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Thermoregulation in Bees

Author(s): Bernd Heinrich and Harald Esch

Source: American Scientist , MARCH-APRIL 1994, Vol. 82, No. 2 (MARCH-APRIL 1994),
pp. 164-170
Published by: Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society

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Thermoregulation in Bees
Bees regulate their body temperature by means of behavior, morphology
and physiology, which helps them to meet individual and social needs

Bernd Heinrich and Harald Esch

species can be found in the High Arctic, producing their own heat (some do so
Otto Plath,
and fatheraofHarvard
the poet Sylviaentomologist
Plath, within 82 kilometers of the North Pole. by basking in sunshine), the increased
once summarized the common wis? It has been known for more than 250 body temperature is restricted largely to
dom about how bees respond to years that bees have colony-level ther the thorax, the mid-portion of the body
changes in temperature. "Like all cold? moregulation. This response deter? that is packed with flight muscles.
blooded animals/' he wrote, "honey? mines where the animals can survive The wings of some insects, such as
bees and bumblebees have no means winter. Individual thermoregulation by moths, vibrate during warm-up, but
of regulating their body temperature, bees, however, was discovered rela? bees warm up silently, with no thoracic
and their exposure to cold invariably tively recently. It is ecologically impor? vibrations or wing movements. Never?
results in lethargy, and often death." tant because it determines when and theless, working with Ann Kammer of
Many have shared the belief of Plath, where a bee can fly and forage. Arizona State University, one of us
who wrote more than half a century ago, Technical difficulties have long ham? (Heinrich) showed that warm-up in
that insects are poikilotherms, animals pered progress in deciphering the physi? bees always includes activation of the
that cannot regulate their body tempera? ological mechanisms of how insects as thoracic flight muscles: the dorsal lon?
ture. Nevertheless, thermoregulatory be? small as bees can regulate their body gitudinal muscles, which depress the
havior is particularly well developed in temperature at levels close to that of hu? wings, and the dorso-ventral muscles,
several insects and particularly in bees, man beings. In recent years, however, the which elevate the wings. The problem
which can adjust their body temperature combined work of our laboratories and of how bees generate heat without vi?
over a wide range of environmental con? several others has provided a wealth of brating, however, remained unsolved.
ditions. Bees need thermoregulation to data that are producing a coherent pic? Warm-up in bees depends on the
fly, to forage and to incubate their young. ture of the diverse thermoregulatory physiology of their flight muscles,
The medianisms they have developed to mechanisms of individual bees. Much of which are called fibrillar or myogenic.
accomplish these tasks are as diverse as the research has concentrated on bum? A conventional muscle, such as the
bees themselves. blebees, carpenter bees and honeybees, ones that move the human skeletal sys?
Bees are a diverse group of insects in because these animals encounter unique tem, contracts only after receiving an
both social organization and environ? thermal problems. Although the imme? action potential, or an electrical im?
mental range. Some are strictly solitary; diate objective has been studying the ex? pulse from the nervous system. A fib?
others are highly social, having tens of tremes of adaptation, we shall show that rillar muscle, on the other hand, con?
thousands of individuals in a colony. In the end result is a general understand? tracts when it receives an action
addition, different species can be found ing of how the thermal environment has potential or when it is stretched within
across an extraordinary range of the shaped bees as we see them today. a few hundred milliseconds after re?
earth's thermal environments. Bees are ceiving an action potential; hence it is
at home in hot deserts and lowland trop? No-Shake Shivers also called a stretch-activated muscle.
ical jungles along the equator, and two Almost no insects, except possibly some During flight, the activation of a
social bees, maintain a continuously high bee's wing muscles results from both
Bernd Heinrich is professor of zoology at the Uni? body temperature. Instead, an insect re? stretching and nervous input. The con?
versity of Vermont. He earned his Ph.D. in 1970 mains cool?its body temperature near traction of the downstroke muscles de?
from the University of California at Los Angeles. the ambient temperature?until it pre? presses the wing and, at the same time,
He has written five books, the most recent of which
pares for flight, at which time it "warms stretches the upstroke muscles, which
is The Hot-Blooded Insects. Harald Esch is pro?
up," increasing its body temperature to then contract and lift the wing, stretch?
fessor of biological science at the University of
at least 30 degrees Celsius, and some? ing the downstroke muscles and so on.
Notre Dame. He earned his Ph.D. in 1960from
the University ofWuerzburg. He has published
times over 40 degrees Celsius. The The central nervous system sends oc?
research on communication, flight behavior and process can be surprisingly rapid. A casional action potentials to the flight
thermoregulation in bees and other insects. Ad? bumblebee, for example, can warm up muscles to "spark" the cycles of con?
dress for Heinrich: Department of Zoology, Marsh from an air and body temperature of 13 traction. This system generates oscilla?
Life Science Building, the University of Vermont, degrees Celsius to 37 degrees in just six tions of the upstroke and downstroke
Burlington, VT 05405-0086. minutes. In all insects that warm up by muscles at higher frequencies and with

