The Complete Windows 11 User Manual - 6th Edition, 2023

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y eine Complete Windows Ii User Manual The essential step-by-step manual to mastering Microsoft's Windows I] operating system FREE Software! Great Games! Esentia! Hardware! 192cnuans Bs at @ oA a. Head over to your web browser and follow these AW scmce. | : r i siommns | simple instructions... 1/ Enter the following URL: 2/ Sign up/in and from the listings of our exclusive customer downloads, highlight the Tech Shopper Magazine option. 3/ Enter your unique download code (Listed below) in the “Enter download code” bar. 4] Click the Download Now! Button and your file will automatically download. 5/ Your file is a high resolution POF file, which is compatible with the majority of customer devices/platforms. PCL37862RE NOTE: This isc limited reader offer running from let January 2028 to Ist September 2023, Terms and conditions apply ond can be found at The Complete Windows Tl User Manual Everything you need to master Windows II! Since its release in October 2021, Windows 11 has rapidly become the mainstay operating system for the beginner, intermediate and advanced computer user. It’s designed to push the boundaries, to encompass the everyday digital, and help bring us closer together than ever before. It brings a fresh new look, together with powerful new code under the hood. Everything you need to help drive you into the future. This manual will guide you through Microsoft's latest OS, offering you something new to learn on every page and providing you with the necessary knowledge to make Windows 1] work for you. In here you'll find tutorials and tips, secrets of the OS will be unlocked, and your understanding of how everything works will help make you become an advanced user. So, let's dive into Windows and start building both your confidence and understanding of this rather marvellous operating system. £3) Papercut eC Le 6 What’s New in Windows 11? PRU ec -sccn ae eey Pee crunescas SCOR somes cue) 14 Windows 11 Essentials CRN useri Pree oe neem ees PM ite) Pree et eee rs Pree eee 26 _ Using Snap Layout and Snap Groups 28 _ Inside the File Explorer EV ret ea ros 32__ Create and Manage Folders Ermer caa ons Pree nee Ee Cua Eee oeree eric es < Meee ee Meee ree eee Cs eee 43. Howto Usethe Mail App irene eneiees Cee See eis reer ne Dates and Appointments with Calendar emi eaclenerista e econ cea Presse lec car ee Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts Dain Late lua Exploring the Microsoft Store ements) ferences (ese kesu es (enna etc (ene ear une meee) ena an eueoh rian ek nsaoeeneeed foe kueaee ss) eke cue ecules stages retin eae a men cet ace ene (Ene acicneeenan eres Using the Sticky Notes Tool Wenusoote recs Screenshots with the Snipping Tool eel eee! Install a Wireless Printer ee Dene acca Pere iaed Prenat eens oa ns eed Weert teen enna Eun eeee Making Calls with the Skype App Vena PoE elie ath Cee Using the Cloud Clipboard ecseees eae eed eet tr ened iene ieee mien kes Touichscreen Gestures ferent acer na Vea Een aoe) iran seec) 160 ats ere eu Enea! Perec Using the Windows 11 Task Manager (enemies tien eee Pei een cee ae) eee ne cs 168 ert hee eal) Setting Up Dual Monitors Howto Create a Recovery Drive aie omen enuestulne ene Finding Other Drivers eucienemcn (erence cued 150 rr) ate rr Mirena roa Soma neers Wires ieene se Tee ee ae Geeta eats Pr rey em emacs eee ieee enero Peete een feteege ene 180 ctr mene eee Eseries ca bate ona el eek Ll DE odatl aS How a VPN can Improve Windows Security Br) cry rc OM ie ANd Ahi Sak Peete Emenee Blocking PUPs with Windows Defender eel eens co rer ete ee eae reel eae A Se LS Pee eee ieee Fy Troubleshooting Your Wired Network Updating to Windows 11 Microsoft's latest version of Windows hit the update servers on October Sth 2021, but it seemed many computers were still waiting for the go-ahead from their Windows Update screens, if you are one of them we can help you. Here’s howto step up the process. Ifyou're still on Windows 10, and waiting patiently for your update screen to display the exciting ‘Ready to update Windows 11’ notification, then this is the guide for you. Rather than tweaking with the update settings, or delving into the murky depths of the command prompt, there’s an easier way to get the ball rolling and get you on and working with Windows 11. Pees BE Windows 11 Before we go about running the update process, it’s worth checking that your system can actually run Windows 11. Many of shave already been down this route, and have discovered that ‘we need to apply a few elements prior to installing the newest OS from Microsoft. it ry ‘TPM stands for Trusted Platform Module, and is taskis to protect data through authentication, perform platform integrity, lise dik ‘encryption, and store passwords and certificates. In short, it's an extra layer of harcware protection to help stop your PC from being ‘compromised orto stop many forms of malware from infecting the core components of your computer. "Now that you know what TPM is, you can begin to understand Microsofts insistence of it being present before even allowing ‘Windows 11 to be installed. Windows is, by quite a margin, the ‘most popular operating system in the world, and as such It's the ‘main target for malware and many other very unpleasant things ‘out there inthe wild world. By using TPM, Microsoft is under the opinion that i's making things alittle more difficult fr any hhackers and creators of malware tis, however, totaly possible to bypass the TPM requirements. ‘Anyway, in general, ifyour computer is reasonably up to date, or roughly less than four years old, then there's a good chance that you have a TPM present in your system, For some systems, TPM ‘comes in the form of an actual module that physically plugs into 2 socket on your motherboard, for most computers, though, TPM is offered via the processor. 8 Winsows 11 What you will eed to dois drop into your BIOS, thiscan normally be done by tapping either the Del orF2 keys when you fist power Lup your computer (before it stats to boot into Windows). Naturally, different motherboard manufacturers offer cfferent heypresses, o you'll need to check with your manual fae \When in the BIOS, look for Settings > Security> Trusted Computing. Ifyou've got an AMD processor, you may also have to look for AMD (CPU TPM. Enable both, ifavailable, save the settings and reboot the computer before your prodeed, “These entries wil differ from one motherboard to the next, as previously mentioned. You may need to Google your motherboard, make and model number, together with the words ‘enable TPM, to ‘see how to specifically enable it for you. ‘Once enabled, and rebooted into Windows 10, go to http://w,, and scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the Download PC Health Check ‘App button to start the download process ‘Once it's downloaded, double-click to instal it. When installed, run the Health Check App, and look for the Check Now button in the Introduction Windows 11 section. Clickit, and you'll be sven a report as to whether your computer can run Windows 11 ‘oF not. If not, you're told where it's flled and you can look up what to do next and remedy the situation, @ This PCmeets Windows 1 requirements ‘Grea ews — Windows 11 coming son! Check cee {pecieabon for app an fests that exces rer ter teers and Windows 10 fetes ht arent aie vwnsone Windows 11 Installation Assista ‘To force the update to Windows 11, providing your computer can handle it, you'll need to run the Windows 11 installation Assistant. This isa separate app that enables Windovrs 10 users, who have a valid Windows license, to update their computers to the latest version of Windows 11. You'll ned to ensure that you have atleast version 2004 of \Windows 10 before you begin. i's worth going to the Windows Update section in the Settings and checking forthe latest updates. Windows Update festa rire a © estan 0» Senge tacr on etm en ene & Cemenenae, © versa Updating to Windows 11 falls well, head on over to https// software-download) windows, andlocate the Windows 11 Installation Assistant section. Clickon the Download Now button, to save the app to your computer. Locate the app on your computer, and double-clickitto begin the Windows 1 installation process. everything isasit should be, youll be presented with an install Windows 11 window, Click on ‘the Acceptand install button to continue te process. Net, the app will download the necessary fle and perform the {forced instalation of Windows 11. This could be anywhere between 20 minutes to nearly an hour ~ depending on the speed of your ‘computer, connection tothe