See figure
Fig. 171.

Adjustment of ACM-20 units with engine TDC

1. Turn the engine by turning gear until the fly wheel mark shows TDC,
cylinder 1 at 0.0°. Correct the angle transmitted from ACM-20 with field
“ACM CA #1/#2 Offset” so that the crank angle value “Crank Angle #1/#2”
shows 0.0° (coarse adjustment). See figure Fig. 170 pos.6

2. Speed up the engine with air-run. During this phase the offsets “Meas offset
angles” are determined by the software (minimal speed is required
>20RPM). At standstill the values are displayed on flexView, card ADJUST.
See figure Fig. 170 pos.7

3. Put the values “Meas offset #1/#2” in field “ACM CA #1/#2 Offset” and the
values are now equal. See figure Fig. 170 pos.8. The calibration process
for the ACM-20 units is now completed.

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Operator flexView Manual

19.11 Requirements for the flexView PC

Hardware Requirements:

CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo min.

Clock 1.66 GHz min.
HDD or SSD flash hard drive 16GB min.
RAM 4GB min.
Graphic adapter with dedicated memory (min. 256MB)

Drive: CD or DVD-ROM (optional)

Interface: 4x USB: (USB-to-CAN, USB-Key, Mouse, Keyboard)

Screen: Resolution 1024x768 min.

Software Requirements:

PC with: Windows XP SP2, 32 Bit (English)

Windows Vista Home Premium, 32 Bit (English)
Windows 7 Home Premium, 32 Bit (English)
Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 Bit (English)

WinZip extraction (optional)

To prevent the execution of flexView with problems we highly recommend the
usage of a graphic adapter with dedicated memory (min. 256MB).

To protect the PC from virus attacks it is essential that only flexView is installed
and executed on the PC. Wärtsilä cannot guarantee a proper execution of
flexView if two or more programs will be executed at the same time. Due to the
high amount of computer resources that flexView needs Wärtsilä proposes its
own PC.

The support of 64 Bit operating systems e.g. Windows 7 (64Bit) is limited.

It should be considered that a suitable computer is part of the yard supply.

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Operator flexView Manual

19.12 Wiring Diagram for flexView operator

Wiring diagram for flexView operator

Fig. 172

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