164 American Scientist, Volume 82

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Stephen Dalton (Photo Researchers, Inc.)

Figure 1. Flying honeybee must regulate its body temperature. Although insects are usually considered cold-blooded, many bees exhibit
thermoregulation, allowing them to fly in cold and warm temperatures and to inhabit different environments. Many species of bees stay
warm in cold temperatures and cool in hot temperatures through behavioral, morphological and physiological adaptations.

better precision than neuronal input able tension, but little motion, which ex? Esch, Goller and Heinrich examined
alone could generate. Bumblebees, for plains the lack of wing vibrations. These bumblebees, carpenter bees and hon?
instance, beat their wings about 200 results, however, do not explain how a eybees as the animals alternated be?
times each second during flight. bee's flight muscles are used differently tween bouts of warm-up, occasional
If a myogenic muscle is removed during warm-up and flight. buzzing, flight and rest. The beginning
from a bee's thorax, it behaves like a One of us (Esch) answered this ques? of flight-muscle action potentials was
conventional muscle, contracting only tion in collaboration with Franz Goller. always associated with scutellar move?
when it receives an action potential. The Esch and Goller monitored simultane? ment and increases in thoracic temper?
isolated muscle produces more tension ously the action potentials to the flight ature. Moreover, there was never an in?
if the frequency of action potentials in? muscles, the thoracic and ambient tem? crease in thoracic temperature without
creases, but the tension reaches a peak, peratures and the movement of the action potentials, and all action poten?
scutellum, a piece of cuticle at the top tials induced muscle contraction as de?
called tetanus, at an action-potential fre?
quency of 15 times per second. rear portion of the thorax. Through termined by scutellar movement. The
During warm-up, the flight muscles anatomical inspection, Esch and Goller activation of a dorsal longitudinal
behave like isolated muscles, contract? reasoned that a contraction of the dorsal muscle moved the posterior part of the
ing in response to action potentials. longitudinal (or downstroke) muscles scutellum downward, and a dorso
Kammer and Heinrich found that a should rotate the scutellum until the ventral muscle moved it upward.
bumblebee's flight muscles receive up scutellar arms (downward projections of The key to keeping the flight muscles
to 40 action potentials per second dur? the scutellum) hit a projection at the rear motionless during warm-up depends in
ing warm-up, which contracts the mus? of the thorax, thereby creating a mechan? large part on the ratio of activation of the
cles in a relatively tight tetanus. These ical stop that prevents stretch activation two sets of flight muscles. Although both
tetanic contractions produce consider of the flight muscles. sets of muscles are activated essentially si

This content downloaded from 1994 March-April 165 on Wed, 09 Nov 2022 18:59:58 UTC
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multaneously during warm-up, the dor? In carpenter bees, the dorso-ventral
sal longitudinal muscles are activated muscles are activated more than the dor?
more frequently, especially in bumblebees sal longitudinal muscles. This prevents
and honeybees. This imbalance rotates the mechanical fixation of the scutellum, and
scutellum until it is stopped mechanically. these bees show some movement of the
These results indicate that the dorsal lon? thorax during warm-up. These move?
gitudinal muscles stretch the dorso-ven ments do not lead to oscillations because
tral muscles until the scutellum hits its the balance of forces between the two
mechanical stop. That prevents the mus? sets of muscles is upset, and this alone is
cles from being stretch-activated, and no enough to prevent oscillations. Carpen?

