Modul English For Nursing (1) - 1

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Moh. Iqbal Firdaus, M. Hum

Elang Wibisana, M. Kes

UNIT 1 I am a Nurse
UNIT 2 Patient Details
UNIT 3 Describing Symptoms
UNIT 4 The Patient Ward
UNIT 5 The Body & Movement
UNIT 6 Pain
UNIT 7 The Hospital Team
UNIT 8 Blood
UNIT 9 Death & Dying
UNIT 10 Mental Health
UNIT 11 Monitoring the Patient
UNIT 12 Medication
UNIT 13 Hygiene
UNIT 14 Alternative Treatments

Assallammu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Modul English for Nursing digunakan untuk memudahkan para mahasiswa dalam
memahami sekaligus mempraktekkan materi-materi yang diajarkan.

Materi yang diberikan pada modul ini membahas bahasa Inggris yang biasa digunakan
dalam dunia kesehatan, khususnya keperawatan yang meliputi dialog-dialog yang
berkaitan dengan asuhan keperawatan. Dalam modul ini juga disertakan teks-teks
bacaan yang dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa sebagai sumber bacaaan memahami
teks-teks bahasa inggris dalam dunia keperawatan.

Modul ini tentu saja tidak memuat seluruh pokok bahasan, namun kami berikan yang
sering digunakan sehari-hari

Selanjutnya kami mohon maaf jika terdapat kesalahan pengetikan, gambar atau istilah
teknik pada buku ini. Saran dan kritik untuk perbaikan buku ini sangat kami butuhkan
dari semua pihak demi kesempurnaan buku yang akan datang.

Wassallammu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Tangerang, January, 2021


UNIT 1 I am a nurse


What is a Nurse?

Nurses are highly skilled and educated individuals who care for the sick and infirm. A
nurse helps to educate patients in issues of healthy living and wellness as well as any
current or chronic disease process and treatment. A nurse performs treatments and
procedures as prescribed by physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners.

Nurses combine the fine art of caring with scientific knowledge and skills acquired
throughout their education and careers. Nursing is a lifelong learning experience.
Nurses work in many different settings and perform duties related to the setting in
which they work.

Nurses need to have a great deal of compassion for their fellow human beings. They
have to have good communication skills in both listening as well as speaking and
writing in the language of the area in which they practice. Nurses have to be
patient and they often have to have a thick skin.

How to become a nurse? There are 2 types of nursing education, nursing diploma
and bachelor nursing. After graduated from nursing education, then we can
continue our specialized program. One of specialized nursing program is pediatric

A pediatric nurse works with children of all ages suffering from many different
conditions. They play a key role in assessing children's nursing needs, taking into
account their medical, social, cultural and family circumstances. Pediatric nurses
then plan and deliver care in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, homes and in
the community, as well as during transfers between these settings.

Pediatric nurses care for and support children and young people and work
alongside their families in conjunction with other healthcare professionals.

Write T for True Answer or F for false answer. Use the information in the text

1. A nurse is highly skilled and educated individuals who care for the sick and
2. Nurse performs treatments and procedures as prescribed only by physician
3. Nurse works by combine the fine art of caring with scientific knowledge and

4. Nurses have to have good communication skills in listening but not necessary
for speaking and writing
5. The main task of pediatric nurse are assessing children's nursing needs, taking
into account their medical, social, cultural and family circumstances
6. Pediatric nurse plan nursing intervention in operating room and outpatient


Nursing Team

1. Ward Sister
2. Staff Nurse
3. Student Nurse
4. Charge Nurse
5. Healthcare Assistant


Present simple of be

I am (‘m) I am not (‘m not) Am I?

You/we/they are (‘re) You/we/they are not Are you/we/they?
He/she/it is (‘s) He/she/it is not (isn’t) Is he/she/it?
We can use be to say a person’s name, job What is your name? I’m charge nurse Andi.
and country. Are you sister Maya? Yes, I am.
Is she a student nurse? No, She isn’t.
We also use be in nominal sentence. He’s a staff nurse.
They’re indonesians.

2 Complete the conversations with the correct form of be

Student nurse : Excuse me (1) ____ you ward sister Kathy?

Sister : No, I (2) _______ not.
Student nurse : oh! Sorry about that. (3) _____ she in ward B?
Sister : No, She (4) _____ __. She (5) ____ in ward C.
Student nurse : ok. Thanks

Speaking Work in pairs. Use this model below to guide you.

Present Simple
I/You/we/they live I/You/we/they do not (don’t) live Do I/you/we/they live?
He/she/it lives He/she/it does not (doesn’t) live Does he/she/it live?
We use present simple to talk about something that is true. He works in this hospital.
We also use present simple to talk about things that happen She rides a bike to the
regularly and repeatedly. (habit). hospital every day.

Complete the text with the correct present simple form

Sinta is an agency nurse from the Super Nurse Agency. She is Indonesian but she (1) ______(not live) in
Indononesia. She (2) _____ (live) in Singapore now and she (3) ____ (work) there too. Sinta (4) _____ (have)
two friends at this hospital; Mika and Maya: but she (5) ____ (not work) the same shifts as them.

Reading a nursing schedule

a. b. c.

d. e.

