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Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153


University researchers working with private companies

P. Craig Boardmana,, Branco L. Ponomariovb
Science and Technology Policy Institute, Washington, DC, USA
University of Illinois-Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA


Despite the growing interest in university–industry interactions, there has been little systematic assessment of the university scientists
who work with private companies. This study uses a national survey of tenured and tenure-track scientists in the US to identify personal
and professional characteristics that affect whether university scientists interact with private companies and, if so, the ways in which they
interact. We account for a broad range of professional and personal predictors of scientists’ interactions with the private sector, including
funding sources, institutional affiliations, tenure status, support of students, scientific values, and demographic attributes. The
motivation for this broad-based analysis is similar to that which has motivated studies of the ‘‘entrepreneurial university’’ demonstrating
how a slew of factors including unique histories, traditions, and organizational structures shape universities’ approaches to knowledge
exchanges and technology transfers with industry [Bercovitz, J.E.L., Feldman, M.P., Feller, I., Burton, R.M., 2001. Organizational
structure as a determinant of academic patent and licensing behavior: an exploratory study of Duke, Johns Hopkins, and Pennsylvania
State Universities. Journal of Technology Transfer 26, 21–35; O’Shea, R.P., Allen, T.J., Chevalier, A., Roche, F., 2005. Entrepreneurial
orientation, technology transfer and spinoff performance of U.S. universities. Research Policy 34 (7), 994–1009]. Similarly, we start with
the premise that there is substantial individual-level variation amongst university scientists that governs whether and how they may
interact with private companies.
r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: University–industry interaction; Technology transfer

1. Introduction In contrast, there has been little assessment of the

university scientists who work with private companies,
University–industry interactions facilitate the transfer of though some of the most prominent indicators of success-
technology and knowledge to the private sector, usually ful university–industry interactions may be related to inter-
towards needs not fully addressed by markets (Combs and personal exchanges (Johnson and Tornatzky, 1984). While
Link, 2003). Depending on the objectives involved, these there is increasing interest in university–industry interac-
interactions can take many forms, including research tions at the individual-level of analysis, these studies focus
contracts and the establishment of boundary-spanning almost exclusively on a limited spectrum of interactions,
research centers. On the other hand, a large proportion of most notably technology licensing (Thursby et al., 2001;
university–industry interactions may be informal (Hage- Thursby and Thursby, 2004). While important, scientists’
doorn et al., 2000). Most study justifiably has focused on involvement in patenting and, often, in post-disclosure
the outcomes for private firms that such interactions often interactions with private companies licensing their inven-
intend to facilitate and produce, such as firms’ R&D tions represent a very limited picture of the ways in which
investment rates (Nelson, 1986), patenting rates (Adams university scientists may work with private companies.
et al., 2001), and new technology and process development University scientists interact with private companies in
(Mansfield, 1995). many other ways that do not necessarily show ‘‘on the
books’’ of university administration and technology
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 404 274 2125. transfer offices. To assess the extent and determinants of
E-mail address: pboardma@ida.org (P. Craig Boardman). alternate modes of interaction, it is necessary to analyze

0166-4972/$ - see front matter r 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153 143

individual-level data measuring relationships between greatly with respect to perspective (industry, university,
university scientists’ behaviors, productivity, and funding government), structure (formal, informal), level of analysis
sources (Thursby and Thursby, 2004), as well as other (market, organization, individual), and effect (economic,
characteristics including institutional relations, personal academic, scientific capacity, institutional, cultural, manage-
attributes, and scientific values. ment). A review of this diverse work is not within the scope
This study constitutes such an analysis. While of late there of this paper. However, we develop hypotheses based on
has been some work identifying numerous alternate inter- propositions derived from this body of scholarship. The
actions (i.e., other than patenting and licensing) that occur hypotheses presented below propose a range of individual-
between academe and industry, these studies frequently level factors that help to explain university scientists’ work-
remain focused on the perspective of the firm to identify related interactions with the private sector.
how private companies benefit from these interactions
(e.g., Feller et al., 2002) or to determine which firm-level 2.1. Industry grants
characteristics help to predict the occurrence of specific types
of interactions. The current study focuses on the university There is some empirical precedent for assessing the
perspective using a national survey of tenured and tenure- impact of industry funding on universities and university
track scientists in US ‘‘research extensive’’ universities scientists. Bogler (1994) uses survey data to show that
(Carnegie Foundation, 2002) to identify personal and university researchers in the US receiving research funds
professional characteristics that correlate with reports of from private companies harbor more favorable attitudes
interacting with private companies. towards university–industry interactions. Bozeman and
We account for a broad range of individual-level Gaughan (2007) demonstrates having industry grants to
characteristics that could help explain university scientists’ increase the industry ‘‘involvement’’ of university scientists.
interactions with private companies. These characteristics Gulbrandsen and Smeby (2005) use survey data to
include professional attributes—such as grants activity and demonstrate that university researchers in Norway with
sources, institutional affiliation with university-based industry grants are more likely to characterize their
research centers, collaborations with peers and students, research as ‘‘applied,’’ more productive in terms of
tenure status, and academic discipline—as well as personal publishing and patents, and to collaborate more when
attributes—such as gender, race, age, and reported compared to researchers without industry funding. Van
scientific values. Therefore, the current study is more Looy et al. (2004) perform a case study of a single
exploratory than is it driven by any unified theory of university in Belgium to demonstrate that industry funds
university scientists’ industry involvement. However, we correlate positively with university researchers’ publication
draw upon extant research and theory in predicting and rates and ‘‘entrepreneurial’’ activities.
explaining university scientists’ performance of specific Theoretically, there are a number of potential explana-
types of work with private companies, including ‘‘infor- tions for these effects. Scientific and technical human
mal’’ interactions such as information exchange, ‘‘aca- capital (Bozeman et al., 2001) theory would suggest that
demic’’ interactions such as co-authoring papers, and when scientists have industry funding, their respective
‘‘entrepreneurial’’ interactions such as patenting. professional networks and resource caches are enhanced to
The rationale motivating this broad-based analysis is include scientists working in private companies. Accord-
similar to that which has motivated exploratory studies of ingly, the likelihood of interacting with industry on work-
the ‘‘entrepreneurial university’’, demonstrating how a slew related tasks increases. Moreover, university scientists with
of factors including unique histories, traditions, and industry funding probably are relatively successful at
organizational structures shape universities’ approaches procuring non-industry support as well and, therefore,
to knowledge exchanges and technology transfers with are more productive with regard to both entrepreneurial
industry (Bercovitz et al., 2001; O’Shea et al., 2005). and academic outputs (Owen-Smith, 2003). Hence,
Similarly, we start with the premise that there is substantial
individual-level variation amongst university scientists that Hypothesis 1. Having industry grants increases the like-
governs whether and how they may interact with private lihood of interacting with private companies in any capacity,
companies. A series of logistic regression models are including informal knowledge exchanges as well as the
presented to demonstrate the effects that individual-level performance of entrepreneurial activities (paid consulting,
characteristics have on the likelihood that university technology transfer and commercialization, patents, copy-
scientists have engaged in a variety of interactions with rights) and academic activities (co-authoring refereed
private companies while occupying academic posts. papers, placing students and post-docs in industry jobs).

