Expt 1 - Photoelectric Effect

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Engineering Physics Laboratory

(Course Code : PHY119)

100 marks distribution

Attendance --- 5
Continuous Assessment—50 x 8
(best 8 out of 10)= 400--- 25

Written Test Practical (30+30=60) ----- 20

End Term Practical 100 ------ 50

Total 100 Marks

Experiments before Mid Term
1. To find the value of Planck's constant and photoelectric work function of the
material of the cathode using a photoelectric cell.
2. To find out the energy band gap of semiconductor.
3. Determination of the velocity of ultrasonic using ultrasonic interferometer also
find the compressibility of the given liquid.
4. To study the variation of magnetic field with the distance along the axis of
circular coil carrying current by plotting a graph
5. To find the wavelength of sodium light by measuring the diameter of Newton

50 Marks CA

Understanding about basic concept 10

Observations and analysis including learning 10

Submission of the experiment on UMS 30

Total Marks 50

Format for the submission of the experiment
on UMS
Serial No. Parameters
1 Aim
2 Learning Objectives
3 Apparatus required
4 Working Formula and Circuit Diagram (if any)
5 Observation Table
6 Calculation and graph (if any)
7 Precautions

Experiment Number: 1
Name: …………….. Registration No: ……...
1. Aim

To find the value of Planck's constant and

photoelectric work function of the material of the
cathode using a photoelectric cell.

2. Learning Objectives

1. To understand the working of a photo-electric cell.

2. To study the dependency of photoelectric current on incident light
intensity and frequency.
3. To study variation of stopping potential with incident light frequency.
4. To find out the value of Plank’s constant.
5. To find out the value of value of work function of a given material.

Additional Learning Objectives
1. To visualize the photoelectric effect and resultant photocurrent when
the incident radiation wavelength is less than the threshold wavelength
by using the change wavelength slide bar.

2. To understand the concept of stopping potential by changing the

retarding potential using the slide bar in the virtual lab.

3. To understand the impact of intensity variation on the photocurrent

4. To perform the experiment by choosing different cathode material and

understand the concept that different materials have different work
3. Apparatus

cell Filter Light source



Basic Understandings

Photoelectric effect

When light of suitable frequency is

incident onto a metal surface it will
cause electrons to leave that surface
(the light will eject the electrons from
the surface). This is called
photoelectric effect and the electrons
are called photoelectrons.

Experimental observations
(1) If the frequency of the incident radiation is greater than the
threshold frequency (ʋ0), only then the emission of electrons
takes place.

(2) There is no time lag between illumination of the metal

surface and the emission of electrons.

(3) The photoelectric current increases with the increasing

intensity I of the incident radiation, if the frequency is kept
constant. As shown in Fig. A.
Fig. A.
(4) The maximum kinetic energy EK of the photoelectrons is
independent of the intensity I of the incident light. That is
stopping potential is same for the light of different intensities
having same frequency.

(5) The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons depends

on the frequency of the incident radiation. From Fig. B, we
observe that at different frequencies, stopping potential is also
different but the saturation current remains the same
1/15/2022 Fig. B.
Photoelectric effect
In Einstein’s approach, a beam of monochromatic light of frequency ʋ is made of photons.
A photon’s energy depends only on its frequency ʋ. Explicitly, the energy of a photon is
E=hʋ. where h is Planck’s constant.

ℎʋ =𝑊0+𝐾𝐸𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑊0 + 2
𝑚𝑣𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑊0 + 𝑒𝑉

𝑜𝑟 ℎʋ =𝑊0 + 𝑒𝑉 or 𝑒𝑉= ℎʋ -𝑊0

ℎ 𝑊0
𝑜𝑟 𝑉 = ʋ- . Compare it with y = mx + c
𝑒 𝑒

where KEmax is the maximum kinetic energy, that an electron has at the very instant it gets detached from the surface.
𝑊0 is the energy needed to detach a photoelectron from the surface---the work function of the metal.
𝑊0= hʋ0 where ʋ0 is the threshold frequency.
4. Working Formula

ℎ 𝑊0
𝑉= ʋ-
𝑒 𝑒

where V is the stopping potential at different value of ʋ frequency.

𝑊0 is the work function of the metal.
𝑒 is the electronic charge.
ℎ is the Planck ′ s constant.

Check your understanding

Q 1.1: In photoelectric effect, the energy absorbed by electron is used in

(a) escaping the metal

(b) increasing kinetic energy

(c) both A and B

(d) increasing frequency

Check your understanding

Q 1.2: Max K.E of photo electrons does not depend upon light's

a) Intensity

b) Frequency

c) Wavelength

d) energy

Type the following link on the address bar

Type the following link on the address bar

Initial view of interface

Choose the Material, Switch the light on, Select plate
area, Intensity of light, Then select the Wavelength of
the light. Check the value of the photocurrent .

Then gradually decrease the voltage (to negative value ) so that the photo current
becomes zero. This is the stopping potential.

5. Observation Table
Material =………………………., Threshold wavelength= ……………………. nm

Serial Wavelength of light Frequency (Hz) Stopping potential

number (nm) ν =c/λ (V)


1/15/2022 N.B: Take care about the unit.

6. Calculations and graph
ℎ 𝑊0
𝑉= ʋ-
𝑒 𝑒
Plot the graph between frequency ν
(along x-axis ) and stopping potential
V (along y-axis). Find the slope and
then use the following formula

ℎ = 𝑒 ∗ 𝑠𝑙𝑜𝑝𝑒 𝑊0 = OA 𝑒𝑉 A

Name: …… Frequency Vs. Stopping potential graph Registration No: ….

1 smallest scale division

Stopping potential (V) Along x axis = …….. Hz
Along y axis = …… Volt

O Frequency (Hz)

7. Precautions
 1. The distance of the incandescent lamp from the photocell
(cathode) should not be altered while taking the readings for a
particular intensity.

 2. To find the stopping potential the frequency of incident light

should be above the threshold frequency.

 3. Use filter to protect the photo cell from high intensity of light.

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