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15 Sections - Could be more to be specific for your business

Organizing your business information and files

1 - Business Planning - business plans, vision, M&A’s, , business registration documents, etc.
2 - Competition - Stay on top of how the industry is changing
3 - Facilities - Office space, furniture, recycling, etc.
4 - Financial - banking info, insurance, budgeting, recurring financial activities, CRA, credit cards, KPI
Information (key performance indicators), statements, etc.
5 - Good company - always try to give back either locally or globally
6 - HR - all hiring/firing/handbook/onboarding/interviewing/resumes/employee reviews/etc. info
7 - Internal systems - systems that run your business and forms - letterhead, fax form, quote form, etc.
8 - Marketing - all marketing info - plans/logos/powerpoint presentations, seminars, website, etc.
9 - Meetings - need to have an agenda, be on time and be productive - they can be expensive on everyone’s
time if not
10 - Networking - helps to get your name out, learn about the industry and obtain sales leads
11 - Procedures - As you grow everyone must do everything the same way
12 - Projects - If you are doing project based work - plan your work and work your plan! Without a plan
mistakes will be made and time will be wasted
13 - Sales - All information/notes/quotes/etc. on customers
14 - Solutions - Present and future product and/or service offerings
15 - Suppliers - All information on suppliers

You also need the following databases - customers, suppliers, partners, employees

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