ntemet and so on, Isa three-step process, and the final step will have you reboot the ‘computer. You'l then need to go through a Welcome process, and ‘once that's done, the Windows 11 desktop will load; rtaining all your files, desktop settings etc. ewpepubleatonscom 9 Windows 11 - Getting Started Microsoft has greatly improved its initial Windows setup routine with intuitive guides. Where once you were simply delivered onto the desktop and left to your own devices, now Windows 11 ensures you can comfortably hit the ground running. Hello Windows 11 ‘One of the first tasks to complete when you boot into Windows 11, is to run through the Getting Started guide. Here's how it works. You'll find the Getting Started guide in the Start ‘menu, when you click the Windows logo button onthe taskbar. Its. a weleome to Windows setup wizard, and ‘makes sure you're teady tse your les, and get access to your work quickly and effectively. Oneeit has opened, click the Get Started button to continue to the next step — Hi Davia 38 Microsoft's use of oneDtive for both business and personal data has become one of the cornerstones ofthe company’s services. OneDrive offers a secure space to store your data, which will always be available no matter what happens to your computer. lick on the Open File Explorer button to begin your OneDrive setup and login. The perfect place for your files ESPRPD when you've completed the setup and logged into ‘OneDrive, special folder within your use account ‘onthe PC willbe setup. Ths folder allows you to interact in realtime with the OneDrive cloud service so any fles created in the folder willbe automatically uploaded to OneDrive; and vce versa Th ‘rear Oneonne elder yo! |. é 10 Winsows 11 ‘OneDrive will also setup an automated service that will backup any files and folders that you ord store on the Desktop, in your Documents folder, and in your Pictures folder. Click on the ‘Setting up folder back up" link to add more folders to backup, or deselect any you don't want to. Thy Backup your folders yg Seeeneeemneeey Im Nindows 11 - Getting Started ‘The next step in the Getting Started process has you viewing and selecting any of the popular apps that are currently available for Windows 11. Naturally, you ‘can instal these apps via the Windows Store at a latar date, but having them to begin with can reduce the amount of time you spend setting up the computer, O wie © reise ® Prune Gat secs ‘eg Cap 1B Aone cosop txpensmage ac Asters ites cs Bad oo The service will help reduce the amount of space taken up on the PC, or other Windows 11 devices. you're using, by utilising Files On Demand, Ths is an automatic setup that vil et you view and edit files on OneDrive without downloading them locally. You can, however, optto makes files and folder Always Available, a Th} Antyour files, ready and on-demand YO} vocab nmin rote Mf . . @ ° © te ‘An interesting element to the Getting Started ‘setup are the informational sections; such a this ‘one It details the new Search app that’ located on the taskbar. It also highlights the new Start launch taskbar and shows howr easy itistouse, and pin any Apps to. One place to Start ‘Search for anything, anywhere, pin the apps you use the most, and see your recent files—Start is here for getting things done with fewer clicks and swipes. vwwpepubtestonscom 1 Windows 11 - Getting Started continued, The Focus Asis setting i designed to help you so ‘choose the notifications you'd like to see and hear without the istration of thse you dont Any notation thats notsetinthe Prony letof app wl beaded tothe Noteation area without turbing your werkfow. Clk the Open focus ase stings button fr further information, Widgets are a resurfacing technology from the see Windows Vista days; only now they work a lot better. This pane ofthe Getting Started setup shows you how to access your Widgets, and how to explore what's avalable. ‘The widget window sctllsin rom the lft ofthe sreen, slightly aed above th taskbar Microsoft Edge has seen some dramatic improvements over the years, so much so that 's now regarded as one ofthe most secure, and fastest browsers available. Ofcourse, ifyou preferto use Chrome, Firefox or ‘another browser, then you're fre to do so. Edge, however, is built ‘on Chrome technologies, so it might be worth giving it go. Linking your Android phone with Windows is a function that appeared in the early years of Windows 10. Since then ithas improved significantly, and you can easly setup and configure the interface from this panel in the Getting Started guide. Simply click the, Link your Android button to begin the connection process. ceed 12 Winsows 11 The new Chat icon in the taskbar isan element of Microsoft Teams. Teams has proved its worth in gold during lockdown, and has now been included by default in Windows 11. ts cross-platform, and easy to setup and use. Just dliekon the Chat button in the taskbar to begin the setup process. BRPREPD That's the cetting started guide complete. You'll now havea fully setup and working OneOrive with active folders, sorted out your notifications launched and begun touse the Edge browser, and connected your Android phone. Before you do get started, we suggest you try the following. " Now would be a good opportunity to check that any specific hardware divers are updated to Windows 11. To do this depends greatly onthe type of hardware. For example, Nvidia GPUs will use the Nvidia GeForce Experience Simply click to open the hardware setup client, and fllow the ‘on-screen instruction to apply the update(s) eR Nigam} tet Ifyou have any older software, it’s worth taking { Ba momento test thatit still behaves the way ‘you expect itto under Windows Ll. Ifnot, then look the software up online, see if there's an update to Windows 11, or contact the developers directly to ask for guidance relating to the specific software itsel. aoe Download the best VPN for PC in 2021 fee CARE rere Cee (===) ven 13 Windows 11 Essentials Windows 11 looks a lot different to previous versions of the OP Tee CMM Ml Tee eee G Store, file menus, search and much more. It’s all ground- breaking stuff, and you’ll need to be familiar with the basics LY Co CML Rott MM OM LA Ce) CoM LUT UC la Le Ba Read on, and discover Windows 11 essentials. Windows 11 Essentials , > Themes sation Personall mer 16 Windows 11 Start Screen 38 Using Widgets in Windows 11 18 Howto Use the Start Menu 40 Exploring Microsoft Edge 20 Notifications and Quick Settings 42 How to Use the Edge Browser 22 Howto Use the Taskbar 46 Exploring Windows Mai 24 Using Task View and Multiple Desktops 48 How to Use the Mail App 26 Using Snap Layout and Snap Groups 52 Search in Windows 11 28 Inside the File Explorer 54 Inside the Calendar App 30 Howto Use File Explorer 56 Dates and Appointments with Calendar 32 Create and Manage Folders 58 Personalising Windows 11 34 Connecting Your PC to the Internet 64 Windows 11 Keyboard Shortcuts 36 Exploring the Windows 11 Settings ven 15 Windows 11 Start Screen The Windows 11 desktop user interface (UI) is a radical change from what we’re used to with previous versions of Windows. The main differences are the new taskbar, Notifications and Widgets. Widgets “The Widgets snap in rom the eft ofthe desktop whon you ‘move your mouse over to the edge of ‘e ‘© Weather see | FF premier iexcue the screen. You'll notice that the Widget window islightly raised his ‘nem tenting 2 OD vt : isto avoid it clashing withthe ‘isan ase le taskbar; to help keep the desktop 122 “a | Bs ad liter free, You can also open thom by pressing the Windows Key + Won ¥ rotentam 26 ‘your keyboard, ale alas Bro vs y 308 Search ee ‘You can use the Search Ses forecast field to look for more specific Widgets, ‘and add them to your desktop for 3 ‘more personalised desktop environment. Note that new Widgets a Sugpeststoryou are being added to Windows 1 Pm nao 5008. almost ona daly bass. Keep an eye ‘out, to see ifthe one you've always. AMZN en 205% wanted makes an appearance. = — pa 246 zeam 207s Taskbar “The new Windows 11 taskbar expands out from the centre ‘of the desktop now. The Windows Start button stil works in the same way, displaying installed apps and offering access to the 0S settings. Search ‘The Search function within Windows 11 is greatly improved, and easier to find what you're looking for. Whether it’s a document on your ‘computer, or something online, you can find it here. 16 Winsows 11 eerrens ome the most used des ernest rere ea et G@ Default Display “The default Widgets display the latest sporting news, the current weather, entertainment and the state of stocks and Shares. These can be dragged and dropped to different locations, changed or even