Match of these ways of telling time with the time in the box.

1. Twenty eighteen _____

2. Nine o’clock _____
3. Ten past ten _____
4. Thirteen twenty _____
5. Three o’clock _____


A. Checking Patient Details

Reading Read the patient details below and answer the questions.
Patient Details
Title : Mr
First name : Muhammad
Surname : Fatah
Gender :__√__ M ___F
Marital Status : Single
DOB :15.03.1978
Occupation : Lawyer
Address :Duri Kosambi West Jakarta
Tel : 5347865
GP : Dr. Mia Kusuma
Next of Kin : Santi Susanti
Relationship to : Sister
*GP: General Practitioner (Family doctor)

1. Is the patient a man or a woman?

2. When is the patient’s birthday?
3. What is the patient’s job?
4. Is the patient married?
5. Who is the patient’s family doctor?
6. Who is Santi Susanti?

Making question (wh-question)

What: when we want to know What is the telephone number of

about something your GP?
Where: to ask about places Where does she live?
Who: to ask about a person or Who is your GP?

Work in pairs. Complete the sentence below and practice with your
1. ____what‘s your surname/first name/full name?
2. __________ do you live?
3. __________ ‘s your address /email address/mobile phone number?
4. __________ ‘s your date of birth?

5. __________ ‘s your GP?
6. __________ ‘s your next of kin?
7. __________ ‘s his/her relationship to you?

Speaking Work in pairs. Student A as a Patient and Student B as a

nurse. Use the box below as your guide. swap role after
you finish.

Patient Details
Country of origin
Telephone Number
Next of Kin
Relationship to

B. Checking Vital Sign

Useful Expression
Explaining the procedures
It’s time for me …
I just want …
I would like …
I am going …
to measure your blood pressure
to count your pulse
to check your respiration
to measure your temperature
to put this cuff (around your upper arm)
to insert this (thermometer) into your armpit
to put this (thermometer) into your mouth

Giving instructions and expressions during the implementation

Would you …
Would you mind, Please
Now, I want you to…
lie down on the couch
lie flat on the bed
roll your sleeve up
give me your right/left hand

raise your arm
take a deep breath
breathe in …
breathe out
roll yourself into side lying position

Nurse response
OK, fine.
That’s it
All is done

Medical Staff : Good Morning Mrs Ana
Patient : Good morning.
Medical Staff : it is time for me to check your blood pressure.
Patient : Sure.
Medical Staff : did you sleep well last night?
Patient : not really, cause I still got a problem with my
Medical Staff : you got a problem with your headache? OK, I will
report this to your doctor. Now, please roll your sleeve
Patient : Sure.
Medical Staff : (Checking the blood pressure) your blood pressure is
120/80 mmHg. Now, can I check your pulse rate? I
need to check your pulse.
Patient : What is my blood pressure, nurse?
Medical Staff : it is still in the normal range.

Nurse : Mrs. Jarot. I’m just going to do some routine tests, I want
to start with your blood pressure. Just to make sure that
everything’s OK.
Mrs. Jarot : I see.

Nurse : So, I’m going to put this cuff around your upper arm
then I’ll pump some air into it, so I can read your blood
pressure. How does it feel? OK?
Mrs. Jarot : Feels a bit itchy.
Nurse : Does it? Never mind, it’ll be over in a second or two.
Mrs. Jarot : is it OK? My blood pressure I mean?
Nurse : Yes, Everything’s perfect. Now we’ll just take your
temperature. Can you pop this into your mouth, under
your tongue? Good, and while you’re doing that I’ll just
take your pulse.


Present Continuous
(+) (-) (?)
S + to be + V –ing S + to be + not + V-ing To be + S + V-ing

 We use the present continuous to talk about things we are doing at the
moment, or things that are happening now.
At the moment I’m doing a part-time course.
 Some verbs, such as like, want, know, etc., are not used in the Present
I like my work at the moment!
 The present Continuous is also used to talk about future schedule.
I’m working nights next weekend.

Read this student nurse’s email home to her friend. Choose the correct verb
forms to complete it.


Match the illustrations A-N to symptoms 1-14




1. nauseous 4. sore throat 7. stomachache 10. runny nose 13. fever

2.dizzy 5. earache 8. skin rash 11. headache 14. itchy
3.cough 6. swollen gland 9. sweaty 12. tired

Talking about symptoms

Describing symptoms Asking about symptoms

Be + adjective I’m tired Is he nauseous?
Feel + adjective She feels dizzy. Does it feel itchy?
Have + (adjective+) He has a sore throat. Does he have a sore
noun throat?

Match 1-5 to a-e to make questions.

1. Do you a) feel today?

2. How do yo b) have a runny nose?
3. Do you have any c) your symptoms?
4. What are d) other symptoms?
5. Do you have a e) temperature?

Speaking Work in pairs. Student A and Student B, look at the information
below. Follow the instructions and swap roles.

Reading Read this patient education leaflet and answer the questions.

1. Who is this leaflet for?

2. What do the letters MMR stand for?
3. How old are children when they receive the MMR vaccine? (2 answers)
4. Some children have symptoms after the vaccine. What are they?
5. How much does the MMR vaccine cost?
6. What is the treatment for these symptoms?

