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Actually existing smart citizens

Taylor Shelton & Thomas Lodato

To cite this article: Taylor Shelton & Thomas Lodato (2019): Actually existing smart citizens, City,
DOI: 10.1080/13604813.2019.1575115

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Published online: 05 Feb 2019.

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CITY, 2019

Actually existing smart citizens

Expertise and (non)participation in the
making of the smart city

Taylor Shelton and Thomas Lodato

In response to the mounting criticism of emerging ‘smart cities’ strategies around the world,
a number of individuals and institutions have attempted to pivot from discussions of smart
cities towards a focus on ‘smart citizens’. While the smart citizen is most often seen as a kind
of foil for those more stereotypically top-down, neoliberal and repressive visions of the smart
city that have been widely critiqued within the literature, this paper argues for an attention
to the ‘actually existing smart citizen’, who plays a much messier and more ambivalent role
in practice. This paper proposes the dual figures of ‘the general citizen’ and ‘the absent
citizen’ as a heuristic for thinking about how the lines of inclusion and exclusion are
drawn for citizens, both discursively and materially, in the actual making of the smart
city. These figures are meant to highlight how the universal and unspecified figure of ‘the
citizen’ is discursively deployed to justify smart city policies, while at the same time,
actual citizens remain largely excluded from such decision and policy-making processes.
Using a case study of Atlanta, Georgia and its ongoing smart cities initiatives, we argue
that while the participation of citizens is crucial to any truly democratic mode of urban gov-
ernance, the emerging discourse around the promise of smart citizenship fails to capture the
realities of how citizens are actually discussed and enrolled in the making of these policies.

Key words: smart cities, citizenship, citizen participation, urban governance

I. The emergence of the smart citizen masquerade as a public good, smart city
efforts are largely indistinguishable from

t this juncture, pointing out the dis- earlier iterations of neoliberal urbanism. So
connect between the promise of the rather than providing a cure-all to lagging
‘smart city’ and its actual implemen- cities, the smart city instead reinscribes
tation is rather uncontroversial. Dominated already substantial urban social and spatial
by visions of technology-enabled urban inequalities by privileging free market, tech-
revitalization, economic development, com- nology-centric and expert-driven forms of
munity engagement and improved citizen urban planning and governance, forcing
well-being, smart city efforts have instead cities to compete for scarce resources in
operated as a way for private and corporate new ways.
interests to further interject themselves into While these issues have become increas-
urban governance and development processes ingly well-documented in the nascent critical
in a top-down manner. Although they literature on the smart city, many such

# 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


critiques are addressed more towards the seen countless articles and editorials float
increasingly voluminous marketing literature around the internet making similar claims,
put out by smart city vendors or the yet-to- with headlines like ‘While governments talk
be-built ‘greenfield’ smart cities of the about smart cities, it’s citizens who create
global south (cf. Greenfield 2013; Söder- them’, ‘Only Smart Citizens can enable true
ström, Paasche, and Klauser 2014; Sadowski Smart Cities’, ‘Smart city needs smart citizens
and Pasquale 2015; White 2016), and less too’, ‘Without smart citizens, smart cities
towards the material conditions and changes don’t stand a chance’, and ‘Are smart citizens
underway in ‘actually existing smart cities’ getting lost in the rush to build smart cities?’
in North America and western Europe (Upadhyaya 2015; Allessie 2016; Power 2016;
(Shelton, Zook, and Wiig 2015). Regardless Ratti 2016; Shein 2016). But increasingly, the
of the continued need for more detailed and ‘smart citizen’ discourse isn’t mobilized
nuanced empirical accounts of smart city pro- solely in opposition to more conventional
jects as they’re actually being implemented smart city imaginaries. Indeed, as Kitchin
(cf. Kitchin 2015), it’s widely evident that (2015) has noted, even ‘smart city vendors
the smart city isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. such as IBM and Cisco have started to alter
Even acknowledging that this isn’t a move- the discursive emphasis of some of their
ment driven solely by profit-maximizing initiatives from being top-down managerially
technology companies like IBM, AT&T and focused to stressing inclusivity and empower-
Google, the kind of pervasive ‘technological ment’ (133).
solutionism’ inherent in all iterations of the This paper argues that while the ‘smart
idea remains a cause for concern. At the citizen’ is most often seen as a kind of foil
very least, even the most benign of smart for those more stereotypically top-down,
city efforts are incredibly resource intensive neoliberal and repressive visions of the
in terms of both financial and human smart city, the ‘actually existing smart
resources, pulling attention away from less citizen’ plays a much messier and more
spectacular, though still substantive and ambivalent role in practice—both as this
pressing, problems facing cities. figure gets deployed discursively in the
In response to the mounting criticism everyday practices of smart city-making, as
along these lines, a number of individuals well as in the actually existing practices of
and entities have attempted to pivot this citizens participating (or not participating)
ongoing discussion of ‘smartness’ from one in such efforts. In particular, we propose the
of ‘smart cities’ to that of ‘smart citizens’, a dual figures of ‘the general citizen’ and ‘the
shift crystallized in Hill’s (2013) blogpost- absent citizen’ as a heuristic to understand
qua-manifesto entitled ‘On the smart city; the dominant ways that citizens are actually
Or, a “manifesto” for smart citizens framed, enrolled and mobilized to particular
instead’. Hill’s commentary is particularly ends by powerful actors and institutions
important in its stark dichotomy between guiding smart city planning initiatives.
the vision of the smart city on the one hand, Through these two figures we first highlight
and that of the smart citizen on the other; a the ways the more general, universal, unspe-
recognition that the former is, in effect, too cified and undifferentiated figure of ‘the
far gone to save, and that only by shifting citizen’ is discursively deployed in order to
both our discourse and interventions to be justify smart city policy-making, but in a
more citizen-centric can we actually achieve way that fails to grapple with the very real
any meaningful change. But Hill has not contours of social and spatial inequality in
been alone in this call for smart citizens, nor the contemporary city. Second, we show
in the clear contrasts between this vision that, in spite of the discursive centrality of
and the more conventional imaginary of the general citizen to the way these initiatives
smart cities. The last couple of years have are thought about and enacted, actual citizens