2. Literature and hypotheses 2.2. Percentage of work time supported by government

research grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements
Since at least the early 1980s, there has been substantial
scholarly and policy interest in university–industry interac- The number of grants a university scientist has is an
tions. This interest has generated a body of work that varies imperfect indicator of grants activity insofar that absolute
144 P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153

grant counts do not necessarily correlate positively with the and from the perspective of the firm. No less, some of these
total dollar amounts a university scientist may have in studies are indirectly helpful for formulating hypotheses
grants-based funding. To measure government grants here. Feller et al. (2002), for example, demonstrate private
activity, instead of counting the number of grants, we companies to report benefiting from working with NSF
measure the percentage of work time supported by Engineering Research Centers by way of the students and
government research grants. (Unfortunately, we do not post-docs they acquire for placement in full-time positions
have a comparable measure for industry grants activity.) and access to ‘‘upstream’’ modes of knowledge. A series of
This measure, by capturing more accurately the extent of studies addressing private companies’ strategic objectives
involvement of a university scientist in government- for partnering with other NSF centers show that private
supported research, also approximates the preeminence, companies partner to work on patents and licenses and to
or the success of a scientist in his or her field (Siegel et al., acquire new skills (Santoro and Chakrabarti, 2002;
2003). Given that federal grant-funding is based predomi- Santoro and Betts, 2002). Although there is little empirical
nantly on the peer-review process, the ability of a scientist research assessing directly the relationship between center
to win government grants which essentially ‘‘buy’’ the affiliation and university–industry interactions from the
scientist’s time, is indicative of success in the field overall. university perspective and at the individual-level of
There is little empirical precedent from which to analysis, the above organization-level findings imply that
formulate hypotheses about the effect of government university scientists place students in industry jobs, transfer
funding on university scientists’ industry interactions. knowledge and skills to private companies, and work with
General theories of time allocation are perhaps instructive companies on patents and licenses.
by defining time allocations as ‘‘investments’’ that indivi- Causally, the rationale of scientific and technical human
duals make based upon the relative expected returns for the capital theory applies—especially as articulated by Dietz
time allocated to each activity (Rosen, 1974). Because one and Bozeman (2005), who emphasize how past institutional
of the primary expected returns to time devoted to affiliations with the private sector can increase university
government-funded research is the production of refereed scientists’ publishing and patenting rates. Centers, like
journal articles and conference presentations, one may industry grants, are means with which university scientists
expect a negative relationship between government funding acquire research funding as well as access to collaborators
and industry interactions. in industry. Accordingly, center affiliation expands the
However, the more involved a scientist is in federally professional networks and resource caches of university
funded research, perhaps the more successful and more scientists to include industry scientists, thereby increasing
productive that scientist becomes, which in turn could the likelihood of interaction with industry:
indicate to private companies a potentially fruitful
university–industry interaction, thereby leading to informal Hypothesis 3. Affiliation with a university research center
knowledge exchanges as well as to both entrepreneurial increases the likelihood of interacting with private compa-
and academic interactions, including the co-authoring of nies.
refereed papers. Indeed, several works have shown that
scientists who are highly successful in commercialization 2.4. Number of collaborators
activities are also among the most productive scientists
(Zucker and Darby, 1996). Moreover, this university Research collaboration is a predictor of research
scientist may be motivated to interact with private productivity (Price and Beaver, 1966) and indicative of a
companies not just for access to additional resources and general behavioral strategy for facilitating research pro-
funds (Slaughter and Rhoades, 2004), but also for access to ductivity (Bozeman and Corley, 2004). The motivations to
potential co-authors who can help to capitalize on the time collaborate are often resource-based, including the special
invested in government research: competences of the collaborators or access to the special
data, equipment and infrastructure, or funds that colla-
Hypothesis 2. The greater the proportion of scientists’ borators possess (Melin, 2000). However, there is also
work time supported by government grants, the higher the evidence that research collaborations are motivated simply
likelihood of interacting with private companies. by common intellectual interests (Beaver, 2001; Katz and
Martin, 1997) or to encourage disciplinary cross-fertiliza-
2.3. Affiliation with a university-based research center tion (Beaver and Rosen, 1978; Melin, 2000).
Both types of motivation may be relevant to university
Many (though not all) centers sponsored by government- scientists’ interactions with industry. In an environment of
funded university research centers programs—such as ‘‘steady state’’ (Ziman, 1994) funding, university scientists
those sponsored by the US National Science Foundation act as ‘‘academic capitalists’’ (Slaughter and Leslie, 1997)
(NSF)—require centers to recruit industry partners (Gray, to procure from as many sources as required the funding
1998; Bozeman and Boardman, 2004). Much of the and access to equipment, collaborators, and other
research on the relationships between university research resources they need to be productive scientists. Moreover,
centers and industry is conducted at the organization-level the scientific pursuits of universities and industry have
P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153 145