removed completely GG Desktop As with al previous rooney ‘versions of Windows, the Desktop can be personalised and configured how you tke. Its new look is brighter, with cleaner edges and better resolution than before, to help ease eye-strain and keep you focused. o Profile ‘Your Microsoft or local Windows 11 profile image willbe displayed here. By clicking it, you'll be able to access further settings relating to many aspects ofthe core operating system, as well as specific settings to cdo with the Widgets featur. Notifications ‘The Notification Centre: ‘and the taskbar are now combined. Click the set of icons that represent WL, battery and soon, and the screen will expand upward to reveal ‘more settings. in here you'll ind access to the important elements of the computer. Notifications will be displayed next to the date; as and ‘when they're needed. This allows you +0 focus more on what you're doing without unnecessary distractions. ‘ww-pepubteatons com 17 How to Use the Start Menu The Start menu has been given a big makeover for Windows 11, simplified in some ways and expanded in others. It may look a bit empty when compared to the Windows 10 Start menu, but itis still the main way to access your installed apps, software and games. Get to Grips with Start Ifyou have used Windows 10, the Start menu shouldn't hold too many surprises for you, but itis still a good idea to familiarise yourself with its features. ‘The completely redesigned Start menu is opened by clicking on the Windows icon in the taskbar, or by pressing the Windows Key on your keyboard. It pens above the taskbar icons, floating in the middle ofthe screen. It will appear over the top of any open windows. e go 8 geou@oespu~d Ifthe app you want to open is shown, click the ‘con to open it. not, you can click the “AlLApps" button to open the fll, scrollable lst of apps. You can change the ‘apps that appear hereby right-clicking on the icon and choosing. “Unpin/Pin to Start” from the action menu, a # hear So soi, ne ‘The Start menu i arranged in four main sect Search, Pinned Apps, Recent or Recommended Files and Account/Power, Clickingin the Search field will switch to, the dedicated Search panel, rather than letting you type your search term directly into the Start menu, Inthe app menu, apps are sorted alphabetically, except for a Most Used section at the top. Ifyou click the ttle of that section (or any other section heading), a letter grid will appear, allowing you to {quickly skip to a specific section of the apps list. 18 Winsows 11 ‘The Recommended section shows files that have been recently opened, or that have been opened frequently. Clickon any icon to open the fle in whatever app/ program itis associated with. Click the “More” button tothe right toopen a larger list of files. How to Use the Start Menu Use the sliders to enable or disable Start menu BALI festures you want or nolongor want. To add folders tothe Start menu, click the folders option inthe Start settings and then use the slider switches to add any of the preset folders you want or need quick access to. em Personalisation > Start Microsoft Account menu. Click this to change account settings, lock your computer orsign out of the current account. At the ether end of the section is the power button. Click this and choose from the available power options. woudoemsu«o aie EXERT the bottom section contains link to the SPE Open the start menu again to see the newly added (or removed features) You may not Initially notice any diference to the apps list ifyou have not yet used any apps repeatedly. The folders you added can be found next to the power button in the bottom section. eae LL) ae ee Beuuoeesa0 Itis also possible to display your most used apps and a selection of folders in the Start menu. To ‘enable these features, open the main settings menu (you should see the icon for this in the pinned apps) and click on the Personalisation section. Then choose the Start option. Itis not possible to resize the Start menu, nor sit BARE site to change the styl ofit. You can change the overall colour mode (light, dark or custom), which will change ‘the colour of the Start menu along with other main elements of the interface such as the taskbar, System rorstenesteson er DESKTOP.L0sK sen eeR\eonk vewpepubteatonscom 19 Notifications and Quick Settings There have always been pop-up messages in Windows but now there is a centralised way in which these are viewed and interacted with. In Windows 11, this is called the Notification Center, it works more like the notifications panel on a smartphone or tablet. Exploring the Notification Center The Notification Center is an important and useful element in Windows 11, providing you with access to the calendar as well as notifications and alerts. BIOMED No rticatons and lors il pop up atthe Ute Windows 0, the Notieation Center Datong comer ofthe scee by tlt ut {which was called the Acton Center previcush) youcan change the noticaton sets cbappeeting ater few only contain otifeatons and alerts nt quick settings oes ‘seconds. After the initial pop-up has disappeared, you can view all include the calendar now, which is expanded by clicking the current notifications by clicking on the time/date in the taskbar. arrow next to the date at the bottom ofthe notification panel. doeceuson re eOoees«9 AM Pee oot ERP EE Youcanseoitthore arenewnotiicatons wating — (RRBRPR Above the calendar section s your notification 10 be viewed by the badge that will appear on the panel, Notifications can be from the system. ‘comer ofthe time/date in the taskbar You can tur ofthese (Windows updates for example), from your calendar, from apps and. ‘badges in the settings, bt they are auseful and unobtrusive way even from settings that nead to be managed. Notifications ae sorted ‘to ee, ata glance if you have something requiring your attention. into sections within the notifications panel, based on thei type. cree, | onan @ aeecoes 20° Winsows 11 Atthe top of the Notifications panelisa button to clear all notfications. You can clear notifications incividually by hovering the pointer over them and clicking the X. You ‘can also click the menu button on each notification to seesome notification settings, such as setting similar messages asa priority. Notifications and Quick Settings ‘To manage your notification display settings, go, ‘to Settings > System > Notifications, Here you ‘can choose the apps/features which can send you notifications, Using the slider switches. Click the name ofthe app to see further -settings, such as whether a sound is played, and the priority level. cen es ce Quick Settings Panel Unlike in the previous version of Windows, Windows 11 separates the quick settings panel from the Notification Center. ‘To access the quick settings panel in Windows 11, press Windows Key +a. The panel will appearin the ‘same position on screen asthe Notification Center. By default the panel contains buttons to quickly enable/disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Flight Mode, Battery Saver (Fusing a laptop) and Focus Assist. Right-click anywhere on the Quick Settings panel ‘to see a link to “Edit quick settings Click this and the buttons willbe greyed out, and unpin cons wil appear on each. Click these to remove a button from the panel. You can also click ‘the + button atthe bottom to add other quick settings buttons. ‘There are also sliders to control screen brightness and system volume. The exact settings that appear in the quick settings panel wil vary, depending on if you ‘are using a desktop ora laptop computer. At the bottam of the Panel isa button to open the main Windows 11 settings app. SERED Some ofthe quicksettings buttons will have an arrow on the button. Clicking these buttons wil ‘open a new panel, with futher options for that particular feature. For, ‘example, the WF button will open alist of available networks, and Keyboard Layout willopen alist ofthe different layouts available, \ewpepublestons com 21 How to Use the Taskbar Ifyou are moving from Windows 10 to Windows 11, the taskbar will likely be the first and most obvious change you notice. The taskbar has always been a useful tool, but in Windows 11 it becomes the real focus of the desktop and contains even more features and tools. Mastering the Windows 11 Taskbar The taskbar has always been more useful than many users realise. in Windows 11 the emphasis has shifted much more towards a simplified, but still powerful, selection of pinned tools/apps. e MTT The taskbar runs the full length of the ED boc ot tne ccicen adic now fed into two main sections: tart Nenu/Pinned App and ‘system Tools. n Windows 11 the taskbar app icans are arranged in the centre of the taskbar (although this can be changed), with system tools on the right Boeuoces as “The first icon in the row of taskbar icons the pena ‘Start menu button. Clicking this opens the nu ‘Start menuidirectly above the icons. You can right-click the Start ‘menu button to see a jump menu of adaitional links and tools. ‘These include a shortcut to shut down orsign out of your computer. Sone Goese ‘The embedded search field of Windows 10 1s gona, replaced by abutton (magnifying ss) that opens anew system search panel. This unified search Allows you to nat only search for things on your computer, but also in OneDrive and for results from websites. As you begin ‘typing, search suggestions appear. Zo.acees SSMU |The third button inthe row of taskbar icons opens Task View Task View isnot anew feature to Windows, butithas been slightly changed and streamlined fortis version, Task View allows you to quickly see ‘very app and window you have open, switch between them Sand even ceate new desktops. 