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86 Brauerei Beck & Co.

heavy barley ale that survived the rigors ot the trade routes.
Until modern brewing technology was developed in the nine-
teenth century, this type of ale was a standard Beck product.

In the late nineteenth century, prominent Bremen business

leader Lueder Rutenberg incorporated the company that is
today known as Brauerei Beck & Co. after the Beck brewery
was merged with two other local breweries, Bierbrauerei Wil-
helm Remmerand Hemelinger Aktienbrauerei. In 1921 Beck &
Co. formed a cooperative agreement with another Bremen
brewery, the Brauerei C. H. Haake & Co. Control of the market
was divided between Beck & Co. and Haake, with Brauerei
Beck & Co. agreeing to produce beer for the export market
under the brand name of Beck's, while Haake-Beck Brauerei
AG would sell its products under the names Haake-Beck,
Brauerei Beck & Co. Remmer, and Hemelinger in the domestic German market.
Haake-Beck Brauerei was later made a subsidiary of Beck &
Am Deich 18-19
Co., making Brauerei Beck the largest privately owned brewery
2800 Bremen 01
in Germany.
(421) 509 40 The location of Beck & Co. in the port city of Bremen contrib-
Fax: (421) 509 46 67 uted to its success and played an influential role in many
outward aspects of the firm. Bremen's status as a major player
Private Company in North European commerce facilitated Beck's delivery to
Incorporated: 1873 several foreign ports. The reputation of the Bremen brewers
Employees: 4,257 solidified the beer's potential to hold and maintain increasing
Sales: DM 1.30 billion (US$762 million) shares of foreign markets. Although the beer was at first shipped
SICs: 2082 Malt Beverages in the traditional barrels. Beck & Co. began exporting bottles
sheathed in straw and packed in weighty wooden crates to
Brauerei Beck & Co. is the world's largest exporter of beer, withstand high seas.
accounting for more than one-third of the total exports of the
beverage from Germany. Sold in 140 countries, the company's In its advertising Beck & Co. features an important aspect of its
products have long been the most widely recognized beers from history—the Reinheitsgebot, or Purity Law, enacted by the
a nation known for its breweries. Indeed, Beck’s beer cases are Bavarian Court of Duke Wilhelm IV in 1516. The law specified
labeled with the phrase “Found on Five Continents." Even in that only malted barley, yeast, hops, and water could be used in
its highly competitive German home market. Beck’s claims the beer brewed in Germany for the German market. German beer
highest brand awareness and largest distribution of any beer. exporters stress this law in citing the long tradition of excellence
The privately held firm also benefits from holdings of glass of German beers, but not all brew their export beer in compli-
manufacturing concerns and a bottling concession with Coca- ance with the statute. All of Beck’s beers, according to the
Cola Co. company's literature, contain only hops grown in the nearby
Tettnag and Hallertau regions, water from Geest-area springs
The original breweries that today comprise the corporate entity and the reservoirs of the Harz mountains, and a particular strain
of Beck & Co. have roots that reach back to medieval limes in of yeast cultivated for decades by the brew masters at the
Bremen, a major port on the Weser River. The city-state of Bremen plant.
Bremen was an important member of the Hanseatic League, a
powerful federation formed by German merchants in the Mid- Each year the city of Bremen holds the Schaffermahl, a formal
dle Ages for trading and defense. Bremen's merchant class dinner held in mid-February that dates back to the sixteenth
tightly controlled Northern European shipping and commerce century when the Haus Seefahrt Foundation established the
for two centuries and influenced it for many more. gathering to raise money for needy sailors. Prominent guests
gather in the city hall, smoke traditional white clay pipes, and
One of the largest exports out of the Bremen harbor during the dine on a meal of dried fish and smoked pork. The most
Middle Ages was beer from the city’s breweries, of which there important part of the dinner, however, is the beer brewed by
were more than 300. As early as the thirteenth century, this beer Beck & Co. especially for the occasion and drunk from pewter
was exported to Scandinavia, England, and Holland, and in tankards. This is a version of the company’s original Seefahrts-
1489 the city’s breweries formed the Bremen Brewers’ Society bier, the extremely strong quaff that could withstand long sea
to regulate the production and export of the beverage. As voyages.
foreign markets clamored for Bremen’s beers in subsequent
centuries, competition increased, and only the brewers whose The evolution of lager beers (“lager" being German for "to
products consistently withstood long sea journeys survived. By store”) was spurred by technological developments, including
1870 only 30 of the original 350 members of the Bremen research into yeast cultures and fermentation as well as the
Brewer’s Society remained, including the Beck Brewery, which invention of refrigeration. In bottom-fermented beer, the yeast
had altered the chemical formulation of its beer to produce a sinks to the bottom, which makes for a clearer beer that is less
Brauerei Beck & Co. 87