become more aligned in recent years (Link et al., 2006). publishing. Junior-level scientists incur a higher cost (the
Accordingly, scientists who collaborate more, all else ‘‘cost’’ of interacting with private companies in addition to
equal, perhaps exhibit a greater general propensity to enter an fulfilling tasks and duties for an academic department),
into collaborations with industry: at least in terms of academic career advancement, than
incur tenured faculty (Braxton and Del Favero, 2002;
Hypothesis 4. Scientists who report having greater number
Diamond, 1993, 1999) and therefore shun industry inter-
of collaborators are also more likely to interact with
actions for more traditional academic tasks and duties.
industry in any capacity.
This reasoning is consistent with theories of time allocation
defining time allocations as ‘‘investments’’ (Rosen, 1974).
2.5. Number of students funded
However, much of this study is anecdotal or speculative.
Empirical support for the potential deterrent effect that
Prior research suggests a positive relationship between
not having tenure may have regarding university scientists
student support and industry interactions. Behrens and
working with private companies can be found in studies of
Gray (2001) show that graduate students increasingly are
scientists affiliated with university research centers. Board-
drawn to industry jobs after graduation. Bozeman and
man and Ponomariov (2007) demonstrate that having
Corley (2004) demonstrate university scientists with strong
tenure increases center scientists’ valuation of applied and
student mentoring orientations to be more likely to hold
commercially relevant research. If such values translate
positive attitudes towards industry interactions. Accord-
into matching behavior, then it is plausible to expect that
ingly, it seems likely that university scientists who support
tenured scientists will be more likely to interact with
more students will be more likely to interact with industry.
industry. Boardman and Bozeman (2007) use interviews to
One potential explanation for this relationship may
arrive at similar findings, with untenured university
simply be that university scientists’ relationships with the
scientists reporting that they sometimes shun center-based
students they support often are preserved and even
activities for activities that ‘‘count’’ in departmental tenure
exploited after graduation. Students who take industry
decisions. Hence,
jobs often contact their former advisors for consultation,
and can also provide opportunities to university scientists
Hypothesis 6. Having tenure in an academic depart-
for access to funds for mutually beneficial research
ment increases the likelihood of interacting with private
(Behrens and Gray, 2001). Another explanation may be
that students supported through grants are a central
dimension of university scientists’ research capacity,
suitable for work that might be of greater relevance for
2.7. Scientific values
industry than for furthering the boundaries of knowledge
in a discipline or field (Ponomariov, 2008). Researchers
In a study of the cognitive effects of university–industry
who support more students through grants invest in
interactions, Etzkowitz (1998) suggests that an individual-
maintaining a pool of human resources that they could
level value shift has occurred wherein the traditional
easily deploy to tackle various research problems. This type
academic scientific value ‘‘extension of knowledge’’ has
of flexibility as well as the type of work most likely to be
been incorporated into a compatible relationship with the
performed by students (e.g., experimental, prototyping,
entrepreneurial scientific value ‘‘capitalization of knowl-
software writing and testing) is one factor that can enhance
edge.’’ Etzkowitz is careful not to generalize this claim or
the university scientists’ capacity to pursue and act on
to overextend the logic to the universities in which these
industry-related opportunities. But this is what also makes
scientists work, acknowledging that the ‘‘model of separate
the scientist an attractive partner for industrial collabora-
spheres and technology transfer across strongly defined
tors—the presence of students to advise on equipment
boundaries is still commonplace’’ (p. 827). In a separate
issues, write and troubleshoot software, perform tests and
study (Etzkowitz et al., 2000), he makes similar claims at
experiments—which are likely to be crucial at the
the university-level of analysis.
‘‘experimentation stage’’ (Randazzese, 1996) in universi-
While there may be evidence of a cultural shift in
ty–industry interactions. Thus,
scientific values on university campuses, this shift has not
Hypothesis 5. Number of students supported through been absolute. Discussed above, Boardman and Ponomar-
grants will positively affect interactions with industry. iov (2007) suggest as much with respect to tenure status,
finding tenured university scientists to have more positive
2.6. Tenure status attitudes towards the conduct of applied and commercially
relevant research when compared to their untenured but
Studies concerned with the traditional academic reward tenure-track counterparts. Therefore, in any assessment of
template’s emphasis on publications suggest that universi- individual-level antecedents to university scientists’ inter-
ty–industry interactions are viewed by untenured but actions with industry, it is appropriate to control for
tenure-track scientists as time and effort taken away from variation across scientists’ attitudes and values—at least
potentially academic career-advancing activities, such as those pertaining to work with private companies.
146 P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153

