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dtq sffiFro {tsTr {d
e6 Tdrdq)
rs. ffioi ofqdw. frfr ds. +{ ftd-+a

Welfare Directorate
No. E-42099/MBBS-BDS(2023-24)ANeV2023t ZS 91 Dated:94 June'2023
All ADsG (APS, North & South)
All Sector lsG, CISF including Trg. & N|SA Hyd.


Kindly refer to welfare Directorate letter No. E-42099/MBBS-BDs(2023-24)lMelll2o23-

2478 dated 16.06.2023 on the above subject.

02 lt has been intimated by MHA,vide their letter No. l41}2}l2l2}23-pers-ll dated

27 '06'2023 that the allocation of Central Pool MBBS/BDS
seats for the Academic session
2023-24 for the wards of CAPF personnel is awaited from
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
ln case of any amendment in instructions/guidelines and number of seats
allocated for the
wards of CAPFs & AR, will be intimated on receipt of the MoH&FW.

03' ln view of the above, it is again requested to send the consolidated

merit applications
from eligible wards of the clsF personnel of your sector,on
the basis of ranuposition of the
applicantain NEET Exam-2023 as stipurated in MoH&FW
o.M.No.U..l40 1411612022-ME_ll (FTS
No 8169243) dated 30 09.2022(copy enclosed),
so as to reach to this Directorate (welfare
branch) by 30.06.2023 for further necessary action,please.

Encl: As above.
(Deepak KffiltL)
Asstt. lnspector General (Welfare)
lnternal :-

1. All AtsG,FHers : For information and similar action, please.

2. AIG/Tech,FHe : Display the contents of the letter and its enclosures
on the CISF
website for dissemination of all Force personnel, please.
\. 1
'{ 2?8

, $fccJ f*.i-
3tr rf Qe (t-l
No. U. I{.all | \6 | 2Cff2.WF*|!
-frl! t{0. s r 6e2{3f
Oqrcrnmcnt of lndh
Mtnlrrf of Hcelth i Frmlf Wclfrro

Nlrmrn Bhawan, Nar Dethl

Darrd rhe 5 O S.pdbcr, iU22.

erucct o'rdelrnar fr Anocruorr

{cort rr hot
r.-demlc y:r 2G12.23 _ RcSEr{n;' vv.
rt{BBglBDs utr fc rhe

' The underatmed

rr drrcctrd a
to crelolc hcrcwlrh the ouHcfGcl TfTtoto.tho-rybJcct menttoncd
ba f"froilJ' uy rhe
abwc and
oovernment Deoqrtncnii t"i iliilliir noorrn"tion

Hffi:poC .i.tG tii "rra

acadeolc rcar
of candldate! asetnjr
for hro,,fr;;

Ertd.,m ehglf.

Undcr ScGtry to thc O,olt.o(tlfii_
Totcfax XotSO6 t&tr:u,,

Krunder se.,'.rry, shrd'rr cc[". Mhrqt'of

gd.;u-;lfuL xJtfrr. 'u..rrl
Nchru t {
Exrcrnar Atrerr*

"--*HLrl Arrli d Homc Fr&e..n-s.-fr;itGl*, Hdrh Bbct. Ncrr

Tte Dlrcctor (csr, crbtnct gecrstrrret,tA.rt

seeuon, Room Ho.l0ol, B-r
n' Dcond nilrA,6;d","
--!'--rq irh;;; j uuu
ErnrwlJnr i'ffi' gomplex,
Hll,: lloo03.
_-.-Dclhl. 'x'rrwryE co-prex, l.lcrr

{: r*:i:Bffig;L,$nl#dmrnrrtrauve
lgrt r{, Drarta, N;'D.ti,r-t-i6o?H''rrrEtraLrye
Brock. spG oomprc&

' **g,jfg
-.6-' h-a^,i a cn[{r,ianr_rt"y orirrenc.e.
.. *7. -'----r a'xor* ;rkh. vlrvFt
-' "v'a ru}s'r' crcR uTnltrqnr
D'don, NO;UI
' --Blett. t{erDeihl. "
_moHT'.lS.rU,'Mhff., Nortrr
-'6. The Aodrtant cornarr,.rurcr, $tBg unrE rftndrtn vlrtflaye ganSlrhan,
IEC tnstrnru*,.f iiI,-EiL*a Jeet
C.-rput, Stngh Mrra CTSA Untr.KV, JNU
Ncr Dethl.f fOOio.