remain largely excluded from participating in critique of ‘actually existing smart cities’.
such decision and policy-making processes And while this place-based, empirical
around smart city strategies. That is, we see grounding represents an important aspect of
these two figures as providing an outline of capturing the smart city and smart citizen as
how the citizen is constituted in the actually they ‘actually exist’, so too does our argu-
existing smart city, or, as Secor (2003) ment attempt to demonstrate the always
suggests with regard to citizenship more messy and contradictory ways that these
broadly, how lines of inclusion and exclusion ideas are implemented in practice, and how
are drawn both discursively and materially. they intersect with, are shaped by, and help
While other heuristic frameworks for under- to reproduce other social and spatial pro-
standing smart citizenship have been pro- cesses, even if these don’t necessarily mirror
posed (Vanolo 2016; de Waal and Dignum the clean breaks or direct continuities
2017; Joss, Cook, and Dayot 2017; Cowley, posited by some accounts.
Joss, and Dayot 2018; Cardullo and Kitchin The rest of the paper proceeds as follows:
forthcoming)—many of which resonate first, the paper turns to reviewing in more
with our own framing, especially in terms detail the ways that the smart citizen has
of issues of non-participation and civic been discussed by those both optimistic and
paternalism—we believe that our two ideal- critical of this discourse and its potential to
type figures provide a more concise reshape the broader discourse and practice
summary of how citizens are actually posi- surrounding the smart city. Second, the
tioned within smart city planning efforts paper explores the figure of the ‘actually
on-the-ground, rather than solely in govern- existing smart citizen’ through the dual
ment or corporate planning and marketing figures of the ‘general’ and ‘absent’ citizen,
documents. and how the emerging popular discourse
While the overarching discourses of smart around the smart citizen fails to capture the
citizenship are, like the broader discourses ways that citizens are discursively and mate-
around the smart city, ripe for critique, it’s rially figured in the making of these policies.
important that these discourses be grounded The paper concludes by considering what the
in the particular contexts in which they’re various inclusions and exclusions of ‘actually
mobilized, which affect both their pro- existing smart citizens’ mean for the dis-
duction and their outcomes. As such, in this course around ‘smart citizens’ and for our
paper we draw from our own participant broader conceptualizations of urban citizen-
observation of multiple, ongoing smart city ship. We ultimately see drawing attention to
planning efforts in Atlanta, Georgia, a city these ‘actually existing’ formulations as offer-
that has been keen to position itself at the ing the potential for moving beyond such a
forefront of smart city visioning in North limited conception of smart citizenship
America. While the empirical material here within contemporary urban planning and
is drawn particularly from the authors’ governance, suggesting the need for more
attendance at a closed-door planning genuinely democratic and egalitarian partici-
meeting and public panel discussion around pation processes within smart city efforts.
the city’s smart city planning efforts, our
interpretations of these events are informed
by more extensive research on and within II. Situating the smart citizen
the city’s smart city efforts. While the parti-
cularities of Atlanta may not be universally Although smart city programmes and initiat-
applicable to each and every city, we believe ives continue to grow in the United States and
the context of a highly unequal and segre- across the world (cf. The White House 2015;
gated city pursuing smart city efforts to be President’s Council of Advisors on Science
particularly instructive for further study and and Technology 2016), the idea of the smart

city, and of a technology-centric vision of critiques have been relatively successful in

urban life and urban governance more gener- providing a counterweight to the convention-
ally, have become the subject of significant al smart city imaginary. But as this critique
critique in recent years. This critique is has taken hold, so too have those being cri-
perhaps best seen in Greenfield’s (2013) tiqued attempted to rework their discursive
polemical Against the Smart City, which framing, so as to address these criticisms
calls to task the variety of multinational tech- without fundamentally changing the under-
nology companies building new ‘cities from lying nature of their projects. One of the
scratch’ around the globe. A variety of critical key aspects of the conventional smart city
social scientists and practitioners alike have imaginary under scrutiny has been its lack
further pinpointed a number of key issues of people, an issue highlighted recently by
with the prevailing discourses around and Vanolo (2016) in his examination of the mul-
plans for smart city developments. Most tiple ways that citizens have been treated
notably, the smart city idea has been attacked within different smart city visions. From the
for representing an overt intensification of CITE urban test-bed in southern New
neoliberal urbanism; a devolution of urban Mexico (Monks 2015) to the largely con-
governance to multinational technology cor- structed but un-populated Masdar City
porations, who are interested primarily in development in Abu Dhabi (Eymeri 2014),
maximizing their profits by capturing a new some of the most prominent examples of
urban market for one-size-fits-all policies smart cities, even when brought to fruition,
and technologies, rather than actually are absent of actual living and breathing
making substantive improvements to the human beings.
quality-of-life for urban residents around It is against this backdrop of a top-down,
the world (cf. Hollands 2008, 2015; Söder- neoliberal, technocratic and people-less
ström, Paasche, and Klauser 2014; Viitanen vision of the smart city—and an increasingly
and Kingston 2014; McNeill 2015; Wiig prominent critique thereof—that Hill’s
2015). This trend is so significant that even (2013) ‘manifesto for the smart citizen’
some of the most ostensibly community- emerged as a meaningful alternative dis-
oriented approaches to urban technology, course. Still optimistic about the potentials
such as the open data movement, are seen to of technology, just not under the conditions
have largely been co-opted and fit into the seemingly being set by the large technology
broader ethos of a ‘smart’ entrepreneurialism companies, he argued that:
(Barns 2016). Beyond this broad critique of
the corporatization of urban governance ‘Instead of the smart city, perhaps we should
under the smart city, Kitchin (2014) has out- be more preoccupied with smart citizens. The
lined a number of other overarching issues, smart city vision tends to focus on
infrastructure, buildings, vehicles, looking for
such as the potential for pervasive surveil-
a client amidst the city governments that
lance and the creeping technocracy associated procure or plan such things. But the city is
with the centring of ‘big data’ in urban something else. The city is its people. We
decision-making processes. don’t make cities in order to make buildings
Though many of these critiques have been and infrastructure. We make cities in order to
levelled at the general idea of the smart city come together, to create wealth, culture, more
represented in the celebratory marketing lit- people’ (Hill 2013).
erature offered up by its boosters, or its mani-
festation in ‘greenfield’ sites like Songdo, Similar arguments being made concurrently
South Korea (Halpern et al. 2013) or by Townsend (2013) and Sassen (2012)
Dholera, India (Datta 2015), rather than any again point towards a series of alternative
number of projects being implemented in technologies and social organizations that
already-existing urban contexts, these run counter to the top-down, command-