Particularly important is assessing whether taken-for- private companies before it deters male scientists (due to
granted scientific values affect the likelihood of pursuing women scientists’ heightened awareness of organizational
interactions with private companies. Such values include constraints):
the precedence of the investment and consumption values
Hypothesis 9. Being male increases the likelihood of
of conducting research over the tangible rewards associated
interacting with private companies.
with it and, related, the preference for purely curiosity-
driven research versus applied and commercially relevant The set of the above hypotheses situates university
research. The idealized university scientist’s preference scientists’ interactions with private companies within a
structure is constrained by the norms of disinterestedness, relatively complete (in comparison with prior studies) web
communalism, and organized skepticism (Strandburg, of variables describing much of the individual-level
2005)—all potentially in conflict with industry-relevant constraints scientists work within. In turn, this allows for
research, which often is influenced by extra-scientific assessing the place that interactions with private companies
considerations, whereby full disclosure is not always occupy within the set of activities scientists engage in
appropriate and there exist strong incentives to draw professionally, and more importantly—to assess what
attention away from possible sources of error. Therefore, aspects of their professional lives seem to encourage or
the extent to which a university scientist subscribes to basic deter such interactions with industry.
scientific norms might influence his likelihood of interact-
ing with industry. The data analyzed for this project allows 3. Data and method
us to roughly approximate the extent of respondents’
identification with the norms of communalism and disin- 3.1. Data
The data for this analysis were drawn from a national
Hypothesis 7. (Disinterestedness) Characterizing research
survey of US university scientists conducted from August
with commercial applications as detracting from the
2003 to July 2004. The sample frame comprised tenured
quality of research decreases the likelihood of interacting
and tenure track scientists and engineers in 13 disciplines
with private companies.
employed in ‘‘Research Extensive’’ (formerly ‘‘Research I’’)
Hypothesis 8. (Communalism) Valuing an increased cita- universities, as defined by the Carnegie Classification
tion rate over an increased salary decreases the likelihood (Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
of interacting with private companies. 2002). The sample was stratified by academic discipline,
academic rank, and gender.
2.8. Gender The scientific disciplines in the sample included biology,
computer science, mathematics, physics, earth and atmo-
Most research on women in science concludes that spheric science, chemistry, and agriculture, as well as five
women scientists collaborate less and produce less than sub-disciplines of engineering including chemical, civil,
their male counterparts (Long and McGinnis, 1985; Long electrical, mechanical, and materials. Sociology was also
and Fox, 1995). The reasons for this gender gap have been included in the sample, but it is not considered in the
shown to include less access for women scientists to analyses in this paper.
mentors (Long and McGinnis, 1985) and resources during The sampling frame was composed of 36,874 names of
training (Fox, 1995) when compared to male scientists. faculty from which a sample of 4916 individuals was
Because of these structural constraints, women scientists do drawn. The data were collected via a mail survey that
not progress as far as male scientists in academic careers followed Dillman’s (2000) ‘‘tailored design method.’’ The
(Long et al., 1993). survey was terminated with a response rate of 38%. After
Based on the findings for collaboration alone, scientific removing sociologists and faculty employed at EPSCoR
and technical human capital theory would suggest a universities and HBCUs from the sample, the final N for
positive relationship between being male and working with this dataset included 1643 university researchers. The
private companies. Based on the findings for productivity, survey focused on various domains of faculty activity,
men are more likely than women to be contacted by private including funding, collaboration, affiliation with university
companies about their research and more likely to receive research centers, career trajectory, and distribution of work
industry funds and engage in collaborative work with effort.
industry scientists. This rationale is further supported
by findings suggesting that women scientists are less 3.2. Method
productive due to relatively heightened awareness of
organizational constraints (Fox and Ferri, 1992). Multiple This study uses nine dichotomous dependent variables.
studies have suggested that interactions with industry are The first indicates whether respondents have interacted in
not always seen positively by academic departments any capacity with the private sector during the 12 months
(Stahler and Tash, 1994; Boardman and Bozeman, 2007), preceding their completion of the survey (1 ¼ yes; 0 ¼ no).
which may deter women scientists from engaging in with The next eight dependent variables indicate specific modes
P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153 147