1 0 ' 5^ ^^^^ ^^^^5

oscillatory contractions develop. Flight os? ter bees switch from warm-up to flight
cillations begin with a burst of action po? when a burst of action potentials is sent
? time (minutes) tentials to the dorso-ventral muscles, to the dorsal longitudinal muscles.
which pulls the scutellar arms from the The ability to "shiver" gives bees nu?
Figure 2. Bee warms up by contracting its
mechanical stop and initiates the alternat? merous options. They can save energy
flight muscles. A bumblebee in an ambient
temperature of 24 (blue), 13 (red) or 7 (yel? ing contractions. When the dorsal longi? by remaining in torpor and allowing
tudinal and dorso-ventral muscles con? their body temperature to remain low.
low) degrees Celsius can quickly increase
its thoracic temperature to a flight-ready tract alternately, the scutellum is never When flowers bloom, the bees warm up
level hear 40 degrees. Warm-up may take depressed enough to hit its mechanical and fly. Shivering, however, also allows
several minutes in cold temperatures. stop, allowing stretch activation. bees to maintain a continuously high
and stable body temperature during for?
aging, so they can move quickly from
one flower to another.

Heart Loops and Honey Drops

Differences in thermoregulation among

^^^^^ l^'^ 1 "

honeybees, bumblebees and carpenter
bees emerge largely because they occu?
py different habitats. The honeybee is of
tropical origin, but it has been able to
invade the northern temperate zone be?
cause of its social organization?
warmth generated from the many indi?
? ok^yentrat ; dj^ ^?k^->#
- V?> viduals in a hive?and its habit of
? '? muscle;. .. ... ;?. . "': ? nesting in tree cavities. Foragers in the
.-' -. .::^^^^v---:v - ->'..v* ?. ' - ? ^ -
field, however, must face the thermal
challenges alone, demanding adequate
morphological and physiological de?
signs. A crucial feature of a honeybee's
thermoregulation arises from its circula?
tory system, which helps retain heat in
the thorax.
In insects, heat is lost directly from
the thorax to the air, and usually also
through the abdomen. A bee's ab?
domen, which contains the honey stom?
ach, can weigh four times as much as
the thorax, and the abdomen could
draw most of the heat out of the thorax.
Only the thorax, however, must remain
Figure 3. Warm-up proceeds without visible movement in some bees. The process involveshotthe for the insect to be flight-ready. If a
bee could shut off all unnecessary heat
flight muscles (pink)?the dorsal longitudinal and dorso-ventral muscles, which move the wings
loss to the abdomen, it could forage at
indirectly through levers--and the scutellum (the rear portion of the thorax, which projects down?
ward as the scutellar arms). The dorso-ventral muscles extend from the top to the bottom of the lower
tho? ambient temperatures.
rax; the dorsal longitudinal muscles extend from the top of the thorax to a freely moving structure Honeybees have a short thoracic pile,
called the phragma, which pushes the scutellar arm. Before warm-up (top left), the flight muscles
composed of hairs, that retards convec
are relaxed, leaving an opening called the scutellar cleft, between a scutellar arm and the front por?
tive heat loss from the thorax, but a
tion of the thorax. During warm-up (top right), both sets of flight muscles contract simultaneously
more important mechanism is a
(red), but the dorsal longitudinal muscles contract more. This imbalance of contraction rotates the
scutellar arms into the thorax, creating a mechanical stop that prevents further movement thereby
counter-current heat exchanger. It elim?
inates almost all heat loss to the ab?
generating motionless warm-up. Flight begins with a contractile burst to the dorso-ventral muscles,
which rotates the scutellar arms away from the mechanical stop and raises the wings (bottom left).domen, despite the fact that blood must
transport fuel from the abdominal hon?
The dorsal longitudinal muscles then contract, depressing the wings (bottom right). The upstroke
muscles contract again before the scutellar arms hit the mechanical stop. ey-stomach to the thoracic flight motor.

