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Flowmetars, A Bosic Guide And Source-Book advice concerning two-phase flow meter- Spmy Drying Handbook (Third Edition) by K.
For Users, Alan T. J. Hayward, John Wiley & ing is clear-”Don’t”! Masters, 687 pages, George Godwin Limited
Sons, New York ( 1 979).197 pages, $24.95. Chapter nine briefly comments on the (London) (1979); John Wiley & Sons (New
York) (1 9791,$79.95.
author’s criteria for meter selection, such
This interesting book is intended as a
as, how t o narrow down t h e possible This 3rd edition, which has been cor-
reference for those practicing engineers
choices for particular applications. A rectly renamed a ‘Handbook, constitutes a
and managers who must select or specify
cross-reference table is included as an aid marked improvement over the earlier edi-
flowmeters for application in the transmis-
in meter selection. tions. The original format of five sections
sion and/or process industries. The author’s
Chapter ten covers some common pit- with a total of 18 chapters (discounting the
main intent is to sufficiently describe most
falls in application and installation of flow- appendices) has been retained. It con-
important types of flowmeters and their
meters, such as bad installation conditions, tinues to be largely descriptive in nature,
suitability in numerous circumstances, al-
disturbances upstream and downstream, with a strong emphasis on applications and
lowing t h e reader to make intelligent
entrained gases in liquids, cavitation, con- should therefore be most useful to practis-
choices. Mr. Hayward is former Deputy
densation of liquids from gases, wear and ing engineers. The section on rotary atomi-
Head of the Flow Measurement Division at
dirt. Guidelines for correcting or avoiding zation (obviously the author’s forte) is truly
the National Engineering Laboratory, a t
most of these problems are given, includ- excellent. General conceptual design for
East Kilbride, Scotland.
ing safety advice. open-and-closed-cycle drying s y s t e m is
Each chapter includes a list of pertinent Chapter eleven discusses calibration also particularly well treated.
references to more detailed literature on methods, such as master meters, provers, The section on spray drying applications
the subject(s) discussed. Where appropri- gravimetric devices, etcetera. These are has been thoroughly updated and a treat-
ate, advantages and disadvantages of each quite fundamental in qualifying meters for ment of the use of spray dryers as absorbers
device are presented. critical service. for the scrubbing of power station effluent
The first two chapters give a casual re- Chapter twelve covers instrumentation gases constitutes a new and important addi-
view of the fundamental principles of fluid used in connection with flow measure- tion.
phenomena and flow measurement. With ment, such as, thermometry, density mea- A review of t h e patent literature is
only twenty pages covering fluid proper- surement, pressure measurement, etcet- another important feature of the book, and
ties, flow regimes, velocity measurement, era. These techniques are very important, this has been thoroughly updated. Finally,
meter factors, coefficient of discharge, re- if the flow measurement is to be accurate. a brief but interesting history of spray dry-
peatability, accuracy, etcetera, it is obvious Chapter thirteen, the finale, surveys the ing has been given in the Introduction.
that many equations are left to the refer- available sources of additional help and in- The book cannot be considered as a ref-
ences. formation, such as national standards agen- erence text for the worker or the researcher
Chapters three and four are concerned cies, government laboratories, industry in the field. It offers even fewer references
with various differential pressure meters, committees, and short courses on flow (435) than the first edition published in
orifice plates, venturis, nozzles, target me- measurement. 1972 (520), in spite of the feverish research
ters, rotameters, and some not-so-common Though no single section is outstanding activity which has taken place in recent
devices. Basic descriptions are given, to- from the rest, it appears that t h e work is years, and many important references,
gether with capabilities and limitations for thorough, reasonably unbiased, and should published subsequently to 1976, have been
each device. be helpful to engineers beginning work in left out, particularly those pertaining to the
Chapters five and six cover volumetric flow measurement, as well as to manager- design and performance evaluation of
flowmeters, positive displacement meters, engineers who need to refresh themselves spray-dryers by means of computer pro-
turbine meters, Pelton-Wheel meters, on principles and types of meters for vari- grams. The theoretical treatment con-
electromagnetic flowmeters, ultrasonic ous applications. It should be included in tinues to b e weak, and considerations of
flowmeters, vortex-shedding m e t e r s , the reference library of any instrument de- flow pattern configuration and calculation,
tracer meters, and other meters of this partment. turbulence phenomena a n d secondary
type, Sufficient detail is given concerning Though not a factor in the above opinion flows due to pressure distribution in the
suitability, principles of operation and fine of the contents of the book, the price ap- spray drying chamber have been com-
points for installation. pears out-of-line, approximately 12% cents pletely left out, in spite of their governing
per page. This could‘deter some from pur- importance in the design and optimization
Chapter seven is devoted to velocity- chasing the work. A more acceptable price of spray drying equipment.
type flowmeters, pitot tubes, propellors, would be in t h e neighborhood of $12, In spite of these minor weaknesses, this
vane anemometers, hot-wire anemome- rather than about $25. 3rd edition should be of considerable use-
ters, annubars, fluidic meters, insertion me-
fulness to chemical engineering students
ters and similar equipment based upon
and practising engineers.
fluid velocity measurement.
Chapter eight reviews special metering W. H. GAUVIN
problems, measurement of pulsating flow, Director of Research and Development
two-phase flow, cryogenic liquids, corro- NORMANF. CARNAHAN
P.E. Noranda Research Centre and
sive liquids, potable liquids, and wide Carnahan Corporation/ Senior Research Associate
range measurement. Considerable treat- Consulting Engineers Department of Chemical Engineering
ment of pulsating flow problems is wel- P.O. Box 42281 McGill University
comed by the practitioner. The author’s Houston, Texas 77042 Montreal, Canada

Paae 762 Julv. 1980 AWhS Invm-mmI fVnl 3 A Un A\

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