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Nama : Daifa Dewi Wahyuni

Kelas : AA2

Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

1. Could you tell me about yourself and describe your background in brief?

(Bisakah Anda ceritakan tentang diri Anda dan jelaskan latar belakang Anda secara singkat?)

Introduce myself, I am Daifa Dewi Wahyuni graduated from Selamat Sri University with a
degree in accounting I have a GPA of 3.86 I have internship experience in accounting and
help with reporting and recording activities in it, I am sure I can make a good
contribution to your company

2. How did you hear about this position?

Bagaimana Anda mendengar tentang posisi ini?

I got this vacancy information from the official website at PT Pamapersada Nusantara which
was shared by my friend, every month I visit the site to see if there is a position that suits me,
and finally there is an accounting officer vacancy, namely that position. very suitable with my
skills and I really want to be recruited by your company
3. What type of work environment do you prefer?
(Jenis lingkungan kerja apa yang Anda sukai?)

in mining all employees are required to use their time to work diligently, effectively and
efficiently in every task carried out, for example going back and forth in the afternoon has
become commonplace, with this habit I have to study more diligently and enthusiastically to
achieve revenue targets in your company

4. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

Bagaimana anda menghadapi tekanan atau situasi stress ?
In every job that is done, there must be something called stress or maybe a feeling of
pressure, but I have had some experience from the world of internships and when I work I
can better control and control these feelings. I have to be calm, patient, sincere and sincere.
the most important thing is not to panic to control the situation
5. Do you prefer working independently or on a team?

Apakah Anda lebih suka bekerja secara mandiri atau dalam tim?

I like both because in the world of work we also have to be good at mingling with fellow co-
workers, I will also be very helpful if the work is done Together with the team I will get a lot
of opinions about how I work and do various reports and when I work alone I know what my
abilities are I do the work that I'm responsible

6. When you’re balancing multiple projects, how do you keep yourself organized?

Saat Anda menyeimbangkan banyak proyek, bagaimana Anda mengatur diri sendiri?

the work that has piled up has often happened, usually I will prioritize which task deadlines
must be done first using Time. work more regularly

7. What did you do in the last year to improve your knowledge?

Apa yang Anda lakukan dalam setahun terakhir untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan Anda?
In the last year after completing my education, I have learned a lot about the world of work,
to be precise in the mining world, I have honed my skills a lot so that my future career will be
even better.

8. What are your salary expectations?

berapa gaji yang kamu harapkan?

of course I want to get a salary that is in accordance with the job I get, we can discuss in more
detail for my position in order to get a clear picture of the work done, after I saw the average
research on the accounting officer section at pt pamapersada nusantara I will propose
compensation in the amount of IDR 7,000,000 to IDR 8,500,000 I hope you are willing to

9. Are you applying for other jobs?

Apakah Anda melamar pekerjaan lain?

yes, I have applied to several mining companies and that is only as an option, I really hope to
be accepted at the company as an accounting officer according to my aspirations in the field
of finance and so far this company is my furthest recruitment stage and allows me to get the
best experience

10. From your resume it seems you took a gap year. Would you like to tell us why
that was?
Dari resume Anda, sepertinya Anda mengambil jeda tahun. Apakah Anda ingin memberi tahu
kami mengapa itu terjadi?

I took a year break because at that time I felt I was not ready and immature to continue my
education, therefore I took various accounting courses and other financial training to see my
next goal. Education with a S.AK degree is none other than to support the ease of a future

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