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1. What’s your routine like?

2. What tech devices do you use every day?

3. What activities do you do with these devices?
4. How do you feel when you use technology devices?
5. What tech devices are you using these days? This year?
6. In your opinion, do you depend too much on technology OR on your devices? Why?
Why not?
7. How do you feel when you are using technology? and when you are not using it?
8. What activities can you implement in your daily routine to stop using technology
9. In your opinion, why is it important to do the activities?

Hi, my name Fabian and today, I want to talk about my routine with technology and devices and
how we depend on it.
FIRST: I want to talk of the technology that I use in my daily routine for example my cellphone
that I use every minute to check social media or to waste the time other is my video games
console that I use in the evening to distract myself other is my computer that I use to do
homework and finally my earphones that I use to listen to music when I’m walking, or I go for
somewhere alone.
SECOND: about how I feel when I use technology devices, I think that I feel normal when I use
technology because I use technology every day and I feel that it is already part of my live, but
when I don’t use it’s I feel anxious and uncomfortable because I’m used to listening to music at
all times, and I check social media when I am bored or stressed, that’s why I think I depend of
the technology a little.
TO END: I want to give you some tips and activities to not depend on technology,
Go exercise.
Go out with your friends.
Read books.
try to use technology as little time as possible.

These tips are important because they will help you to be self-sufficient.

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