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Task 2:

It is more important for schoolchildren to learn about local history than world
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There are different views about the role of history to students at schools. While
many people value the importance of local history more than world history, I
totally disagree with this idea to some extent because both of them bring the equal
are equally worth learning for young learners.
On the one hand, there are several reasons why studying local history benefits the
growth of young children. Firstly, thorough insights into series of events that
happened in the past in their hometown can develop their patriotism. This means
that after being taught about how their ancestors defended their land against
outside intruders and reclaimed sovereignty, young children they not only would
take pride in their origin and treasure the life but also improve their responsibility
to understand more about hometown’s traditional cultures. Secondly, history shows
excellent characters motivating young generation to put their effort into studying to
be future leaders. For example, by looking back at models such as scientists or
kings in our community before, it gives young people the insight and inspiration to
move forward.
On the other hand, international history also provides some significant values in
the development of students at schools. One important aspect is that it may be
strongly related to local history and students will have a better understanding of the
subject. For example, the appearance and their invasion of the French colonial
empire have a big impact on the history of Viet Nam. Another important benefit of
studying global history is that obtaining knowledge from the world enhances a
child’s horizons of the civilization and developments of humans. Understanding
other countries’ cultures and ethic are really helpful for the young when they want
to go abroad for work or further education.
In conclusion, I am not completely in favor of the viewpoint mentioned in the
question for some reasons which have been taken into account. I believe that
domestic and global history have equal meanings to children and cannot be
brought into comparison.
(320 words)

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