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This chapter discusses the introduction to the Internet of Things and its applications, the history and background of

terrariums, and the motivation behind choosing terrariums for sensor automation applications.

One of the most important technologies of the 21 st century, the Internet of Things(IoT) describes things that are
immersed with sensors, software processing abilities, and other advanced technologies that are meant to transport data
from one device to another for smart purposes. The name can be deemed inaccurate, as IoT devices don’t necessarily
need to be connected to a general network, just needs to have the capability to be controlled individually. The idea for
this concept has been in the minds of engineers and developers for a long time now, many different factors have
contributed to the development of the field as it progresses with time. These factors are as follows: access to low-cost
sensor technology, network connectivity, an increase in the availability of cloud platforms, advancements in machine
learning, advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, and evolving ubiquitous computing [1]. The idea of IoT is
considered the equivalent of “smart homes” in the current market wherein different devices and appliances can now be
controlled conveniently using the internet connection. This project is related to the last description of IoT, wherein we
the researchers are trying to create a smart room environment using different sensors, WiFi modules, and cloud

Invented by Dr. Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward, an English physician that is also interested in the field of botany and
entomology, when the doctor accidentally started to grow a fern inside a plastic bottle over 150 years ago [2], the
concept of sealed terrariums is considered groundbreaking in the field of plant growing. Terrariums are glasshouses that
are used and implemented on a much smaller scale for less or zero human interference with the organism in them. The
concept is often seen as decorative and ornamental, as it is a delightful way to grow a variety of plants inside your home.
The Wardian case, where terrariums came from, is a completely sealed environment that conveniently utilizes the cyclic
process of condensation and evaporation to simulate and maintain humidity for the plant inside it [3]. Since having
terrariums always comes with zero human interference within the area of concern, it is already a bright idea to
incorporate IoT into terrariums in order to maintain the desired level of human interference. But due to this condition, a
lot of concerns often arise within the terrarium, listed as follows: poor air circulation, mold, fungus, and bacteria
infections, overheating due to incorrect lighting, too much humidity, and poor lighting conditions [5]. Poor air circulation
often stems from having a very small terrarium with overcrowded contents. This can lead further to several other
problems such as stagnant air and an unhealthy living environment for the plant itself. The infections of fungi and
bacteria are also part of the effects of poor air circulation since the environment is being set up for favorable living
conditions for these kinds of organisms. Overheating and poor lighting are two sides of the same coin as they are both
results of incorrect lighting conditions.

Also, note here that carbon dioxide (CO2) is of central importance to plant metabolism as it is shown to have profound
effects on the different aspects of the plant such as growth, chemistry, and physiology [6]. One of the most prominent
effects on plants, when the level of CO2 is elevated in the area around them, is that there is a notable increase in the rate
of photosynthetic carbon fixation by leaves, meaning that the rate wherein the plants turn inorganic carbon into organic
compounds is increasing. A high concentration of CO2 has an evident effect on the openness of the stomata of a plant,
this part is where the gas exchange is happening inside the photosynthetic organisms, in other words, elevated CO2
levels mean elevated photosynthetic rates and elevated growth for plants. Lastly, when a plant inside a terrarium is
exposed to a high level of CO2 concentration, aside from having a good effect on its photosynthetic and growth rate,
there is also a decreased effect on the water used, and the concentration of nitrogen and protein inside the plant’s tissue
is even lowered.

Another factor for discussion will be the light intensity and exposure for these plants. The light intensity level is crucial
when it comes to the indication of energy reserve production rate in plants, and this energy is a central component in
the respiration of plants. Lack of this energy will result in the plant deterioration. The light intensity can be measured
using the unit Lumens per square meter (Lux). This can be divided into three categories, one would be very dim (0-100
lux), medium (101-500 lux), bright (501-10k lux), and very bright (10k-65k lux). Most plants known often are o favorable
conditions when the lighting is on the bright level, some of which are Aechmea fasciata, Anthurium sp., Calathea sp.,
Cordyline fruticose, Nephrolepsis cordifolia, among many other plants.
Now we can conclude that CO2 level and light intensity level are both crucial when it comes to the growth, physiology,
metabolism, and photosynthesis of a plant inside a terrarium, and we know that terrariums often maintain zero human
intervention, that’s why it would be enough motivation to choose the terrarium application for this research project that
involves the use of sensors to automate different processes and maintain the terrarium’s isolation from manual

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