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Africa’s sparseesfossil
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alone cannot eat. the complete
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story of human origins. Genomic inquiries of both que nonsequiam
modern vita nobiste
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and ancient DNA are trying to fill in the gaps. incta nit, aut doluptas modi-
quasi que vent et volum dolut odis aut molupta consecta veni- tis invelesciet lam ea consecus.
mus consequ iassim sintur, sitiatat qui auta necum doluptium qui Ris min nimperum dolum re pa vellit, sit harunt am, est, sum
omnimilit Lum que velitios nonse dissimi, consequaturBY KATARINA ZIMMER
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t’s not unusual for geochronologist mass spectrometer, which measures the con- helpful new tools: genomics and ancient
Rainer Grün to bring human bones centrations of uranium isotopes that undergo DNA techniques. Armed with this combina-
back with him when he returns radioactive decay at a specific rate over time. tion of approaches, researchers have begun
home to Australia from excursions Having returned from his trip to pro- to excavate our species’ early evolution, hint-
in Europe or Asia. Jawbones from cure the Homo heidelbergensis sample, Grün ing at a far more complex past than was pre-
extinct hominins in Indonesia, Nean- watched as the laser poked two tiny holes viously appreciated—one rich in diversity,
derthal teeth from Israel, and ancient into the bone fragment and the particles dis- migration, and possibly even interbreeding
human finger bones unearthed in appeared into the mass spectrometer. Upon with other hominin species in Africa.
Saudi Arabia have all at one point spent evaluating the mass spec data, he could tell “To piece together that story, we need
time in his lab at Australian National Uni- that the fragment was much younger than information from multiple different fields of
versity before being returned home. Grün previously believed. As he, Stringer, and oth- study,” remarks Eleanor Scerri, an archae-
specializes in developing methods to discern ers reported in Nature this past April, their ologist at the Max Planck Institute for the
the age of such specimens. In 2016, he car- best estimate was 299,000 years, give or Science of Human History in Jena, Ger-
ried with him a particularly precious piece take 25,000.1 That meant that the Kabwe many. “No single one is really going to have
of cargo: a tiny sliver of fossilized bone cov- individual had lived not before, but around all the answers—not genetics, not archae-
ered in bubble wrap inside a box. the same time as the first Homo sapiens–like ology, not the fossils, because all of these
The bone fragment had come from a people dwelled in North Africa. Along with areas have challenges and limitations.”
skull—still stored at the Natural History other archaeological evidence, the findings
Museum in London—with a heavy brow suggest that perhaps Homo heidelbergensis A sparse fossil record
ridge and a large face. It looked so primi- was not our ancestor, but a neighbor. Bones easily disintegrate in many parts
tive that the miner who had discovered it Together with yet another hominin, of Africa, in acidic forest soils or dry, sun-
in 1921 at a lead mine in the Zambian town Homo naledi, known to have existed in exposed areas. Moreover, the continent is
of Kabwe, then in the British territory of southern Africa at that time, Africa may largely unexplored by archaeologists. While
Rhodesia, first thought it had belonged have been a crowded place. “Ten years ago, northwestern Africa and former British ter-
to a gorilla. But later that year, museum I think most of us would’ve thought, well, ritories in eastern and southern Africa have
paleontologist Arthur Smith Woodward Africa in the last 300,000 years is just a long tradition of professional archaeologi-
noticed what he interpreted as typically going to show you the evolution of Homo cal research, few researchers have looked
human features, such as the skull’s thin sapiens, and that’s really all—the other for fossils anywhere else, notes archaeolo-
and relatively large braincase, that moti- species would have disappeared, gone gist Khady Niang of Cheikh Anta Diop Uni-
vated him to designate the specimen as its extinct,” notes Stringer. “Now we know versity in Senegal. That’s especially the case
own hominin species. that there were probably at least three dif- for the western and central parts of the con-
In the 1980s, however, museum ferent kinds of hominins around.” tinent, where preservation conditions are
paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer took That’s akin to the situation that also poor and excavations difficult at times
another look at the skull and classified it unfolded in Eurasia, where Neanderthals due to political instability. “We might be
as belonging to the species Homo heidel- and Denisovans thrived for hundreds of missing some really, really important parts
bergensis, an ancient hominin thought to thousands of years before Homo sapiens of the story,” adds Yale University anthro-
be a human ancestor. Based on its prim- migrated out of Africa and at times even pologist Jessica Thompson.
itiveness, Stringer says, most research- interbred with the other hominin groups. What African hominin fossils do make
ers guessed it was an early individual The story in Africa remains murky, clear is the depth of humanity’s roots on
who lived around half a million years ago, however, as researchers have not been that continent. Researchers have found
some 200,000 years before the earliest able to reconstruct human history in vivid some of the most abundant fossils in sed-
Homo sapiens were starting to emerge. detail, in part because hominin fossils iments between 3.5 million and 3.2 mil-