H:*:T,_-I*:! Jl:Il werfarc Dcpartmmr,

Trlpun, Mlrrem rnd Andaman 6r NleoborlrfanOi.


Octdsltno: for rctootlon' rnd. aoalortlon, of caadldrtor

*rlrhrt ccatrrl Pool ttBBE/BDB"rortr for tto rordonlo ylor
tlqloctfoq-o{ qpd{{f,Er by qeFo[orrr? Btrtor /oaropi.orrltorle:
1.1' Sonc0drry Strtol/Illlr i .

The Statca/tffr, whlclr arc dclldent ln medlcat edueadon.

1"3 EIItSUltf Condtdonr:
Onty the children of

t. krmanent rcddentr of the Statc/t T conctrned;

n lhe cmplryecs of tho gt&!c/ur Gwernrneat ooncrned;
Itt. the emptoyeea of the Ccntral/Other StatelUT
oovernment on deputa[on to the statelur concerned
and .f q- ,':*r-.,i -slli . *" r *.
rv. the emplqrcea-of the central/other state/lrr oovt
ported-ln and having thetr headquartera withtn the
State/LrT conoerned wtU bc eliglble,
The ehtldrm
.of :c"1Fl/state/t r oovernment emproycca
aforcmcndoned rhortd bo treitea pu wlth the local
rcaidenL "r
1.3 Eduqdon eudl0crtloa:
Ac per Graduate Medicar Education Regulation LggT of
Medical coundl of tndia / National Ms.dicai coonraabn, for

of Ptryrlcr,
Feu;rr hdtvtduauy
urqrv-lquauy ;a;;r;; ff;;-;il;;d'
andsmult haVe Obtained ?a imlnlmum of
I9I r"rtr l4Cf6 for sc/BTbr oBC and 4s% foi Oen-PH
oen-pH and
4oe/o for s c- Pl tD / sr-nvD oBc- purD .(pcraon
/ r **,
ai""u iu tyt

category candidatca| ,"kq together

in phyarcr, chemrrtry,
Biolory/ Blo-Teclurot ory at trre q,i"ri+,i";
Jam h ad o n.
1.4 gclcs.tlon of Cradldrtorl
l{rtloarl Eudbtllty oum Entrrnoo ?ort (I{EETI
The celection of candrdatec wtlt bc
made on the basrr of ranrr
obtalnod rn the N.adonal,orgorury
*;il;;; Test (NEfiJ-
?O2? betng condueted Uy-nid
neeeatlr for the candidatca to obtain
pcrccntile at NEIir, 2v22. Hourever, at soo
belo:rghg to sctreaurga car*r, s"rr"uurea-rriLa of candrdates
and other
Baclnmrd craaoer the ,rrrhl-
percendle. In rcrpect,of candidlg *lth
marko shalr bc at 4orh
the mlnlnunlmarka ahall u"
;trifi.d dicabilrties,
p.roriuril-Tt e pereenule
'*3^ir,*l:ryled "i+s"
on tr,elu"rrr of htgheat markr secured rn
the Atl India common merit uut-'in-iffiffii.3ffi;ffit
Entrane,{trt{or,adilrroa,o uL ib i a ot' H
Ui RororrrUoa:

euffii"ffilfl ffi ffi,gff 3f;*lbenorrdarv

2.t EItlb[ttf ooadl6oarr
,MBBS seat! are betng allocated
to the UTa of
tne candldatea from the (JIr of Jamou a tcaahmir ana
Ladql& bclong to elther of the followtng it; *r*orior,-
t' shttdrcn of fanllec where a parent or a direct
mernber of the fanrily haa beeh !iled ln actr of

termriam or hat bccn sn lnnocent vlctlm ln croas-

flring or ln lirlng by armed fors.,ec tn coobattng
Chlldren of ruch pcr$nr wtro are expoced to
aubstandlre rlrk due to their aoslgnment mainly
reladng to comhttrng, acta -. of tcrrwlm;.", addea
crctghtaga lr b trc glwrr,to pcraona,who"havre.cdme
in tho trlt Uatr of torrorlat oryanlzattona; and

