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Learning Establishing Classroom

Episode 5 Routines and Procedures

My Learning Episode Overview

This episode enables me to observe the different classroom routines performed

by my cooperating teacher. Getting acquainted with these routines will ensure a very
organized, systematic and orderly classroom.

My Targets (Learning Outcomes)

At the end of this activity, I will be able to

 Meet my cooperating teacher.

 Reflect on the expectations of my cooperating teacher.
 Observe and record important notes during the discussion with my
cooperating teacher.
 Interact with my cooperating teacher.
 Give assistance to my cooperating teacher.
My Tasks (Activities)
A. What routines do I need to establish in order me a better classroom

C Cleaning the Room

Attending Flag Ceremony
M Checking the attendance

R Introducing the Lesson

Checking the Assignments
Discussing the Lesson

B. Interview other teachers and inquire on what classroom routines they have
established to ensure better classroom management.

Name of Teacher: Mrs, Jen Loveres Bataller

School: Camalig National High School
Grade level handled: Grade 12- Cookery

 Cleaning the classroom

 Roll- call for the students presence
 Monitoring Absenteeism
 Checking Assignments
 Asking Questions
C. Surf the internet or research in the library. Read and jot down some
important notes on classroom routines and procedures.
Establishing classroom routines and procedures is necessary for answering that
your classroom runs smoothly.
By: Dense Young
Students need to know what is expected of them in your classroom to ensure
that you have smooth transition throughout the day, think carefully about the
routines for which you must plan. Clarify them in your mind. It may be helpful to
make a list of transitional times. Throughout the day (see the list below to help
you get started) other teachers of your mentor can serve as resources by sharing
their own classroom procedures and routines. Before establishing specific
procedures or routines it is necessary to have a discussion with students about
their importance. During the discussion, you should be able to talk about the
rationale behind various routines. When possible this process can nurture a
sense of ownership and community in your classroom.
In establishing classroom routines it is important to:

 Ensure that students understand the reason for the routine.

 Clarify the procedure through modeling.
 Allow students opportunities to practice the routine through rehearsal.
 Try not to overwhelm students by teaching too many routines at once.
The process of establishing routines and procedures may take several
 Remember that it will probably be necessary to revisit this process as
you see the need of your students.
The following list my help you get started in thinking about time during the day
which you may want to establish procedures and routines:

 Beginning the day

 Entering and exiting the classroom
 Labeling papers
 Collection and distribution of papers
 Signaling for quiet and attention
 Appropriate times for around the room
 Emerging drills and procedures
 Going to restrooms
 Moving through the school
 Late arrival

Grading homework policies (including make-up work)

 Asking questions
 Finishing an assignment early
 Dismissal
My Analysis
Establishing classroom routines is important because:
 It enables to establish harmonious rapport between the student and teacher.
 It enables the learners to establish a habit every time he/she arrives at the
 It enables the learners to predict what will happen to the next day he/she will
be able to prepare for it.
 It establishes a feeling of responsibility to the students
 It enables the teachers to sustain a good classroom management.

My Reflection / My Insights
If I already have my own class, I want to do the following:
 Arriving in the morning
 Cleaning the classroom
 Prayer
 Monitoring students if they do their tasks
 Checking the students assignments

 Taking the attendance

 Monitoring Absenteeism
 Checking Excuse letter if there is
 Checking medical Certificate if there is

 Posting reminders
 Reminding the students to study their lessons
 Reminding the students to do their home works.
 Reminding them if there are thing they need to bring if there is

 Throughout the day

 Checking the paper of daily quiz
 Recording of scores
 Roaming around to check whether my students attend their class
 Prepare my lessons for the next day if there is available time

 Ending the day

 Cleaning the classroom
 Checking my instructional materials for the next day
 Writing important notes on my journal

 Other episodes that need procedure(s)

 Asking questions
 Checking class record
My portfolio (Compilation of Learning Documents, Evidence, Records, etc.)

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