New Education Policy

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New education policy – a new education

By apoorva arya
Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just
society, and promoting national development. Unfortunately, the education policy made by the
government in 1991 for the students in 20 th century. But as fast pace advancement in all fields in our
country we need a policy which will cope up with students of 21 st century. And This National
Education Policy 2020 is the first education policy of the 21st century and aims to address the many
growing developmental imperatives of our country

Some boons of NEP 2020 are -

 One of the first and major points of criticism is that our education system tries to fit the
students into three categories after 10 class – science, commerce and humanities and this is
very problematic. if you choose one stream, then you cannot study the subjects of other
streams. But mostly students are interested in wide variety of subjects. Even I want to opt
science stream in class 11 but I also lay interest in history and economics but I am helpless,
having opted for science stream I won’t be able to study subjects like history and economics.
But now the govt. has changed it. Now, the students have more flexibility to choose their
subjects. Upon the implementation of this policy, a student can take any subject irrespective
of the streams. This is an amazing initiative.
 A second major change by the govt is that they have replaced the existing 10+2 academic
structure with the 5+3+3+4 system now . now, it has become more similar to the education
system of the western developed countries
 To change the mindset about vocational jobs govt has introduced internship in vocational
training jobs. there would be a bagless period where student will take no bags but will learn
about jobs like carpeting, welding , plumbing etc.
 Another interesting and positive policy change is that the report cards are handed to
students at the end of the year . until now the teachers assess how the student has
performed in the entire year, according to them. Now the assessment will be done by not
the teachers, but the students will also self-evaluate themselves and say how have they
performed in the entire year, according to their perspective. Because critical thinking is a
very important aspect – to evaluate oneself by oneself to think about what one is doing and
critically analyse one’s own decisions
And in the coming life …for now we are told how are we performing by our school teachers
and parents, when we are in school. But when the school and college life gets over, there is
no one to tell you how your performance is going. you have to do a self-evaluation of how
are you performing in life. So thinking should be an early stage to the students

Govt has promised to implement this policy till 2025. Not us but maybe students in
somewhat future will be able to take benefit of this exceptional policy. We cant say anything
about it now but hopes up for the future
As Einstein once said “education is what remains when one has forgotten what one has
learned in school” so this education policy should change the mindset about people in
reference to Indian education system .

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