and-control-style smart city: civic hacking, Perng and Kitchin 2018; Tironi and Valder-
crowdfunding, ride-sharing, neighbourhood rama 2018). That being said, there remain sig-
social networking platforms and the report- nificant differences in how these emerging
ing of issues to municipal government via discourses and practices of ‘smart citizenship’
311 apps. While still very much enabled by, ought to be interpreted. Most notably,
if not focused on, technology, these examples Gabrys (2014) posits a significantly less opti-
are thought to represent a more bottom-up, mistic view of what these processes mean for
context-sensitive and citizen-centric vision citizenship in the smart city. For her, the
of the smart city, responding to actual pro- transformation of citizens into sensors also
blems being experienced by people in cities means that ‘citizenship transforms into
today, in a way that can be more widely citizen sensing’, that ‘[m]onitoring and mana-
accessed than some of the expert-driven ging data in order to feed back information
systems often associated with smart cities. into urban systems are practices that
For Sassen, the technological potential of become constitutive of citizenship’ (34).
smart cities needs to be opened up to citizens Rather than representing a democratization
through a kind of ‘open source urbanism’ or of data or a more active role for citizens in
‘urban WikiLeaks’, ‘the need [is] to design a the construction of the urban, Gabrys sees
system that puts all that technology truly at this kind of reconfiguration of citizenship
the service of the inhabitants, and not the as fundamentally more passive. In this
other way around’ (Sassen 2012). Most formulation:
often in this emerging ‘smart citizen’ dis-
course, the means by which we can realize ‘The actions of citizens have less to do with
Sassen’s vision ‘[are] here, literally in the individuals exercising rights and
responsibilities, and more to do with
hands of citizens, via phones and social
operationalizing the cybernetic functions of
media’ (Hill 2013). Townsend (2014) even the smart city. Participation involves
likens the smartphone to Patrick Geddes’ computational responsiveness and is
famed Outlook Tower in Edinburgh, which coextensive with actions of monitoring and
helped to inaugurate the modern approach managing one’s relations to environments,
to urban planning, as the technical means by rather than advancing democratic engagement
which we can come to know the city and through dialogue and debate. The citizen is a
act in/on it as ‘smart citizens’. Of course, data point, both a generator of data and a
such a smartphone-centric vision of citizen responsive node in a system of feedback’
engagement in the smart city has also been (Gabrys 2014, 38)
taken up by some of the more top-down
visions of smart cities being implemented, She continues to argue that
‘[i]t may be that the very responsiveness that
such as in New York City’s ‘quantified com-
enables citizens to gather data does not extend
munity’ of Hudson Yards (Mattern 2016). to enabling them to meaningfully act upon the
The fact that many of these initiatives are data gathered, since this would require
already developed in a number of cities, if at changing the urban ‘system’ in which they
times under-recognized and under-utilized, have become effective operators’ (43).
is seen as promising for the future of the
smart city idea. Citizens are indeed already That is, the role of the citizen-as-sensor—
organizing themselves using new technol- again, a key, pervasive element of even the
ogies in order to make their cities better most optimistic visions of the ‘smart citizen’,
places to live, to varying results (cf. Gordon enabled largely by the smartphones we all
and Manosevitch 2011; Wilson 2011; Ehn, carry around in our pockets—is one where
Nilsson, and Topgaard 2014; Offenhuber citizens have extremely circumscribed roles,
2015; Hoyng 2016; Le Dantec et al. 2016; which exclude them from a fundamental ques-
Lodato and DiSalvo 2016; Zandbergen 2017; tioning, or ultimately changing, of such roles