likely to sour, but which needs to be stored and cooled longer East German states and achieved remarkable gains in sales, due
than top-fermented ales. Beck & Co., like the other major in part to the novelty of West German beer among consumers
German breweries, began producing lager beers late in the there. In April of 1991 Beck & Co. acquired the Rostocker
nineteenth century. Brauerei VEB. formerly a state-owned company in Rostock, a
port on the Baltic Sea. Although Beck & Co. had to invest
Because of its chemistry, beer had a relatively short shelf life, heavily to upgrade the brewery's equipment, it gave the com-
until modern brewing and storing methods improved matters. pany an excellent position from which to target the East German
Beck & Co. has continually invested in state-of-the-art brewing market, brewing a new and improved Rostocker for East Ger-
facilities, applying technological innovations to improve prod-
mans consumers. In addition, the geographical location of the
uct quality. For instance. Beck & Co. managed to greatly reduce
newly acquired brewery permitted easier access for exports of
the oxygen count of its product to give it a longer shelf life. Beck’s beer to areas within the former Soviet Union. By 1992
Beck & Co. was also one of the first breweries to use the modern
Beck’s products were sold in most of the former Eastern Bloc
keg. These have been improved by using stainless steel con- countries.
tainers as well as a hygienic tap system that helps lengthen the
amount of time beer can be stored and reduces the risk of
Consumers around the globe are drawn to import beers for their
contamination involved in pouring draft beers.
sophisticated edge. Beck & Co. has sought to position itself as
Today Beck & Co. is the last brewer remaining in the city of part of a centuries-old tradition of German brewing excellence,
Bremen. However, the brand name of Beck’s is found only on stressing both the company's longevity and the quality of its
bottles exported out of Germany; the company’s Haake-Beck, product. In the 1980s, however, a North American trend toward
Remmer, and Hemelinger lines are brewed specifically for moderation in alcohol consumption had a significant impact on
domestic consumers. These three brands retain their vestigial import sales, while a weakened U.S. dollar also made it difficult
names to help differentiate them in a large and diverse home for foreign companies such as Beck & Co. to keep prices low.
market and remind drinkers of Bremen's long brewing history. Competition in the beer market became fierce as consumers’
Each of them, while targeting different domestic markets, also palates became more discriminating. The company’s inroads
represents a distinct product, reflecting the dissimilar tastes of into Eastern Europe did help offset the decrease in import sales
Germans for their beer. Haake-Beck’s beer is distributed by its Dribeck subsidiary in the United States. In addition,
throughout all of Germany, while the Hemelinger and Remmer Brauerei Beck & Co. expected a unified Germany to provide
brands are part of the tradition of local specialty beers found in great opportunity for expansion and profit.
and around Bremen. Also carrying the Remmer brand name is a
light beer with a lower alcohol and calorie content that is Principal Subsidiaries; Nienburger Glas GmbH & Co. KG
distributed throughout Germany. (92%); Bremer Erfrischungsgetraenke-GmbH; Rostocker
Brauerei GmbH; Haake-Beck Brauerei AG (95.17%); Dribeck
On the international market. Beck & Co. attempts to appeal to
Importers Inc. (U.S.A.).
the widest range of tastes while still adhering to German brew-
ing standards. The Beck’s beer sold in North America, for
instance, is a much lighter version of a traditional German brew. Further Reading:
Here, the products found under the Beck’s label, in addition to Anderson, Will. From Peer to Eternity: Everything You Always Wanted
the flagship lager, include Beck’s Dark, Beck’s Light, and to Know About Beer, Lexington. MA: Stephen Greene Press, 1987.
Haake-Beck. These are imported by Dribeck Importers Inc. of "Beck’s Counts Itself Among German Gems,” New York Times. No-
Greenwich, Connecticut, a subsidiary founded in 1964. vember 21, 1992, p. DI9.
"Bulging Beck’s," Food and Beverage Marketing. April 1992. p. 43.
Although there are several thousand breweries producing re- Dennis, Darienne L., "How About a Beer?" Fortune. August 1, 1988,
gional beers, Beck & Co. is one of the few that distributes p. 8.
throughout all of reunified Germany. The fall of the Berlin Wall Fahey, Alison, “Party Hardly." Adweek's Brandweek. October 26.
in 1989 opened up a huge new market of consumers for German 1992. pp. 24-25.
Finch, Christopher, Beer: A Connoisseur 's Guide to the World's Best.
companies. Beer brewed in the former East Germany by state-
New York: Abbeville Press, 1989.
owned breweries was poor in quality due to a shortage of raw
Gorman, John, “Beer Lovers Spread the Word: Beck’s,” Chicago
materials and antiquated machinery. Frequently adulterated
Tribune. May 17, 1985, sec. 3, pp. 1-2.
with com or rice. East German beer required additives to Hemphill, Gary A.. "Imports: A Taste of Reality," Beverage Industry,
enhance shelf-life and therefore did not meet Reinheitsgebot September 1989. pp. 1-26.
standards. Jackson. Michael, ed . The World Guide to Beer. New York: Prentice-
Hall, 1977.
Shortly after trade between the two Germanies was fully re-
established, Beck & Co. began selling its products in the former —Carol Brennan

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