Chlldrun of srrctr famlllet who have mlgraud from

l(aihlnlr due to tlrc curr"nt altuadon ana have loct
thelr acrnr of llrdlhood,lnctudtry thetr hldncss or
uae of thclr property.

The ur oovernmentr of Jamnru & I(artrmrr and Ladaktr harrc

to erutu$c{hat'thefuendldatet' lctcctcd ahmrld' fall wtthtn, one of
the,aborrc thrcc'catcgorier, Ttre ehtldrcn of All tndta scndce :

9fi9rra ported'ln tha stnte vould alco bo euglble to parddpate

in the aald merit ryatcrn. selecdon or canalaatea in c"t"iory
;(ilil trabore:mbculd*;!9;.6ndi@€cnl, mcrtt r aEtgng rhcrUt{iUtL,
candidatet in rhia category.

2,2 EduoetlonQudt0eetloar
1{1".p{., Graduatc,,; Medlcal Educadon Rcguladon Bn of
Mcdicrt cotrndlrof Indte'-/ Nadonsl Mcdtcal commtralon, for
bccomlng ellgible for entrarrc exasrinadon, candidatc muat
laq galaea
F-th!-*gcctr of phyrtcr, Chemiatry, Blologr and
EnSthh Indtvldualb, and must have obtatned a mlntrnlrn of
50%..1arkc;i4o% for spl8T/lac and 4s% for p$/D category
SlSd:t"{ tahen tosethiifi m,yrt r, Ch.-trE:r, Btoloar'/Bto-
;P?;{u!|l$ry exaarlnadon as. mcadonca h
2,3 Sotoodon of Cladldrtcr

The aerectron of candidatea will

be made on the basis of ranJ<
obtatned in the Nadonat Eligibiqv
2oz2 bot',e conducted o,
Teat (NEET|-
Graduate 1a$latlrirG} n&ncy. As pcr
Council S$ef{4ry;rlf
ot.r""uqrr-,""2 of rf{edtcat
cgion, it ghaU bc
for,tfp candidater to obrain
" .5rrry:percendle at NEET 2022, -irri-,-
marks at gQo
:ffis?,:*"Twm*i:#m;,m Howote",

pc8reatllc. In recpeet or canaraatslilh-cpedfied

of candrdatcs

the mlnin,r-, Eark
Ehall be detsraiaca on ure
at.45o po*nui". T?re p"*tiiJ
the All India com'on ilo.rt
p*J. ftirr"'"i-arks secard in
htrancr ?est for u.t Llilu**"r E[g,biuty cum
to MBBS/BDS cou^roes.
2,4 . Rororlrdoa:
\|ng folloululc by the LrIc of Ja,,,r'ru &
Lairakti uau-rppv
ffi*'and or,-cJrt poor MBB'/BD'

The followrng arc the bcncrdary

clorrcrnmcnt Dqar&atr:
t iilnhtry of Defcno fiftndrtra Selntk Board| _
rnrdr/cblldrcrr por.o*ffii}.
u' M'ntstry of Hoae Arairs - for nnrdr/childrcn
Cenbal Arncd,RoUcc force of
,t' Mrnrctry of Home AtrairE - For dv, Termrrct
Catcgory. Victiraa

: ', h',ir''ftdtnlrgrrof
Mlaalon -St"fFtlmal
po"id auroaJ.- -'-
, Afiairr for rrardr/chlrdren
,'U of
r. Mtnt*ry of HRD _ for Ttbetan Refugeea.
. vl. Cabinot Sccrcterlat _ for watda
of SgF, RAW, AnC
Dte., SpO.
.2844?O8t2O22tME-l 234,