or the processes of urban governance. Or, as (2017) explains, fundamental to the cultural
Shannon Mattern puts it: meaning of participation, and vital to under-
standing what motivates participatory
‘We’re empowered to report failed trash pick- efforts that rely on the concept of the smart
ups or rank our favorite hospitals, but not citizen. Oscillating between an ‘optative’
entitled to know what happens to our mood—‘a happy hypothesis of change
personal data each time we pass through a toll through the involvement of more people
booth, or how the doctor we rarely see knows rather than fewer’—and a ‘critical’ mood—
our cholesterol is up. We often have little
‘what is called participation becomes a false
understanding of how and where the
mediation of urban system takes place within
claimant: phony participation.’ (Kelty 2017,
the city itself. Nor do we know how our S87)—participation is not just an activity,
intelligence translates into urban ‘sentience’, but a cultural product. The presence of this
and what is gained or lost in the conversion’ underlying neoliberal model of the citizen
(Mattern 2014, emphasis in the original) helps us to grapple with the seeming tension
between the smart citizen as an active contri-
This view of smart citizenship as fundamen- butor to the cybernetic system of the smart
tally passive dovetails with the different fra- city and as a passive consumer of its services,
meworks offered more recently by the likes a tension that requires attention to the sites
of Cardullo and Kitchin (forthcoming) and and performances of these differences. For
Cowley, Joss, and Dayot (2018). In their at the same time as the smart city responsibi-
reappraisal of Arnstein’s (1969) ‘ladder of lizes citizens by placing the onus for the city’s
citizen participation’, Cardullo and Kitchin success on their shoulders (cf. Vanolo 2014),
offer a ‘scaffold of smart citizen partici- it simultaneously disempowers them, redu-
pation’, primarily by adding a rung for the cing these citizens, and the notion of citizen-
increasingly dominant ‘citizen-as-consumer’. ship more broadly, to mere data points and
Similarly, Cowley, Joss, and Dayot (2018) the contribution thereof, or to cogs in the
offer a schematic for understanding the machine of capital accumulation. That is,
ways that smart cities enrol different visions what Cowley et al understand as the ‘civic’
of the public, or citizens, into their making. or ‘political’ modalities of the publicness are
As they demonstrate, the dominant ways in superseded by the market, and by the valori-
which citizens are conceptualized, at least zation of citizens as an instrumental means to
through smart city initiatives across six such an end.
cities in the UK, are through what they call That is to say, much of the nascent critical
the ‘service-user’ and ‘entrepreneurial’ mod- scholarship on smart citizens has already
alities. Each of these frameworks reinforces identified the tension between the hopeful
a view of citizens as simply the recipients of aspirations of enrolling citizens in the cre-
smart city initiatives, rather than fundamental ation of the smart city and the actual practices
co-creators of these policies and programmes. of investing citizens with significant power to
At best, they seem to enrol citizens as part of shape the making of such a city. Being a
a broader entrepreneurial ethos, rather than citizen in a smart city does not necessarily
out of a sense of civic duty or the public good. make one a ‘smart citizen’—indeed, there’s
So while the popular discourse of the smart something of substantive disconnect
citizen attempts to present a break with the between these two ideas. And yet, the
almost self-evidently neoliberal vision of the notion of the ‘smart citizen’ continues to be
smart city, these nascent critiques point to invoked as a kind of alternative or foil to
the fact that it actually represents a significant the more dominant, conventional under-
continuity with neoliberal understandings of standings of the smart city. While we want
citizenship. This divergence between to make clear that not all variations on the
popular discourse and critique is, as Kelty smart city or smart citizen discourse are

made equal, we remain highly skeptical that joined the growing trend of cities attempting
simply invoking a vision of smart citizens in to position themselves as ‘smart’, most often
contrast to one of smart cities represents a as a means of promoting economic develop-
sufficient shift in our collective approach to ment through inter-urban competition (cf.
these issues. Indeed, as we hope to demon- Wiig 2016). In recent years, Atlanta has par-
strate in the following section, we have reser- ticipated in a variety of smart city networks
vations about the ability of citizens to be and technical assistance programmes, from
integrated into smart city efforts in any being host to one of the initial Innovation
meaningful way, given the kind of persistent Delivery Teams from Bloomberg Philanthro-
ambiguity surrounding how citizens are pies in 2011, to the IBM Smarter Cities Chal-
thought of in the context of the already neo- lenge in 2012, the Code for America
liberal and exclusionary context of contem- fellowship programme and City Energy
porary urban governance. Project beginning in 2014, as well as the
White House’s MetroLab Network in 2015
and, most recently, the Rockefeller Foun-
III. Searching for the ‘actually existing dation’s 100 Resilient Cities programme in
smart citizen’ 2016. Though the city was unsuccessful in
its bid for $50 million as part of the US
In order to trace the two primary means by Department of Transportation’s Smart
which we are able to identify the ‘actually Cities Challenge competition in 2016,
existing smart citizen’, we turn to the case Atlanta is one of just three cities (along with
of Atlanta, Georgia and our experiences Chicago and Dallas) to be tapped as partners
observing and, at times, participating in the in AT&T’s nascent Smart Cities Framework
development and discussion of smart city partnership (AT&T 2016). This wide-
initiatives there. Atlanta represents, in many ranging participation in these various kinds
ways, precisely the kind of ‘actually existing of smart cities initiatives puts Atlanta
smart city’ that Shelton, Zook, and Wiig among the nation’s leaders in this kind of
(2015) attempt to call attention to. Long activity, further underscoring its centrality
known as the capital of the New South and within these discussions nationwide.
‘the city too busy to hate’—an ostensible Together, these initiatives provide the
bastion of relative progressivism in a conser- setting in which our observations have
vative region—Atlanta remains one of the taken place. In particular, our empirical
country’s most segregated and unequal cities work draws on attendance and participation
(Berman 2015; Pooley 2015; Silver 2015). Per- at workshops and roundtables about smart
vasive racism has continued to shape the cities, some with a deliberate emphasis on
city’s development, most notably through developing policy ideas that can be
processes of ‘white flight’ and mass suburba- implemented by the city government, others
nization (Kruse 2005), which have limited with a more abstract goal of increasing aware-
possibilities for regional collaboration on ness about these initiatives among different
crucial issues, such as the expansion of groups spread throughout the city. This
public transportation into suburban counties section uses these observations as a way of
(Henderson 2006; Basmajian 2010; Monroe addressing the continued gap in empirical evi-
2012). This pattern of development points dence with regards to how citizens are inte-
towards the fact that Atlanta and its broader grated into smart city planning and
metropolitan area have a long way to go to implementation exercises, both discursively
become ‘smart’, though the city isn’t necess- and materially. Ultimately, this section of
arily unique in this respect. the paper attempts to push forward the criti-
At the same time, however, under now- cal examination of the smart citizen initiated
former Mayor Kasim Reed, the city has by the likes of (Gabrys 2014; Vanolo 2016;