166 American Scientist, Volume 82

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A honeybee's heart is located in its ab? temperatures, from 17 to 25 degrees. pulses probably increase the blood
domen. The heart pumps blood from the Heinrich found that honeybees can fly flow to the head.
abdomen into the head through the aor? at the extraordinarily high air tempera? Paul D. Cooper and William A. Shaf?
ta. The blood returns to the heart ture of 46 degrees Celsius, and that fer of the University of Arizona ob?
through the open body cavity. A honey? when doing so they maintain an aston? served regurgitated droplets of nectar
bee's aorta is arranged in nine loops in ishing average thoracic temperature of in honeybee nectar foragers when they
the narrow petiole area, or waist, that only 45 degrees. Only evaporative returned to their hive from a hot
connects the abdomen to the thorax. The cooling can decrease body temperature desert. Pollen foragers, however, did
blood is heated in the thorax and then below the ambient temperature, and a not display that behavior, probably be?
flows back around these loops before re? honeybee dissipates enough heat to de? cause they do not forage at the high
turning to the abdomen. The loops pro? press its thoracic temperature some 17 temperatures that nectar foragers do.
mote counter-current heat exchange in degrees below what it would be if only Nectar regurgitation is not unique to
three ways. First, they create a large sur? convection was available. honeybees. Other bees, including hon?
face for heat exchange, so that heat from Esch observed long ago that a hon? eybees, regurgitate nectar to concen?
the warm blood flows into the cooler eybee flying at high temperatures in a trate it. Undoubtedly, the thermoregu
petiole, where the heat is returned to the wind tunnel often extrudes a droplet latory function is derived from the
thorax. Second, resistance in the loops of liquid on its tongue, and Heinrich honey-making function. As we have
slows the blood, allowing more time for later discovered that the droplet is a shown, however, a honeybee's droplet
heat exchange. Third, the loops obliterate key to a honeybee's thermoregulation. of nectar serves two purposes: It re?
discrete pulses of blood that might oth? If a tethered honeybee's head is heated, moves excess water from the nectar as
erwise be shuttled quickly through the the bee regurgitates nectar from its part of the honey-making process, and
petiole without heat exchange. In sup? honeycrop when its thoracic tempera? it allows honeybees to gather more
port of the heat-exchanger hypothesis, ture reaches 46 degrees Celsius. Evapo? nectar by foraging at temperatures that
we and other investigators find that hon? rative cooling from the liquid cools the ground most of their competitors with
eybees never heat up their abdomens, head immediately, and the cooled head heat prostration.
even when the thorax is heated to near withdraws heat from the thorax, which
lethal temperatures. is coupled to the head by blood circu? Bumble Beats
In addition to flying at low tempera? lation and close physical contact. Even Perhaps the best-known thermoregu
tures, honeybees can fly at higher tem? placing a drop of fluid in a dead bee's latory characteristic of bumblebees is
peratures than any other insect of their mouth almost immediately reduces its their "fur coat." British biologist Nor?
size. A flying honeybee generates a thoracic temperature. In live bees, the man S. Church showed 30 years ago
temperature excess of about 15 degrees heat loss exceeds that of passive cool? that the fur coat approximately halves
Celsius over a broad range of ambient ing because high-amplitude aortic a bumblebee's rate of heat loss. Never

Figure 4. Honeybee's heart keeps heat in the

thorax, which must stay warm for flight.
Blood is pumped from the heart, located in
the abdomen, through the aorta and into the
head, where the blood empties into the body
cavity. The blood in the body cavity moves
through the thorax, where it is heated by the
activity of the flight muscles (pink), and then
back to the abdomen. Body-cavity blood
moving from the thorax to the abdomen
passes through the petiole, where the heart
forms nine loops. The cool blood in the Figure 5. Heat trapped in the thorax is evident in an image showing temperature distribu?
loops absorbs heat from the warm body-cav? tion in a honeybee. This honeybee's thorax is warm (white), and its abdomen stays cool
ity blood before it returns to the abdomen. (green). (Illustration courtesy of Sigurd Schmaranzer and Anton Stabentheiner.)