3.1 EduordoaeurltOeedoa
Ac pcr Graduate
or -
[*':t-c"],1{1 t mlcrion, ror
F**its eligible for entran." .*"r"inadon,
bave paseed tn .thc ,o,ililio"H:i
Btology/Blo-Technolog and'Endlan
"uu1r.t".. .or.
hdlntrtrrnth,r enr{ ;rr..
have otitetri.d a arnrf,irm oI so,ffiffiiaoilHi#$ltE[
m.|}1[ g^IH 3r,{ Joe6 ror-sc-'
PlrtD (peraonc udth qi"uryryi
&;r"y '[rl;ld;rff;
ph5rolco, cheair-uy,
Bljof,, ;; ;. qualsing

9,2 Solootloa"ofCeadtdetoe:

The^sclection of candrdater wlll be made

on the barla of raalc
;l#*,3}lf::Tt,.?Iid-b$v qu1r ent a'rce reat (NEEr).
#3,,H4*3*l-f*S fv,"dti!;,"I r..tilB Gff, '*" oJ,

fo:rheeadldateato obtatn
l1::::i:I -tr-fi;rr.l"
;;;- st s06
l.aalat aAL alvs
belonging., :, ITTET 1o?:
to, scrred.Fd
Hou,wes, i" if ondra"t",
c,"ii; ; b&;iffi f, d: ;i*6ffi;
Bacltward" Clasrct
11acKWAngI ;it"tair- mnrkr
clasccr ths mtntrnltm marks nhelr h- ai ,,\ih
Bhalt bc at 4G
ps.snurc. lD' nalpcct'of caodld{:. wlth
*rtr, spedsed dubuity,
eteratned ;E;
.i;$ p;;;ilje
m3$}..,,};1ryc:{1l 1y{1*:.
t* T;;i"
""a perentile
:H P,",1 ffiiil,T*il'rfimT
Tegt Ps:l
H1 # *g1i.
Entrance for aamrssion;
a1a1r:t [il|;;i;ffi
G;iliifi;#1 ffi
3.3 Rcrowr6os:

As per extant Government policy.

' .zallaog rjozzmE-il
) 235

l. Chtldren of Indhn Mlarlon rtalf ported


of frlendly forcign
il agreernenta with there

be made on the basis

CUm Entranec


t{o.U, t4OI 4 I l6t 20fll2.r&Il fFtS !to.E 16924s1

Govornmont of tndh
tilnlrtty of Hcalth & Frully Wolfarc
fDoptt. Of Horlth & Frrrlty 1Tclferof
.tt ,

Ifor Dothl, Datcd tbc 2-ffOctobor, 2022. i
FRoru rHE cErr LE9L
Quor^IqTIi}[IugIEreE reuE
ArrAIBs ROR ACADET'TC gE8diffiffii.zg i
8.No. Nama of couogo CIty Strtc/U? l{o. of
l. Iady Hnrdinge New Delhi
Delhi 03
Jvledical Collese (threel -
2. S.K. Medical M,'zaffarpur Bihar 02 (nvo)
3, Medical Collete anappuzha
4. NSCB Xeraln 0l (onel
Medicat Jabalpur
M.P. 0l (one|
5. Goyt. Madicnt Rajnandgnon Chhattlsgarh Ol (one|
6. B.J. Medical h.rne Maharashtra 01 (onef
7. s.P. Ma'c..rli Bikaner Rajasthan Ol (onef
8. MLN ---6ovr Allahabnd U.,P. 0t (one!
Medlcal Colleee
9. Govt. Medicat Chandigorh Chandlgarh 0l {one}
lo. Govt. Madical Nagpur Maharashtra Ol (onel
ll R.r.M.s. Ranchi Jharkhand Ol lonel
12. P.M.C.H. Dhanbad Jharkhond Ol (onel
r3. Mertical Collene Thrissur Kersla 02lnrol
14. VMMC, New Delhi Delhi 01 (one)
15. A.N. Mngndh Oaya Bihnr 0l (one)
Medicsl College
16. MOM Mrdicat Jamshcdpur Jharkhnncl 0l (one|
17, Oandhi Medicnl Bhopal M.P. Ol (onef
18. Swarni nnmnnand AmbeJogai Mahnrnslrtrn I (one)
Thirth Rurnl