But nobody knew exactly how old the informative about our species’ emergence lion years old. That appeared to be the
skull was. For decades, no dating method and coexistence with other species are heyday of the australopiths (including the
existed that could identify the fossil’s age rare in Africa. As a result, finds such as the genus Australopithecus), apes that walked
without the destructive process of grind- Kabwe skull continue to raise more ques- upright and are believed to have used stone
ing up bits of bone for analysis. But Grün tions than answers. If Homo heidelbergen- tools, but still climbed trees and had rela-
was determined to find a solution. sis wasn’t one of our recent ancestors, then tively small brains. It’s thought that some-
Grün is one of very few geochronologists who was? If our species really did overlap in how our own genus, Homo, emerged from
proficient in a laser technique that extracts time with Homo heidelbergensis, what role transitional ape species some 2.8 million
and reduces a barely visible grain of bone— did they play in our evolutionary history? years ago as a clan of hominins with dis-
smaller than the bone’s natural pores—to In recent years, a field that has tradition- tinctive teeth, probably adapted to an
atoms, he says. The laser is coupled with a ally relied on fossil discoveries has acquired eclectic diet that allowed them to thrive

09. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 3 1

in a wide range of habitats. But there are Fossil finds over the years have steadily people across the world, and concluded
few sediments, let alone fossils, left behind bolstered a long-held idea that anatomically that Africans have the highest mitochon-
from that time, making the birth of our modern humans first emerged in Africa. drial diversity, suggesting that our species
genus one of the most poorly understood This “Out of Africa” model, proposed by originated and spent most of its evolution-
periods in our evolution, Thompson notes. anthropologists in the late 20th century, ary history there.7 Specifically, the authors
The fossil record yields more secrets posited that all humans of Eurasian ancestry traced all human mitochondrial diversity
about the time shortly after the emergence descended from a single ancestral African back to a single theoretical woman who
of Homo, revealing a diversity of different population, which then spread throughout lived in East Africa hundreds of thousands
Homo species in Africa, of which Homo the world and displaced all other homi- of years ago, whom the media popular-
erectus seems to persist the longest. H. erec- nins. The opposing “multi-regionalism” ized as “mitochondrial Eve.” Later stud-
tus crops up in Africa’s limited fossil record model, by contrast, conceived that multiple ies estimated that the most recent com-
around 2 million years ago and hangs human subpopulations—which stemmed mon ancestor of modern Y chromosome
around on the continent until roughly from regional lineages of an ancestral spe- variation (dubbed “Y chromosome Adam”)
a million years ago. It was the first hom- cies such as Homo erectus—existed across could also be traced back to Africa.
inin that shows evidence of having lived in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and through con- Subsequent studies of nuclear DNA
human-like social groupings and used fire, tinuous mixing evolved together to form the have validated our African birthplace
and it is thought to be a human ancestor. present human population. and refined our knowledge of the human
When and how H. sapiens emerged isn’t While fossils supported the for- genetic landscape. Several studies of
at all clear, but what is apparent is that we mer theory, it was the advent of genetic genetic variation among modern-day
weren’t alone; fossils suggest that several research that showed unequivocally that Khoe and San individuals, two groups