1994 March-April 167

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the ambient temperature is five de?
grees, whereas flying bumblebees have
a thoracic temperature of 35 to 40 de?
grees Celsius and an abdominal tem?
perature of only 15 degrees.
The mechanism behind abdominal
and thoracic temperature regulation in
bumblebees depends on their circulatory
anatomy and physiology. The system in?
volves two structures: the heart and the
ventral diaphragm. A bumblebee's heart
lies beneath the upper surface of the ab?
domen. It pumps blood into the thorax
through the aorta. The aorta bends down
sharply in the abdomen's anterior, forms
a ventral loop that passes through the
petiole and into the thorax, then curves
up between the flight muscles and, final?
ly, into the head. In general, the heart
pumps blood anteriorly. The ventral di?
aphragm, a thin flap of muscle, origi?
nates at the petiole and extends over a
blood-filled space on the "floor" of the
abdomen. The ventral diaphragm undu?
lates toward the rear, pushing blood to
the back and sides of the abdomen. It
forms a valve at the petiole: When the
diaphragm is up, blood passes from the
thorax to the abdomen, and when it is
down, blood cannot enter the abdomen.
Blood is warmed in the thorax by the
flight muscles, and it cools in the ab?
domen. Near the petiole, the cool blood
from the heart enters the thorax and
passes near the warm blood entering the
abdomen, forming a sort of counter-cur?
rent heat exchanger, and some of the
heat should be returned to the thorax.
Relatively little heat reaches the ab?
Figure 6. Bumblebee has a "fur coat" that helps keep it warm in a cold environment. In domen during preflight warm-up, pre?
fact, the fur cuts heat loss in half. These bees also generate heat through behavioral and sumably because of both long periods
physiological mechanisms (Figures 7 and 8).
without a heartbeat and the counter-cur?
rent heat exchanger. Circulation, howev?
theless, bumblebees need other mecha? Although previous investigators er, cannot be cut off indefinitely because
nisms to keep warm because they live supposed that the queen was wairning the thoracic muscles must be supplied
in cold environments. herself from the brood, our results con? with fuel from the honey-stomach.
Bumblebees have a second thermo firm that the queen is incubating. A bumblebee, however, can heat up
regulatory task that, at times, necessi? When an incubating bee is removed, a its abdomen. For example, if a bumble?
tates abdominal heating. Like all social brood clump returns quickly to ambi? bee's thorax is heated to about 42 de?
bees, bumblebees heat their nest to en? ent temperature; when a bee returns to grees Celsius, the abdominal tempera?
hance the growth rate of their young. incubate the brood, its temperature in? ture may increase sharply. But if the
The congregating of thousands of hon? creases to about 30 degrees Celsius. Ex? heart is made inoperable, the thoracic
eybees in a nest keeps the brood warm. periments in which a dead bumble? temperature soars to lethal levels with?
But bumblebee colonies are started bee's abdomen or thorax is heated out causing appreciable heating of the
anew each spring by a single, overwin? artificially show that only the abdomen abdomen. In other words, abdominal
tered queen, and a lone bumblebee effectively heats the brood. Incubating heating arises from blood circulation.
starting a nest on a frosty mountain bumblebees (queens, workers and What circumvents the counter-cur?
meadow or on the Arctic tundra cannot even drones incubate) regulate both rent system, allowing the abdomen to
heat the entire nest cavity. Instead, she their abdominal and thoracic tempera? heat up? Heinrich produced data that
heats her brood through direct body tures. In the laboratory, incubating support an alternating-current flow
contact, like a brooding bird. An incu? queens of the species Bombus vosnesen that could partially neutralize the
bating bumblebee elongates her ab? skii maintain abdominal temperatures counter-current system. According to
domen and wraps it around the brood. around 30 degrees Celsius even when his model, a bumblebee shuttles blood