Medic$l Colleqe
9. Medical Collece Kozhikode Keraln 0l (oncl
Medicn ege I!iruvnnanthnpuram Keraln 0l {onel
2t. Govt. Medical Kanker Chhnttisgnrh 0l {one}
College, North
22. VCSCGMS & RI, Garhrval Uttarakhnnd 0l (onef,
TO?AL 26 lTwcaty Elxl
8.t{o. I{enc of Collcgo clty Stato/UT l{o. ot
l. Dr. R. Ahmed Kolkata W. Bengal 0t (one)
Dcntal Collese
2. Patna Dental Patna Bihar 0l (onc
3. N.O. Dental Lucknou' U.P. 0l {onc}
11O?AL O3 lthrcol

(Chandan Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Qovt. of Indla

No.U. I 40 I4lt 6/2022-ME.II (f'fs No.B I 692.r)

Ooveq6q'n; of lndia
Minirry of Hcrlrh & Frmity tVclfirr
( Depn. of l{erlth
rt }nmlly Wel fare)

Nirmrn Bhawan, New Ddhi,

Dared rhe 39 Octotrr.1022
Of"lcf, tttEMORANIlU,y
$rbl ccrtnt Pool lflBlls rnd BDS rmtr - Allocrtlon lor 1022.2J r$don.

Thc undcnl3ncd h dircrd to linnad hcrrwhh ! ficmcnt lndhrting

thc numhcr of
rlBBs/BDs tcllt
tlonS$ith tho uJtcrtrocorrl cottcger
co'ccmed, rlocrrcd
madcmic rerrion 102?-23 for rhc
$ccrcrrlrt urd thc Mlnlnryof
rrrc ccnni
@Defcnco, "--' F*r
''" ru, rhc Mlnrrrry of ilomc Arfrrn. crbiner
for Minlnry
of llomc Alrrln includc rhc s.rr mcanr
i;" *"0*t foe spcclrl scni*c

l' Thc rclection of ellgible crndidrtel will hc.madc rr guidellner

Mlnlnrv'r tener of avcn number rrnred Jrr coov:1c4 vlde thic
lo. s.prrr*r.
merlr ttr o3ahcrwrth copi.roriiioi;;,;;il may be202ii"d;;;;i:o]ear.
*n*oihrr Mtnrnry.
ru copy of rhe

mry bc edvtrod-ro rtporr ro rhc ronccmcd

l"nr#l.iffr,*"*?t cottqe f*
rhehrc*ur;,i;*-.ffi #,,ff*r,f;Hlh:,ffif, i.liilinH.#h,;
Dcprtmcnr wtthtn rvcn ari"
l.^--.. Th. rdmlrlon of cudUercr to yrrlo$,
mnccmcd shre oorr. .**ch mry rc,ccrrrinJ
i*, rr. il;;ilff;r.
9. . .. lt rhould hc cnrurcd lhrl every rctcctcd
i*r,ui"irri*a* crrrlcr rtul)'" merted doc{mcnrr
i*d*ot r *rxn rpon&rg * m**:
1' tntimrtlon *hTy rll thc rcetr ellociled
ro rhar Minldry hrvc bscn fLlly
rhoutd be coov*td ro rt nrpnnmrni;;;;';ry*r
brrir. r, rrri
of rny dchurr in
thir brhrlf, rhh Minr*v rwi[*. i"';;ilr;".n, ro cunrlt rhr ailocrrron, ro rrrc
rhe rcat(r) tocr or un+ri[lrJ.
irir,.r.ici[jilr;r. cxrru of

E' Thc cntin rdnirrim pmccr mry phrrc h complacd on rrme bqrrd barir.
9. The rscclpr of rhb commrrnlcrtion
mry pterre hc ackno*lcdgcd
Fracl, n rbovr.

