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What should we learn?

1. Purpose
2. Principles / Rules
3. Methodology
4. Technique to write the meanings of the underlined

1. Reading skill
2. Writing skill
3. Clarity of expression

Principles / Rules

1. Size A. Number of sentences: At least one complete sentence; no rule regarding

limit of maximum number of sentences
B. Number of words: No rule regarding minimum or maximum number of
C. You are not supposed to make the precis of the answers. Therefore, you
should write fully comprehensive answers. You may write the answer in
more than the number of words given in the original passage for that
particular answer.
D. No phrases, no headings in answers

2. Scope of A. Answers must be as per the demand of the questions / answers must be
answers to the point (core principle)
 No addition
 No reduction
B. You must consider very carefully the interrogative words written in the
questions. The interrogative words determine the scope / length of your
 What / why / how, etc.
Answer in Passage: Corruption has four types namely A, B, C and D.
How many are the types of corruption?
i. Corruption has four types. (good/bad)
ii. There are four types of corruption. (good/bad)
iii. Corruption is of four types. (good/bad)
iv. The types of corruption are four. (good/bad)
v. A, B, C and D are the four types of corruption. (good/bad)

3. Content of A. Must be the same as is of the original passage.
answers B. No addition or deduction in meanings
C. Don’t let the content be influenced by:
1. Your own knowledge on the subject matter
2. Your religious beliefs
3. Your political affiliation
D. Exception: You may add your own knowledge to the answer when the
question is “Do you agree with the writer? Justify your answer.”
E. No exception if the question is “Do you agree with the writer? Provide
justification from the paragraph.”

4. Completeness A. Every answer should be so comprehensive as it could tell the reader

what its question is, even when the reader has not read the question.
Answer: The present Prime Minister of Pakistan is Mr. Imran Khan.

5. Start of A. You may preferably start writing your answer with the assertive part of
answers your question

6. Language A. Answers must be in your own language structure.

structure B. The core Key words that define the subject shall be reproduced. / The
key words of the subject should not be replaced.
C. Don’t refurbish the answers. Dismantle the language structure of the
original passage (as you demolish your old house to build a new one),
then write answers in your own language structure.
D. No forced synonyms

7. Vocabulary A. Simple vocabulary; no difficult vocabulary

B. No idioms / figurative expressions
C. No proverbs
D. Key words / terms of the subject shall be reproduced

8. Types of A. Simple / affirmative / informative ending at full-stop

Sentences B. No interrogative sentences
C. No imperative sentences
D. No optative sentences
E. No exclamatory sentences
F. Preferably active voice sentence
G. Indirect sentences

9. Indirect A. Remove quotation marks

speech B. Use third person: he / she / they / it / someone / one

10. Personal A. Never write the first person; however, when the question addresses you,
Pronouns you may write with the 1st person but don’t prefer.
B. Never write the 2nd person.
C. Must write the 3rd person.
“Do you agree with the writer?
1. I agree with the writer….
2. It may be agreed with the writer…
11. Tense in A. Same as of the questions
answers B. May be different tenses in different answers but must match with the
tense of question

12. Examples Never reproduce but incorporate the meaning /theme / message of:
1. Examples
2. Interrogative statements
3. Quotations
4. Proverbs
5. Dialogue

13. Order of A. Do not change the order of the comprehension questions on your
questions answer sheet.

14. Questions on A. Never reproduce the questions on your answer sheet, just write the
the answer question number in the same fashion


1. Understand the questions carefully

2. Read your passage and identify the answers

3. Read the questions one by one again and mark the answers with parenthesis and
question number

4. In case there is partial overlapping of the contents of two answers, read them for
three times to differentiate the answers. If you are unable to differentiate /
segregate the answers, it may be an overlapping because of the questions.
Therefore, write answers with overlapping but in different words.

5. Mark all answers first, then start writing on the answer sheet.


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