other hominin species, such as that repre- populations outside of Africa descended of indigenous people in southern Africa
sented by the Kabwe skull, inhabited the from a single population in Africa. But the known for their click language, have sug-
continent at the time our species appeared. story had a twist: in two groundbreaking gested they represent our species’ most
Another relatively small-brained hominin, studies published in 2014, researchers genetically diverse lineage.8 Collectively
Homo naledi, is also thought to have lived compared ancient DNA extracted from known as Khoe-San, this group is thought
in southern Africa around 300,000 years Neanderthal bones and compared it with to have split from other populations
ago.2,3 And inside a Moroccan cave called modern-day people, and found that 2 per- between 200,000 and 350,000 years
Jebel Irhoud, 300,000-year-old skeletons cent of the average European genome is ago, making them the most ancient popu-
were found that carry very early features Neanderthal in origin.5,6 Our species orig- lation of modern humans to diverge. Non-
of H. sapiens.4 It’s not yet known how long inated in Africa, but interbred with homi- Africans, meanwhile, represent a reduced
those different hominin species existed, nins outside of it. (See “Our Inner Nean- subset of the diversity in Africa, and likely
however, or whether they physically over- derthal,” The Scientist, September 2019.) trace most of their ancestry back to just
lapped and perhaps even shared genes with These findings, and many since, have one small population—probably no more
one another, Stringer notes, or whether highlighted the power of genetics in resolv- than a few thousand individuals—who
there were others. ing questions about human ancestry that ventured out of the continent between
By around 160,000 years ago, the con- fossils alone cannot. Investigations of the 60,000 and 70,000 years ago.9
stellation of physical features that defines genomes of living Africans are now under- Some scientists see the extraordi-
us today—such as a globular braincase and way to help fill in the gaps of Africa’s fossil nary diversity in modern Khoe-San peo-
a pointed chin—had begun to emerge in record. “[Such studies] are really provid- ple as evidence that our species arose in
ancient hominin groups represented by ing important insights into our population southern Africa. Along with some archae-
fossils found across Africa. Later, some history and African origins,” says Yale Uni- ological evidence from the region, that
of these anatomically modern humans versity evolutionary biologist Serena Tucci. challenges the long-held idea of an East
crossed the thin spit of land that connects “We are getting to know and understand African origin, which was based on the
Africa to Eurasia, probably on several processes that happened very early on in fact that many early hominin fossils were
occasions. On that new continent, they our evolutionary history.” found there. However, trying to pinpoint
eventually met Neanderthals and Den- the precise location of our species’ ori-
isovans, which, like two hobbit-size Homo Ghost hominins gins from DNA is often criticized for the
species found on southeast Asian islands, Even the very first investigations of our simple reason that people move around—
are thought to be the evolutionary prod- genetic ancestry, gleaned from small, bite- it’s not known if the populations living in
ucts of earlier hominin migrations out of size chunks of genetic material, positioned one place today were there hundreds or
the continent. “Africa was this sort of leaky Africa as the cradle of humanity. One thousands of millennia ago. In fact, some
faucet, and hominins were just dribbling widely publicized 1987 study compared researchers, including Scerri, Stringer,
out of it all the time,” Thompson says. mitochondrial gene snippets from 147 and Thompson, have recently constructed