Adverb of frequency

We use adverbs of frequency with the present simple to say how often we do

never sometimes often usually always

Adverbs of frequency go before the main Patients with mumps don’t usually have a
verb rash.
Adverbs of frequency go after the verb be. I’m often very tired after work.

Rewrite there sentences with the adverb of frequency in the correct position.

Children receive their second MMR vaccine at school. (usually)

Children usually receive their second MMR vaccine at school.

1. My son is feverish after a vaccine. (often)

2. Most people catch childhood diseases more than once. (never)
3. Babies have symptoms after the MMR vaccine. (sometimes)
4. Patients with measles are not infectious after the rash appears.

Writing Complete this extract from leaflet about chickenpox with the
words in the box.

Childhood disease hot infectious itchy rash rest stop symptom

Chickenpox, or varicella (medical term), is another common (1) __________.

The first (2) _________ is usually a(n) (3)__________ all over the body, which is
red and (4)__________. It appears during the first 24 hours. Children often feel
very (5)____________ and have a temperature of about 380C. The best
treatment for chickenpox is (6) ___________. You can use calamine lotion to
(7)__________ the itching. Children with chickenpox are (8)__________ for a
few days before the rash appears.

Complete this extract from a leaflet about scarlet fever with the expressions in
the box. Choose the correct words in italics.

a common childhood/children disease Has/have a fever, sore throat

Is/are infectious for three School for five day/days
Treatment for/to scarlet fever Under their/your arm

Scarlet fever, or scarletina (medical term), is still (1)___________ in the

developing world. Children who catch this disease (2)________ and a pink
tongue. They also get a rash which is usually (3) _________ or in the groin.
Children (4)____________ to eight days before symptoms appear. The only (5)
is antibiotics. Children should not go to (6) __________ after they begin

UNIT 4 The Patient Ward

1 Monitoring body temperature

Vocabulary Discuss with your friend, match photos A-D to number 1-4.

1. Digital thermometer 2. Oral thermometer

3. Disposable thermometer 4. Tympanic thermometer

Work in pairs. Practise saying these temperatures to your partner. What is normal
body temperature?

1. 36.60C 3. 37.40C 5. 370C

2. 35.20C 4. 38.30C 6. 37.90C

Language Making Polite Request

We use can/could you + infinitive when ask Can you open your mouth, please?
somebody to do something for us Could you lift up your arm for me, please?

Rewrite these sentences to make polite requests.

1.Put the thermometer under your tongue
2. Hold your arm up.
3. Close your mouth.
4. Put your head to one side.
5. Take off your shirt.

Speaking Work in pairs. Roleplay taking your partner’s temperature.

2 The Patient Ward

Vocabulary Work in group. Label the picture with the words in the box.

Language Preposition of Place and there is/there are

Preposition of place

We use prepositions of place (at, on, in, Your father’s room is down the hall.
under, next tp, near, down, etc.) to say The nurses’ station is on the left/right.
where something is. The physicians’ area is next to the conference room.

There is/There are

We use there is/there are to say that somebody or something exists.

Affirmative There’s a thermometer in the clean supply room. (singular)

There are two beds in the patient room. (plural)
Negative There isn’t a bandage on his leg. (singular)
There aren’t any clean blankets in the soiled utility room. (plural)
Question Is there a toilet in the ward? (singular)
Yes, there is/No, there isn’t.
Are there any blankets in the clean supply room? (plural)
Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.

Choose the correct words in italics.

1 The nurses’ lounge is in / on the left.

2 The clean supply room is next / near to the soiled utility room.
3 The meeting room isn’t in / on this floor.
4 The conference room is down / under the hall, at / on your right.
5 Dr. Evans is in / on the physicians’ area.

Complete there sentences with the correct form of there is or there are.

1 _______ a conference room next to the physicians’ area.

2 _______ two visitors’ toilets down the hall.
3 _______ an X-ray machine in the physicians’ area?
4 _______ a soiled utility room next to the patient room.
5 _______ two beds in Mr. Rabine’s room?
6 _______ any bandages in the clean supply room.

Countable Noun

A book books
A computer computers
An apple apples
An Orange oranges
A University universities
An Hour/awer hours
An X-ray x-rays

Uncountable noun

Salt coffee water

Sugar sand oxygen
Milk tea money

UNIT 5 The Body & Movement

1 The Body Limbs and joints

Vocabulary Label the part of the body in this illustration with the word in
the box.

Assalammualaikum wr wb dimohon untuk yang memiliki ID

u/akses ke wajib mengubah paswordnya.

Circle the jointsin the illustration in 1. Then label them with the words in the box.

ankle elbow hip knee shoulder wrist

Language Imperative

We use the imperative (infinitive without to) Lift your leg.

to tell somebody to do something or give Push the chair.
them instructions. Bend your arm.
Rotate your hand.


Work in pairs. Practise giving a patient simple instructions. Use the verbs in the
language box and the words in 1 and 2. Your partner should follow the instructions.
Then swap roles and repeat the activity.

Lift your hand.

Bend your arm.

Reading Read the brochure below and write the correct exercise in
each space (1-5).