of interaction with the private sector for the same time results of the regression models for discrete types of
period, including being contacted by industry informally, industry interactions.
having contacted industry informally, paid consulting,
placing students in industry jobs, being an owner or 4.1. Industry grants
employee of a private firm, patenting and/or copyrighting,
transferring and commercializing technology, and co- The number of industry grants a university scientist has
authoring papers for refereed journals and conferences positively correlates with all but one type of university–in-
(1 ¼ yes; 0 ¼ no). The eight variables indicating specific dustry interaction included on the survey—being an owner
types of industry interaction are not mutually exclusive. or employee of a private company. These results reinforce
We use logistic regression analysis to identify ante- previous findings (discussed above with the hypotheses)
cedents to university researchers’ interactions with indus- conducted at the organization-level of analysis, from the
try. The basic statistical models to be estimated are as firm perspective (Santoro and Chakrabarti, 2002; Santoro
follows: and Betts, 2002; Feller et al., 2002).
The regression results also demonstrate some relatively
Y ¼ b0 þ b1 INDGRANTS þ b2 TIMEGOVT novel findings. For instance, each additional industry grant
þ b3 CENTER þ b4 TOTCOL þ b5 TOTSTUD is shown to increase the likelihood of university scientists
þ b6 ENG þ b7 PHYS þ b8 CS þ b9 AG co-authoring with industry scientists papers for peer-
þ b10 TENURED þ b11 MALE þ b12 AGE reviewed journals and conferences—an ‘‘open/academic’’
activity rather than a ‘‘proprietary/economic’’ one. In
þ b13 DISINTRST þ b14 COMMUNAL contrast, many (e.g., Rhoades and Slaughter, 2004) have
þ b15 WHITE þ e, suggested that university–industry interactions deter such
activities. Industry grants also increase the likelihood of
where Y indicates the spectrum of binary dependent
university scientists initiating contact with private compa-
variables reflecting different types of interactions with
nies about research and of their working for companies as
industry. All variables are described in Table 1.
paid consultants. Moreover, being funded by industry has
no discernible effect on the likelihood of starting a
4. Results company or working for a company as an employee or
partner. This perhaps implies that when scientists recognize
Logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the commercial potential of their inventions and are willing
effects of university scientists’ personal and professional and able to exploit it on their own, they may attempt to
characteristics on the likelihood of engaging in discrete capture the possible returns themselves, rather than rely on
types of research-related interactions with private compa- industry funding, which in all likelihood would come with
nies. For the first regression model—using the ‘‘general’’ some expectation that the returns on the invention are
dependent variable indicating any type of interaction with shared with the funders in some way.
private companies—a broad range of personal and
professional characteristics had statistically significant 4.2. Percentage of time supported by government grants
effects. University scientists with industry grants; affilia-
tions with university research centers; who support The impact of the percentage of time supported by
students with grants-based funds; are engineers, computer government grants had no direct impact on all but one of
or agricultural scientists; have tenure; whose attitudes the different types of interaction with industry—co-
towards science are not closely aligned with traditional authoring academic papers with industry personnel. Per
Mertonian scientific values; and who are non-minorities are the rationale in the original hypothesis, percentage of work
more likely to have research-related interactions of any time supported by government grants is a good proxy for a
type with industry. In contrast, gender, age, number of scientist’s general ability and productivity. This result is
research collaborators, percentage of work time supported consistent with such reasoning as it implies that more able
by government grants, and working in a physical sciences and more productive scientists are also more capable of
department did not affect the likelihood of working with pursuing a variety of publication opportunities, including
private companies. ones with industry colleagues. This finding is also
Though these results support in a general way a majority consistent with prior work conducted at the organization-
of the hypotheses for this study, they do not reveal level of analysis suggesting that success in basic science is
relationships between specific individual-level characteris- associated with success in commercially relevant science
tics and particular modes of university–industry interac- (Owen-Smith, 2003). The results reinforce this finding at
tion. Moreover, some personal and professional the individual level, but also qualify it by suggesting that
characteristics that do not demonstrate statistically sig- academically successful scientists are not necessarily more
nificant effects in the general model show significant likely to engage in any form of industry-relevant activities.
impacts for the ‘‘specific’’ dependent variables (Table 2). Instead, they may be selective in terms of what industry-
Accordingly, the remainder of this section focuses on the related opportunities to pursue and prefer ones that have
148 P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153

Table 1
Descriptive statistics (N ¼ 1643)

