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Fried Donut Recipe

1. Melt shortening in the milk using low heat. Let cool until just a bit warm, not hot.

2. Mix yeast in the warm water(warm not hot, hot water kills the yeast). Leave for
5 to 10 minutes.
3. Transfer the milk mixture in a bowl. Add sugar and salt and dissolve completely.

4. Add 1 cup flour, eggs and the yeast mixture. Stir till fully incorporated.

5.  Add the rest of the flour and mix. Once flour almost gets fully mixed, knead
using dough hook until the batter starts to leave the sides of the bowl. Transfer in
a lightly floured surface.
6. Knead until smooth and elastic. Lightly oil the bowl and put the dough in.

7. Cover using a cloth or plastic wrap and let rise for about an hour until double.
8. Transfer the dough in a floured surface and flatten to about half an inch. Using
a donut cutter or cookie cutter or anything circle, cut out donuts. Remove the rest
of the dough except the circles formed. I used my baby's milk plastic container,
it's mouth is about 2.75" diameter.

For the excess dough, you may form it into a ball again and flatten it then do the
cutting of the circles again.

9. Cut out the center circle using a doughnut cutter or a small cookie cutter or in
my case a small medicine measuring cup about 1" diameter.
10. Cover the donuts and let rise again for about 30 minutes.

11. You may form the excess dough into any shape you want and allow to rise also.
12. These donuts have risen again and ready for frying.

13. Meantime prepare your glaze. In a bowl, mix sugar and melted butter. Add
vanilla extract.
14. Add evaporated milk until you achieve your desired consistency.

15. In a pan, fry donuts until light brown using medium heat. Invert using chopstick
or the rounded handle of big spoon.

16. Place donuts over a paper towel for the excess oil to be absorbed.
17. Dip one side of the donuts in the glaze. Allow the donuts' glaze to dry and set.

18.  After all the hard work, your donuts are now ready to be served. Enjoy! :)

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