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Med Pregl 2017; LXX (5-6): 167-169. Novi Sad: maj-juni.


University Clinical Center Tuzla, Clinic of Internal Diseases, Case report
Department of Cardiology, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina1 Prikaz slučaja
Medical School Tuzla, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina2 UDK 616.125-089.84-06:616.8-009.832-07






Summary Sažetak
Introduction. Sick sinus syndrome, a frequent cause of syn- Uvod. Sinkopa je iznenadni i kratki gubitak svesti sa gubitkom pos-
cope, refers to a combination of symptoms caused by sinus node turalnog tonusa i najčešće spontanim oporavkom. Postoje brojni
dysfunction. Case report. We report the case of a 38-year-old uzroci sinkope. Sindrom bolesnog sinusnog čvora, tzv. sik sinus sin-
female patient presenting with recurrent syncope, who under- drom, odnosi se na kombinaciju simptoma kao što su konfuzija ili
went surgical patch closure of atrial septal defect three years sinkopa uzrokovane bolešću sinusnog čvora. Prikaz slučaja. Prikazan
before admission. Ambulatory twenty-four-hour Holter moni- je slučaj 38-godišnje bolesnice sa istorijom sinkope. Pre tri godine
toring was done capturing only sinus tachycardia. A series of podvrgnuta je hirurškom zahvatu zatvaranja pretkomorskog septalnog
examinations were warranted after admission, and recurrent defekta. Ambulantni 24-satni monitoring holterom kod naše pacijent-
syncope was found to be the result of sinus node dysfunction. kinje pokazao je samo sinusnu tahikardiju. Ostale ambulantne analize
This syndrome rarely occurs after surgical closure of atrial sep- takođe su bile u granicama normale. Nakon niza pretraga, uz multi-
tal defect. The patient underwent permanent pacemaker implan- disciplinarni pristup i ponavljanje monitoringa holterom utvrđeno je
tation. Conclusion. A rigorous search for every possible cause da je sinkopa rezultat disfunkcije sinusnog čvora kao retke komp-
of syncope is mandatory. A structural, multidisciplinary ap- likacije hiruškog zatvaranja pretkomorskog septalnog defekta. Potom
proach is required in order to achieve an optimal outcome. je podvrgnuta implantaciji veštačkog vodiča srčanog ritma − pejsme-
Key words: Sick Sinus Syndrome; Syncope; Tachycardia; Post- jkera. Zaključak. Treba pomno istražiti sve moguće uѕroke sinkope
operative Complications; Pacemaker, Artificial; Heart Septal De- uz poseban akcenat na multidisciplinarni pristup pacijentu.
fects, Atrial Ključne reči: disfunkcija sinusnog čvora; sinkopa; postopera-
tivne komplikacije; pejsmejker; pretkomorski septalni defekt

Introduction sion etc. (symptoms and signs of end-organ hypop-

erfusion) caused by sinus node dysfunction (SND).
Syncope is a sudden and brief loss of conscious- SND is a frequent cause of syncope, and in this case
ness followed by spontaneous recovery. Syncope it was a result of cerebral hypoperfusion.
develops because of temporary reduction in blood We report here the case of a patient with history of
flow to the brain with consecutive cerebral oxygen syncope and dizziness. Three years before admission
deprivation. Therefore, syncope is defined as a tran- the patient underwent surgical repair of atrial septal
sient, self-limited loss of consciousness with an in- defect (ASD) by pericardial patch closure of ASD. Re-
ability to maintain postural tone that is followed by current syncope was a result of SSS and this syndrome
spontaneous recovery. Various causes are well de- rarely occurs after surgical patch closure of ASD.
scribed in the literature and include cardiac, vascular,
neurological, metabolic and miscellaneous origins Case report
[1]. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the real
cause of syncope, so numerous analyses need to be A 38-year-old woman was referred to our depart-
performed. Sick sinus syndrome (SSS) refers to a ment due to repeated episodes of syncope during
combination of symptoms such as dizziness, confu- the past month. Three years before, she underwent
Corresponding Author: Dr Larisa Dizdarević-Hudić, Univerzitetsko klinički centar Tuzla, Klinika za interne bolesti,
75000 Tuzla, Trnovac bb, Bosna i Hercegovina, E-mail: ldhudic@gmail.com; laradiz@yahoo.com
168 Dizdarević Hudić L, et al. Syncope due to Sinus Node Dysfunction