Taylor et al. 2016; Joss, Cook, and Dayot the many institutional stakeholders interested
2017; Cardullo and Kitchin forthcoming) by in Atlanta’s smart city policies: from univer-
elucidating two ideal types for how citizens sity researchers to industry partners and
are (or aren’t) being integrated into the neighbourhood development interests.
making of the smart city: the general and The workshop was organized by the City
absent citizen. While the disparate settings of Atlanta’s Office of Innovation Delivery
for our observations make it clear that and Performance (or i-team), ‘a special pro-
‘there is no one “smart city” even within a jects team that drives progress on the
city’ (Goh 2015, 183, emphasis in the orig- Mayor’s top-priority challenges’ that ‘was
inal), our research points to these trends as initially formed through a grant from Bloom-
being generally characteristic of smart city berg Philanthropies’ (City of Atlanta n.d.).
planning in Atlanta, and likely applicable to As part of the first round of such funding
other urban contexts as well, even if in a from Bloomberg Philanthropies, Atlanta’s i-
somewhat modified form. For like the actu- team was amongst the first five such teams
ally existing smart city, the actually existing across the United States.1 Though organized
smart citizen is no single thing, nor does it by the Atlanta i-team, the workshop was
stand in total opposition to the more conven- largely run by a team of three consultants
tional, celebratory narratives about smart from Barcelona—widely recognized as one
citizenship. It is instead multifaceted and of the world’s ‘smartest cities’ (European
contradictory, and might be interpreted in Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and
any number of ways. Although we dis- Communities 2015)—who were there to
tinguish between these two ideal types and impart their place-based expertise onto
instances where they are seen, and indeed Atlanta.
differentiate our empirical findings from the The workshop opened with three instances
more conceptual contributions of (Vanolo that demonstrate the variety of different ways
2016; de Waal and Dignum 2017), it is impor- that citizens and ideas of citizenship were
tant to note that they are anything but separ- deployed discursively at the workshop.
ate and discrete, but are instead overlapping During his welcome message, the first
and mutually constitutive. Indeed, as we speaker from the Atlanta i-team explained
attempt to show, the generic way in which that ‘we should all come to this as Atlantans’.
citizens tend to be treated discursively is inti- For municipal employees in different depart-
mately connected to, and supportive of, their ments, the sentiment stressed how ‘our
discursive and material absence. silos’—the variety of official, disciplinary
and even geographic affiliations of the par-
ticipants—might impede the discussion. The
A. The general citizen: discursive first speaker concluded by thanking the par-
deployments of citizenship in the smart city ticipants ‘for being here to shape our
future’. Who ‘our’ referred to—Atlanta’s
In February 2016, the City of Atlanta con- residents as a whole or only those individuals
vened a two-day workshop meant to envision in the room—is unclear. But given that
the future of Atlanta’s smart city efforts. several workshop participants were visiting
Held on the Georgia Institute of Technol- from outside the city, the comment invoked
ogy’s campus in Technology Square, a bor- a type of temporary citizenship that made
derland between Georgia Tech and the ostensibly place-based concerns of the
Atlanta’s Midtown neighbourhood that is City of Atlanta their concerns as well. That
meant to connect the technology-centric is, the visioning workshop represented a
research of the university to the broader moment where formal and substantive citi-
business community in the city, the work- zenship are further decoupled, with individ-
shop took place in a space emblematic of uals being endowed with the benefits of

substantive citizenship while lacking formal from the private sector. He remarked that
citizenship and vice versa (cf. Holston and citizens should be responsible for identifying
Appadurai 1996; Ong 2006). Newman and their needs, explaining that ‘if it upsets you, it
Safransky (2014) have described similar con- probably upsets a hundred thousand people,
texts where, under emerging conditions of and that is a really nice little business’. All
austerity governance, people who are of that is to say that the figure of the
neither public officials, nor even necessarily citizen, if not the ‘smart citizen’ in particular,
connected to the particular place, are increas- loomed large in the way workshop organi-
ingly endowed with the authority to guide zers, facilitators and participants framed
official decision-making processes. In both their ideas and motivations. But even as the
cases, the sentiment aligns with Hajer’s citizen continued to be figured as central to
(2003) claims that politics, policy and govern- the making of the smart city, the citizen was
ance are increasingly subject to new dispersed figured variously as both an active party and
geographies, which suggests that the actually a passive recipient, as both entrepreneur and
existing smart citizen isn’t necessarily bound consumer, an obligation and a business
to a particular territory or place. opportunity.
During an overview of the schedule and And yet, despite all the attention to the
goals of the workshop, the second speaker citizen, at times during the workshop, it
explained that ‘everything we’re doing is for wasn’t clear who the citizens being discussed
our citizens’. Here the citizen was invoked actually were. On the second day of the
under the auspices of stewardship: those in workshop, participants were divided into
the room were endowed with the responsibil- small groups to create proposals for new
ity of overseeing the well-being of Atlanta’s smart city policies and services. To give struc-
citizens above all else. Motivated by such a ture to the proposals, participants used one-
responsibility to the citizens of Atlanta, the page worksheets with various boxes such as
second speaker continued that the various ‘Idea Name’ (title of the proposal), ‘Associ-
challenges facing the city should be under- ated Challenge’ (what challenge this proposal
stood as ‘opportunities’ rather than pro- responded to), and ‘Partners and Roles
blems. In the third and final instance, one of Involved’ (what institutional partnerships
the consultants from Barcelona remarked would be necessary for the idea’s implemen-
that ‘ultimately this is about what’s best for tation). One box was titled ‘Benefits for
the citizens of Atlanta’. Here, the figure of city/citizens’. As an example, one of the con-
the citizen comes to the fore through a type sultants from Barcelona showed a finished
of civic paternalism, where ‘what’s best’ for worksheet for a mobile application for tour-
Atlantans is decided on their behalf by ists. This box contained two benefits: (1)
those in the room, even if these individuals ‘Inform about fancy places to visit and how
were not from the city or were unfamiliar to get there’ and (2) ‘Increase economic
with the various problems and struggles activity around the city by attracting more
taking place within the city. tourists’. It is worth noting that given the
The ways these introductions positioned equivalence of city and citizens, this
the citizen were not the only such instances example focuses on tourists—that is, non-
during the workshop. When participants citizens or non-residents—and their econ-
were asked to use post-it notes to brainstorm omic impact on the city, without explicating
ideas for what the ideal smart city should how citizens might benefit directly from the
look like, phrases like ‘true citizen engage- application or indirectly from the presence
ment’ were common, albeit with no further of well-informed tourists.
explanation or clarification on what that Once the activity was in full-swing, one of
might mean. A particularly illustrative us worked on a small team discussing a pro-
example came from a workshop attendee posal for citywide data portal. When asking