168 American Scientist, Volume 82

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Figure 7. Incubating queen bumblebee Figure 8. Alternating-current circulatory system allows a bumblebee to regulate the tem?
wraps her abdomen around her brood to perature of its abdomen and thorax. The heart pumps blood from the abdomen to the aorta
keep it warm. During incubation, the in the thorax, and the blood empties into the body cavity in the head. Movements of the
queen heats her abdomen. In our laborato? ventral diaphragm push the blood in the open body cavity back into the abdomen. At the
ry, an incubating queen's abdominal tem? petiole, cool blood flowing through the heart from the abdomen passes near warm body
perature was 30 degrees Celsius in ambient cavity blood from the thorax. Little heat is exchanged because pulses of warm blood mov?
temperatures as low as 5 degrees. (Photo? ing from the thorax to the abdomen (left) alternate with pulses of cool blood from the
graph by the authors.) abdomen to the thorax (right).

through the petiole, or into and out of ical effects. First, its abdominal temper? Third, abdominal pumping, or breath?
the abdomen, in alternating pulses of ature increases in tiny, discrete steps that ing motions, also assumes the same fre?
warm and cool blood. A pulse of warm correlate exactly with the mechanical quency as the diaphragm's beats. The
blood enters the abdomen, then a pulse beats of the ventral diaphragm. In other in-out pumping of the abdomen venti?
of cool blood enters the thorax and so words, each beat of the diaphragm ad? lates the muscles and helps pump blood
on, a sequence of events that eliminates mits a pulse of warm blood into the ab? into and out of the abdomen.
the simultaneous counter currents nec? domen. Second, the abdominal heart A bumblebee's abdomen may be
essary for heat exchange. Consequent? pumps in discrete pulses (rather than heated during incubation or flight.
ly the abdomen heats up. the rapid fibrillations that would pro? Some bumblebees generate as much as
As this model predicts, an overheated duce a continuous flow of blood) at the 33 degrees Celsius of excess heat when
bumblebee shows a series of physiolog same frequency as the diaphragm beats. flying at an ambient temperature of

wind speed (met

Figure 10. Convectiv

bees increases at hig
wind speed increases
meters per second,
(degrees Celsius of co
minute for each degree
ence between the head
for the bee's thorax (
low) roughly double.
in wind speed, the h
Figure 9. Carpenter bee uses its head to fly on the hottest desert days. The large head holds (blue) increases by abo
the bee's massive mandibles, which it needs to chew through wood. In addition, the head's a carpenter bee loses m
large surface provides convective cooling. vection when it flies f

