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J. Raman Spectrosc. 2008; 39: 1250–1256

Published online 31 March 2008 in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/jrs.1978

Raman spectroscopy of hydroxy nickel carbonate

minerals nullaginite and zaratite
Ray L. Frost,∗ Marilla J. Dickfos and B. Jagannadha Reddy
Inorganic Materials Research Program, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Queensland
4001, Australia

Received 18 October 2007; Accepted 18 February 2008

Raman spectroscopy combined with infrared spectroscopy has been used to study the minerals, nullaginite
and zaratite. Raman bands are observed at 3650, 3556 and 3309 cm−1 for nullaginite and 3609, 3516 and
3336 cm−1 for zaratite. By using a Libowitzky-type empirical function, estimation of the hydrogen-bond
distances of the OH and water units has been made, which vary from 0.268 to 0.332 nm. Hydrogen-bond
distances of OH units are less than those for the water units. The observation of multiple asymmetric
stretching and bending modes for nullaginite suggests that the carbonate is strongly distorted in contrast
to zaratite for which only single bands are found. Raman bands at around 935 and 980 cm−1 are assigned
to OH deformation modes. Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEYWORDS: nullaginite; zaratite; hellyerite; nickel carbonates; Raman spectroscopy

INTRODUCTION and zaratite. One important method for the analysis of nickel-
bearing carbonate minerals is to use vibrational spectroscopic
In nature there exist two hydroxy nickel carbonate
techniques. Infrared and Raman spectroscopies have been
minerals nullaginite Ni2 CO3 OH2 1 – 3 and zaratite
ž used to investigate carbonates.16,19 – 25 A detailed single-
Ni3 CO3 OH4 4H2 O.4 – 8 Other non-mixed cationic
ž crystal Raman study of selected mineral carbonates has
nickel carbonates include hellyerite NiCO3 6H2 O,9
widgiemoolthalite Ni5 CO3 4 OH2 5H2 O10 and otwayite been undertaken.19,24 The application of Raman spectroscopy
Ni2 CO3 OH2 H2 O.11 There are a significant number of would seem to be an important tool for their determination
nickel carbonates with mixed cations, especially with in the context of the stability of the hydroxy carbonates of
a layered double hydroxide structure, which include Ni, Zn, Cu and Pb. However, the vibrational spectroscopy
carboydite, comblainite, mountkeithite, reevesite and of many carbonates of Ni has not been reported. This
takovite.12 – 18 Nullaginite is monoclinic with point group 2/m may be due to the unknown structure of some nickel
and is a member of the rosasite mineral group. Nullaginite hydroxy carbonates. A few infrared spectral studies of
is formed in the oxidised zone of nickel-rich hydrothermal related minerals such as the rosasite group have been
ore deposits. Zaratite is of an unknown structure and is forthcoming.25 – 28 The observation of two bands for malachite
an uncommon secondary mineral formed by alteration of suggests coupling of the hydroxyl stretching vibrations.19
chromite, pentlandite, pyrrhotite and millerite in ultramafic This coupling was not observed for azurite.19 Malachite has a
rocks. characteristic infrared active intense band at ¾430 cm1 , and
It is important to study the gaspeite–hellyerite–null- for azurite an intense band at ¾400 cm1 . The deformation
aginite assemblage and the relative stability of the minerals. modes of azurite were reported at 1035 and 952 cm1
The reason is that these minerals are the stable minerals and at 1045 and 875 cm1 for malachite.25,29 Minerals in
at atmospheric pressure. Such minerals may be used as a the rosasite group, of which nullaginite is a member,
sink for carbon dioxide. Therefore, these minerals could be (a group of copper hydroxy carbonates) namely, rosasite,
of importance for the geosequestration of greenhouse gases. glaukosphaerite, kolwezite, mcguinnessite, nullaginite and
Pumping liquid CO2 below the ground where suitable nickel pokrovskite, have been studied by Raman spectroscopy at
deposits are found could result in the formation of nullaginite 298 and 77 K.22,30
Vibrational spectroscopic studies of carbonate miner-
Ł Correspondence to: Ray L. Frost, Inorganic Materials Research als have been undertaken over an extended period of
Program, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Queensland
University of Technology, Brisbane Queensland 4001, Australia. time.31 – 33 Adler and Kerr31 showed that differences in the
E-mail: infrared absorption spectra of carbonates were a function

Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Raman spectra of nullaginite and zaratite 1251

of cation size. Raman studies also have been forthcom- Raman microprobe spectroscopy
ing but not recently.34 – 36 Farmer37 reported the vibrational The crystals of nickel hydroxy carbonates were placed and
wavenumbers of calcite-structured minerals (Table 12. IX oriented on the stage of an Olympus BHSM microscope,
page 239). In this table, the band positions for smithsonite equipped with 10ð and 50ð objectives and part of a
were listed as 1093 cm1 (1 symmetric stretching mode), Renishaw 1000 Raman microscope system, which also
1412 and 1440 cm1 (3 antisymmetric stretching mode), includes a monochromator, a filter system and a charge-
870 cm1 (2 in-plane bending mode), 733 and 743 cm1 (4 coupled device (CCD). Raman spectra were excited by a
out-of-plane bending mode) with lattice modes at 307, 200, He–Ne laser (632.8 nm) at a nominal resolution of 2 cm1 in
165 cm1 . This table reported the results of the infrared the range between 100 and 4000 cm1 . Repeated acquisition
spectrum of gaspeite.38 Some variation of band positions is using the highest magnification was made to improve
found in the literature. Very little spectroscopic information the signal-to-noise ratio. Spectra were calibrated using the
on carbonates including hydrated and hydroxyl carbon- 520.5 cm1 line of a silicon wafer. Details of the technique
ates of nickel is available. However, a comparison may be have been published by the authors.21,59 – 61
made with the mineral aurichalcite. The mineral aurichalcite
Zn,Cu2C 5 CO3 2 OH6 is also monoclinic as are many of Mid-IR spectroscopy
the other hydroxy carbonates such as malachite.39 – 41 The Infrared spectra were obtained using a Nicolet Nexus 870
accurate X-ray crystallography of zaratite and nullaginite FTIR spectrometer with a smart endurance single bounce
is difficult to obtain because of its very small interwoven diamond attenuated total reflection (ATR) cell. Spectra over
needles, which makes single-crystal studies difficult or less the 4000–525 cm1 range were obtained by the co-addition
reliable.41 – 44 Reports regarding the chemical analysis, ESR, of 64 scans with a resolution of 4 cm1 and a mirror velocity
electronic and some limited infrared spectroscopic studies of 0.6329 cm/s. Spectra were co-added to improve the signal-
have been published.45 These works reported optical spec- to-noise ratio.
tra revealing the presence of copper in D4h symmetry with Spectral manipulations such as baseline adjustment,
crystal field (Dq) and tetragonal field (Ds and Dt). This smoothing and normalisation were performed using the
research was further extended to a comparison of rosasite Spectracalc software package GRAMS (Galactic Industries
and aurichalcite.46 Optical and EPR spectra of aurichalcite Corporation, NH, USA). Band component analysis was
accounted for Cu2C ion in the distorted octahedron site.46 undertaken using the Jandel ‘Peakfit’ software package,
Stoilova et al.47 (2002) reported the infrared spectra of a which enabled the type of fitting function to be selected and
series of synthetic hydroxy carbonates containing Cu2C . allows specific parameters to be fixed or varied accordingly.
Raman spectroscopy has proven very useful for the Band fitting was done using a Lorentz–Gauss cross-product
study of minerals.48 – 50 Indeed, Raman spectroscopy has function with the minimum number of component bands
proven most useful for the study of diagentically related used for the fitting process. The Gauss–Lorentz ratio was
minerals such as zaratite and nullaginite as often occurs with maintained at values greater than 0.7 and fitting was
carbonate minerals.51 – 55 Some previous studies have been undertaken until reproducible results were obtained with
undertaken by the authors using Raman spectroscopy to squared correlations of r2 greater than 0.995.
study complex secondary minerals formed by crystallisation
from concentrated sulfate solutions.56 Few Raman studies of
any note are available.57,58 The aim of this paper is to present
Raman and infrared spectra of the zaratite and nullaginite Spectroscopy of carbonate anion
and to relate the Raman spectra to the structure of the Nakamoto et al.62 first published and tabulated the selec-
mineral. tion rules for unidentate and bidentate anions including
The paper is a part of systematic studies of the vibrational the carbonate anion. The free ion, CO3 2 with D3h symme-
spectra of minerals of secondary origin in the oxide try exhibits four normal vibrational modes: a symmetric
supergene zone and their synthetic analogues. In this paper stretching vibration (1 ), an out-of-plane bend (2 ), a dou-
we report the Raman and infrared spectra of nullaginite and bly degenerate asymmetric stretch (3 ) and another doubly
zaratite. degenerate bending mode (4 ). The symmetries of these
modes are A1 0 R C A2 00 IR C E0 R, IR C E00 (R, IR), and
occur at 1063, 879, 1415 and 680 cm1 , respectively. Gener-
ally, strong Raman modes appear around 1100 cm1 owing
Minerals to the symmetric stretching vibration (1 ) of the carbon-
The minerals were obtained from CSIRO, Western Australia. ate groups, while intense IR and weak Raman peaks near
The minerals were loaned through the courtesy of Dr Ernie 1400 cm1 are due to the asymmetric stretch (3 ). Infrared
Nickel. These minerals have already been characterised.1 – 3 modes near 800 cm1 are derived from the out-of-plane bend
The samples were phase-analysed by X-ray diffraction and (2 ). Infrared and Raman modes around 700 cm1 region are
measured for chemical composition by EDX. due to the in-plane bending mode (4 ). This mode is doubly

Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2008; 39: 1250–1256
DOI: 10.1002/jrs
1252 R. L. Frost, M. J. Dickfos and B. Jagannadha Reddy

degenerate for undistorted CO3 2 groups.62 As the carbon-

ate groups become distorted from regular planar symmetry,
this mode splits into two components.62 Infrared and Raman
spectroscopies provide sensitive test for structural distortion
of CO3 2 .
The Raman spectra of nullaginite and zaratite in the
2600 to 3800 cm1 region are shown in Fig. 1. The Raman
spectrum of nullaginite suffers from a lack of quality because
of an intense fluorescent background. Such fluorescence may
indicate the incorporation of actinide and or lanthanide
cations in the nullaginite. Deconvolution of such a spectrum
must be treated with caution. Raman bands in this spectral
region of nullaginite are observed at 3309, 3556 and
3650 cm1 . These bands are attributed to OH stretching
vibrations. In the infrared spectrum in the 2500 to 3800 cm
cm1 region (Fig. 2), two intense sharp bands are observed
at 3645 and 3681 cm1 with broader bands observed at 3269,
3473 and 3602 cm1 . The first two bands of nullaginite are
ascribed to the OH stretching vibrations of nullaginite and
the latter three bands to the water stretching vibrations.

Figure 2. Infrared spectra of nullaginite and zaratite in the 2500

to 3800 cm1 region.

In the Raman spectrum of zaratite (Fig. 2), two sets of

bands are displayed: (1) bands at 3336, 3516 and 3609 cm1
and (2) bands at 2751, 2867, 2933 and 2981 cm1 . It is probable
that these latter four bands are due to the presence of organic
molecules on the mineral surface. The first three bands are
attributed to OH stretching vibrations. In the infrared spectra
of zaratite, two sharp, intense bands in similar position to that
of nullaginite are found at 3648 and 3686 cm1 . The broad
infrared bands at 3097, 3380 and 3569 cm1 are assigned to
water stretching vibrations. The bands at 2854 and 2924 cm1
are as in the Raman spectrum assigned to CH stretching
bands due to adsorbed organic molecules.
Studies have shown a strong correlation between OH
stretching wavenumbers and both OÐ Ð ÐO bond distances and
HÐ Ð ÐO hydrogen bond distances.63 – 66 Libowitzky67 showed
that a regression function can be employed relating the
hydroxyl stretching frequencies with regression coefficients
Figure 1. Raman spectra of nullaginite and zaratite in the 2600 better than 0.96 using infrared spectroscopy. The func-
to 3800 cm1 region. tion is described as: 1 D 3592304 ð 109 0.1321 cm1 .

Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2008; 39: 1250–1256
DOI: 10.1002/jrs
Raman spectra of nullaginite and zaratite 1253

Thus OHÐ Ð ÐO hydrogen bond distances may be calcu-

lated using the Libowitzky empirical function. The val-
ues for the OH stretching vibrations delineated above
provide hydrogen-bond distances for nullaginite based
on the Raman wavenumbers of 0.275 nm 3309 cm1 ,
0.319 nm 3556 cm1 , 0.320 nm 3650 cm1 . Estimation
of hydrogen-bond distances for nullaginite based on
infrared wavenumbers are 0.273 nm 3269 cm1 , 0.286 nm
3473 cm1 , 0.310 nm 3602 cm1 , 0.320 3645 cm1  and
0.330 3681 cm1 . The values for the OH stretching
vibrations delineated above provide hydrogen-bond dis-
tances for zaratite based on the Raman wavenumbers
of 0.291 nm 3516 cm1  and 0.315 nm 3609 cm1 . Esti-
mation of hydrogen-bond distances for zaratite based on
infrared wavenumbers are 0.268 nm 3097 cm1 , 0.278 nm
3380 cm1 , 0.307 nm 3569 cm1 , 0.320 nm 3648 cm1 
and 0.332 nm 3686 cm1 . It is noted that such hydrogen-
bond distances as listed in Table 1 are not easily determined
and cannot be determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction
techniques. Some conclusions may be drawn from these cal-
culations. First, the hydrogen-bond distances of OH units
attributed to water are significantly shorter than those of OH
units. This suggests the the water molecules are hydrogen-
bonded to the carbonate units. Second, the hydrogen bonding
of OH units to carbonate units is weaker as determined by the
H-bond distances. By using Libowitzky-type empirical rela-
tionships, estimates of the hydrogen-bond distances can be
made. Such determinations are difficult to make otherwise.
The Raman spectra in the 800 to 2200 cm1 region of
nullaginite and zaratite are shown in Fig. 3. The Raman
spectrum of zaratite appears simpler than that of nullaginite.
The bands at 1072 cm1 are assigned to the CO3 2 1
symmetric and 3 antisymmetric stretching modes of the Figure 3. Raman spectra of nullaginite and zaratite in the 800
carbonate anion. The band at 1612 cm1 is attributed to to 2200 cm1 region.
the water bending mode. The position of this band shows
that the water is only weakly bonded. The bands at antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The Raman band at
935 and 980 cm1 are assigned to water OH deformation 1639 cm1 may be assigned to water bending modes even
modes. The band at 2115 cm1 is assigned to an overtone. though the intensity of the water bending mode is often of
For nullaginite, the band at 1094 cm1 is assigned to the very low intensity in the Raman spectrum. When significant
CO3 2 1 symmetric stretching vibration. Two bands intensity is observed, it indicates that the water is in a
for nullaginite at 1430 and 1546 cm1 are ascribed to position of high symmetry. The mineral does not have
CO3 2 3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. A single water units in its molecular formula, and therefore the
band at 1367 cm1 for zaratite is assigned to the CO3 2 3 band must be attributed to adsorbed water. The band at