2 The body Torso & Head



When + clause + it helps

We use when + clause + it When you bend your finger, it helps the muscles in your wrist.
helps to explain the benefits When I hold your head, it helps your neck.
of exercise to a patient. When you touch your toes, it helps the muscles in your back.
When you do your exercises, it helps you recover from surgery.

Use these propmts to write sentences about the benefits of exercise. Use
when + clause + it helps.

Lift / your chest – your back.

When you lift your chest, it helps your back.

1 rotate / your shoulder – the muscles in your neck

2 bend / your waist – your hips
3 do / your exercise – you / recover from surgery faster
4 hold / a chair in front of you – you / balance

3 Documenting ROM exercise


Label illustrations in A-F with the terms in the box below,


Match these words for types of pain with their descriptions.

1 a throbbing pain a feels like it is eating you

2 a sharp pain b travel fast along part of your body
3 a burning pain c is steady and not too painful
4 a stabbing pain d feels like a muscle is being squeezed
5 a shooting pain e feels like someting sharp is stuck into you
6 a dull ache f comes and goes rythmically
7 a gnawing pain g feels like fire
8 a cramping pain h is strong and sudden

Asking about pain
• Do you feel pain? (Apakah kamu merasakan sakit?)
• Are you hurt? (Apakah kamu terluka?)
• Have you ever feel pain? (apakah kamu pernah merasakan sakit?)
o Yes I I do/ No, I dont
o Yes I am/ No I am not
o Yes I have/ No I have not.
• What kinds of pain?
o Stabbing pain/burning pain. etc..
• Which part of your body do you feel the pain? (bagian mana yang sakit?)
o In my head/ in my left arm/in my stomach/in my back
• How is the pain? (bagaimana sakitnya?)
o It’s agonized/it’s unbearable/it’s slightly pain. Etc..

Listen to four patients describing their pain. Tick (√) the boxes that describe the pain,
and mark the position of the body.

Making Comparison

Match these examples with the rules below.

a. It’s much less sore than yesterday, thanks.
b. They have more beds in the City Hosptial.
c. This is the strongest painkiller available without a prescription.
d. Most women choose to have pain relief when giving birth.
e. Last night the pain was more severe than this morning.

 We use comparatives to say how things are different.

These painkillers are milder than those.
1. ___________________________________

 To make comparative stronger, we often use much or a lot.

You look much better today.

 The opposite of more is less

2. ___________________________________

 We can use more and less with a noun to talk about quantity.
3. ___________________________________

 We use superlatives to compare something to all other things of the same type.
4. ___________________________________

 The opposite of the most is the least.

This is the least serious type of fracture.

 We can use most with a noun to talk about a large proportion or something.
5. ___________________________________


1 Moving and Handling Patient

Language The future: be going to, will

Nurses use be going to + infinitive to explain First I’m going to roll you onto your side.
an intention or a procedure (to the patient) Are you going to get a wheelchair?
before they do it.
Nurses use will for decisions made at the I’ll go and find a wheelchair.
moment of speaking, for an offer (of help) or We’ll help you up now.
for predictions. She’ll need some help to get out of bed.

Reading put the stages in the correct order.

Moving and handling procedure

Encourage the patient to co-operate

Adjust the height of the bed and/or loosen bed linen if necessary.
Give clear instructions to the patient at each stage.
Explain what you are going to do and the reason for the move. 1
Check if the patient is comfortable after the move.
Explain your actions as you are performing them.
Check that the patient agrees.
Check the patient’s level of independence.

2 Communicating with team members by phone

Speaking Complete this telephone conversation with the words and

phrases in he box. After that Practice the dialogue with your

Making the telephone.

Effective telephone communication between hospital staff
1 answer the phone- give your name, 5 ask for confirmation
position and ward/department.
2 offer to take message 6 ask for clarification for detail if
3 take the caller’s number 7 End the call
4 read back the message


A. Scrub Up

Testing Blood

Complete the text using the words below. Use your dictionary to help you.
Slide drop microscope syringe
Vein test tube pipette

Use a (1)_______ to take some blood from a (2)________ in the patient’s arm. Put
the blood into a (3) _________. Then, use a (4) _________ to put a(5)_______ of the
blood onto a (6)________ . examine it under a (7) _________. What do you see?

C. Listening 1

oxford english for careers – nusing 1

D.Listening 2
1 listen, complete this description of a Complete Blood Count (CBC) with
the words below.

Infection platelets
Haemoglobin oxygen
Clot red blood cells
White blood cells

A CBC measures the number of different cells that make up the blood. It
looks at:
__________ 1-these take _________2 from the lungs to the body’s tissue,
and take carbon dioxide away at the same time. The CBC also measures
the amount of _________3 (a protein in the cells that carries the oxygen),
and looks at the size and shape of the cells.
________ 4 –these protect the body against ________5.
________6 –these make the blood _________7.

oxford english for careers – nursing 1

Listen again to the dialogue and answer the questions
1. How does the patient feel?
2. How much blood is the nurse going to take?
3. What problem does the result show?
4. How many millions red blood cells per microlitre does it show?
5. How can the patient correct the problem?
6. How is the shape of the red cells?
7. How is the patient’s white blood cell count?
8. How are her platelets?
oxford english for careers – nursing 1

