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Political Crimes

Normally, various white-collar crimes happen within the nations such as governmental crimes, including
political and state crimes. All the crimes performed by politicians of any nation within the government
are bad since the impact and consequences are serious and illegal (Friedrichs, 2010). The most serious
political crime is corruption which usually affects all the citizens of a particular nation. Corruption in the
state government is usually done by politicians who feel they are above the law and no one can realize
their actions. Corruption happens when giving tenders to contractors and while doing developmental
programs in the areas they are elected. Some other political crimes that involve corruption are bribery,
income tax evasion, conspiracy, perjury, racketeering, and fraud. Some business people use political
platforms to do their businesses and some are illegal since they will get political favors from their
politicians after bribing them (Friedrichs, 2010). Corruption makes public officials to deliver poor services
to the citizens and minimize development projects since most of the funds are used in corrupt activities.


Friedrichs, D. O. (2010).  Chapter 5 - Governmental Crime: State Crime and Political Crime

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