Variable Description Mean S.D. Range

Dependent variables
WORKCOMP Have you had any working relations with private companies during 0.51 0.50 0–1
the past 12 months?
CONTACTED Persons from a private company have asked for information about my 0.37 0.48 0–1
research and I have provided it
ICONTACTED I contacted persons in industry asking about their research 0.19 0.39 0–1
CONSULTANT I served as a formal paid consultant to an industrial firm 0.18 0.39 0–1
PLACESTUD I helped place graduate students or post-docs in industry jobs 0.25 0.43 0–1
WORKED I worked at a company with which I am owner, partner, or employee 0.04 0.18 0–1
PATENT I worked directly with industry personnel in work that resulted in a 0.06 0.23 0–1
patent or copyright
TRANSFER I worked directly with industry personnel in an effort to transfer or 0.16 0.37 0–1
commercialize technology or applied research
COAUTHORED I co-authored a paper with industry personnel that has been published 0.15 0.36 0–1
in a journal or refereed proceedings
Explanatory variables
INDGRANTS Number of industry grants 0.14 0.44 0–4
TIMEGOVT Percentage of work time supported by government grants, contracts 21.69 21.31 0–100
or cooperative agreements
CENTER Affiliated with a university research center 0.31 0.46 0–1
TOTCOL Total number of collaborators 12.96 44.20 0–1630
TOTSTUD Total number of graduate students supported through grants 2.91 3.15 0–40
ENGINEERING Engineering 0.41 0.49 0–1
PHYSICAL Physical Sciences 0.35 0.48 0–1
AGRI Agriculture 0.08 0.27 0–1
BIOL Biology 0.08 0.27 0–1
CS Computer Science 0.08 0.28 0–1
TENURED Associate or full professor 0.73 0.44 0–1
MALE Male 0.49 0.50 0–1
AGE Age (number of years) 47.51 10.56 27–82
DISINTRST Worrying about possible commercial applications distracts one from 2.20 0.91 1 (strongly disagree)–4
doing good research (strongly agree)
COMMUNAL I did rather double my citation rate rather than double my salary 2.26 0.97 1 (strongly disagree)–4
(strongly agree)

direct link to their research agendas versus ones associated The results for center affiliation are especially interesting
with more applied work. when considered in tandem with the findings for industry
grants. While each additional industry grant increases the
likelihood of university scientists engaging in explicitly
4.3. Affiliation with a university-based research center entrepreneurial activities related to intellectual property
rights and paid work for private companies, center
Affiliation with a university research center positively affiliation facilitates university–industry interactions that
correlates with all but the explicitly ‘‘entrepreneurial’’ are less contrasted to traditional academic norms and
university–industry interactions included on the survey, activities. Accordingly, grants and research centers con-
such as working in a company as an owner, partner or stitute distinct mechanisms conducive to variable outcomes
employee, consulting, and patenting. University scientists regarding university–industry interactions, though there is
who work in centers are more likely to be on both the overlap in the findings regarding informal knowledge
recipient and initiating ends of informal knowledge exchanges and co-authorship.
exchanges with private companies, place students and
post-docs in industry jobs, work on technology transfer, 4.4. Number of collaborators
and co-author papers with industry scientists. Though
technology transfer seems entrepreneurial relative to the We find only weak evidence supporting the hypothesis
other types of interactions, it is not necessarily so when regarding the number of collaborators a respondent has.
compared to patenting, working as a paid consultant, or as The only type of interaction with industry that is affected
an employee or owner of a firm (for which center affiliation (positively) by the number of collaborators is proactively
had no statistically significant effects). contacting a private company about their research. This
Table 2
Logistic regression results (N ¼ 1643)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Any interaction Persons from a I contacted I served as a I helped place I worked at a I worked directly I worked directly with I co-authored a paper
with industry private company persons in formal paid graduate students company with with industry industry personnel in with industry
have asked for industry asking consultant to an or post-docs in which I am owner, personnel in work an effort to transfer or personnel that has
information about about their industrial firm industry jobs partner, or that resulted in a commercialize been published in a
my research and I research employee patent or technology or applied journal or refereed
have provided it copyright research proceedings

Number of 1.450 (0.272) 0.780 (0.155) 0.728 (0.139) 0.344 (0.136) 0.705 (0.161) 0.205 (0.268) 0.750 (0.162) 0.661 (0.143) 0.863 (0.141)
industry grants
Percentage of work 0.002 (0.003) 0.004 (0.003) 0.002 (0.004) 0.002 (0.004) 0.004 (0.003) 0.003 (0.008) 0.003 (0.006) 0.002 (0.004) 0.007 (0.004)

P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153

time supported by
government grants,
contracts or
Affiliated with a 0.354 (0.14) 0.430 (0.135) 0.336 (0.153) 0.091 (0.158) 0.348 (0.149) 0.041 (0.324) 0.171 (0.26) 0.266 (0.167) 0.504 (0.167)
university research

