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'■7 Bayerische Staatsbrauerei


Alte Akademie 2 Center for Nutrition, Agriculture and the Environment

Freising, D-85354 ar Munich’s Technical University. The Weihenstephan
Germany Research Center for Brewing and Food Quality is the
Telephone: (+49 8161) 536-199 science center’s commercial arm. it conducts research in
Fax: (+49 8161) 536-200 brewing technology and provides information to brew-
Web site: ers. especially in Bavaria, on all technical aspects of the
beer-making industry. Weihenstephan exports ap-
proximately half of its yearly output to about 50 differ-
State-Owned Company ent countries on every continent but Africa.
Incorporated: 1923
Employees: 85
Sales: EUR 25 million ($32 million) (2013) ORIGINALLY ESTABLISHED BY A
NAICS: 312120 Breweries SAINT

Weihenstephan Brewery traces its founding to the eighth

century when the later-canonized St. Corbinian, on
orders of Pope Gregory II, established the church ol St.
Located on rhe grounds of a historical monastery in Stephen in Freising with the intention of converting the
Freising, Bavaria, Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihen- peoples of Bavaria to Christianity. About 100 years later,
stephan brews a full line of beers lor the retail market a monastery was also founded on the site. Its location
and the restaurant and tavern trade. Weihenstephan atop a hill made it an ideal site for brewing, as cellars
produces 14 kinds of beer, the most popular being could be dug lor the storage ol beer while it aged.
Weihenstephan Hefeweissbier (yeast white beer) made Documentary evidence shows that hops were being
from wheat. 1 he firm brews a variety of other wheat- grown at the monastery in 768, and historians speculate
based beers too, including crystal wheat beer, as well as that beer was probably already being brewed there then.
light, dark, and alcohol-free versions. In all, wheat beers In 1040, however, the city ol Freising granted the
constitute approximately 75 percent of Weihenstephan’s monastery’s monks a license to brew and to sell beer to
total sales. In addition, the brewery produces a pilsner, the public, so the present-day brewery cites this year as
light and dark lager beers, an extra-strong bock beer, an its founding date.
annual beer brewed for Freising’s yearly beer festival, Ehe brewery took as its emblem a bear carrying two
and a Radler, a 50-50 mixture of pilsner and soda pop kegs of beer on its back. Legend has it that the
similar to Sprite. In addition to its beer brewing, monastery s founder, Corbinian, was making his wav
Weihenstephan provides university-level education in I tom Bavaria to Rome to see the pope when he was set
brewing science through the Weihenstephan Science upon by a bear. When Corbinian s horse was killed in


Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan

barley, production of wheat beer at the time was

licensed to one man only, the baron of Dennenberg,
C O M PAN Y P E RS P ECT IVES who was granted permission by the German duke who
had enacted the purity law. I he royal monopoly on
wheat beer was jealously guarded. Wheat beers were of
Klasse statt Masse—Quality instead of quantity. This
higher quality than the so-called brown beers brewed ar
slogan sums up one of the most important principles
Weihenstephan and other breweries. They were
of our corporate philosophy. As a medium-sized extremely popular, so much so that they became the
company, we are focused on a quality product and we main source of income of their licensees.
are delighted that our beer has found a place not only
As the Middle Ages drew to a close German brew-
in beverage stores but primarily as a specialty in
ing was undergoing massive changes. By the 1600s
restaurants. Among brewers we are considered an improved equipment and innovations in brewing
“insider brand.'' This is not surprising when one techniques had transformed brewing from primarily a
considers that Weihenstephan is the global center of small local activity to a large preindustrial export
brewing science and that beer brewers rhe world over business. Beer tasted better and beer consumption grew
learned beer brewing at Weihenstephan. continually, in part because beer was safer to drink than
water, which was often polluted and a carrier of diseases.
The making of brown beer had developed to such an
extent, in fact, that its popularity began to overtake that
the struggle, he subdued the bear and forced it to carry
of the wheat beers. That trend continued for rhe next
his belongings—including beer he had made for the
three centuries. By 1812 demand for wheat beers had
pope—to Rome. Weihenstephan would continue to
declined to such an extent that nearly all rhe royal
feature this image on the grounds of its brewery into the
breweries that had been making it were sold or closed
21st century.
down. The right to brew Weizenbier was extended to all
brewers. The right was an empty one for many years,
CO M PET IIIVE A D VANTAG E though, because wheat beers had passed completely out
The Benedictine brewers of Weihenstephaner beer in rhe of style.
Middle Ages enjoyed certain advantages over their Ihe Revolutionary and Napoleonic Eras also
secular competition. They had access to cheap or, if they contributed significantly to the trend democratizing the
raised it on their own grounds, free raw materials. Their industry. The French Revolution, however, also brought
monks provided free labor. The monastery paid no an end to most brewing by German monasteries, includ-
raxes. In addition, monasteries were not subject to the ing Weihenstephan in Freising. When the armies of
brewing bans regularly handed down by Bavarian rulers, antireligious, revolutionary France overran German
such as when crop failures meant that grain had to be lands, they seized monasteries and their lands, and
reserved for the making of bread. dispossessed the clergy as had already been done in
A signal event in German brewing history took France. In 1803 they forced the closing of rhe Benedic-
place a short distance from Weihenstephan in fngol tine monastery in Freising. Its buildings and grounds
stadt, Germany, in 1516, when the first Reinheitsgebot passed into the secular ownership of rhe kingdom of
(Beer Purity Law) was declared. Until then there was no Bavaria. Brewing operations there continued, however,
restriction on the ingredients that could be used when under the administration of the Royal Holdings at
making beer lor retail sale, and these typically included Schliessheim.
herbs, fruit, and even the bark of trees. Under the new
law, however, brewers were allowed to use only barley,
hops, and water. The official reason for the act was to
conserve wheat and rye crops exclusively for the baking
of bread. Yeast was added to this list later, and to this In 1852 the Weihenstephan brewery established its first
day in Germany only those lour ingredients (barley, ties with an educational institution when the Central
hops, yeast, and water) can be used in the brewing and College of Agriculture moved to Freising. The school
selling of anything called beer. included a brewing program and Weihenstephan’s brew-
ing facilities began to be used to train apprentice
brewers. I he school was reorganized into an academy in
1895 and in 1919 became the University of Agriculture
While the lion s share of Weihenstephan’s beers would and Brewing. In 1930 it was merged into the Technical
one day be Weissbier, brewed with wheat rather than College of Munich.


Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan

Bavarian royal brewery and put it back into operation.

Weihenstephan took note of weiss beer’s new popularity
KEY DATES after the end of World War I, but it was not until 1928
(hat it brought its first wheat beer onto the market, a
768: First beer is brewed at Weihenstephan Kristallweizen it called Champagnerweizen, or
Monastery. champagne wheat beer. Weihenstephan Weizen was slow
1040: to rake off, sales grew but slowly. By the 1960s,
Weihenstephan Monastery is granted license
however, the company had firmly established its reputa-
to brew beer and sell it to the public.
tion as the maker of Germany’s finest weiss beers. By
1516: Declaration of the German Beer Purity Law.
1972 most of the beer Weihenstephan was brewing was
1803: Weihenstephan Monastery is closed and
wheat beer and it was being distributed to stores and
properties pass into the ownership of the
taverns throughout Germany. The company’s produc-
Bavarian king.
tion was severely curtailed by the outbreak of World
1852: Jprst brewing educational activities in partner-
War II. German beer production as a whole fell from
ship widi Central College of Agriculture 31.3 million barrels in 1939, rhe first year of rhe war, to
begin. 8.6 million barrels in 1949, four years after rhe war s
1855: Experimental Station for Brewing Technology end. Production picked up again rapidly in the 1950s,
is established. so much so that demand overwhelmed Weihenstephan s
1923: Company is incorporated. facilities. As a consequence, a wide-ranging renovation
1928: First wheat beer is brewed. program was launched. The brew house was modern-
2009: Company works with Boston Brewing ized; new fermentation tanks were installed, and larger
Company to create Infinium beer. lagering cellars were built. The new facilities were state
2010: Contract is signed to brew Kirin beer in of the art and expected to carry Weihenstephan through
Bavaria. the rest of the century.
In the late 1990s the Bavarian government an-
nounced the privatization of Weihenstephan Dairy,
In addition, in 1855 a Bavarian privy councilor another state-owned company located near, but
established the Experimental Station for Brewing independent of, the brewery. That decision set off
Technology, a private-sector attempt to promote innova- rumors that the brewery was to be sold as well.
tion in brewing and to develop practical knowledge that Although the rumors were quashed, in 1999 officials in
could be used by small and middle-sized breweries in the Bavarian department of finance made clear that
Bavaria. The facility, renamed the Testing and Bavaria planned to encourage much closer cooperation
Experimental Station for Brewing Technology, was between Weihenstephan and another stare-owned
relocated to Weihenstephan in 1892. 1 he Bavarian brewery, Staatliches Hofbräuhaus München, the Munich
government took over control of rhe station in 1922 Hofbräuhaus.
and placed it under the administration of Munich’s The synergies thus created, it was hoped, would en-
Technical College as part of its Department of Brewing able both companies to better compete in Germany’s
Technology. The starion continues operations in the tightening beer market, where the dominant trends for
21st century as the Weihenstephan Research Center for the previous two decades had been steadily lower beer
Brewing and Food Quality. As a result of its close as- consumption and constant downward pressure on beer
social ion with these educational institutions, the prices. Nonetheless, Weihenstephan was able to turn a
Weihenstephan brewery has become one of the world’s small profit on revenues of DEM 29 million, ap-
leading centers for research into rhe science of making proximately $15.7 million in 1999. The Hofbräuhaus
beer. boosted its sales slightly that year as well, which seemed
to bode well for the planned cooperation. Under the
cooperation agreement, the two breweries would
maintain the independence of their production and
In 1923 the brewery and its training and research facili- planning but share back office operations such as
ties were renamed Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihen- personnel and accounting.
stephan, or Bavarian Stare Brewery Weihenstephan. The
company first began brewing its popular line of wheat
beers in the same decade. Wheat beers had eventually
returned to popular favor again in the late 19th century By rhe early years of rhe first decade of the 21st century
after the family of Georg Schneider purchased the old the dismal trend that had taken hold of the German


Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan

beer market was impossible to ignore. In 2002 bottled European Kirin that tasted like the Kirin in Japan. The
water had passed beer as Germans’ most popular cold deal with Weihenstephan was intended to lower the
drink. Per capita consumption was in decline, with costs of transport for Kirin and to improve its quality by
younger Germans buying more nonalcoholic fruit bever- getting the beer onto store shelves more quickly.
ages; when they did purchase alcohol, they were opting Weihenstephan continued to strengthen its export
more for spirits than beer. At the same time, the cost of sales in the following years. Between 2003 and 2013
brewing, including energy, glass, and beer ingredients, export destinations exploded from 1 1 countries to 42.
was climbing steadily. The efforts were not always easy. Exporting a foodstuff,
Weihenstephan managed consistently to buck this and an alcoholic beverage at that, to nearly 50 countries
trend. In 2005 it boosted the amount of beer it sold required adherence to many sets of laws concerning bot-
from 216,000 hectoliters to 220,000 hectoliters, an tling and labeling. Moreover, ensuring delivery in a
increase of about 1,000 gallons. At the same time, its timely manner proved a challenge. In 2012 India was
revenues climbed 3 percent to EUR 19 million (about added to the roster, with distribution in seven major cit-
$22 million). A prime reason for the company’s success ies, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Goa, Bangalore, and
was that it was one of rhe first German brewers ro make Chennai.
a concerted effort to market its beers abroad and some Weihenstephan’s most important export market
36 percent of the company’s total output was being sold during this time was the United States, in particular in
outside Germany. Frequently, in its foreign markets, New York City, where its beers were considered a
most significantly New York, Weihenstephan beer was gourmet delicacy. Other strong foreign markets for the
sold as a high-priced, premium beer, in contrast to the company were Austria and Italy. With a shrinking and
German market trend to force the price of beer as low unprofitable domestic market, export growth was likely
as possible. New foreign markets were constantly being to remain an important priority at Weihenstephan in
opened in the first decade of the 21st century. In 2005 the coming years. The brewery wotdd undoubtedly
alone, it began selling its beers in Brazil, Kazakhstan, continue to pursue joint projects with foreign breweries
Monaco, Poland, Romania, and Russia. Revenues as well, in the spirit of innovation that has been a signet
continued to climb, albeit slowly, and in 2007 they
of Weihenstephan for more than 1,000 years.
reached $27.2 million, with profits of about $160,000.

The firm launched an innovative partnership in

Gerald E. Brennan
2009 when it invited rhe Boston Beer Company, the
makers of Sam Adams beers, to collaborate in the
production of a new beer similar ro others that Sam Ad- PRINCIPAL COMPETITORS
ams had pioneered. This new beer would be known as
Augustiner-Bräu Wagner KG; Hacker-Pschorr Bräu
an “extreme beer” and would respect the extreme limita-
GmbH; Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co KG; Privat-
tions imposed by the Reinheitsgebot. In order to achieve
brauerei Erdinger Weissbräu; Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu
this, new brewing techniques had to be developed. The
GmbH; Weisses Brauhaus G. Schneider & Sohn
result was Infinium, a beer that Jim Koch, the founder
of the Boston Beer Company, described in a 2010
interview with Modern Brewing Age as “a beer that sirs in
between a champagne, a good dessert wine, and a Sam FURTHER READING
Adams Noble Pils. Public reactions to the new brew
“Boston Beer to Roll Out Infinium.” Modern Brewery Age,
were mixed.
November 12, 2010.
"Glass Hall l ull for the German Beer Industry.” Irish Times,
April 19, 2014.
“1,000 Years Later. Germans Still Brewing.” April 18, 2014.
Another collaboration was begun in 2010. Weihen-
stephan signed a deal to brew Kirin Ichiban beer in Risen, ( lay. 'When Bad Beers Haprpen to Good Breweries.”
Bavaria. 1 he beer was Japanese, but since it was being Atlantic, January 19, 2011.
brewed in Germany, it too had to conform to the Wang Fangqing. “Kirin Holdings Signs Brewing Deal.” /ust-
strictures of the Reinheitsgebot. Corn starch and rice, Drinks, August 10, 1020.
both essential ingredients of the Japanese recipe, could Wchring, Oily. “Weihenstephan Enters India through Cerana
not be used and new ways had to be found to brew Tie-Up.” Just-Drinks, June 11, 2012.


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