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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Bukidnon
North Poblacion, Maramag, Bukidnon



Phoebe Queen C. Calvo

Ammiel Ralph A. Perez
Miclouber V. Botardo



MARCH 2023

Background and Problem

Earthquakes are a significant threat to people and infrastructure in

earthquake-prone areas. Current earthquake early warning systems are limited
in their ability to detect and predict earthquakes accurately, especially slow
earthquakes (Yagi et al., 2016). Seismic sensors and GPS data are currently
used in most earthquake early warning systems (Okazaki et al., 2017).
However, these systems have limitations, such as being unable to predict the
timing and location of earthquakes accurately.

Proposed Solution

One potential solution to improve earthquake early warning systems is

by using the slime mold network model. Slime molds are organisms that can
create efficient and adaptive networks, which can be used to detect patterns
and predict future events. The proposed system would involve placing sensors
throughout an area prone to earthquakes, which would detect seismic activity
and transmit data to a central system. The central system would use an
algorithm based on the slime mold network model to analyze the data and
predict the likelihood of an earthquake (Okazaki et al., 2017).

The proposed solution is to develop an early warning system for

earthquakes based on the model of the slime mold network, using
electromagnetic waves to connect the sensors and central system. This will
enable faster communication between the sensors and the central system,
allowing for more timely and accurate alerts.

The proposed early warning system would benefit people living in

earthquake-prone areas, as it would provide them with a more accurate and
reliable warning of an impending earthquake. This system would also benefit
emergency responders and government agencies by providing them with more
time to prepare and respond to earthquakes (Okazaki et al., 2017).

The beneficiaries of this early warning system will be the residents and
communities living in earthquake-prone areas. The system will provide timely
and accurate alerts, allowing people to take necessary precautions and
evacuate to safe locations before the earthquake strikes. This will reduce the
risk of casualties and minimize the impact of the earthquake on the affected


The proposed early warning system would be developed and tested

through a combination of laboratory experiments and field trials. Laboratory
experiments would involve testing the algorithm based on the slime mold
network model using simulated seismic data. Field trials would involve
deploying the sensors and the central system in earthquake-prone areas to test
the accuracy and reliability of the system. The data collected from the field
trials would be used to refine the algorithm and improve the performance of the
system (Okazaki et al., 2017)

The proposed solution involves the development of an early warning

system for earthquakes derived from the model of the slime mold network. The
product will utilize a network of sensors that are distributed across an
earthquake-prone area, such as the Philippine archipelago, to detect and
analyze seismic activity.

The early warning system will be designed to provide alerts to

communities in the area before the arrival of the seismic waves from the
earthquake. The product will warn the community from small seismic
activities, and with the network model, it'll be faster than any ordinary
earthquake detectors. The system will use the concept of the slime mold
network, which is a network of interconnected tubes that are used by slime
molds to find food. The network can efficiently detect and respond to changes
in the environment, making it an ideal model for an early warning system.

The development of the early warning system will involve laboratory

experiments to determine the optimal design and configuration of the network
of sensors. The sensors will be designed to detect and analyze seismic waves,
and to transmit data in real-time to a central system.

The central system will be responsible for processing the data from the
sensors and analyzing it using machine learning algorithms. The algorithms
will be trained to recognize patterns in seismic activity that are indicative of an
impending earthquake. The central system will then use these patterns to
generate an alert that will be transmitted to communities in the area.

The early warning system will be tested through a series of field trials in
earthquake-prone areas. The trials will involve deploying the sensors and
central system in the field and testing their ability to detect and analyze
seismic activity. The field trials will also test the effectiveness of the alert
system in providing timely and accurate warnings to communities in the area.

The data collected from the laboratory experiments and field trials will be
analyzed using statistical methods to determine the accuracy and reliability of
the early warning system. The data analysis will also provide insights into the
performance of the system and identify areas for improvement.
Overall, the proposed solution involves the development of an early
warning system that is based on the model of the slime mold network. The
system will use a network of sensors to detect and analyze seismic activity and
provide timely and accurate alerts to communities in earthquake-prone areas.
The development of the system will involve laboratory experiments, field trials,
and data analysis to ensure its effectiveness and reliability.

Cost Estimation

1. Equipment and Supplies: The cost of equipment and supplies

needed for laboratory experiments and field trials, such as sensors,
data loggers, cables, and batteries, would be approximately PHP
2,500,000 to PHP 5,000,000.
2. Personnel Costs: The cost of personnel, including researchers,
technicians, and assistants, would be approximately PHP
10,000,000 to PHP 20,000,000, depending on the duration of the
research project.
3. Production Costs: The cost of producing prototypes of the early
warning system, including the central system and sensors, would
be approximately PHP 2,500,000 to PHP 5,000,000.
4. Field Trial Costs: The cost of conducting field trials in earthquake-
prone areas, including transportation, lodging, and food expenses,
would be approximately PHP 2,500,000 to PHP 5,000,000.
5. Data Analysis Costs: The cost of analyzing the data collected from
laboratory experiments and field trials, including data processing
and statistical analysis, would be approximately PHP 2,500,000 to
PHP 5,000,000.

Overall, the estimated cost of this research project would be

approximately PHP 20,000,000 to PHP 40,000,000, depending on the duration
of the project, the number of personnel involved, and the cost of equipment
and supplies. However, these are only rough estimates, and the actual costs
could vary significantly depending on the specific details of the research

(Figure 1. Sample Model of the drones)

(Figure 2. Drone performing cloud seeding)


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