an entirely new theory of our origins: that tricky to distinguish that older history to modern genetic variation. While scientists
anatomically modern humans didn’t arise when there’s been this newer wave of have managed to overcome some of the tech-
from a single place, but gradually emerged gene flow messing with your modeling.” nical hurdles of sequencing highly degraded
from a web of interconnected populations Still, geneticists have been able to tease ancient DNA from human fossils in Africa, the
sprawled across Africa—a continental out some signals from our distant past, oldest human DNA found on the continent is
gene-sharing bonanza that hominin lin- using computational models that ask what just 15,000 years old, an age that pales in com-
eages besides our own may have partici- kind of evolutionary processes—such as parison to some 400,000-year-old hominin
pated in.10 “It’s a good way to interpret the mutation, selection, and interbreeding with DNA found in a cave in Spain with relatively
data we have right now,” says Niang. other groups—best explain the pattern of cool, stable temperatures. Archaeologists can
In addition to where we evolved, research- variation across modern genomes. One only dream of finding intact DNA that old on
ers are interested in how: which genes gave intriguing finding of such studies is possi- the African continent, notes Tessa Campbell,
us a selective advantage to survive in par- ble evidence of mixture with now-extinct, an ancient DNA specialist at Iziko Museums
ticular environments, and which ancestors unknown groups of modern humans and of South Africa. “No one wants to say never . .
contributed to our genomes? Unfortunately, other hominins: “ghost” populations that, . but it’s very unlikely.”
modern African DNA is severely underrep- like Neanderthals, left traces in modern Because DNA is unlikely to survive
resented in genetic research, making these genomes. In one analysis of 15 sequenced very long in the African heat, researchers
questions particularly challenging to answer. genomes, Tishkoff ’s group investigated have largely refrained from drilling into
Most sequenced genomes are of European the sources of genetic variation in three the fossils they’ve found of other homi-
origin, with fewer than 2 percent coming different modern African hunter-gatherer nins in Africa for fear of destroying them.
from Africans. This dearth of African groups.11 The team’s models suggested that But efforts are underway to study ancient
genomes is compounded by the fact that interbreeding with an archaic hominin DNA from younger fossils of Homo sapiens
the genetic scaffold underlying some fre- species—which seemed as different from to crack other mysteries about human his-
quently studied traits such as skin pigmen- modern humans as are Neanderthals—was tory on the continent, Tucci notes. “This is
tation appear to be far more complex in Afri- the most likely origin for a set of unusual definitely a new era for African genomics.”
cans than in other populations, notes Brenna sequences they found. “The model that
Henn, a population geneticist at the Univer- includes a ghost population is always bet- Mining bones for ancient DNA
sity of California, Davis. “The twelve to fif- ter [to fit the data], basically,” Tishkoff says. In 2015, an international team of research-
teen genes [for skin pigmentation] that peo- A handful of similar studies have also ers managed to harvest the first ancient
ple cite in Eurasian populations explain less revealed traces of ghost hominins in mod- DNA in Africa—the genome of Mota, a man
than 25 percent of the variation in Africans.” ern African genomes, sometimes account- who left behind 4,500-year-old remains in
an Ethiopian cave.12 In the five years since
that publication, researchers have pub-
lished nearly 100 other full and partial
With few sediments, let alone fossils, left behind ancient human sequences from Africa.
from that time, the birth of our genus is one of the These genomes have helped scientists bet-
most poorly understood periods in our evolution. ter understand the messy signatures from
recent migration events that make studies
of modern genomes so difficult.
For instance, mitochondrial DNA from
African population history compli- ing for up to 10 to 20 percent of the genetic the skulls of seven people who lived some
cates matters further. Large-scale migra- variation. Some research suggests that mix- 15,000 years ago in modern-day Morocco
tions pulled people back and forth across ing took place after the ancestors of mod- revealed that they were closely related to
the continent for thousands of years. ern Eurasians left Africa, hinting that Natufians, hunter-gatherers who dwelled
People from Eurasia also migrated back other kinds of hominins could have existed in the Near East, as well as people living
to Africa. Where people moved, they alongside Homo sapiens in Africa until very south of the Sahara desert.13 This finding
swapped their genes with local popu- recently. “It’s actually pretty convincing,” says suggested that there were far-flung con-
lations, shuffling patterns of ancestry Henn, who wasn’t involved in these studies. nections between North Africa, the Near
across African genomes. This upheaval of “Ten percent of the genome—I’m going to East, and sub-Saharan Africa before the
ancient population structures creates one have a hard time invoking one single other dawn of agriculture.
of the biggest challenges in teasing out process that can explain a signal like that.” Analyses of ancient DNA have also
archaic history from modern genomes, Ultimately, researchers need samples of helped researchers understand how ancient
notes University of Pennsylvania geneti- DNA from ancient hominins to prove whether migrations affected the genomes of people
cist Sarah Tishkoff. “It can make it very archaic African species did in fact contribute alive today. One such migration is the Bantu