the group a seemingly simple question— relationship assumed to be true, the reality
‘what do we mean by data here?’—the is that all citizens don’t benefit equally from
immediate response from one group the tourist economy, and even those directly
member was ‘all of the data’, while another engaged in this economic sector are subject
responded simply with ‘big data’. The sub- to considerable power differentials. A
sequent exchange revealed that it was not similar logic is at play in the example of the
that people in the group were unable to be proposed data portal. In the group’s unwill-
specific—eventually deciding that the data ingness to be specific due to a fear of exclud-
portal could focus on public data otherwise ing someone, they failed to consider the
accessible through FOIA requests or third- impact that already-existing forms of social
party data providers—but instead that exclusion might have on different citizens’
group members were unwilling to preclude abilities to access and use such an application.
any particular type of data in the event that They failed to consider that not all citizens
someone might find it useful and meaningful. might be equally predisposed to, or even
As a result, the box on the worksheet titled technically capable of, using a web portal to
‘Target to whom it is addressed’ was filled access public records, or how traditional,
out with just the word ‘citizens’. But the analog FOIA requests might be handled rela-
group discussion surrounding this project tive to the maintenance of the portal. Indeed,
was more illustrative. One city employee the relationship between potential users of
was adamant about monetizing the data such a data portal and the broadest con-
portal, an imperative he attributed to the ception of ‘citizens’ in the city of Atlanta
mayor. Giving the example of businesses went unexplored. Even more, although the
requesting monthly building permit reports, team implicitly saw businesses as the prototy-
as well as citizens requesting information on pical users of the data portal, they never
a one-off basis, the use of ‘citizens’ as the addressed the potential that a data portal
target served as a placeholder by demonstrat- focused on generating revenue from local
ing the city’s accountability to the public. businesses might exclude many citizens
While ostensibly laudable, this left the true from making use of it. So even in trying not
purpose of the proposal—generating to exclude anyone a priori, the proposal ulti-
monthly revenue from real estate developers, mately embedded problematic assumptions
contractors or other business people—hidden about equity, access and resource allocation
under a veneer of citizen participation. that are characteristic of most conversations
These two proposed interventions high- about smart cities and smart citizens.
light an important lacuna within the work- Together, these examples illustrate the pro-
shop, and the city’s smart city policymaking minence of what we call ‘the general citizen’
more generally. That is, the question of within discussions of smart cities. At best,
which citizens in particular went both the general citizen is vague and poorly
unasked and unanswered. The titling of one defined, lacking the kind of specificity that
box as ‘Benefits for city/citizens’ conflates would demonstrate a meaningful attention
the geographic context of the city with the to issues of inequality and difference that
fractured interests of the municipal govern- are, or at least ought to be, at the core of dis-
ment and the variety of differently-posi- cussions around urban governance. At worst,
tioned citizens within its borders. When we observed the general citizen being used a
applied to the sample proposal of a tourist- vessel for stereotypes and groundless
oriented smartphone application, this confla- assumptions that reinscribe existing power
tion insinuates a kind of trickle-down effect, relations and hierarchies under the auspices
where what is good for the city (as a centre of paying attention to the people who make
of economic activity) is automatically good up a city. Rather than being a foil to more
for the city’s citizens. Even were this causal conventional, top-down smart city ideas, the