Abbreviations During the 24-hour Holter recording, the patient

SSS – sick sinus syndrome was in normal sinus rhythm with an average heart
SND – sinus node dysfunction rate of 68/min, and maximum heart rate 137/min.
ASD – atrial septal defect PQ (time it takes for the sinus impulse to travel from
ECG – electrocardiogram the atria to the ventricles) and QT (measure be-
DDDR – dual chamber rate adaptive pacemaker tween Q wave and T wave in the heart’s electri-
CHD – congenital heart disease cal cycle) interval were within normal ranges, with-
SVASD – sinus venosus atrial septal defect out signs of pre-excitation. Only rare atrial prema-
ture contractions were recorded. In the morning
a surgical patch closure of secundum ASD. She hours (08h 03 min to 08h 25min) a few significant
denied having other medical issues in the past and sinus pauses were registered that correlated with
she was a non-smoker. She did not use any medica- the occurrence of syncope. The longest episode was
tions during the previous year. 12820 ms (Figure 2).
Several months prior to admission, she started The patient was diagnosed with symptomatic
having symptoms of dizziness and weakness, and SND and underwent permanent pacemaker implan-
three months ago, she had the first episode of syn- tation (dual chamber rate adaptive pacemaker -
cope. She did not have a chest pain, typical for an- DDDR). She did not suffer from syncope, weakness
gina. The patient was evaluated by a neurologist in or dizziness after the treatment.
ambulatory settings. A transcranial Doppler ex-
amination showed bilateral patency of carotid arter- Discussion
ies, without significant stenosis. Computed tomog-
raphy of the brain and electroencephalogram were Sinus node dysfunction is a term used for nu-
requested. Ambulatory 24-hour Holter monitoring merous rhythm abnormalities such as: persistent
was done and it showed only sinus tachycardia with sinus bradycardia, persistent sinus arrest with es-
maximum heart rate 135/min during physical effort. cape rhythms, and chronotropic incompetence [2,
On admission, the patient was fully alert and ori- 3]. This disorder is often associated with conduction
ented. Her vital signs (blood pressure, pulse and res- system diseases and supraventricular tachyarrhyth-
piration) unremarkable. Physical examination of the mias (in this case, SND is termed tachy-brady syn-
heart, chest, abdomen and extremities were normal. drome) [3]. Most people with SSS are asymptomat-
No neurological deficit was present. Laboratory test ic or oligosymptomatic. Well-described symptoms
results were within the normal range. of SND are bradycardia, fainting (syncope), fatigue,
The chest X-ray showed no abnormalities. Both weakness, dyspnea, angina, disturbed sleep, confu-
awake and asleep electroencephalography showed sion, and palpitations.
normal results. Computed tomography (CT) of the The most common cause of SND is idiopathic
brain did not show any signs of intracranial hemor- sinoatrial node fibrosis, sometimes accompanied
rhage or ischemia. Echocardiography showed slight- by degeneration of lower elements of the conducting
ly dilated right ventricle (3,5 cm) and patch closure system. Risk factors for development of SND in-
of ASD, essentially preserved left-ventricular systo-
lic function and no other abnormalities. Several
electrocardiograms (ECG) were within normal lim-
its (Figure 1).