E. Language Spot
Conditional Sentence
Zero and First Conditional
 We use zero conditional to talk about what always happen in a
particular situation . it is often used to talk about scientific facts.
Example: if you heat water to 100◦ c, it boils.
When you get pregnant, you put on weight.
 The present simple tense is used in both parts of the
Example: what happens to the blood when you take
 We use the first conditional to talk about the possible future
actions or situations.
Example :
If you remind me later, I’ll come and help you.
You won’t get there on time if you don’t hurry.
You won’t get there on time unless you here.
 The first conditional has the present simple after 'if', then
the future simple in the other clause:

if + present simple, ... will + infinitive

 It's used to talk about things which might happen in the

future. Of course, we can't know what will happen in the
future, but this describes possible things, which could
easily come true.
1. If it rains, I won't go to the park.
2. If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight.

3. If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes.
4. She'll be late if the train is delayed.
5. She'll miss the bus if she doesn't leave soon.
6. If I see her, I'll tell her.

First vs. Zero Conditional:

The first conditional describes a particular situation, whereas
the zero conditional describes what happens in general.

For example (zero conditional): if you sit in the sun, you get burned
(here I'm talking about every time a person sits in the sun - the
burning is a natural consequence of the sitting)

But (first conditional): if you sit in the sun, you'll get burned (here I'm
talking about what will happen today, another day might be different)

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

1 If you explain the problem to sister, she ______(tell) you what to do.
2 When you have an anaesthetic, it ________ (stop) you feeling pain.
3 If I have time this evening. I _________ (help) you with your homework.
4 You ________ (have) a fever if your temperature ________(be) over
5 If a person’s brain _________ (not get) oxygen, they __________ (die).
6 If you _________ (take) a sleeping pill before you go to bed, you _______
(sleep) well tonight.


Talking about dying

A. Match these words with a definition B. Complete these sentences using the words
in A.
1 terminal (a) (of an accident or illness) that 1. This boy has serious head injuries. He has
causes death been in a ________ for a week.
2 fatal (b) to become more and more weak 2. The patient stopped breathing, and is now on
or ill a _________ machine.
3 go downhill (c) an examination of a body to find 3. We need a porter to take the body to the
out how the person died _________
4 coma (d) the use of machines to keep a 4. I’m afraid your father __________ in his step
person alive last night.
5 life-support (e) (of an illness) that cannot be 5. There was a _______accident outside the
cured, and causes death hospital –both drivers were killed.
6 pass away (f) a room in a hospital where dead 6. The ________ showed that the old lady died
bodies are taken and stored of a stroke.
7 mortuary (g) an unconscious state that a person 7. After a bad fall, Mr Deans_________ very fast
cannot wake from and died the following week.
8 post-mortem (h) a polite word meaning ‘to die’. 8. This gentleman has ________ cancer. With
treatment, he may live another year.

C. Choose one of the words. Tell a true story which include it.

Body bits
The body after death

Look at the diagram and complete the labels with the words below.

beating breathing slightly cools stops

Rigid release ceases open enlarge
1 Brain activity___________
2 The skin ___________
3 The eyelids __________ slightly and the pupils __________
4 The pulse _________
5 The jaw relaxes and opens___________
6 __________ stops
7 The heart stops __________
8 The bowel and bladder _________ their contents.
9 The limbs become ___________

A. Read the article about a children’s hospice, and B. Read the article again and answer the questions.
match each of these headings to a paragraph.
1 Saying goodbye _____ 1 Do children have to stay at the hospice all the time?
2 Using the senses _____ 2 How does the hospice help the children’s families?
3 A home from home ____ 3 How many children does each carer look after?
4 Personal care _____ 4 What can children do in the multi-sensory room?
5 Helping the family _____ 5 How is music used at the hospice?
6 How are the special quiet rooms used?

The Hope Children’s Hospice

A The Hope Children’s Hospice provides free specialist care for children with life-limiting conditions
who are not expected to live into adulthood. It cares for up to eight terminally- ill children at one
time, and aims to care for them in the same way their families would care for them at home. When
families prefer to do the caring themselves, a hospice carer will go to their home and help them.

B Life-limiting conditions present many long-term medical and emotional problems – not only for
the child, but for parents and siblings too. So the hospice offers respite care – short stays for the
child alone or for the whole family together. At these times, parents hand over responsibilities to the
staff and have a ‘holiday’. Short stays give terminally-ill children an opportunity to meet others with
similar conditions.

C Each child at the hospice has their own carer and their own care plan. A normal day might start
with a jacuzzi bath followed by a massage from a complementary therapist. Some children go to
school, while others play with hospice play specialists.

D The hospice has a multi-sensory room. This is a special room which stimulates the children’s
senses with lights, music, touch, and smell. It has touch-screen computers, video games, paddling
pools, and space for wheelchair dancing. Children have music therapy and can record their own
music, not only as a way to express their feelings, but to leave something for their family and friends
to listen to in the years to come.

E The hospice has a number of quiet rooms where we care for children during and after death.
These are places where families and friends can say goodbye. Our support does not end with death.
We help not just grieving parents, but also siblings who are experiencing bereavement. We give
everyone opportunities to discuss their fears about death and dying.