Table 1. Estimation of hydrogen-bond distances of OH units and water molecules

Nullaginite Zaratite
Raman H-bond distance Infrared H-bond distance Raman H-bond distance Infrared H-bond distance
(cm1 ) (nm) (cm1 ) (nm) (cm1 ) (nm) (cm1 ) (nm)

3309 0.275 3269 0.273 3516 0.291 3097 0.268

3556 0.319 3473 0.286 3609 0.315 3380 0.278
3650 0.320 3602 0.310 – – 3569 0.307
– – 3645 0.320 – – 3648 0.320
– – 3681 0.330 – – 3686 0.332

Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2008; 39: 1250–1256
DOI: 10.1002/jrs
1254 R. L. Frost, M. J. Dickfos and B. Jagannadha Reddy

927 cm1 is, as for zaratite, assigned to OH deformation at 881 and 835 cm1 . In this work, we could not identify
vibrations. a band at 881 cm1 as the band is within the spectral
The infrared spectra in the 550 to 1750 cm1 region of profile of the 934 cm1 band. The infrared bands at 1070
nullaginite and zaratite are shown in Fig. 4. The infrared and 1072 cm1 for nullaginite and zaratite are assigned to the
spectrum is limited to the cut-off point at 550 cm1 at which (so-called infrared forbidden) 1 symmetric stretching mode.
point the diamond ATR cell starts absorbing the infrared A complex infrared spectral profile for zaratite is observed
radiation. However, such a cut-off point does not affect the at around 1350 cm1 with resolvable component bands at
infrared spectroscopy of minerals containing carbonate, as 1324, 1345 and 1386 cm1 . These bands may be ascribed to
all the bands are above 550 cm1 . The infrared spectrum of the CO3 2 3 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. Multiple
nullaginite is dominated by the intense band at 934 cm1 . bands provide an indication of the distortion of the CO3 2
This band is assigned to the OH deformation vibration. This anion in the zaratite structure. Only a low-intensity band at
band is observed at 941 cm1 for zaratite. The shoulder at 1371 cm1 is observed for nullaginite.
1070 cm1 is the infrared equivalent of the Raman band A comparison may be made with the spectra of other
observed at 1094 cm1 . This band is found at 1072 cm1 for carbonate minerals such as rosasite of which nullaginite has a
zaratite. The second most intense band is at 617 cm1 and similar structure.22,30,68 The infrared spectrum of the mineral
is attributed to the 4 bending mode. This infrared band rosasite shows two intense bands at 870 and 818 cm1 .
is observed at 584 cm1 for zaratite. The band at 806 cm1 These bands are assigned to the 2 bending modes of the
for nullaginite and at 832 cm1 for zaratite is assigned to CO3 2 units. The first band is not Raman active, as is
the 2 bending mode. Interestingly, Farmer37 reported part observed by the absence of any intensity. A Raman band
of the infrared spectrum of zaratite. He reported 2 bands for rosasite is observed at 817 cm1 , which corresponds to

Figure 4. Infrared spectra of nullaginite and zaratite in the 550 Figure 5. Raman spectra of nullaginite and zaratite in the 100
to 1750 cm1 region. to 800 cm1 region.

Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2008; 39: 1250–1256
DOI: 10.1002/jrs
Raman spectra of nullaginite and zaratite 1255

the infrared band at 818 cm1 . The observation of two 2 gratefully acknowledged. The Australian Research Council (ARC)
bands is in harmony with the observation of two sets of is thanked for funding the instrumentation.
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DOI: 10.1002/jrs
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Copyright  2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc. 2008; 39: 1250–1256
DOI: 10.1002/jrs

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