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This is a very simple mass combat system based on rolling D6s. It is designed for rapidly resolving encounters between
groups, called formations, of human-like NPCs. It works best for simulating combat between groups of humans , though it
can be used to make more powerful individual NPCs. Combat between formations usually only lasts a few rounds before
one side is annihilated or routs.

Untrained: 6+
Militia: 5+
Professional: 4+
Expert: 3+
Elite: 2+

A turn consists of moving, attacking, and routing. Formations cannot attack before moving. NPCs are one member of a
formation, with the minimum size being 1. All NPCs in a formation share a turn in the combat order and move/attack at
the same time. Combat order is determined by rolling D10 - Stat. (e.g., an Expert formation rolls 1d10 and subtracts 3).

On their turn, all NPCs can move up to the movement of the slowest formation member. A move for regular humans is
considered 16yds (8 squares on a square grid). NPCs in formations must stay next to at least 2 other NPCs from the same
formation when finishing their move. (“Next to” includes diagonals on a square grid). If a formation is next to an enemy
formation every NPC is considered engaged. If a formation wants to disengage - move out of combat - they do not get an
attack that turn. Ranged weapons cannot be fired when engaged unless they are considered pistols.

All NPCs in a Formation can attack as long as the Formation is engaged. Unless modified by traits, every NPC attacks
with a single D6, aiming to roll equal to or above their Stat. Each successful hit takes an opponent out of action at the end
of the round as a casualty (dead or injured).

At the end of a round, a formation must test to rout if it has suffered at least 10 – Stat casualties. When testing to rout, roll
Stat number of D6s for the formation. This number is doubled for every +10 NPCs in the formation’s starting strength
above 10, rounding to the nearest 10. For every roll under the formation’s Stat remove an NPC as if they were a casualty.
If a formation is ever reduced below 25% of its starting strength, the whole formation automatically routs the next time it
has to test. Optional: Instead of removing routers, they can be left on the field. At the end of each round, they move as far
from enemies as possible and cannot attack. All attack rolls not from Ranged weapons are re-rolled against routers.

If a formation is not engaged at the beginning of a round, it can recover. It may not move or attack. Before rolling to rout
(if necessary) roll D10 - Stat, and restore that number of NPCs to the formation. For every +10 NPCs in the formation’s
starting strength above 10, rounding to the nearest 10, restore that number of NPCs again. A formation cannot go above its
starting strength when recovering. A formation may only recover once per encounter.

A Stat represents attacking in ideal conditions. Targets in cover and attacks in difficult circumstances (fog, mud,
subject to fear or exhaustion) can be simulated by worsening the Stat of the attacking NPCs by 1 or more. Regardless
of difficulty, a roll of 6 always hits and a roll of 1 always fails.
TRAITS Note: No die may ever be re-rolled more than once
Shield: When attacked, roll a D6 for each hit taken – on a 6+ it is ignored.
Light Armour: When attacked, roll a D6 for each hit taken, minus any ignored by Shield - on a 6+ it is ignored.
Heavy Armour: When attacked, roll a D6 for each hit taken, minus any ignored by Shield - on a 5+ it is ignored.
Plate Armour: When attacked, roll a D6 for each hit taken, minus any ignored by Shield – on a 4+ it is ignored.
Armour Piercing: When attacking, Light Armour is ignored, Heavy Armour only saves on a 6+, and Plate Armour only
saves on a 5+.
Cleave: When attacking a formation of more than 1 NPC, roll 2 dice instead of 1 and apply all hits.
Dangerous: When attacking, a roll of 1 inflicts a hit on the attacking NPC.
Devastating: When attacking, ignore all Armour Traits and each successful hit scores 2 hits instead.
Inaccurate: When attacking, re-roll 6s.
Pike: When attacking, opponents up to 6yds away can be targeted and are considered engaged. When attacking opponents
closer than 4yds, a weapons with this trait count as Makeshift.
Makeshift: When attacking, re-roll 6s. All Armour Traits may be re-rolled to ignore any hits inflicted by a Makeshift
weapon. NPCs only armed with a ranged weapon are considered to have Makeshift when engaged.
Multi-Shot (Ranged): When attacking, roll 3 dice instead of 1 and apply all hits.
Drilled: If all NPCs in this formation are next to at least 3 other NPCs of the same formation, re-roll 1s when attacking.
Mounted: Double the movement of this formation. When attacking, in a turn that an NPC with this trait charges (moves
from disengaged to engaged), re-roll all misses. Additionally, an NPC with this trait can leave combat without sacrificing
their attack.
Rabble: Take the total number of NPCs in the formation and halve it, rounding up, to determine the number of attacks the
formation makes. Additionally, double the number of D6s rolled for routing.
Shield Line: If all NPCs in this formation are next to at least 3 other NPCs of the same formation, re-roll 1s when making
tests for Shield.
Skirmishers: This formation ignores the rules for coherency when moving - instead each NPC must only be within 8yds of
two other NPCs. Additionally, NPCs in a formation with this trait do not count as engaged unless the individual NPC has
an enemy within 2yds, and they may still fire Ranged weapons when other NPCs of their formation are engaged.
Casualties are still suffered across the entire formation even when it is only “partially” engaged.
Spear Wall: If all NPCs in this formation are next to at least 3 other NPCs of the same formation, when attacking a
formation with Mounted, consider this formation 1 Stat better than it is. Additionally, formations with Mounted must still
sacrifice their attack when disengaging from a Spear Wall.
Warrior: An NPC with this trait may always re-roll 1s when attacking.
Champion: (can be taken multiple times): Add 1 to the number of dice each NPC with this trait attacks with.
Paladin: NPCs with this trait may re-roll all tests for Armour Traits.
Undying: Each time a formation with this trait is attacked, ignore the first hit taken, after resolving for all Armour Traits.
Basic Example: A group of 5 Professional Watchmen engage a group of 8 Untrained Brigands. The Watchmen attack and roll 5D6.
They score 4 hits of 4+. The Brigands then attack and roll 8D6 and score 1 hit of 6+. At the end of the round, the casualties are 1
Watchman and 4 Brigands. At the end of the round, the Brigands are in danger of routing as they have suffered 4 casualties. They roll
4D6 and only score 1 success of 6+, therefore, 3 Brigands will rout leaving 1 remaining. The formation has now been reduced to
below 20% Strength, so the remaining Brigand will automatically rout at the end of the next round if they survive. Now a new round
begins, there are 4 Watchmen, so they roll 4D6 when attacking etc.