Language spot
Expressing possibility Complete these sentences using an item from the
 When you are not sure about something, you can top group, and a verb from the bottom group.
use the modal verbs may, might, or could. The
verbs all have a similar meaning. may might could
They’re going to try a new drug. It might work and maybe perhaps it’s possible that
it might not.
He’s been diagnosed with cancer. He may have left ‘s has gone be go have to
only weeks to live.
Mrs. Carr has developed a rash. She could be 1 I can’t find my phone. I ________ _______
allergic to Penicillin. buy another one.
 You can use these verbs to talk about possible 2 I _______ ________ a little late for my shift –
future plans or schedule. my bus isn’t here yet.
I’m tired, so I might not go out tonight. 3 I _______ ________ to the cinema tonight – I
I may be working nights next Friday – I’ll have to haven’t decided yet.
check. 4 Marie isn’t here? ________ she ________ ill
 Here are some other ways to express possibility. today.
He says his ear hurts. Perhaps he has an infection. 5 The bed’s empty _______ Mrs Lewis
Mrs. Ferreira is taking to herself. Maybe she’s _______ home.
having hallucinations. 6 You’ve lost your notebook? _________ you
It’s possible that the growth is cancerous, so we’ll _________ it at reception.
need to do tests.

Complete this summary with the prepositions below.

for with by for in from for

Tariq Khamina suffered _________ 1 diabetes __________2 ten years, and was diagnosed
_________3 dementia six months ago. He started to receive treatment __________4 heart disease
five years ago, and has also been treated _________5 high blood pressure. He suffered a stroke
caused ________6 heart disease and died _________7 hospital.

UNIT 10 Mental Health Nursing

Mental illness

Match each word with its definition

1 posture a the false belief that somebody is trying to harm
you, or that you are somebody very important
2 unemotional b not sure where you are
3 hallucinations c not wanting to talk to people
4 manic d not logical; not making sense
5 paranoia e behaving in an abnormally exited way
6 disoriented f not showing your feelings
7 uncommunicative g a way of standing or sitting
8 delusions h feelings of extreme, uncontrollable sadness
9 irrational i strange and false ideas that somebody believes
are true
10 depression j occasions when you imagine you see things that
are not really there.

Language spot
Present Perfect

We use the Present Perfect

 To talk about past actions in an unfinished period of time, for example ‘in my whole life’, or ‘today’.
I’ve never done this before
Have you seen Ana this morning?
 When a past action has a result in the present.
He’s had his medication and is feeling sleepy.
 When we give news of recent, finished events.
The psychiatrist has just spoken to the patient’s family.
 When we saw how much we have completed, how many times we have done something, etc.
I have told him six times to take his medication.
 With yet, to talk about whether or not tasks have been completed.
I have taken Mr Pool’s temperature, but I haven’t checked his blood pressure yet.
 With for and since to talk about when a present situation started.
I’ve worked at this hopital for six months.

We use the simple past, not the present perfect

 When we talk about a finished time in the past, especially with time expressions such as ago, last
week, in 2006.
I graduated from college two years ago.

Complete each sentence using one of the verbs below.
Use the present perfect where possible. In other sentences, use the past simple.

attend go see study finish

be have start write reply

1 We ___________ the assessment. You’ll get the report tomorrow.

2 The doctor _________ the patient three times today.
3 I ___________ working here a year ago.
4 Mrs Linton is no longer is hospital. She _______ home.
5 I ________ three letters to the consultant, but he _______ yet.
6 I__________ until 11 o’clock last night.
7 The patient ________ the clinic since January.
8 The patient ________ in hospital for a week now.
9 _________ you ever ________ a general anaesthetic?

A. Read this article about schizophrenia and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1 There are 1.5 million sufferers of schizophrenia. _____
2 A psychotic episode is a symptom of schizophrenia. _____
3 People with schizophrenia are usually not violent and dangerous. _____
4 Suicide is not connected with schizophrenia. _____
5 We understand what causes schizophrenia. _____

B. Join these word combinations without looking at the text. Then look at the text to check your
Choose some of the combinations to learn.
1 changes a relatively normal life
2 facial b completely
3 the onset of c side effects
4 think d suicide
5 commit e expressions
6 reduce the f treatment
7 have bad g the illness
8 lead a h in behaviour
9 recover i logically
10 long-term j symptoms

Schizophrenia – the facts.

Every year 1.5 million people worldwide are diagnosed with schizophrenia. It is a mental illness
which has periods called ’psychotic episodes’. During a psychotic episode, a sufferer shows
disturbing changes in behaviour. They may seem very cold and unemotional , using few facial
expressions, and say strange things in a slow, flat voice. They may lose all interest in life and
spend days doing nothing at all, not even washing or eating. These distressing symptoms are

shocking for family members who, of course, remember what the sufferer was like before the
onset of the illness.
During a psychotic episode there may be hallucinations. Hearing voices that other people do not
hear is the most common type of hallucination. The voices give orders and carry on
conversations. Sometimes the voices swear and make threats.
Someone with schizophrenia may have delusions, believing for example that they are a famous,
historically important person, or that people on television send them special messages.
People with schizophrenia may not think logically. They are isolated because conversation with
them is very difficult, so they have no one to communicate with.
It is relatively common for schizophrenia sufferers to commit suicide – 10 per cent of people with
schizophrenia (especially younger adult males) kill themselves. Violence and threats against
others, on the other hand, are not symptoms of the illness.
There is medication that can reduce the symptoms, but it often has had side effects, and some
sufferers discontinue treatment because of this. Although many sufferers can continue to lead a
relatively normal life, it has been estimated that no more than one in five individuals recovers
completely, and most will require long-term treatment.
We do not yet know the cause of schizophrenia. Researchers have looked at links with genes,
with brain development, with infections before birth, and with traumatic life events.