09. 202 0 | T H E S C IE N T IST 3 3

expansion, which gradually spread West Afri- lier back-migrations into the continent and of children buried inside a rock shelter in
can farming practices across the continent eventually carried to the southernmost tip of Cameroon.15 Comparing the 3,000- and
between roughly 5,000 and 1,000 years ago. Africa as other migrating human populations 8,000-year-old DNA with ancient genomes
By comparing DNA from ancient hunter- moved southward, the researchers found. collected elsewhere and with genomes of

gatherer remains in southern Africa with Such studies have also provided insight modern people allowed the researchers to
modern-day Khoe-San people, evolutionary into deep divergences that occurred in reconstruct some of the earliest branches
biologist Carina Schlebusch of Uppsala Uni- human populations long before migrations of our species’ evolutionary tree. In addi-
versity in Sweden and her colleagues found of farmers and herders. Mary Prendergast, tion to the deep split between Khoe-San
that some Khoe-San groups carry DNA that an anthropologist at Saint Louis Univer- groups and other African populations—
ancient farmers brought with them.14 They sity in Madrid, and her colleagues recently from which non-Africans also descend—
also carry mixed Eurasian ancestry that had sequenced the first ancient DNA from West their model suggested that two other major
been introduced to North Africa with ear- Africa, material extracted from the remains lineages split just as deeply, diverging from


Hominin fossils that reveal clues to the emergence of Homo sapiens are rare in Africa, but in combination with studies
of modern human genomes, researchers are piecing together an ever more complex timeline of human history.

Named after its initial discovery near Heidelberg,
Germany, fossils similar to Homo heidelbergensis
were later found to also occur in Africa. It routinely
hunted large animals and may have built dwellings
made of wood or rock.

Homo erectus may have been the first
hominin to wield fire and stone axes.
*Note that the scale of this graphic changes across its width. While Homo sapiens has The species spread across Asia, where it
existed for the past few hundred thousand years, it’s noteworthy that Homo erectus, continued to evolve. In Africa, it gave rise
living from around 2 mya to perhaps 100 kya, is still the longest-lived hominin species. to Homo heidelbergensis.


Hominins of the genus Homo shared
distinctly small back teeth, which experts
think allowed them to consume diverse
diets. One species of early Homo evolved
into Homo erectus.
This diverse group exhibited both
SAHELANTHROPUS, ORRORIN, ape- and human-like characteristics.
ARDIPITHECUS SPP. Some species are thought to
Members of these relatively small-brained have used stone tools and to have
genera probably emerged not long after evolved into the genus Homo.
the human-chimpanzee divergence, and
are the first known species of apes that
habitually walked upright.

7 mya 6 5 4 3 2 1 mya
It was not a streamlined process of australopiths in Africa that we haven’t really appreciated
steadily evolving into modern humans, but a very much yet,” Prendergast says.
Only time will tell whether researchers’
messy and haphazard journey that includes current arsenal of technologies is enough to
interwoven ancestries of many groups. untangle the complete story of human evo-
lution. Perhaps novel technologies—such as
paleoproteomics, a nascent field that aims to
reconstruct ancestry from fossilized proteins,
one another more than 200,000 years ago. “ghost” lineage whose fate is uncertain. which are more durable than DNA—will help
One lineage is ancestral to central African “There’s all this deep, deep population struc- researchers “push further back in time,” notes
hunter-gatherers known as Aka and Mbuti, ture with various differentiated branches of biological anthropologist Rebecca Acker-
and the second is a previously unknown the human tree throughout the Pleistocene mann of the University of Cape Town.

Comparing ancient DNA from Neanderthals

and Denisovans with modern human genomes
has revealed that modern humans interbred
with these other hominin groups.

Denisovans, only known from
from ancient DNA and a handful
of bones and teeth, were closely
related to Neanderthals.

Genomic analyses suggest that the

majority of people living outside Africa HOMO NEANDERTHALENSIS
today trace most of their ancestry back Compared with modern humans, HOMO SAPIENS
Neanderthals had shorter, stockier Eventually, the hallmarks of our
to a single migration event of a small skeletons and larger noses, but their own species—exceptionally large
group of modern humans who left Africa brains were just as large, if not larger. brains, flat faces, and small jaws—
between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago. appear in the fossil record. Genetic
studies suggest that H. sapiens
started to split into several major
lineages of modern humans more
than 200,000 years ago.