22 Winsows 11 ‘The fourth default button opens the Widget panel, onthe lft side ofthe screen The widget panel can be customised to suit your needs with information such as weather, Photos, stock prices, sports results and news stores, As Windows 11 develops, itislikely even more functionality will be added. How to Use the Task Hovering over any open app icon in the “Taskbar brings up a Peek preview of the ‘a movie is playing, for example, you will see it window. playing here too. Ifyou mouse over the preview, the actual app ‘or window will pop up on screen. You will also see an X to close, the window, without actualy selecting it ‘The huge recent rise ofremote working, and video meetings gocs some way to eee ‘explain why Microsoft have embedded Teams as part of Windows 41. Once you are set up and signed into your Teams account, licking this button will open the start/join meeting interface, goungdoes FRPP Tight hand sie ofthe task is Sai reserved for the system tools, the time and date (which opens the Notification Center upon a click) ane the show Desking button The systom tool wl vary depencingon your computer, but ey ncade battery status, Wort status, Sound and OneDrive ao ‘few other apps and other software will MAMIE be pinned tothe taskbar when you ist use your Windows 11 PC. You can add several more as and when you choose. To pin compatible apps rightclick on the app Icon anywhere you see'it (Start menu for example), and then click Pin to Taskbar. au - You have quite lt of fee reign when BRRAAIRAAMLAD |S ccmostoviich opsyounave showingin the taskbar. Open Settings > Personalisa “Taskbar. Here you can use the sider switches to enable or disable ‘the default apps that appear. You can also change the alignment ‘ofthe pinned apps back tthe left. Cs = es te D wemeeve 18 Un Q ere 2 ite me Ba tipmsnenmere 5 1a) etn tnt 1 ann Pe Bee A ements toe0 wougdoess vewpepublestons com 23 Using Task View and Multiple Desktops Task View was introduced properly in Windows 10, as a way to make multi-tasking easier and allowing the creation of extra desktop areas. In Windows 11 it’s even easier to instantly check and switch to open windows; and to create and manage multiple desktops. Using Task View Task View is a quick way to view and manage all of the windows and apps open on your PC at any given moment, even those that are minimised. Task Viewis accessed by clicking the third icon in the taskbar; the white square on the black square, “The Task View screen is split into two sections: Open tasks and desktops. ny apps or windows you have open, even ifthey are currently minimised, willbe displayed inthe open tasks panel perry Bo. useee re “The size and shape ofthe windows shown in Task View depend on the size and shape ofthe actual window. For example, if you have Microsoft Edge open at full screen it wll be displayed as a wide rectangle in Task View. Ifyou hhave alot of windows open, the open tasks panel will be scrollable, Click on any window or app in Task View to open itat ful size on the desktop. twill appear infront ‘of any windows you already had open and visible on the desktop. You can also clase windows or apps directly from the Task view. Just hover the mouse over the window and click the X button. Beeccees a Ifyou right-click on one of the windows/apps shown in Task View, you will see several more rap left/right will open the selected window, but ‘oF positioned tothe left or right ofthe home screen. You will see that there are also several options for showing hiding the window on new desktops. options. 26 Winsows 1 Using Multiple Desktops sk View and Multiple Desktops Creating multiple desktops is a great way of separating your activities across multiple defined spaces, and helps you concentrate and split your workload. ‘One ofthe great features in Task View is the BARLRMD ablty to add extra desktops. Virtual desktops are ‘essentially extra workspaces, so for example you can have one space with your email and chat windows open and another wihere you're working in PowerPoint without email distractions. You can right-click the appsin Task View to send them to anather desktop. You can also drag and drop windows/apps from one desktop to another. you have an app ‘or window open in one desktop and then try to open itin another, you wiljust switch tothe desktop whereit was already open, ae | Click ortap the New Desktop button atthe bottom Bors ‘ofthe Tsk View screen and you willsee an entirely new and blank desktop. Ifyou had any apps or windows open inthe main desktop, they won't be open here, Don't wory, they haven't been closed, they are still open on the other desktop. aos.Goess ‘With Task View open, rightclick on one of the desktop previews at the bottom and you can choose a different background wallpaper (making identifying which desktop you are on currently easier), and also you can choose to move a desktop to the left or right, switching which ‘one is the main desktop, ‘To get around this problem, open the Task View and right click on an app or window. From the ‘menus choose either “Show this window on all desktops" or Show ‘windows from this app on all desktops’: You can also use this menu ‘to move apps or windows between your open desktops. Ifyou hover over the apps and windows shown in the Open Tasks panel, you will see an x appear, now you can close superfluous desktops down to save resources. Doing this doesn't close any apps down, so you don't reed to manually move them yourself Itjust automatically adds ‘them to the main desktop for you. \ewpepublestons com 25 Using Snap Layout and Snap Groups Snap Layouts and Snap Groups, while similar to Snap Assist in Windows 10, are completely new features for Windows 11. Each is designed to make your life easier by giving you new ways to organise and retrieve apps and windows ona busy desktop. Using Snap Layouts Snap Layouts are a quick and easy way to organise a busy or cluttered desktop. They are similar to Snap Assist, but are created in a new and different way. ‘Snap Layouts can be created with ust one open Your other open winclows/apps will appear as ‘app oF window, but really come into thelr own previews in one of the other layout positions, when several are open. Move your mouse over the Maximise Click one of them to open it in that layout position. The process bbution (top-right comer) of any open app or window, without Is then repeated for any other open windows, ifyou choose a clicking, after a second, a brand new menu will pop up, showing layout with more than 2 spaces. Windows are automatically the available layouts you can use. resized to fit in the layout. ferenltion» Background PTD there are 4 preset ayouts available (at present, ESERP IE {younow ty to move awindow or app out of the although more may be added): 2equal windows layout, i-will switch backtoits original dimensions side-by-side, 2 unequal windows side-by-side, 3 windows and.4equal when Itunsnaps from the grid. You can create multiple Snap Layouts, windows Clickon whichever you want touse, and the window/app each containing different apps/windows. These ramain unt the youused to open the layout wil snap into one ofthe pestions. windows are closed or removed from the group. 