UNIT 11 Monitoring the Patient

Patient Care
Taking vital signs
Put these words in order to make sentences in your notebook. Which vital sign is the nurse taking
in each case?
1 tongue pop your under just this.
2 roll your can up you sleeve?
3 cold a feel bit your may on chest this.
4 and out in just normally breathe.
5 relax me for your arm.
6 shirt you undo please your, me for cloud?

Describing readings

Complete the sentences with the words below, and match each one to a graph.

‘s up rising fell stable up and down went

up varies back to

1 b His temperature was _____ all night, but

now it’s ______ at 37.5.

2 _____ Her heart rate _____ to 20 bpm, but now

it’s _____ again.

3 _____ His blood pressure _____ from 120/80 to


4 _____ Her pulse rate was extremely low, but

now it ______ to 70.

5 _____ His respiratory rate _____ between 10

and 25 bpm.

6 _____ He was running a fever, but his

temperature’s ______ normal now.

A coma patient

The patient, Grant Forrester, is suffering from a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and is in an Intensive
Care Unit (ICU). It is 11 p.m and the nurse is reporting the patient’s progress to the doctor on call.
Listen and decide if these sentences are True (T) or False (F).

1 The patient is awake. ____

2 The patient is getting worse. ____
3 An ICP of twenty is OK. ____
4 The doctor is going to go to the hospital. ____

Listen again and complete this table.

23.00 170/120

Language spot
The passive

 Passive verb forms are very common in medical English. We use passive verbs to say what is
done to people and things.
The patient’s progress is monitored every hour.
Mr West was treated for multiple injuries.
 Often, you can choose whether to use an active form or a passive form. Compare these
(Active) Paramedics treated the man for hypothermia.
(Passive) The man was treated for hypothermia.
 The passive form focused on the action, not the person or thing that does the action. If you
want to say who does the action, use by.
The man was treated for hypothermia by paramedics.

Underlie the correct form of the verbs in italics.

Mrs Ramone admitted/was admitted to hospital for an operation. She didn’t give/wasn’t given food
for eight hours. She brought/was brought to theatre at sixteen hundred hours.
She was prepared/prepared for theatre. The nurse was shaved/shaved the area which was going to
cut/be cut, and Mrs Ramone put on/was put on a theatre gown. Her dentures removed/were
removed, and her wedding ring taped to her wrist.

Taking a blood Sample
Vocabulary Match the following no 1-7 in the instructions to the words in a-g.

a. Antiseptic wipe ____

b. Cotton ball ____
c. Needle ____
d. Plaster ____
e. Specimen Tube ____
f. Syringe ____
g. Tourniquet ____

Complete this instructions for taking a blood sample with the words in previous vocabulary.

1. Put a _____ over the cotton ball and check the patient feels OK.
2. Pull out the needle and put a ______ onto the wound. Press hard.
3. Ask the patient to roll up their sleeve and use a _____ to clean the patients’s arm.
4. Write the patient’s full name and DOB on the _______.
5. Tie the ________ tightly around the patient’s upper arm and insert the _____ into the
6. Use the _________ to fill the tube with blood.

After you complete the task above, match the instructions 1-6 to the illustrations in A-F. The put
the instructions in the correct order.

Put the words in 1-6 below in the correct order to make sentences.

1. For me/your sleeve/please/roll up

2. Disinfect / first/ let me/your arm
3. The tourniquet /let me/ round your arm/tie
4. A small pin prick/will/feel/you
5. To your arm/cotton ball/hold/this
6. For a minute and/your arm/press hard/bend

UNIT 12 Medication

Scrub up
A. Work in pairs. Match these pictures with the medical problems.
1 an infection 2 a cut 3 an insect bite 4 constipation
5 obesity 6 vitamin deficiency 7 an infectious disease 8 an allergy

a c d

g h

B. Tell your partner about a time when you had one of these conditions. What treatment did you have?
Did it work?

Type and forms of medication
1 Complete the sentence with a type of medicine
A painkiller A sedative An anti-inflamatory An inoculation An antibiotic
An antihistamine A stimulant An antidepressant A laxative A supplement

a. ________ kills bacteria and other germs.

b. ________ protects you against infectious disease.
c. ________ relieves pain.
d. ________ reduce swelling.
e. ________ encourages bowel movements.
f. ________ provides a substance that the body lacks.
g. ________ treats allergies.
h. ________ increases activity in the body.
i. ________ reduces feelings of extreme sadness.
j. ________ makes you relaxed and sleepy.