Only known from skeletons found in South Africa,
this species had a remarkably tiny brain but
modern-human–like features such as the shape of
its teeth and possibly the habit of burying its dead.


Researchers have recently discovered two small hominin
species on Pacific islands, Homo floresiensis on Flores in
Indonesia and Homo luzonensis in the Philippines.
Some analyses of modern human genomes hint
that Homo sapiens may have interbred with other
hominins in Africa.

500 kya 100 kya 50 kya Present

A number of researchers suspect that Homo sapiens arose not in a single place in Africa,
but across the entire continent, emerging from a network of interconnected hominin populations.
But for decades, archaeologists positioned East and South Africa as important places for hominin
evolution and the putative birthplace of our species. That’s likely because most fossils, including
groundbreaking findings that have transformed our understanding of human evolution, have been
found in those regions. “Lucy,” 3.2 million years ago
Lucy—the skeletal remains of an Australopithecus
afarensis female—is one of the best-known
hominin fossils. Studies suggest that she was

both tree-dwelling and capable of an upright gait,
providing an important evolutionary stepping
stone from more primitive ape species to
modern humans.
Adult jawbone, 2.8 million years ago
A mandible fragment is the earliest
known trace of the genus Homo, although
NEAR SAFI, MOROCCO, 1961 the species it belongs to is a mystery.
Human remains at Jebel Irhoud, 315,000 years ago
Flint blades and Homo sapiens–like skeletons in a Moroccan
cave known as Jebel Irhoud may represent the oldest Homo
sapiens artifacts. The skeletons have modern features such
as round skulls and modern-human–like teeth and faces.


Omo Kibish remains, 195,000 years ago
Fragments from two skulls, four jaws, a legbone, a few
hundred teeth, and some other bones were found at
a site in Ethiopia, and are classified as anatomically
modern Homo sapiens.


“Turkana Boy,” 2 million years ago
A nearly complete skeleton of an ancient
Homo erectus child found near Kenya’s Lake
Turkana provides a rare glimpse into how
quickly this species reached adulthood and
how similar their skeletons were to ours.


Homo naledi, 236,000–335,000 years ago
KABWE, ZAMBIA, 1921 In 2013 and 2014, cavers found skeletons of two adults and
one juvenile of what is believed to be a new species: Homo
“Kabwe skull,” 300,000 years ago naledi. Its tiny brain and ape-like shoulders—indicating it
Also called “Broken Hill skull,” the specimen is considered was a good climber—suggest it may be an evolutionary off-
a representative of Homo heidelbergensis. shoot lineage that went extinct.

and complex African history,” Science,
What is already abundantly clear References
338:374–79, 2012.
is that human evolution was far more 1. R. Grün et al., “Dating the skull from Broken Hill,
9. S. Tucci, J.M. Akey, “A map of human
Zambia, and its position in human evolution,”
complex than previously appreciated by wanderlust,” Nature, 538:179–80, 2016.
Nature, 580:372–75, 2020.
anthropologists. It was not a streamlined 2. L.R. Berger et al., “Homo naledi, a new species
10. E.M.L. Scerri et al., “Did our species evolve in
subdivided populations across Africa, and why does
process of australopiths steadily evolv- of the genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber,
it matter?” Trends Ecol Evol, 33:582–94, 2018.
ing into modern humans, but a messy South Africa,” eLife, 4:e09560, 2015.
11. J. Lachance et al. “Evolutionary history
and haphazard journey that includes 3. P.H. Dirks et al., “The age of Homo naledi and
and adaptation from high-coverage whole-
associated sediments in the Rising Star Cave,
interwoven ancestries of many groups, genome sequences of diverse African hunter-
South Africa,” eLife, 6:e24231, 2017.
some of which have never been discov- 4. J.-J. Hublin et al., “New fossils from Jebel Irhoud,
gatherers,” Cell, 150:457–69, 2012.
12. M.G. Llorente et al., “Ancient Ethiopian genome
ered other than through the genetic Morocco and the pan-African origin of Homo
reveals extensive Eurasian admixture in Eastern
traces they left in ancient and modern sapiens,” Nature, 546:289–92, 2017.
Africa,” Science, 350:820–22, 2015.
genomes. “We have a long history. A lot 5. B. Vernot, J.M. Akey, “Resurrecting surviving 13. M. v.d. Loosdrecht et al., “Pleistocene North African
of things happened, and a lot of ances- Neanderthal lineages from modern human genomes link Near Eastern and sub-Saharan African
tors contributed to our genomes today,” genomes,” Science, 343:1017–21, 2014. human populations,” Science, 360:548–52, 2018.
6. S. Sankaraman et al., “The genomic landscape 14. C.M. Schlebusch et al., “Southern African
Schlebusch says. “It’s not going to be a
of Neanderthal ancestry in present-day humans,” ancient genomes estimate modern human
simple story.” g Nature, 507:354–57, 2014. divergence to 350,000 to 260,000 years ago,”
7. R.L. Cann et al., “Mitochondrial DNA and human Science, 358:652–55, 2017.
Katarina Zimmer is a New York–based evolution,” Nature, 325:31–36, 1987. 15. M. Lipson et al., “Ancient West African foragers
freelance journalist. Find her on Twitter 8. C.M. Schlebusch et al., “Genomic variation in the context of African population history,”
in seven Khoe-San groups reveals adaptation Nature, 577:665–70, 2020.