Figure 2. Holter monitoring - a few significant sinus

pauses were registered in the morning hours (08 h 03
min to 08 h 25 min); the longest episode was 12820 ms,
as shown above. This figure shows only the beginning
of this longest episode, the whole pause is not shown due
to technical circumstances
Slika 2. Monitoring holterom – nekoliko značajnih si-
Figure 1. Electrocardiogram of our patient on admission nusnih pauza u jutarnjim satima (8 h i 3 min. do 8 h i 25
(no significant abnormalities) min.); najduža epizoda trajale je 12 820 ms (prikazano
Slika 1. Elektrokardiogram pacijentkinje na prijemu gore). Na slici je prikazan samo početak najduže epiz-
(bez značajnih abnormalnosti) ode; cela pauza nije prikazana iz tehničkih razloga
Med Pregl 2017; LXX (5-6): 167-169. Novi Sad: maj-juni. 169

clude: age, medications, hyperkalemia, myocardial disorder with panic attacks and dissociative reactions.
infarction, heart surgery, sleep apnea, diphtheria, On the other hand, it was difficult to establish the real
hemochromatosis, muscular dystrophy, amyloidosis diagnosis because the ambulatory Holter monitoring
(many ischemic, inflammatory and infiltrative dis- and serial ECG-s showed no abnormalities, as well as
orders). In younger patients, SND is often second- laboratory reports and neurological examinations. It
ary to other cardiac processes/disease [4] and it may is often difficult to capture the moment when syncope
be present in patients who have undergone surgery occurs on Holter or ECG. Differentiating true syn-
for congenital heart disease, including ASD. In ad- cope from other similar non-syncopal conditions (e.g.
dition, the later in life ASD is repaired, the more epilepsy, severe metabolic disorders, intoxications,
likely arrhythmia will develop. The cause of SND psychogenic pseudo-syncope etc.) is the first diagnos-
in these patients is probably related to the underly- tic step with huge influence on the subsequent diag-
ing structural heart disease and surgical trauma (of nostic strategy. Among the neutrally mediated inves-
the sinus node and/or sinus node artery). When re- tigations, the tilt-test and carotid sinus massage are the
pairing ASDs, sinus venosus atrial septal defect most useful. The most useful cardiac examinations
(SVASD), SND often occurs because ASD is close- here are echocardiography, prolonged ECG monitor-
ly related to the sinus node tissue [4, 5]. Postopera- ing, stress test, electrophysiological study and implant-
tive SND is more common in patients after SVASD able loop recorder [7]. Patients with unexplained syn-
repair than after secundum ASD repair [6]. cope are more likely to have an underlying arrhythmia
The only effective treatment for patients with mechanism than unselected patients with syncope.
chronic symptomatic SND is pacemaker implanta- However, arrhythmias causing syncope may occur at
tion. It is important to mention that asymptomatic varying and long intervals, giving standard ECG-a
patients do not require device therapy. Pacemakers and short–lasting ECG monitoring little chance of
are indicated in patients with certain symptomatic providing symptoms vs. ECG correlation when com-
bradyarrhythmias caused by SND and in patients pared with continuous long term ECG-monitoring
with frequent, prolonged sinus pauses [3]. Sympto- (sometime a few days of ECG monitoring may be
matic bradyarrhythmias are the most common indi- valuable). A structured, multidisciplinary approach to
cations for pacemaker placement. Approximately evaluation of syncope is the best model to achieve an
one-half of devices are implanted for SND. Our pa- optimal outcome [8].
tient was symptomatic, with very significant periods
of asystoles (12 820 ms), so she underwent pacemak- Conclusion
er implantation (DDDR) as mentioned above.
We believe that a certain number of syncope pa- In conclusion, a structured multidisciplinary ap-
tients remain misdiagnosed. For example, in our case, proach to syncope of unexplained origin is the best
a psychiatrist made a diagnosis of anxiety-depressive model to achieve an optimal outcome.

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Rad je primljen 18. VI 2016.
Recenziran 10. I 2017.
Prihvaćen za štampu 2. II 2017.

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