26 Winsows 11 You can change the dimensions of the layout once you have created one With the layout open, hover yourmouse over thelne where the windows meet, ether horizontally ‘orverically. A wider bar wil appear which youcancckand dragto ‘change the horizontal or vertical dimensions ofthe layout Boece cae Snap Layouts Sal-] ORC] c0] 6) os} You can snap apps and windows into position using a keyboard shortcut as wel. Highlight a window and then press Windows Key + one ofthe arrow keys. Dependingon “which direction you press, the window will snap lef right, up or System > Multtaskng. Clikthe Snap windows option anda lis of diferent settings willopen. You can abo, you wish, completa tum off window snapping here, usingtheslder etch, vwwwpepubtestons com 27 Inside the File Explorer Although the File Exploreris much the same as it was in previous versions of Windows, it’s still worth exploring it further. The File Explorers one of the most overlooked tools in Windows, but if you want to be able to find your accumulated photos, music files, word documents and other files, without having to use Search every time, it’s definitely something you should be familiar with. File Explorer Toolbar The simplified Explorer toolbar still contains all ofthe tools you need to manage the different files and folders you can view. Once you have selected afile or folder in the main pane, ‘mote tools become active. You can also click the “More menu” button to see additional options such as Burn to disc and Compress to Zip file, > onde» Fences YW ouetacee ee UG documens + | yin estecanpiem saan sg oats nme | = ‘ss eS ‘oe me G & Bowne (EBB) Novigation Pane Folders Thelefthand sdeber contains alist of aiferet file folders on your computer. Clicking onan ofthe folders chown here wl spay the HEI Nahe Se Sam Telit spl tosectons, including Quek ee Acces Recent, OneDrve and Thi PC you wae Cemea “emian Sn rightlickon a blank area, you can choose to show All Folders here. ney pres eB. £feees srenbrandime-wsuabstones mi Info Bar = ena The thin ar along the bottom ofthe Bre File Explorer displays several bits of useful Information. nothing in the main window is selected, the info bar shows the total number of items in the selected folder. Click oa file and the file siz is also shown here. Ifyou select several fle, the number of items selected is shown, along with the total sizeof all selected items combined vee & mnwomic Folder Contents Pane Whena folders selected inthe Fle Location sidebar, its contents are shown inthe ‘main pane. The contents of any single older may vary greatly ofcourse, but Windows ses standard icons to show Word documents, textes, various differentimage formats and shortcuts o apps and software. Asyou can see here, images will usually be displayed asa thumbnail unless view settings, have been changed. See, 28 Winsows 11 Inside the File Explorer Menus Ga dow Controls You will have noticed by now Almost every window that opens in that Windows 11 has some fancy new ‘Windows includes thase control. From left to icons in place ofthe previous cut, paste, Fight they are: Minimise, Maximise and Close. In copy, rename and soon. They may alittle Windows 11, moving the mouse over the getting used to, especially if your muscle ‘maximise button brings up the Snap Layouts. ‘memory mouse finger keeps hitting the panel. Right-clicking on the control bar will show wrong icon! Don't worry, though, it won't you a couple of extra controls including Restore, take long to adapt. Move and Size. Search The familiar Search Bar may look identical to previous versions of Windows, however, there's a lot more going on under the hood. Windows 11 utilises new search patterns, making it faster and easier to find What you're ater. Preview Pane Ifthe preview pane is enabled, approximately a third ofthe File Explorer window wil be reserved for a preview of any selected files. Normally, only image, html and text files wll display a proviow in this pane. The preview pane can be increased or decreased in size by clicking and dragging the scrollbar to the leftofit. Folder View ‘The two buttons here let you choos between viewing the contents ofthe folder in a ‘thumbnail format or alternatively, asst. When the folder items are displayed as alist, you can choose to display a varying amount of information, including date last modified, le type and filesize, tems shown as alist wil stil display a preview inthe Preview Pane when selected, BER eT reagent bin File Explorer al eee Ey es rh Pictures and displayed in the File Explor free area ofthe Navigation Pane and from the ete ene eee ar Ce ee een ee ev 29 How to Use File Explorer You can just use the powerful and improved search feature to find files and documents; but the new, simplified File Explorer is often a better choice, especially if you are looking for groups of files or want to preview several files to find the right one. What’s New in File Explorer? File Explorer is a much undervalued part of Windows. And while it hasn't fundamentally changed for several versions of the operating system, Windows 11 has made some changes, which we'l take you through here. The way you browse files in Windows 11 is “There are new icons across all Fle Explorer similar to previous versions of Windows, but views. And there are a lot more file operations ile Explorer has been slightly simplified. The main Quick that you can access on the menu atthe top ofthe window Access window shows you your most frequently used folders (known as the ‘ribbon’, without the need to use the right-lick {after all, how many of us dip into more than five or ten folders menu. This makes it easier to use on PCs with touch screens. ina day?) and also recent files. “=| fm Be Ea Bs | Bewe]|D eee “The sidebar also works onthe same principe, ‘The new icons are all fairly self-explanatory ifyou and via a new Quick Access feature you can pin have used any PC inthe past. There are icons for folders or files that you want to stick around. It will also show you Cut, Copy, Delete, Rename and Share, a well as folder control Frequent folders too, You can pin things permanently onto Quick _icans ike View and Sort. ifyou are unsure what any icon does, ‘ccess by right-clicking them and selecting Add to Quick Access. Just hover your pointer over one to see a label pop up. Folders) eo copy | me . 7 ae ih mn Be 7 ope nena wo fey ickaccs > BN oy Pinto cuice com S59 2 tints i ~ Folders @) BT copy sspath Letina a se rn con @ fpmer sag [LOTS P| BE =" aoe ven SSS? SE] |g ooanen + 2 mee Pie + cn ed oo (2! 30° Winsows 11 ‘The simplification continues on the This PC screen. Allof the controls are stil there, you ust need to click on the More menu (the three dots) inthe top bar This menu is contextual. For example, select a drive such as C: ‘and then click the menu to see options such as “Map network dive” and “Burn to disc’ ‘Sharing files in File Explorer is again similar to ‘Windows 10, Selact one or more files in the window, click the Share button and the share panel will open. “The sharing options shown here will vary depending on which apps you have installed and which communication features you. have decided to set up. i-—_ [Be # How to Use the File Explorer You can access ust about every folder on your computer, both system and created folders, from the Fle Explorer. There are several folders in the sidebar that are always shown, including This PC, Network and OneDrive. Right Connecting Your PC to the Internet Setting an Internet connection is an important step. Windows 11 makes joining and managing networks easy, bringing all of the relevant settings together in one place, including VPN and hotspot settings; and even the Wi-Fi adaptor hardware properties. Connecting to Wi-Fi AWi-Fi network connection is now by far the most common way people connect to the Internet. The process should be fairly familiar to you by now, but if not, here are the exact steps to connect. Ifyour computeris not connected to the internet, ‘Windows will display a small globe ican onthe right sido ofthe taskbar. You can either click this and select Wi-Fi fom the {uick setings, or you can open the main Setings app> Network & Internet > Wi-Fi (the best route with a brand new connection). Click on the required network name in the tst and then click “connect” Asthiss probably the ist time you are connecting, you wil then need to antr the password (Network secur key) forthe network Clck:Nox” and as long. as the network/passvrd correct, you shouldbe god tg. Network & internet 1 oe 3 Mn Sinan aso Network & internet > WiFi Of Senet tos @ nesses & tenghentn se the slider switch to enable WiFi on your computer. Now click “show available networks” to see alist of the networks within range of your computer. This may take a few seconds to scan and find the networks. Hopefully you will see the WiFi network you want to connect to. Network & internet > Wil ° ws eeoean To disconnect from the W:-Finetwork at anytime, ‘open Settings > Network &intamet> WiFi again, ‘and clickon the networks lit. Click the Disconnect button. Youcan ‘ako choose to Forget the network sometimes useful for troubleshooting connections) inthe Manage known