Under Sectlury to the Oon.
To of lrdla

l. Mlnlrrry of l{omc Affaln; pF-III g;crlon.

Norri II<rk, New Delhi
t-' t

l Cabintl Seerclarirt (SR),84-tl Srction. R,No.l00l, D.l Wing lOc Floor, pr.
Deendayrl Antyrdaya Ohrwan, COO Complc& Lodhi Road,. Ncw Dclhi- ll0
3. Shri Arun Xumrr Sinht Dircoor, Spccirl Prorccrion Oroup (SFO). Crbin*
Secrctrriet. 9. Lolr Krll,rn [lrrg Ncw Dclhi-l l00l l.
4. Mlni*ry of Dcfcacc, Kcndrlyr Srinit Board. Wert Bloct - lV. Wlng No. 5, R_
K. Purrm. New Dclhl.
5. The Ministry of Exremal Affnirs (Studcnr Cell). Jawaharlal Nchru Bhavan,
Janpath, New Dclhi.l l00l l.
6. The Ministry of Errernrl Affuin. wclfnre unit, Jalaharlal Nchnr Bhsvan,
Janprth. Ncw Ddhi.l l00t l.
7. Tho Principlr ofrhc mllcgcr conccmcd.

The se lacti*n of wards of cAFFe
lxrson*el is to be rnade on th* b**is
eif nrarks obrai'ecr by thr strudents in National gnt
Test [NEETI, ?AZZ conductcd by NTA As grcr
tlris "o*
27811/taqlgr-pr;-l cl;rted z+.or.t.)ga, the proceduro
,u ti* rofur.ffil
for allo,*ent cf seats to wartrs of {ApFs &
AR purroon*ii,
;r. Priority-l : Thosc killcd in actioru

Priority'll ; pcrnrenently dbabH in ecti*n and boar*dqg

fron xanrice
c. Priorlty-fit : aff Effiffi rctircd mraonnet.
I t.
1", or{er Nn. ?7AiZ/ZlZ00Z-pF.ilt
tlZZ.A7.Z}at O"t.a 14.06,2002 &
warcts of lB x,'iSg [sn-combatised pensonrrcl arc
eligible for. priortry.t anrt p"in.iiy-f
i *"fy.
ill_ Thc tnsrnrcrions c$ntatned
in MoH&fw O.M. Nc. U.1401 *]L6iZAZZ-
M E- I I I rrs No. I I be24r)
dated lrio,j.ibz] ;;Uil;i
iv. For 26 MBss and 3 $D5
reats, su{gdmt numbcr of candidater
Merit List nray br frcm
in hand for trre z,* Tllg
y;di;il st rhere
n.r."r. wi,
---of be
o€ no *,Ee bft
cgunsering. ",
v. The checki,g of originar
co*pulsory' rrr case, a eandidate of the candidates by the Board is
t{edicat co*rge an,
rras atrua.ry .*,*" Jriirtn in any
concrrned cellege is r-equlred
id;#nd ccrti&are, Noc frnm dx:
,t & Oril nf *,rn*elling.
vt. u*de*aking certticate
accpringlnon eccepttng
n*y be gat *red fium the candidates,
f i,,_,tdi;";. for
vii Tlrc proceetrings of
Lonrnrirtee/Board 1l:
.ii"r.ring trury
-ii,i, sig'ed by a, trre members
should ..r.[ of
alongwith'o,rl'i.,,r, ;- Mirristry by 1s.Il.?023
ii:"ili :ii ?ffi#r,*^,; ;; i.:f :.r Ii:i:H .lI,, il,ll,Xli
rrc isstred bv MHA arter
$'J'l';Hli;T;ff11.,:,1'1.,ffi# takins

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