1994 March

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only two degrees. At higher ambient Xylocopa varipuncta. Surprisingly, the The device allows Ellington and Casey
temperatures, some of this flight-pro? bees flew faster in higher air tempera? to measure the metabolic rate (or heat
duced heat must be released. Perhaps a tures. Mark Chappel of the University production) of freely flying bees as a
of CaHfornia at Riverside also reported
major portion of the heat loss is accom? function of flight speed. (Although the
plished by dumping the excess into the that carpenter bees' flight speed increas? bumblebees flew in place, their flight
abdomen, where convection dissipates es noticeably as the air temperature in? speed was controlled by varying the
the heat into the environment. creases. These results seem surprising, if speed of the air stream.) The results re?
Dumping heat into the abdomen, the problem of overheating arises from veal that the metabolic cost of flight in
however, can cause problems. Although the flight metabolism. bumblebees is independent of flight
it allows a bumblebee to incubate its Trying to isolate the possible sources speed. Unless a carpenter bee's aerody?
brood and to fly at higher air tempera? of convective heat loss, we severed the namics and flight mechanics are vastly
tures, heat loss through the abdomen head and abdomen from the thorax and different from a bumblebee's (which
could be a problem at lower air tempera? remounted them in their former posi? they resemble closely in morphology),
tures. The "imperfect" counter-current tions, but without contact. When we there is no added heat production with
heat exchanger, which is designed to leak measured their convective heat loss, we increasing flight speed. In other words,
in some cases, can never retain all the found that the head is from two to three carpenter bees probably get "free" cool?
thoracic heat. Indeed, bumblebees forag? times more sensitive to variations in ing simply by flying faster.
ing at low air temperatures do have a wind speed than are the thorax and ab? In the past, many investigators be?
considerable amount of heat leaking into domen. The cooling constant of the lieved that only the "higher" verte?
their abdomen. The "fur coat" comes head increased from 0.5 to 3.0 degrees brates had achieved the evolutionary
into play here as an insulator. The overall Celsius per minute for each degree of pinnacle of a regulated, high body tem?
design generates a thermal strategy that temperature difference between the perature. Through sophisticated exper?
incorporates social and individual needs. head and the ambient temperature as imental techniques, however, the
the wind speed increased from 0 to 6 world of insect thermoregulatory capa?
Free Cooling meters per second. That is, the head's bilities has been opened, and bees are
Carpenter bees?the ones that bore convective heat loss increased by six particularly noteworthy. We propose
tunnels in solid wood?must cope times. Such heat loss is likely in carpen? that the thermoregulatory virtuosity of
with high temperatures in their hot ter bees, because they fly regularly at as bees rivals that of human beings.
desert environment. They might be ex? much as 12 meters per second.
pected to have trouble preventing We speculated from these results that Bibliography
overheating for three additional rea? a carpenter bee could cool off by flying Esch, H., and R Goller. 1991. Neuronal control
sons. First, they are among the largest faster. There was one problem: The in? of honeybee fibrillar muscle during shiver?
ing and flight. Journal of Experimental Biology
bees known, some weighing two creased convective cooling that comes 159:419-431.
grams. Second, they fly in the sunshine with faster flight might be offset by an Esch, H., F. Goller and B. Heinrich. 1991. How do
at noon on nearly the hottest desert increase in metabolic heat, if flying faster bees shiver? Naturwissenschaften 78:325-328.
days, when ambient temperatures ap? requires a bee to expend more energy. Goller, F., and H. Esch. 1990. Oxygen consump?
proach 40 degrees Celsius. Third, car? Until recently, no one had measured tion and flight muscle activity during warm
penter bees have a high wing loading the metabolic cost of insect flight as a up and free flight. Journal of Comparative Physi?
(small wings and a heavy body), so function of flight speed during free
Heinrich, B. 1979. Bumblebee Economics. Cam?
they cannot greatly reduce their power flight. In a technical tour de force, how?
bridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
output during flight. How do these ever, Charles R Ellington of Cambridge
Heinrich, B. 1979. Keeping a cool head: honeybee
bulky, fast fliers avoid overheating? University and Timothy M. Casey of thermoregulation. Science 205:1269-1271.
It appears that a carpenter bee uses Rutgers University created a flight ap? Heinrich, B., ed. 1981. Insect Thermoregulation. New
convective cooling, largely from its paratus in which bees fly freely against York: Wiley.
head. A carpenter bee has a large head, an air stream, and the oxygen that the Heinrich, B. 1993. The Hot-Blooded Insects. Cam?
carrying a set of massive mandibles bees extract from the air is measured. bridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
and the associated muscles required to
chew into wood. The head is flattened
and fits, like a cap, on the front of the
thorax. During forward flight/the head
faces the wind, and convective heat
loss is inevitable, providing the head
heats up above the air temperature.
The smooth contact between the tho?
rax and the head should allow heat to
flow freely from the working flight mo?
tor into the head. Additionally, fluid
flow to the head transports even more
heat, like a car's radiator. The head is
an effective radiator for the thorax, but
how is the heat loss regulated?
Heinrich and Buchmann examined
this problem in the desert carpenter bee,

170 American Scientist, Volume 82

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