networks section, woeGoceus 34 Winsows 11 Manage Network Settings Connecting Your PC to the Internet We'll show you how to master your Wi-Fi settings and explain what you need to do if you have a problem connecting to the Internet. lNyouneedtologinto ahome VPN or comorate network, thisiswnere you will need to enter the appropriate VPN settings. ls fairly easy todo but youl need the configuration details from your help desk they will haveto enable your VPN access, plus your usemame and password. Inamovedesignedtokeepup wth mare mobile based computing devices, Windows LL includes a data usage page in Settings too. Hereit splits your data between wired and wireless, We'd ike to see more advanced settings, than thistoo,s0 you could seehow much data you used ona public wireless hotspot, for example. Network internet » Advanced network settings » Date usage ce Honever Windows 1 should automaticaly detect proxy stings Note thatthe stings youconigue here went appl fyeuconnecviaa VPN, because VPN essential ships the ned fora pro. ears scpt ‘You can tum your Windows 11 PC intoa ‘mobilehotspot, sharing your Internet ‘connection with other devices over W-FL You can share Wi-I ethemet ‘or celular data connections, Once enabled, other devices willbe able ‘to see your computer when they search for networks toconect to. D —— os = ‘spose pregsnerthherou PERRIER cin ingyucandosto ste enter any specific settings todo with that. _and re-enable your network adapter (lke the WiFi card inyourlaptop) View your network connections clicking Advanced Network Settings in Network Intemet and then right-click the networeconnectonin queston You can dsable reenable t Network & internet > Advanced network settings ga BAB youare using laptop, you wil also have access to Fight mode settings this can also be accessed through the Quick settings pana from the home screen). Hereyoucan disable Wi and Bluetooth individually, or simply use the Fight Mode slider switch to dsableall wireless connections, [Network & internet » Mobile hotspot Notwork & internet > Flight mode a cane vewpepubleatonscom 35 Exploring the Windows 11 Settings The main settings app in Windows 11 has been completely redesigned, makingit much easier to find everything you need to keep your computer working the way you need it to. You can find the settings app in the Start menu, or open it by pressing the Windows Key + I. I Account & Search tthe top letof the settings window, you willsee your Microsoft account name and {mai aces, along with an avatar image you have chosen one) Clicking this wl take you to the stings Accounts page. Blow that isa search eld allowing you to look fr specific Settings within the ap Settings Categories Inthe eR sidebar areal ofthe main Settings catogorios from Sytem settings 0 ‘Windows Update settings. This sidebar remains visible matter whore you are within the settings app, clicking each category heading il pon 3st of subcategories Quick Info Panel tong the top of several settings categories you wil ee relevant information about the current settings. For example, atthe top of the systam settings, you wl ee the name ofthe PC, Windows Update status and nks to COneDrve and office265. At the topof the Network & Internet category, you willsee the currently connected network, data usage and network properties EE Settings Sub-categories Tetsu out Gn the al tet ieee tet eet eal Be controlled using ser swiches played in eee eet more detalled selection of options when clicked Comer etret a ete rere Spay alongthetop of he sub-eategory 36 Winsows 11 system esKTOP-L0GKSFA Ve one nun boric tw net 7 vesesion Bb Exploring the Windows 11 Settings nee ets acc eer ene eee Senet eit eget ta areas where your privacy may be compromised, including See ett ae ncnnten niet a Eatery nt earn Ear ae aed ee Erections eid SOT eee tig tee indo vi Network & Internet wow gO" -@ Perens " roerenoaniies Saeebetk eet ete ey re es oe ee ores ce Pee ee os eee) Peco cy ee eae on AUS SELLY 24 eerie: find settings for sp advanced keyboard setup. TOA Brace kenrabrrmiorins rete ens peer ern en Accessibility li veceraisst cod emeed oreeeeen eee pra red ee) captioning and mouse and keyboard settings. ev ppublestionscom 37 Using Widgets in Windows 11 Widgets are desktop app previews, allowing you to see important information from Windows apps, without needing to actually open those apps. Widgets are not new, but the way they are managed and displayed in Windows 11 is new. Wonderful Widgets Ifyou are not used to using widgets, you could be excused for hardly noticing they are a part of Windows 11. But once you do start using them, their usefulness becomes obvious. Stepwise ocr ar BPegoe, “The widget panelis initially splitup into three ‘main sections: Search, Widgets and News stories. Scroll down the panel to see more content. At the top-right isan ‘accounticon, which opens anew panel with account information and the ability to add new widgets, 38 Winsovs 1 ‘The exact widgets available to add will vary, depending on which apps you have installed. As Windows 11 develops, more widgets are likely to be added here, possibly from third-party developers as well as from Microsoft. To ‘add new widgets, just click the * button on each, get setegs ey ESERP ED Aer adding widgets, close the account pane! ‘and you will se the added widgets in the panel. You can move widgets around in the panel by clicking on the top of the widget and dragging it to the required position. Other ‘widgets will rearrange to fit when you do this. = ‘To remove a widget, click on the Menu button at BARA te top-right ofthe widget and choose “Remove Widget" from the menu. You wil also see the option to change: the size ofthe widget inthis menu. Not al ofthe widgets will allow all three ofthe sizing options. Incacelzei Man ae Sa “The news stores further down the Widgets panel eclossoneccnameten ele cek the Xto remove a news story, and you can click the More Menu button to choose to see "More/Fewer stories like this’ orto hide allstories from that particular news source ete “F mow 203 “t & Morrie the 1 Fewer tore ei 6 He eestor ostes6s 1% Manage interests Seve trte SPEED Some Widgets allow content editing within the widget. A good example ofthis isthe To Do widget. You can create tasks inthe widget by clicking the “Add a task’ button, without havingto the open the main To Do app. The task then displays instantly in the widget. ¥ Tob. Gy Tasks v O ototne gym re Ey ‘some ofthe Widgets allow customisation ‘through the More Menu button. The Weather widget, for example lets you set the default location for the ‘weather forecast thats shown. The Stocks widget lets you ‘change which stock prices are displayed, etc i Suggest toryou BPRE IE | Settings, and click Appearance, choose the light darkor system default theme, EPPS ENPER | 2s vel asligtor dah, Edgoetsyou choose from about 15 other theme colours, from Morning Fog to Mystical Foret, Gato Edge menu> Settings > Appearance and cickon thetheme colour you want apply. This wll only apply colourtothetop bar and tabs. twill not ovetde the light/dark setting Edge Privacy Re ee ed Pe coe) ter eee ee eem et ere! Pane ee ace eer ee eee ea cette Tere eee ee eee ete ery ens BB Thedotautebrowser controls pucliore eee are Back, Forward and Refresh page. Open themen> Settings» Appearance and you can scroll down to see more buttons to add, These include Home (including option o set the URL), Extensions History, Downloads and strangely, a Maths Sover button Deals Juste th previous version, égecronim features ecensons whch ore donoaced from the Microsoft tore, You cn view installed extensions inthe Browser Menu> Extensions. There are fewer eensions available for the new version, but this situation wil improve sit matures Youcan ee eee —< ven 45 Exploring Windows Mail Long gone are the days of Microsoft Outlook Express being included with new releases of the 0S, replaced instead by the Microsoft Mail app. This app first appeared in Windows8, was vastly improved in Windows 10, and has now been improved yet again for Windows 11. New Mail Button Ifyou are not replying to an ema, butrather starting anew email, you can do son a couple of ferent ways. You can tether click the New Mail button at the top of the Mail Menu or you can use the Ctr-N. Both ‘methods open a new email in the main window, with a blank recipient field. Mail Menu The left-hand ments which can be ‘minimised and expanded using the button at the top ofthe panel, contains all of your email, ‘accounts {those you have added te Windows Nall). click on any of your emall account headers and the individual folders, such as Inbox and Sent Items, are displayed here aso. Calendar View ‘You can open the Windows Calendar app directly from within the Mail ‘app. Click the Mail app icon at the bottom of the Mail Menu panel and the calendar screen will open ina second window. fyou have never used the Calendar app before, you wil need to link itto an account. cae Perey Info fancy i Mon20/09 is an email test! PAGE ON GOOGLE! Hope yal are we wes er of 2021 Mail Folder “The messages in whichever email folderyou have selected are shown inthis panel. By default the most recent emails are atthe top ofthe lst You can change how the eras ae viewed, so that only unread or flagged emails are cisplayed, using the dropdown menu atthe top ofthe inbox. 