Difficulty Example: 2 Expert Crossbowmen are firing at a group of 5 Untrained Farmers who in hard cover behind a stone wall.
The Crossbowmen attack, but need 5+ to hit instead of their usual 3+ because of the hard cover.

Example: 2 Elite Swordsmen with Heavy Armour, Cleave Weapons and Shields are engaging a formation of 5 Professional Bandits.
The Swordsmen roll 4D6 (2 attacks each with Cleave) and score 4 hits. The Bandits roll 5D6 and score 2 hits. The Swordsmen roll
2D6 and roll 1 6+, ignoring 1 hit with their Shields. They then roll 1D6 but fail to roll a 5+ for Heavy Armour so 1 hit is taken. At the
end of the round the casualties are 1 Swordsman and 4 Bandits.

Large Combat Example: A formation of 20 Drilled Professional Soldiers with Light Armour are engaging a formation of 20
Untrained Rabble Peasants with Makeshift Weapons. The Soldiers roll 20D6, re-rolling 1s with Drilled, and score 8 hits of 4+. Due to
Rabble, the Peasants take their full number 40, divide it in half, and roll 10D6. They roll 3 hits of 6+, but re-roll because of Makeshift
and only re-roll 1 die into a 6+, for a total of 1 hit. The Soldiers roll 1D6 for Light Armour, but only roll 1 6+. At the end of the round
the casualties are 1 Soldier and 8 Peasants.

The Peasants roll to rout because they have exceeded their casualty limit of 8 (calculated as D10 – Stat x2 because of 20 NPCs in the
formation). The Peasants roll Stat number of D6s, in this case 6, and roll 6 fails, so an additional 6 Peasants are removed as
Casualties, for a total of 14 in this round.

Ranged Example: 5 Professional Handgunners with Inaccurate Multi-Shot Weapons are firing at a group of 12 Militia Pirates with
Shields 20yds away. The Handgunners attack with 15 dice (3 attacks each with Multi-Shot) and score 9 hits of 4+. 3 of the hits are 6,
which must be re-rolled because of Inaccurate, and only 1 is rolled into a hit so 2 are discarded for a total of 7 hits. The Pirates roll
for their Shields and successfully ignore 2 of the hits, for a total of 5 casualties.

Duel Example: 1 Expert Warrior Red Knight with Plate Armour, a Shield, and a Cleave Weapon is attacking 1 Expert Warrior
Green Knight with Plate Armour, a Shield, and a Cleave Weapon. The Red Knight attacks with 1D6 (no extra D6 from Cleave when
attacking a single target), re-rolling 1s, and scores 1 hit of 3+. The Green Knight rolls for his Shield and fails. He then rolls for his
Plate Armour and succeeds on a 4+. The Green Knight then attacks with 1D6, re-rolling 1s, and scores 1 hit of 3+. The Red Knight
rolls for his Shield and fails. He rolls for his Plate Armour and fails again. At the end of the round, the Green Knight is victorious.

Example of limits: 1 Elite Undying Warrior Champion (x3) Paladin Chaos Chosen with Plate Armour, a Shield, and a Devastating,
Ferocious, Cleave Weapon is engaging a unit of 20 Militia Townspeople with Light Armour. The Chaos Chosen attacks with 8D6 (4
attacks x 2 with Cleave), re-rolling 1s with Warrior, and scores 8 hits of 2+, which is multiplied x2 by Devastating into 16 hits.
Devastating also ignores the Townspeople’s Light Armour. The Townspeople attack with 20D6, and score 7 hits of 5+. The Chaos
Chosen rolls for his Shield, re-rolling with Paladin, and ignores 1 of the hits. He then rolls for his Plate Armour, re-rolling with
Paladin, and ignores another 4 of the hits. Overall 2 hits get through, which is enough to surpass Undying and at the end of the round
the casualties are 16 Townspeople and the Chaos Chosen.

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