Total number of 0.003 (0.002) 0.004 (0.004) 0.005 (0.003) 0 (0.001) 0.004 (0.003) 0 (0.001) 0 (0.001) 0 (0.001) 0 (0.001)
Total number of 0.121 (0.028) 0.129 (0.027) 0.097 (0.025) 0.094 (0.025) 0.186 (0.028) 0.112 (0.055) 0.134 (0.056) 0.193 (0.027) 0.100 (0.024)
graduate students
supported through
Engineering 2.017 (0.255) 1.652 (0.292) 1.241 (0.366) 1.109 (0.345) 2.512 (0.517) 1.254 (0.778) 1.192 (0.749) 1.350 (0.479) 1.755 (0.521)
Physical Sciences 0.107 (0.256) 0.114 (0.303) 0.408 (0.398) 0.162 (0.36) 1.147 (0.525) 0.413 (0.874) 0.205 (0.788) 0.251 (0.497) 0.662 (0.539)
Agriculture 2.104 (0.309 1.989 (0.333) 1.427 (0.403) 0.874 (0.387) 2.425 (0.546) 0.528 (0.919) 1.277 (0.786) 2.549 (0.505) 1.814 (0.561)
Computer Science 1.181 (0.297) 1.144 (0.334) 0.970 (0.407) 0.615 (0.409) 2.283 (0.545) 0.68 (0.923) 0.686 (0.837) 1.401 (0.519) 1.614 (0.552)
Tenured 0.304 (0.178) 0.526 (0.177) 0.137 (0.204) 0.413 (0.222) 0.565 (0.209) 0.302 (0.581) 0.137 (0.397) 0.09 (0.237) 0.004 (0.235)
Male 0.206 (0.131) 0.129 (0.13) 0.174 (0.153) 0.601 (0.153) 0.269 (0.141) 1.281 (0.361) 0.049 (0.261) 0.422 (0.167) 0.163 (0.165)
Age 0.007 (0.007) 0.022 (0.008) 0.003 (0.009) 0.007 (0.009) 0.005 (0.009) 0.021 (0.017) 0.027 (0.014) 0.013 (0.01) 0.018 (0.01)
Worrying about 0.157 (0.07) 0.124 (0.069) 0.127 (0.08) 0.160 (0.083) 0.178 (0.078) 0.887 (0.208) 0.394 (0.154) 0.221 (0.088) 0.188 (0.092)
distracts one from
doing good
I did rather double 0.114 (0.068) 0.063 (0.068) 0.108 (0.076) 0.165 (0.081) 0.022 (0.075) 0.071 (0.167) 0.245 (0.145) 0.014 (0.085) 0.014 (0.086)
my citation rate
rather than double
my salary
White 0.361 (0.168) 0.562 (0.173) 0.078 (0.19) 0.579 (0.223) 0.575 (0.197) 1.526 (0.644) 0.39 (0.379) 0.295 (0.221) 0.008 (0.209)
Constant 1.391 (0.493) 1.855 (0.521) 2.706 (0.65) 3.350 (0.606) 4.501 (0.734) 6.214 (1.354) 4.702 (1.14) 4.408 (0.707) 4.509 (0.741)
Observations 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524 1524

Robust standard errors in parentheses.

 Significant at 10%.
Significant at 5%.
Significant at 1%.

150 P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153

result is consistent with the rationale outlined in the and co-authoring papers with industry colleagues. This
hypothesis, namely that individuals with greater propensity implies that the traditional academic reward system does
to collaborate overall will also exhibit greater propensity to not necessarily have a uniform, direct deterrent effect on all
seek collaborative opportunities with the private sector. forms of interactions with industry. Instead, it may be the
Proactively seeking research contacts may be interpreted as case that the effect of tenure status reflects that scientific
indicative of such opportunity-seeking behavior. credentials and seniority are relevant for some, but not all
types of interactions with industry.
4.5. Number of graduate students funded
4.7. Scientific values
The number of students a university scientist supports
with research grants positively correlates with every type of As hypothesized, subscription to the norms of com-
university–industry interaction included on the survey. munalism and disinterestedness negatively affects the
Hence, as the number of students university scientists likelihood of interacting with industry. However, these
support increases, so increases the likelihood that they have effects are not uniform, which implies that certain
been contacted by industry about research, contacted interactions with industry do not necessarily conflict with
industry for similar reasons, worked as a paid consultant, widespread scientific norms. Specifically, scientists who
placed students and or post-docs in industry jobs, worked believe that commercial considerations distract one from
on patents or copyrights, worked to transfer and commer- doing good research are less likely to be contacted by
cialize research, and co-authored refereed papers with private companies, serve as paid consultants to firms, place
industry scientists. The number of students supported also graduate students in industry jobs, patent, work on
increases the probability of being an owner, partner, or commercializing technology and co-author papers with
employee of a private firm. Different than (though not industry personnel. In short, identification with the norm
necessarily contradictory to) some claims about the impact of disinterestedness generally precludes scientists from
of industry on academe, the results demonstrate students to entering most interactions with industry, thus indicating
be a component of university–industry interactions. the presence of a cultural and/or motivational barrier that
may have direct effect on the behavior of some scientists.
4.6. Tenure status The effect of subscribing to the norm of communalism
(approximated here by relative valuation of economic
Being tenured positively affects the likelihood of enga- rewards versus the utilization of one’s work in others’
ging in a range of interactions with industry. However, this research) is less pronounced. Specifically, while scientists
effect is not uniform across the different types of who value the dissemination of their work over economic
interactions. While having tenure seems to facilitate rewards are generally less likely to interact with industry,
interactions with industry such as being contacted by a this attitude affects negatively only two of the specific types
private company, having served as a paid consultant, and of interaction: serving as a paid consultant to a private
having placed students or post-docs on industry jobs, it had company and working with industry in entrepreneurial
no discernible effect on proactively initiating contacts with capacity (e.g., as an owner, partner, or employee).
a private company, working in a private company as an These results paint a somewhat complex picture of the
owner, partner or employee, patenting, working on effect of this norm. Specifically, it is plausible that if
technology transfer, and co-authoring papers with industry someone values the standing of their work within the
personnel. scientific community higher than any economic rewards,
There is a possible underlying logic that can be detected they would be less likely to get involved in consulting
within these results. Specifically, it seems that academic engagements, which although potentially very lucrative,
seniority is relevant, and facilitates, interactions where the rarely involve ground breaking research. Such scientists
reputation of the scientist could plausibly be one of the will also be less likely to become ‘‘academic entrepreneurs,’’
driving forces behind the interaction. For example, it which essentially involves altering their career trajectory to
makes sense that senior (tenured) scientists who are already accommodate the pursuit of commercial opportunities
established will be more likely to be contacted by private (Audretsch and Kayalar-Erdem, 2005). If a scientist is
companies, and more likely to be paid for their advice (paid more interested in the impact of their work than in the
consulting). They are also more likely to have greater possible economic rewards, then he would be less likely to
access to students and the ability to support more students engage in such behaviors.
and assist with their placement in industry jobs. While However, this set of values showed no effect on the other
seniority and reputation (as approximated by tenured types of interaction with industry, which is an important
status) are important for these types of interactions, topic for further research as this ‘‘lack of negative effect’’
tenured status showed to have no effect on being involved implies that interest in scientific impact does not necessarily
in other types of interactions with industry, such as seeking conflict with all industrial interactions at all times.
information from private companies, engaging in a For example, it may be the case that in the search for
company as an owner or partner, working on a patent, new and interesting problems, even scientists who exhibit
P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153 151