46 Winsows 11 Search The new Windows 11 Mail ‘App incorporates the same redeveloped background code that Windows Explorer uses. What this. ‘means is that any searches you conduct willbe quicker, and more efficient than previous versions of the app. mondo Tomanage settings ry Mail Settings The settings fr the Mail ap allow you to easily add accounts, change how emails are displayed when they artve, whether outgoing emails have a signature (which can be customised) ‘added to them, as well as how you are notified of new emailsin Windows 11 - 0 x SRepy Reptyal Forward fl Delete PD settag s Out! s Ware ameoe ,.2%0 Exploring Windows Mail Fa Message Format How messages appear can difer depending onthe ype of acount you've specified and setup. For example, Google and Gmail emails accounts may look slighty diferent to those of cloud or ‘aloo! This mainly due tothe way that the diferent mal providers encode their messages and delivery systems. (EB) Message options Inarowalongthe tp ofthe main Sesser ‘These include Reply, Reply All, Forward, Archive and Delete emai more optonscan beseen by clicking the Menu button to the ee eee eee Soper Message Tools Rolloveror cick on any ofthe ‘messages in your inbox, sent items or drafts folders and tres cons ill appear. These lt you gic Archivo, eletor Flag any message directly inthe folder panel Archived mossages can borecovered a anytime and ‘etumed to theinboxi required. Main Message Window When ou stat anew eral or recta eet nara wil appear inthe main message window. As You wuld normaly you can sea down view allo the messages shoun You can ll ene ae contact deta area ent eae ee Dee ee eee g the background image forthe app. or ine ‘wewpepubtestons com 47 —~ How to Use “~~ | the Mail App The Mail app has barely changed in the update, remaining a simple and easy way to have all of your emails in one place. If you have updated from Windows 10, your email should already be up and running. But if not, here’s how to set up the Mail app in Windows 11. Setting Up Email Accounts The Windows 11 email client can be used to view emails from multiple accounts, from your POP3 Internet provider account, to Microsoft Exchange, Gmail and even Apple's iCloud. {opening Mail for the frst time, you willbe BREW lick the email account type you want to setup {greeted by awelcome screen, containing a tink to Sil first. We ate going to start with the POP, IMAP “thdd account” Click this to open the lstof available account _ option. Enter the email address, sender name and password for types. You will need the server, password and other information your account. You can get this info from your email service required for each email account you want to add to Mail Provider if you don’thave it to hand. Then click “Sign in’ BBB ou cnc accounts om many poplar provides “The app wil tr to lok forthe server sotings including Googlo, Yahoo! and Apple cloud, You needed to sot this omall account up. ft finds canals setup ethermore specialist accounts fou have the deta, them, you shoul be shed, not, you wl need to add the Final, theresalsoan option to add a Microsoft Exchange account, settings manual. this the case, click “cancel” and then your workplace uso that inclding Ofc 355) Select the “Advanced setup" option inthe acount Ist. 48 Wincovs 1 Coase the relevant option in our case, this is internet email), and enter all ofthe required ; Information; including the incoming/outgoing mall server addresses. With al ofthe information added, click the Sign in button. if everything was entered correctly, that account snow set up. . Toadd an additional account after setting up the J first one, simply click the settings button in the bottomleft commer ofthe Mail app window, select Manage Accounts, and then +Add account. Select the account type and repeat the steps aboveto add the second, third or fourth account to Mal BMD you're adding a Google account, clickthe option in ‘the account setup list and you'll get the familiar your usarname and password, pop-up appearing inviting you to ente If you have Google's two-step authentication enabled, you'l get a teat ‘message to confirm your identity before you can continue. Having more than one emall account set up in Mail can be slightly confusing. To help with this, the app allows you to Link inboxes. This puts all of the emails from your linked accounts into one inbox. To do this, click Settings > Manage accounts > Link inboxes. Select the accounts that you want to link. To manage or delete any ofthe email accounts B you have set up, click Settings > Manage Accounts and then cick on the account you want to manage from thelist of accounts. You can then change the password, account name, ‘mailbox sync settings, or delete the account from the Mall ap. a ‘Your accounts are shown in the let sidebar ofthe q mail app. Select them hereto view the different folders for each account (inbox, sent mai, et.) f you have not linked the inboxes. If you don’t see the left sidebar, click the Expand button at the top-left of the Mail app window. vow 49 How to Use the Email App continued... Using the Mail App With your email accounts set up, you can now start using the app to send and receive emails. You can also personalise how the app looks, and start using the advanced features. eee ye ‘will be displayed with a highlight in the list. Click any email in the maiaetonnaetabanaerncage tecnico ‘emails using the Mail Search field at the top of the inbox panel, ws pen the Mallapp menu onthe let and you wl MR ox terolderssecion The inboxislted here aswel but to se morefolders, dick More Here you can find the Outbor, Dats, Sent ites, Deletedtems and Junk allfolders. lick onany ofthem tose the emalsinthosefldes. AN oles + Sey See onto: oe Check This Ot or si ‘an ae sie e 50° Winsows 11 Customise the Mail App How to e the Email App ‘There are several ways to customise the Mail app to better suit your needs, from changing the background image and accent colour, to adding a signature and the display font. ‘The background ofthe Mall app is Ce eee purely decorative, and canbe changed. Open Settings> Personalisation inthe Mall app, then scroll tothe bottom to see the different backgrounds available You can also add your own image by clicking the Browse button, “stom aioe needed. Go to Settings > Signature, choose an account/all re Cnn Cnn The colour tint on the Mail app menu (on the left) and the colour ofthe ‘accents such as buttons and highlights, can also be changed in the Personalisation settings. Just click a colour block to change it. You ‘can also change the theme of the app from light to dark here, or se the Windows theme setting. Email signature You can easy control how you are notified of new emails Goto Settings > Notifications, and you can control whether notifications are shown inthe Notification centr (Action center) if sounds played and if pinned folders have notifications. As with other settings, you can apply to one accountorall ‘The default font fr your emails (Calibi Body, Unless you have changed the system fonts) Email Font ‘canbe changed fr any andall of your email accounts. Open the ‘Settings Default font option, and ether sect an account or “Apply to «all accounts then choose your font, whichis previewed in thepane. Deft Fant Message Sp: Depending on the device you are i using tablet, touchscreen, large ‘monitor, etc), you might want to change the spacing between ‘messages and the folders in the Mail app (e.g. to make touch ‘easier) To do this, goto Settings > Personalisation, and choose from Spacious, Medium and Compact. < Pesnsizton a---—-——- ew ptpublestons com 51 Search in Windows 11 It’s hard to describe just how much better Search is in Windows 11, than in previous versions. Microsoft have done a lot to try to match the search functions on offer in rival operating systems, and the results can be seen in the new search feature. ESEEPEE {you need to search for anything on your Windows 11 PC, the taskbar search tools now the place to do It. The search feldin the taskbar from Windows. 