The San people of southern Africa are one of the most intensively studied indigenous groups in the world. Their click language and traditional
hunter-gatherer lifestyles have long fascinated anthropologists. And the antiquity of their genetic lineage makes them a treasure trove for
geneticists studying human evolutionary history.
However, studies on San lifestyles and genomes have not always been conducted ethically. For instance, scientists have sometimes referred to
the San as “bushmen,” a derogatory term associated with colonial-era researchers using modern indigenous groups as models of primitive human
ancestors, and have taken photographs of children and breastfeeding mothers without permission. “We’re not saying that everybody is bad. But
you get those few individuals who don’t respect the San,” Leana Snyders, head of the South African San Council in Upington, South Africa, told Sci-
ence in 2017. Ethical conduct in genomic research came to the foreground in 2010 following a high-profile analysis of San genomes in Nature in
which the authors had, among other transgressions, not asked San leaders for permission to conduct the study.  
All disciplines that study human evolution in Africa have at times been criticized for their extractive nature. Archaeological research—a field
pioneered by European colonial nations—has long been driven by Western researchers digging up fossils from Africa to study them, sometimes
taking them elsewhere to do so. Some hominin fossils are still displaced, such as the Kabwe skull, a famous Homo heidelbergensis specimen that
remains in London’s Museum of Natural History, despite Zambia’s multiple requests to repatriate the skull. According to an April press release, the
museum has approached Zambian authorities to begin discussing the possible return of the skull following a 2018 agreement between the UK and
Zambia to find a solution to the issue.
Some scientists have called for regulations to protect fossil collections from ancient DNA research, whereby African hominin fossils undergo
the damaging process of extracting DNA. Now, “African museums are taking a leading role to make sure this [research] happens through collab-
oration and regulation,” notes anthropologist Mary Prendergast of Saint Louis University’s Madrid campus, as geneticists are working to develop
new, less destructive techniques for ancient DNA analysis.
The San, for their part, created a code of research conduct in 2017 that, for example, requires researchers to respect their communities and to
allow them to comment on findings prior to publication to avoid derogatory interpretations. Researchers are also required to compensate the com-
munity for their cooperation, through financial support, knowledge, or job opportunities, for instance.
A number of scientists have called for a greater role of African scientists in human evolutionary research. To make that possible, Western funding
agencies and institutions have an obligation to support African efforts to improve their countries’ antiquities infrastructure, so that “the next genera-
tion of African scholars [can] take control of the research in their areas,” notes anthropologist Eleanor Scerri of the Max Planck Institute in Germany.

Foreign research teams should also foster stronger collaboration with African researchers, rather than simply seeking their help with fossil
excavations, which has sometimes been the case, notes University of Cape Town biological anthropologist Rebecca Ackermann. Research groups
have become more diverse, she notes, but the transition is slow. “I do see a change. It’s just not as fast as I would like.”

09. 2020 | T H E S C IE N T IST 37

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