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A vacation is having nothing to do and alL day to do it in.

Robert Orben, American magician and comedy writer

1 VOCABULARY vacations
a Wrire rhe phrases.

1 gocam12 m g 2 GRAMMAR simple past: regular and

2 go a
irregular verbs
3 f lighes 0 0 rhe Lnternet
4 go a W rite t he si mple past o f [hese verbs in rhe eo n eet eolum n .
5 ski s 6fgtfe l>egift arrive ask buy can choose
6 go ar n ighr eal feel invite rent say sta y su nbathe
7 in a hotel Regular Irregular
8 go arfJued bQJan
9 on rhe beach
10 go Eor rhe wee kend
b Co mplete rhe sentences w irh an adj ective.
1 \Ve loved our room. Ir was very cQJJ1fQrtable
2 T he weath er \Vas warm and s every day.
3 There \Ve te a lor of peo ple everywhere. Ir \Vas very
Cf _ _ _ _ _ __
b Ma ke rhe verb s negative.
4 We ate ver y \Vell. T he fcad \Vas d _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1 \Ve srayed ar a ea mpsire.
S The staff ar rhe ho tel \Vas horrible. They \Vere ver y
We didn't stav in a hotel.
unh , aud sometimes very [ud e. ~

2 They bought posteards.

6 Th ere waso'e rnuch in rhe apartmenr. Te \Vas very
any souvelll rs .
b . Ir didn 'r even h ave a refri gerator.
3 The people were unfri endly.
7 The oeher peop le 011 rhe rr ip \Vere very
fr .V\'e hope to m eee some o f them very helpful .
aga in in rhe future . 4 1sunbarhed on rhe beaeh .
8 The row n \Vas n . All rhe houses by [he pooL
had fl owers on rhe balcony and were painred 5 \Ve reuted bikes.
diffe renr colors. acar.
9 Ir was ecl________"and \Ve didn'r see rhe 6 He spent a month in Bangkok.
sun at a H. a week rhere.
10 O u rfirsr mea l was d________ , sowe did n'r 7 O ur room \Vas dirty.
ear at the hotel agai n . very clean.
e Complere rhe rexr wirh rhe simple pasr form of rhe verbs in rhe box. 4 LlSTENING
arrive ask boo k can not deeide go (x2) ¡ook take want Listen [O five spea kers talking about
vacations they didn't enjoyo Which speaker ... ?
a didn't have a very excirin g weekend
The vacation that wasn't b wasn't wirh rh e peaple he! she wanred
ro be with
Four years ago, we 1 decided to go away for the weekend. We c chase a vacat ion destinarion because oE
2 to go to Mexico, so we 3 a beautiful rhe weather there
apartment online. A week later, we 4 a taxi to the d wem on vacar ion after a relationship ended _
airport. We 5 at the airport at two o'clock, and we e d id n't fee! weH when he / she was 011 vacation _
6 to check in. The woman at the desk 7 _ _ _ __
us for our passports. We 8 in our bags, but we
9 find them. So we lO home!

d Read rhe text in e aga in. Complete the quesrions.

1 When did they decide ro go away for rhe weekend? Four years ago.
Spea ker 3
2 Where to ga? Mex ico.
3 Haw rhe apartment?They baaked ir online.
4 When at the airport? At two o'dock.
5 What ask fo r? She asked fo r their passports.
6 Where in the end? They went back ha me.

Spea ker 4 Spea ker 5

3 PRONUNCIATION -ed endings, irregular verbs
a Sl!imm Listen and@rheverbrharhasadifferent-edsound.
1 walked asked 9 USEFUL WORDS
2 argued wanted stayed ANDPHRASES
3 booked starred dec ided
4 arrived invited sunbath ed Learn these words and phrases.

b '!i'mUD Listen again and repear the words. atmosphere I'retm~sflrl

di saster Id,'zrestdrl
e Wrire these irregular simple past forms in rhe correcr drde. hostels I' hostlzl
com plain Ik;;,m'pleml
bottght bf0ke- ca lled carne caught drank drove made
rang read said sat went wrote gave en joy Im'd33tf
flirt Ifl;;,rtl

2 ~
view Ivy ul
1 c::D break up I' brelk Apl
saw cat feel sorry for (somebody) Ifil 'sori brl
boufJ~ drauk
go wrong Igou f31)1
tra in

d "mSJ Listen and check. T hen li sten again and repearthe ward s.

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