40{e no longer thre You can alzo acces oareh through the Start ‘menu, orby pressing Windows ey +5 on your keyboard. Windows Powershell Today in stony Time in Macs geougmgoe Inadeition to files and folders, ou can search for web results and apps. When you fist click inthe search box you will see three tabs along the bottom that lt you ‘choose what to search for; but even if you don't click one ofthese, the search function fs smart enough to return results fom all. ERPREDE search esuts are displayed in sections best match, apps folders, etc) so that you know what you are ooking at. Apps will be displayed with their icon next to ‘them, Folders will havea folder icon and images will be shown as small thumbnails, within the search results panel D windows AI ope Documents Wed More est match | ce Wadena sets ove wing EF Virdows Pons > (D) Windows Macs Payer : i ip Windows Deen Few with SPP You can further filter the results that have appeared after you search by clicking onthe titles ofthe results section in the panel. This lets you fier various results, even music or video. Suggested search results can be previewed by clicking the right‘acing arrow nextto them. 2 wens ee ‘per Windows 18 08, Comp rer ——- a : a =" ae 52 Winsows 11 Search Settings and Tools Search in Windows 11 You have quite a lot of control over exactly how search provides you with search results, and what information it stores about your search history. Sometimes web search results may show content that isnot suitable for the younger ‘audience, which i the reason Cortana also offers search filter. Go ‘to Settings > Cortana Permissions and History, and under SafeSearch, select the seach iter that is most appropriate for you. — Privacy 8 security » Search permissions Search History can help to provide better search results tcan also be turned off justlike the Device History. Head in to Settings » Permissions & History and use the togele to turnit off. Ifyou click Search History Settings a browser window opens showing the history Privacy & security » Aetivty history aera eee — chars ay Cloud search san option introduced in ‘Windows 10, which allows you to suppress cloud content on search results Under Cloud Search, you will see a toggle that says Windows Cloud Search. This option manages whether Cortana shows cloud content in Windows Search. Privacy & security > Search permissions = ‘You can aways search for files and folders in File Explorer as you could in previous versions of Windows. With the nev taskbar search you ‘won't need to use this. as often as you dd, butt’ stil there if you reed i. We don't find tas quick as the taskbar search, though. Gece o mee ‘This setting allows forthe improvement of ‘on device search results, whether you are using an app, settings or another search from any signed on device. you prefer that Windows doesnot record the on-device search history, {yu cansitch this option off in Settings> Permissions & History Privacy & security > Saarch permissions eee 5 tty tale search for settings from wi ‘the Settings app. Open the app and you will ee the search box right atthe top, undemeath the window te. Possibl results are displayed as you type, just like a normal search, but the results will ont be fom settings, nowhere else 53 ew ptpublestons com Inside the Calendar App The Windows 11 Calendar apps fully integrated planning tool that can be linked up to your email accounts and easily synced to your other Windows devices. You can add new events manually, or you can simply use it to view national and public holidays; all of which are automatically added based on your location. Add New Event ‘There are two main ways to add a new event to your calendar. ® October 2021 You can either click on the date inthe main window or ifthe date you want Monday Tuesday Wednesday isnotin view, you can click the New Event button here. You can then add 27/09 28 29 anevent name, location, and a start and end date. Give the event short description, especially ifyou plan to share twith a contact. You can do that by adding people using the pane ‘onthe right of the Add Event screen. C 4 5 6 OS 17 Saas Birthday Pa R B esting - work Monthly View No matter which view you ‘choose forthe main Calendar pane - day, week, etc. - the month preview always shows afull month, You can Use the arrows above the mini ‘calendar to skip to diferent months and clicking on a date brings that Accounts. From there you can easily add an, Exchange, Google or icloud Calendar; or enter advanced settings for any other calendars you ‘may have from other provides. suces TR Tho calendar settings are fairly MAURRAS i bolng dovnto adding accounts, changing the appearance and setting the weather region, The only other settings ae the controls to how the calendars are displayed (First day of week, Days in work week, Week numbers on/off, ec) P Septema * ren | ow C Cl acount stings fe G owsenentom fetta | Eley) « Cera Setinae 56 Winsows 11 Dates and Appointments in Calend Creating and Managing Events In the Calendar app, the appointments and reminders you add manually are called Events. You can add multiple events to each day, add emojis and set events st ‘The default view when opening the Calendar the month view. You can switch tothe different views (Day, Week, Month and Year) using the buttons along the top of the calendar, There is also a button hereto take the view backto the current day, if you have been browsing future o past months. to repeat. You can also choose to set repeat events just ck the Repeat bution inthetoolbar when yuire «eating anew event. Check the days you want You can epeat daly, ‘week, monthly or yearly, depending on what you need todo. You ‘aneven set adate when the repeated events end. =o FENToday Clay EX Week Month Bl Yesr Fray soturday sunday ovo mL se 3 8 9 0 Soe XS} (ecco ety * senby on vy 1 > wekson bell oy oc 1M 202 a Click the New Event button in the top left. Add the ame ofthe event, a location should you wish to, plus start and end dates and times. You're also ableto invite people by email using the field onthe right-hand side. This will then insert the event into theie calendar as well. BGI You're also able to asign diferent colours to different calendar accounts. Each calendar account you add will automatically be assigned a diferent colour. You can then change this assigned colour by licking the arrow next ‘to the calendar name and choosing from the pop aut menu g2n.ceceun | You can also add events by licking on the relevant date block (or time block in Day view), ‘and then adding the event detals in the quick event pop-up bor. if you want to see the fll, new event screen at this point, you can ‘lick the *More details" link inthe quick event box. Bary ‘One ofthe best things about the Windows 11 Calendar app ishhow admirably it copes with ‘multiple calendars. So providing they invite your account (or you invite them), you're able to easily share events with others. Fyou do ‘share, you can set certain events as private, so only you see them. ew-pepublestonscom ST Personalising Windows 11 As with all recent versions of Windows, you can completely change the look of Windows 11 to suit your own needs or style. From the desktop wallpaper and colour theme, to the icons, taskbar and lock screen, everything can be customised and personalised. Change the Desktop Background The desktop personalisation procedure hasn’t changed much since Windows 10, so if you've used that OS before this will feel very familiar. You can get started with personalising the BAER Windows 11 desktop in oct thesame way you did with Windows 10, For anyone completely new to Windows, that ‘means right-clicking anywhere on tha dasktop screen and selecting Personalise from the action menu that appears. EWR To select your own pictures forthe background, lickon Browse photos in the choose a photo section and navigate tothe folder containing the images you want to use. Forbes results, use pictures that have the same aspect rato (ve. widescreen landscape), as your monitor screen unto 2 ovate 2 Penn “The Background settings willbe displayed frst by default. Click the fist drop-down menu to select ‘Whether to use the default backgrounds, solid colours orchoose to display folders of your own images. Your choiceshere changes whats, clisplayed in the background settings. To seta picture as your desktop background, simply ick onit. twill instantly be set as your new’ desktop background image (a preview wil display). The screen shows you the last iveimages used or you can click the Browse button to ‘choose a new one from your folders. Percolation > Bectrwend upsaocess Pesala Beclomnerd. 58 Winsows 1

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