figure of the general citizen actually serves as smart city discourses, even as they’re being
a means by which the status quo can largely prominently invoked elsewhere. First, a
be perpetuated, allowing decision-makers to representative from the Code for Atlanta
feel as though they’ve adequately attended group, ostensibly representing the most
to the concerns of citizens simply because citizen-centric perspective of any of the pane-
they’ve not deliberately or explicitly lists, was tasked with opening the roundtable
excluded anyone. That is, the discursive cen- by providing an overview of the civic hacking
trality of ‘the citizen’ to some otherwise-con- movement. In listing the potential benefici-
ventional smart city efforts provides a kind of aries of or constituencies for Code for
justification or insulation from criticism Atlanta’s work, government employees,
while making little substantive difference in researchers, journalists, entrepreneurs and
the design or implementation of the policy innovators were included. Of course,
itself. Indeed, the rhetorical deployment of notably absent from this list are citizens.
the general citizen is powerful precisely Later on at this same meeting, the entrepre-
insofar as it is accompanied by the absence neur on the panel, himself the head of a smart
of actual citizens who might call into ques- transportation company, posed a question to
tion the kinds of unproblematized assump- himself: ‘what’s the core of a smart city?’ He
tions and generally paternalistic approach proceeded to mention the examples of an
discussed above. ambulance trying to get where it’s going, or
bureaucrats in city hall trying to figure out
how to time the traffic lights. While one
B. The absent citizen: (non-)participation in could reasonably interpret these examples as
the making of the smart city important—if somewhat mundane—things
that could help to make everyday routines
While the ways that on-the-ground actors are easier for people in the city, they’re also
deploying the discourse of the smart citizen, indicative of the extent to which citizens
even in a generic way, when justifying their aren’t actually mentioned as being a substan-
work is undoubtedly an important aspect of tive element of the smart city. That is, the
the story, it is important to pair the figure of things mentioned as being at the core of the
the general citizen with that of ‘the absent smart city highlight the extent to which the
citizen’. For all of the discussion of citizens smart city is and remains, precisely as Dan
within some circles, the citizen continues to Hill mentions in his original invocation of
remain marginal to the actually existing the smart citizen, primarily about the effi-
smart city. While this absence is certainly ciency of urban infrastructural systems, not
evident at the discursive level, it takes on an the people living in these cities. Indeed, the
even greater significance when paired with initial act of inquiring about the fundamental
the reality of how actual citizens are largely nature of the smart city in this way further
absent from important discussions and illustrates what Kitchin, Lauriault, and
decision-making efforts, which are left to be McArdle (2015) see as the major tendency
shaped by experts of one kind or another. for data-driven governance initiatives to
At a roundtable lunch discussion hosted by search for ways of understanding cities and
a local entrepreneurial organization in the their functions in a reductive manner that
summer of 2016, representatives from the might be able to be tracked longitudinally,
municipal government, private sector and despite being considered outside of their par-
civil society organizations were present to ticular historical and geographical contexts.
discuss how they’re engaging with the idea By focusing on the optimization of the
of smart cities and the future of government. surface transportation network, a largely
Two moments from this event highlight the technical exercise aided by new kinds of
continued absence of citizens from some data-collection and automated analysis, this

vision pushes to the side questions of who where in spite of the discourse around
actually uses this infrastructure (e.g. primar- citizen participation in smart city efforts,
ily car owners) and how the current state of they were unable to identify citizens not
this system has been shaped by intensely pol- already engaged in this work professionally
itical decisions made in the past (e.g. to privi- who were even aware of these efforts or
lege automobile transportation over other how they might be able to get involved in
ways of moving around the city), naturalizing them, a trend that was particularly evident
these historical and contemporary exclusions. within a variety of marginalized groups.
The exclusion of citizens from the prover- Unsurprisingly, drawing from such a group
bial table is perpetuated not only through dis- of citizens-qua-experts, as in both Atlanta
course, but also through material practices and in Amsterdam, does not yield a represen-
involved in the construction of the actually tative sample of the city’s population, either
existing smart city. While this paper has demographically or spatially, and thus
thus far documented instances where citizens works to further engrain particular kinds of
were both discursively centred and absent, bias into the planning and policymaking
arguably the most notable part of our experi- process from the start.
ence in observing smart city events has been Even more, none of the participants in this
the distinct absence of people participating workshop, nor in the other workshops and
in these workshops, meetings and discussions meetings we observed, were even elected
in their capacity as citizens, rather than representatives, but were instead municipal
through some other institutional or organiz- bureaucrats or informal representatives of
ational capacity. This dynamic was particu- certain organizations (e.g. the Code for
larly notable at the smart cities visioning Atlanta representative discussed above).
workshop discussed in the previous section. One workshop participant told us at the
While nearly all of the attendees were end of the first day that they had hoped for
indeed citizens (or, at the very least, resi- more participation among different kinds of
dents) of Atlanta, all came to the workshop people, as ‘the cutting edge’ of smart cities
by special invitation, due to the expertise is all about ‘social inclusion’. But this individ-
and organizational affiliation they brought ual also said that as much as they hoped stu-
to the table. They were representatives from dents or people of colour, among others,
some, though not all, municipal departments, would be present for such a meeting, they
such as the Atlanta Police Department and also hoped for more participation from the
the city’s Office of Sustainability, the city’s private sector. So while it is perhaps a positive
two public universities and various business sign that some participants were able to
and non-governmental organizations. That recognize some of the constituencies
is, though citizens were indeed involved, missing from the room, such a response also
they were invited as experts. In this way, highlights the challenges to making everyday
Atlanta’s smart city planning efforts instanti- citizens the centre of any smart city effort.
ate a kind of ‘business class citizenship’ A similar absence was noted in the Startup
(Sparke 2006) or what Varsanyi (2006, para- Atlanta event. In its most basic set-up, the
phrasing Isin 1997) describes as ‘the new pro- panel was composed of four men, all of
fessional class-as-transnational citizen’, whom again had a particular expertise and
wherein citizenship—at least in the substan- organizational affiliation that led to their
tive sense—is not conferred through either inclusion. During the Q&A session at the
inhabitance in a given territory or through end of the panel, a woman of colour in the
ownership of landed property, but rather audience remarked that ‘these types of
through ownership of cultural capital or events always seem to draw the same group
expertise. A similar dynamic has been ident- of people’. While it is somewhat ambiguous
ified by Taylor et al. (2016) in Amsterdam, what exactly she meant by ‘same’, the

