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A C-E Translation Report on The Economist SPECIAL REPORT: Stabilising the climate
经济学人专题报告: 稳定气候翻译实践报告

学院: 西方语
班级: 英法 1801
选题设计 20 分
章节结构 40 分
语言规范 20 分
格式规范 20 分
姓名: 刘炯英
I. Task Description
1.1 Origin of the Task
1.2 Discription of the Task
II. Process Description
2.1 Pre-translation Preparations
2.1.1 Brief of the Author and the Passage
2.1.2 Translaiton Tools and Books of Reference
2.2 Process of Translaiton
2.2.1 Preliminary
2.2.2 Revision and Modification
III. Case Analysis
3.1 Translation on the Lexical Level
3.2 Translation of the Title
3.1 Lesson and Value Learnt

一、 翻译任务简介
(一) 任务来源
(二) 任务描述
二、 翻译任务过程
1. 作者及作品简介
2. 翻译工具及参考书籍
1. 初译阶段
2. 审阅阶段
三、 实践中出现的问题及解决方案
(二) 标题的翻译
[1] Bambrough, Renford. The Philosophy of Aristotle. New York: The New American Library,
[2] Davis, Sherri Heckler. “The Zen Art of Prewriting.” New Mexico English Journal 12. 1 (1988):
[3] Seleskovitch, Danica. Lederer, Marianne. Pédagogie raisonnée de l’interprétation,Didier
[4] Lederer, Marianne. La théorie interprétative de la traduction :un résumé, Le Monde,8/9.1987.
[5] 刘和平. 英语口译教程[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2013.
[6] 刘和平. 翻译的动态研究与口译训练[J].中国翻译,1999(4).
[7] 胡文仲. 跨文化交际概论[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1999.
[8] 郭兰英. 口译与口译人才培养研究[M].北京:科学出版社, 2007.
Original text and translation
The agenda 日程:启
Some 1,500 years before the birth of 在基督诞生前约 1500 年,当第十八王
Christ, when the chariots of Ahmose I, the first 朝的第一任法老阿摩司一世的战车将整个
pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, had brought all of 埃及带回底比斯的统治之下时,地球大气
Egypt back under the rule of Thebes, the level 中的二氧化碳含量约为百万分之 277。一千
of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere was 年后,当释迦牟尼佛在菩提树下开悟时,
about 277 parts per million (ppm). When the 以及一个世纪后,当苏格拉底喝下他那杯
Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment 毒芹时,二氧化碳的水平几乎没有任何变
under the Bodhi Tree a millennium later, and 化。当中国的唐朝和第一个穆斯林哈里发
when Socrates drained his cup of hemlock a 在公元 7 世纪出现时,或者当阿兹特克帝
century after that, the level of CO2 had hardly 国在世界的另一端被征服者攻陷的九个世
changed at all. It was barely different when the 纪后,它几乎没有什么不同。在历史上的
Tang dynasty in China and the first Muslim 大部分时间里,地球大气层的组成一直是
caliphate arose in the 7th century ad, or when 人类戏剧的一个不变的背景,就像其大陆
the Aztec empire fell to the conquistadors nine 的排列或月球的面貌一样。
centuries later on the other side of the world.
For most of history the composition of Earth’s 在 19 世纪中期,情况发生了变化。按
atmosphere has been as unchanging a 照历史标准,二氧化碳的水平很快就开始
backdrop to the human drama as the 上升,按照地质学标准,二氧化碳的水平
arrangement of its continents, or the face of its 也瞬间上升。几千年来一直保持在 275ppm
Moon. 和 285ppm 之间,到 1910 年代,它已经达到
In the middle of the 19th century that 了 300ppm。到 2020 年,它是 412ppm(见
changed. Very quickly by historical standards, 图)。在一个世纪左右的时间里,地球运
and instantaneously by geological ones, the 作的一个重要方面经历了比以前一千年所
CO2 level began to rise. Having stayed 见大 100 倍的变化。
between 275ppm and 285ppm for millennia, ...
by the 1910s it had reached 300ppm. By 2020
it was 412ppm (see chart). In a century or so a
crucial aspect of Earth’s workings had
undergone a change 100 times greater than
had previously been seen in a millennium.

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