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The below participant information sheet and consent form should only be used when conducting an

online questionnaire survey where the data collected is identifiable.


An evaluation of customer behaviour of women aged 19-29 years in the UK fashion industry

The purpose of the research is to find out the influences or behaviours of female customers related
to engagement in the fashion industry.
The research project is being conducted by [RESEARCHER NAME] at Coventry University. You have
been selected to take part in this questionnaire survey because you of Location, Age, and Gender
cirteria. Your participation in the survey is entirely voluntary, and you can opt out at any stage by
closing and exiting the browser. If you are happy to take part, please answer the following questions
relating to the behaviour of UK customers in the fashion industry. Your answers will help us to find
out the consumer behaviour characteristics and its impact on UK Fashion Industry. The survey
should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Your answers will be treated confidentially and the information you provide will be kept anonymous
in any research outputs/publications.

Your data will be processed in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (UK
GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Your data will be held securely in a password protected
folder and will only be viewed by the researcher/research team. All data will be deleted by [DATE].

You are free to withdraw your questionnaire responses from the project data set at any time until
the data is destroyed on [ENTER DATE]. You should note that your data may be used in the
production of formal research outputs (e.g. journal articles, conference papers, theses and reports)
prior to this date and so you are advised to contact the lead researcher at the earliest opportunity
should you wish to withdraw from the study (contact details are provided below). You do not need
to provide a reason for withdrawing. A decision to withdraw, or not to take part, will not affect you
in any way.

Coventry University is a Data Controller for the information you provide. You have the right to
access information held about you. Your right of access can be exercised in accordance with the UK
General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. You also have other rights
including rights of correction, erasure, objection, and data portability. For more details, including
the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office, please visit Questions, comments and requests about your personal data can also be sent to
the University Data Protection Officer via
The research was granted ethical approval by Coventry University’s Research Ethics Committee.

For further information, or if you have any queries, please contact the lead researcher [NAME AND
CONTACT DETAILS]. If you have any concerns that cannot be resolved through the lead researcher
or supervisor, please contact

Online Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form – Identifiable Data v2 July 2021
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your help is very much appreciated.

 I have read and understood the above information.

 I confirm that I am aged 18 or over.
 I agree to take part in this questionnaire survey.

Note to researcher: You must include a forced response question, which records an explicit
confirmation of informed consent. If there is more than one defined purpose to the research project,
a separate consent statement should be provided for each. The boxes cannot be pre-ticked as this
will not allow for an explicit and affirmative declaration of informed consent.

Online Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form – Identifiable Data v2 July 2021

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