implication is that conversations about these these citizens to be active on their own
topics tend to be dominated by white men, accord, but also to not be a burden on
whether they be invited panelists or simply society in such a way that their needs be
members of the audience, who are already actively considered (cf. Ong 2003). Through
well-connected in the city and its technology this vision, it is the deviation from the
sector. Her comment alludes to a categorical norms of what is considered to be normal
and systemic homogeneity, the recognition or acceptable that works to justify the exclu-
and vocalization of which is particularly sion of these citizens from such discussions
stark in contrast to the comments made by about policy and planning.
panelists at this event, which demonstrated But citizens aren’t entirely absent from this
a lack of faculty in discussing issues of citi- ‘actually existing smart city’. Initiatives like
zenship, inequality and difference within the the Westside Communities Alliance’s Data
context of the smart city. Dashboard2 show that citizens and commu-
Indeed, just as important as the line of nity organizations are actively enmeshing
questioning about how this lack of represen- themselves in some of the overarching dis-
tativeness might be rectified were the courses and practices of smart cities and
responses from the panelists. The representa- data-driven governance. With the goal of
tive from the City of Atlanta’s i-team noted ‘allow[ing the] community to use data
that in order to include these more margina- vibrantly, well and in its own interest’, the
lized groups, the city was partnering with Data Dashboard is explicitly positioned as
organizations in Atlanta’s historic Westside, tool for the Westside community to use in
a conglomeration of largely poor and its fight against gentrification and encroach-
African-American neighbourhoods just to ment by the Mercedes Benz Stadium project
the west of downtown. Specifically, he men- (O’Connell 2017). By integrating not just
tioned the Westside Future Fund, a local quantitative data, but also qualitative and
business elite-led organization that’s attempt- archival data, but also centring this data at
ing to ameliorate some of the negative the geographic scale of Atlanta’s neighbour-
impacts associated with the construction of hood planning units in order to be more
the new Mercedes Benz Stadium and associ- legible to residents and relevant to policy dis-
ated redevelopment activities at the West- cussions, the Data Dashboard represents a
side’s periphery, though certainly not the means by which citizens can tell their own
group that one would call the most represen- stories, demonstrating the interconnected-
tative of longtime residents who have histori- ness of different issues that they confront
cally been marginalized within the city’s on an everyday basis, such as the relationship
planning process. On the other hand, the between housing affordability, jobs and
aforementioned smart transportation execu- transit accessibility. But even as Westside
tive turned the question about a lack of residents, precisely the kind of citizens that
citizen participation into a question of a tend to be absent from official city visioning
lack of venture capital funding. His assump- workshops or tech community roundtables,
tion was, in effect, that the city’s technology are constructing their alternative vision of
community could only be inclusive when what the (smart) city might look like, they
there was more money to go around. also remain largely separate from the
Together, these examples further demon- broader discourse of the smart city, and the
strate the pervasive neoliberal understanding institutions that are responsible for creating
of citizenship that is mobilized through it. As one WCA staffer noted at the public
these instantiations of the ‘actually existing launch of the Data Dashboard at Georgia
smart citizen’. The failure to not only actively Tech last winter, the Data Dashboard
include, but even consider, marginalized project has largely been ignored by the city
people simultaneously places the onus on and by major funders who might be able to

provide resources that would help to extend But focusing on the alternate presence or
its technical capabilities and allow for more absence of citizens in these settings belies the
outreach activity around its use. Implicit in more general problem of the ‘smart citizen’
this comment was its direction at some of discourse. While failing to include the voices
the very same business-led and elite insti- of ‘average’ citizens in decision-making pro-
tutions mentioned above by city officials as cesses, or ignoring those who attempt to par-
the lone examples of how the city is attempt- ticipate, is an important failing, it’s important
ing to engage with marginalized populations. to note how the smart citizen represents and
So, while there is on the one hand a clear pres- enables a broader reconfiguration of citizen-
ence of something approximating ‘actually ship, and of urban governance, more generally.
existing smart citizens’—people using and Rather than being a kind of place-based,
engaging with data in order to make alterna- formal legal status that’s more-or-less univer-
tive representations of, and claims on, their sally applied, we ought to understand ‘smart
neighbourhoods and the city as a whole— citizenship’ as a form of substantive citizen-
these citizens and their efforts remain ship that’s constantly being performed
largely ignored and outside of the formal through the invocation of particular forms of
institutions responsible for creating the expertise and participation in policy-making
smart city. This is perhaps due in part to exercises, to the exclusion of those who in
their oppositional nature, or the fact that at fact hold formal citizenship rights within a
the same time as they adopt some of the given polity. Through such a reconfiguration
rhetoric and practices of ‘smartness’, they of citizenship around expertise, powerful
also politicize these discourses, disrupting actors are able to build ‘from the bottom up’
one of the fundamental tenets of the smart almost precisely the same vision of the city
city as it is commonly operationalized. inherited from the more stereotypical, top-
down, neoliberal approach to the smart city,
albeit now simply constructed piecemeal and
IV. Conclusion with some degree of consent or ‘buy-in’
from the appropriate constituencies of
Ultimately, all of this points towards the idea experts-qua-citizens.
that, in practice, the ‘actually existing smart While it may logically follow from our
citizen’ might not actually exist at all. At analysis that any smart city efforts ought
the very least, the emerging discourse simply to be more deliberate about attempts
around smart citizenship is clearly not to include citizens in planning and decision-
matched by the realities of how citizens are making efforts, we also caution against such
discussed and enrolled in the process of a simplistic understanding of potential sol-
making the smart city in Atlanta. That is, utions. For, as Fainstein (2000) has argued,
far from being a foil that disrupts the conven- ‘[c]ity building for the benefit of nonelite
tional understanding and operation of smart groups requires empowering those who are
cities initiatives, the actually existing smart excluded not just from discussions but from
citizen has a much more ambivalent position structural positions that allow them genuine
in relation to the hegemonic conception of influence’ (461). As much as inviting new
the smart city. Even where ‘smart citizens’ and more diverse kinds of people or deploy-
actually do exist, they don’t seem to be recog- ing technologies sensitive to local needs are
nized as such, and remain largely on the per- important, equally as important is recogniz-
iphery of these structures of power and ing that the smart citizen does not exist
decision-making processes, revealing the outside of the discourse of the smart city,
limits to the smart city and its ability to nor outside the material constraints of the
reckon with disparate voices and political neoliberal city more generally. As Mark
claims. Shepherd and Antonina Simeti argue, ‘[i]n

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