2 Discuss with a partner which type of medicine you could use to treat people in scub up.

3 Match the pictures with these names.

1 syringe 6 suppository
2 inhaler 7 adhesive patch
3 ointment 8 tablespoon
4 capsules 9 dropper
5 IV drip

a c
b e

h i

Patient Care

Put the words in the right order to make sentences.

1 day needs take a to week two for twice she tablets a.
2 Oliver what is on Penicillin dosage of Mr?
3 medicine he often need does his how?
4 four drop Mrs 0.5 every each hours ml one eye give in Muben.
5 with mealtimes on day two water times he’s a three tablets at.

Past simple vs Past continuous

 We use the past simple to talk about things which happened in the past.
I felt terrible when I got home last night.
I slipped on ice and hurt my knee.
 Some verbs have a regular Past simple, ending in –ed.
Ask – asked arrive – arrived
 The past simple of some verbs is irregular
Go – went come – came take – took
 When we are telling a story, we often use a verb in the past continuous to give a background to what

I was riding my bike. A cat run in front of me and I fell off.
She cut her finger when she was preparing food.

Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the past simple and past continuous tenses.
Decide the order of the verb first.

1 When he was working, he broke his arm. (break, work).

2 My son _______ a firework when it ______ and _______ his hand. (explode, hold, burn)
3 I _______ of the car. My dad _______ the door and _______ my fingers. (get out, break, close)
4 My mum ______ in the bathroom. She _____ and _____ her head. (hit, fall, get dressed)
5 I ______ to music, when suddenlyy I ______ a whistling in my ear and I _____ deaf. (hear, go,
6 I ______ in the park, and a man _______ me and ______ me. (punch, chase, run)

A. Can you name any deadly infectious disease that have spread around the world?

B. Read the sentences and decide if they are True (T) or False (F).
1. A pandemic is a type of virus.____
2. Viruses reproduce outside your body.____
3. More people died from Spanish flu than were kiled in the First World War.____
4. H1N1 is the name of a pandemic.____
5. H5N1 is an antiviral drug.____
6. Tamiflu is made by Roche. ____
7. Tamiflu stops H5N1 spreading.____

Pandemics and TAMIFLU

When someone who has flu sneezes nearby, you take tiny droplets of their saliva into your lungs. The droplets
contain viruses that are looking for a new home. They get into your lungs and then into your blood. They can
quickly take over your whole body, and they use it as a factory in which they can reproduce. At any time, a
deadly bacterium, virus perhaps, can become very successful and spread across the world. They kill millions of
human beings. When it happens, it is called a ‘pandemic’.
There was a pandemic in 1918. An influenza virus called H1N1, or people then tended to know it as ‘Spanish flu’.
It killed between 50 and 100 million people. More people died from H1N1 than were killed in the First World
War. In 1918, a doctor in a military camp wrote a letter about it, so it began to be known. In his letter, he
described the situation: "…. It is a few hours until death comes. It is horrible. We have been averaging about 100
deaths per day, so special trains carry away the dead. We have lost many nurses and doctors. For there were no
cottons for several days, the bodies piled up." Since 1918, the H1N1 has mutated.
Now there is a mutation called H5N1. When this mutation first appeared in China in 1996, there was a
desperate search for a medicine to deal with it. The pharmaceutical company Roche came up with a drug called
Tamiflu. Tamiflu does not kill H5N1, yet stops making copies of itself. If given early enough, vaccinations of
Tamiflu could perhaps save many lives, but the virus will continue to mutate. It might end up becoming resistant
to Tamiflu. The next mutation may already be with us by the time you are reading this!
Adapted from 2011, Oxford English for Career Nursing 1 2.



Complete the sentences with the words below

contamination disinfectant
antimicrobial agent susceptible
pathogens resistant
swab spotless

1. An ______________ will kill microorganism.

2. Use a sterile____________to get a sample from the back of the throat.
3. Our bodu have ways to kill ____________ such as viruses and bacteria.
4. The old, the young, and the very ill are most _______ to hospital infection.
5. Staphyloccocus is ____________ to most antibiotics.
6. There is a risk of _________ from urine and blood.
7. Wash floors and door handles with ___________.
8. A home doesn’t have to be ___________, but it does have to be clean.

Listening a hygiene report
Listen to a hospital administrator talking to the Ward sister about the hygiene report for
her ward, and answer the questions.
1. Did the ward get a good or a bad score?
2. What reasons does the Sister gives for the ward’s score?

Read through the sentences from the report . the listen again and underline the correct
1. The door handles are/are not regularly cleaned.
2. Beds are/are not always cleaned between patients.
3. The toiltes are cleaned three times/twice/once daily.
4. Floors are cleaned four times/twice/once daily.
5. The average time for cleaning up spillages of bodily fluids is 5/10/10-30/more than 30
6. Nurses’ knowledge of MRSA is good/fair/poor.
7. Nurses always / do not always wear gloves.

Read about Harriet Banks and answer the

1. What is the Ward Matrons’ Rank?

2. What type of hygiene is Harriet Banks
especially strict about?
3. Why does Harriet real power in the
4. How does Harriet encourage nurses to
follow hygiene procedures?




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