indifference to economic incentives may be inclined to turn European entrepreneurs which found that academic
to industry, for example as a source of new ideas and entrepreneurs tend to be older (Klofsen and Jones-Evans,
challenges that merit research with potentially important 2000).
impact. White scientists are generally more likely to interact with
private companies, to be approached by firms with requests
4.8. Gender for information, to have served as consultants, helped place
graduate students in industry jobs, and to have worked in
Gender affects several particular types of interactions industry in entrepreneurial capacity (e.g., as an owner,
with industry. Specifically, male scientists are more likely to partner or employee). These results map closely with the
have served as formal paid consultants, to have helped results on gender, which implies that there might be some
place graduate students in industry jobs, to have acted in structural barriers for under-represented groups to parti-
entrepreneurial capacity (e.g., as owners or partners in a cipate in entrepreneurial activities. Specifically, the types of
company), and to have worked on commercializing interactions where minority status and gender had effect
research with industry personnel. were interactions especially likely to depend on experience,
It is unclear if these results are due to the lesser seniority and other human and social capital endowments.
propensity of women to engage in such interactions in If so, it may be the case that women and minorities are still
general, or if because these types of interactions are ones in a ‘‘catch-up’’ mode. Such a possibility should not be
that imply increased importance of experience, seniority, overstated, as these data only imply that such scenario may
and status (in which case the finding would not be be occurring, but does not allow testing such a claim.
surprising given that women have been hired in academia
in increasing numbers only recently, and thus are less likely 5. Discussion and conclusions
to have attained the relevant markers of prestige and status
than men). However, at least one prior study supports the This paper proposed an exploratory assessment of the
former possibility. Thursby and Thursby (2005) report that effects of broad range of individual-level characteristics on
women are less likely to disclose inventions, even though university scientists’ interactions with the private sector.
their publication productivity and profile does not differ This assessment was motivated by existing studies that
from their male counterparts’. have explored, often indirectly, the relationship between
particular dimensions of scientists’ roles or characteristics
4.9. Age and minority status and their interactions with industry. In contrast, the
current paper undertook a comparatively comprehensive
Older scientists are less likely to have been approached analysis of the individual determinants of university
by private companies with requests for information, but scientists’ interactions with the private sector.
more likely to have worked with industry personnel on In spite of the primarily exploratory intent of this paper,
patents and co-authored papers. These results imply mixed several of the findings are worth highlighting. Most
effects for age. On the one hand, younger scientists— importantly, we find little evidence of conflict between
socialized in an environment increasingly emphasizing interactions with industry and more traditional academic
closer university–industry relations—may be more recep- roles. On the contrary, we find positive relationship
tive to such contacts and such receptivity may be between behaviors expected of university scientists—such
recognized by industrial partners. On the other hand, the as conducting government-funded research and supporting
importance of including age in models of scientific graduate students—and interactions with the private
behaviors lays in the fact that it approximates the extent sector. We also find that subscription to traditional
to which scientists accommodate human and social capital scientific norms is not necessarily at odds with pursuing
over the course of their careers that may be relevant in their commercially relevant activities. Further, scientists af-
interactions with industry. As with tenured scientists, older filiated with university research centers—which often focus
scientists have had more time to develop skills and to on applied and commercially relevant research—are more
produce work useful for industry, as well as to develop likely to interact with the private sector, but not in an
networks that may include industry personnel (Link et al., entrepreneurial capacity.
2006). If so, our results tentatively identify industry-related Taken together, these results suggest a synergy between a
activities where such credentials and experiences may be wide range of traditional academic activities and roles and
relevant: patenting and co-authoring papers with industry interactions with the private sector. This represents a
personnel. These results are indirectly consistent with prior contribution relative to prior studies, e.g., ones examining
study indicating that more successful and productive the link between productivity and commercialization
scientists are also more likely to be successful entrepreneurs activities. The demonstrated link between productivity
(Zucker and Darby, 1996). Since the accumulation of such and commercialization is plausible, but it tells only a
intellectual capital consumes time and effort, our results small part of the story by focusing on a single aspect of
can be read as an indirect approximation of this process. scientific ability and behavior whereby one cannot discern
Our results are also consistent with a descriptive study of what particular endowments, capabilities, and/or related
152 P. Craig Boardman, B.L. Ponomariov / Technovation 29 (2009) 142–153

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