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Our country India has always been famous for gaining education since the Vedic period.

ancient times, India had the Guru Kula system of education in which anyone who wished to
study went to a teacher’s (Guru) house and requested to be taught .The guru teaches the
student everything that he wants to learn, from Sanskrit to the Holy Scriptures and from
Mathematics to Metaphysics.but this was until 17 century when britishers came to india. lord
macualy started modern teaching and subjects like maths and science were started to be
taught in schools. 
Indian education system like any other education system comes with various merits and
Advantages of Indian education
 It provides a wide range of subjects which helps students to learn. It helps us know about
various cultures and traditions of India as well as promote moral values.With the
advancement, India has seen an excellent development within the field of education. People
are less unemployed than before and some of them are even freelancing or rather self-
employed. One of the best positive things is that child labor has gone down to an excellent
extent. There are also reservation systems available for the socially underprivileged people.
The present statistics is 7.5% of the scheduled tribes, 15% for the scheduled castes and 27%
of the other backward class, but the exact percentages vary from state to state
Presently there are chiefly two boards with the exception of the state boards conveying
education until higher secondary, that is, ICSE andCBSE. In addition to this, there are also
Open Universities providing study at home facility. .

Demerits of Indian education

1. Rat race
Every 1 in 7 people is an Indian .what if 130 crore people discover their best lives.
India will be limitless. People say god has made everyone for a purpose. But our
education system does not help us find this purpose. Instead it all makes a part of rat
race . a rat race is a race where the winner gets nothing but satisfaction that he is
ahead of the losers. when the foundation of our thinking is based on comparison then
the structure build on this will always be weak. Today the Indian youth is very
frustrated and to escape this frustration and to get better opportunities many talented
students are leaving the country .
What can we all do ?
The teacher have to be a gardener not jailer, each plant or as we say students has to be
treated differently
Students will have to stop finding ways of timepass but instead find an interesting
hobby or pastime. If you want to get out of this rat race then you need to find what
your race/purpose is .

2 rot learning
In indian education system , your knowledge does not matter . what matters is that
how much you can rote kearn or repeat like a parrot . the result of this faulty policy is
very visisble in front of us . a research by ASSOCHAM says 80% engineers in inidia
are unemployed . that means even after a studentbecomes an engineer , studied for 4
years the skills that the industry needs from graduates are not being met by job
seeking youth …again what can we do ?
The new education policy is quite promising in text .maybe this issue will be outdated
for future generation of students . but it is important that students and parents
prioritize knowledge not the type of knowledge that you forget after writing a paper
but the kind of knowledge that helps in our personal growth
So as I discussed a new education policy is coming and it plans to bring in some
important changes except of all this, we need to understand one important thing that
there are two immense factors of Indian education system that no policy can change
that is-- students and their enthusiasm to learn. But whatever we say this flawed
education system has given india some real gems because they didn’t focus on the
things they couldn’t change instead they changed and improved themselves day after
day and the rest is history .

At last I would like to share a Sanskrit shlok

which literally transalates to education gives mannerism

Thank you everyone

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