Uts Mod 11

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Understanding The Self

Activity No. 11

Activity 1

• Create five important key points on decision-making. Explain each number.

1. Identify the purpose of your decision - before deciding you should know and understand
what is the purpose of the things you are deciding and why do you need to make a decision.
2. Gather Information- have sufficient information for the choices you need to make that
help you consider your options .
3. Consider the Consequences -Always think outside the box and face the
consequencesdone by your actions.
4. Evaluate Options – This involves determining the extent to which the decision
optionsmeet the decision objectives.
5.Select the best option – After the evaluation, select the option that will benefit you or will
help in the situation or will meet the purpose of your decision.

• Create five tips on how to be a more responsible person.

1. Have self-awareness, understand your self, your emotions, your strengths

andweaknesses, know the reasons why you think like that, adn why you act like that.

2. Self - reflect, learn from your mistakes, and stop blaming other people from
3. Respect other people’s opinion, People have different views on different
topics.Respecting the beliefs and viewpoints of others without judgement is a sign that you
are understanding. Even if you don't agree with someone's opinion, giving them the
courtesy to hear them out shows that you are mature and open minded.
4. Avoid negativity, Negativity creates a range of emotions that are not going to help
yougrow. Mature and responsible people usually air on the side of positivity. Positivity will
help you get through difficult situations and overcome the obstacles life is bound to throw
at you.

5. Build self-confidence, It takes a strong sense of self confidence to manage all of

themoving parts to a successful life. Never underestimate what you are capable of and love
yourself for who you are.

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