Hackers IELTS Listening

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HACKERS IELTS LISTENING | C4p nhap xu hung ra dé IELTS méi nhat 19 php tuys in Hackers IELTS Listen! Dat diém cao théng qua vige uyén tp nhiéu dang cau héit Noe sch oo n ehinh xa theo hinh thd giéng igu 66 06 thd bi kg long ‘Tai figu hoc tap phong phd gidp det duige myc tiéut 4 ofp oe tal gu nhu: Héi-dé Hi vong ring Hackers IELTS Listening sé tré thanh cudin edim nang hdl ich gid ban dat duce diém $6 mong mudin trong bal thi IELTS va ld nguél ban ding hianh ééng tin e@y eta ban trén con duéng ein phye ude mo. ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ q An xem file nghe va cac file phu tro khac Bung That khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ fs @ TOPIC LIST Ly do HACKERS IELTS Listening gidp ban dat dim cao Gidi thigu ky thi IELTS Gi6i thigu IELTS Listening va céc chién luge luyén thi Ké hoach hoc tap Diagnostic Test Chapter 01 Multiple Choice Chapter 02 Note/Form Completion Chapter 03 Table Completion Chapter 04 Sentence/Summary/Flow-chart/Diagram Completion Chapter'0S Matching Chapter 08 Map/Plan/Diagram Labelling Chapter 97 Short Answer Actual Test Phy luc Dap An « Script + Phan tich + Gidi 48 ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit yf LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g PrCrr nia = = TOPIC LIST in xu hudng ra 48 mé nha trong ky th IQUE! hoe 66 thé ridin r@ nhiIng chit €t duge nhang diém yéu cfin kc phye oda oe tp ph hop nhut chon ra ni chi a6 chiwe ta curiae HPS PHP SECTION 1 ch 2 HP 1-4 Pachty aia School fe wagner brian oTy Destination nOHPI4 = GneHPS7 cHTa10 — aTitg0 sananres chinTi10 @nanP toa SECTION 2 Ch6 HP 6-11 Event Ch4uPad on7HPa7 Other topics GhsHP ia Ohenpiaia . ’ ung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ q CUTE ro ‘Anthropology «Archaeology Ch 7 HP 12-15 Biology Ch4HP 9-13 usinese Cnt HT 1120 ChaHP 1418 chaHP 9-1 Education cha HP 58 SECTION 3 Engineering ch HP 17-20 Theatre ch7HP 8-411 Geology AT 21-80 Linguistics Ch4HP 1417 ChSHP842 Poychology pr2t-30 Gh HP 12-16 Biology ChEHP 13-17 ATS1-40 Business Cha HT +410 Chemistry oh2 HT 14-20 Food : Nutrition Chi HP 2125 ChSHT1-10 SECTION 4 History pr aio Cha HP 14-19 Geology ch4 HP 1821 Medical science ch2 HP 194 Psychology Ch 2 HP 23-28 Technology (Ch 4HP 22-25 Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr — fo) LYDO Lyte dat) RIESLING GIUP BAN DAT BIEM CAO 01 Chinh phuc IELTS Listening bang chién lugc hoc tap hop ly! TOPIE LIST Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ XuhuiGng ra 8 mi nhat va TOPIC LIST Cun each bao gém nhdng cha dé bam sat 24 hung rad méi nbd trong bal FELTS Listening. Ngoai ra, cdc ohii dé nay duge ‘dp xép trong muc lye mat dich logic gitip gui hoc di theo dot val 66 thé ia chon ‘fp trung én layén ning chi 48 ma ban than oon yéu. Bl iden tra treatin gid va kd fhogeh hie tip 4 tude tudin Ngudi hee °6 thé ty danh gid nang iyo ban than qua bai Diagnostic Test o6 hint thie va kh tuong duong vet thi thet Stich cing gol ¥ KE hogeh 4 tuan/6 tun ip ngudl hge ©6 thé Iva chon mot kis hhogeh luygn thi hidu quai va pha hep vei tinh 4 ota minh, 02 Luyén tap tiing buéc 4é nang cao trinh 46! WML Stich duge thiétké gidp nguél hoe d& dang iuyen fp cfc dang bai theo timg bude fam 38 c6 thé nfim che ede dang eat hai va. o6 chin luge lam bal hop WY. Dghig Bai & ehh trust tam bet Gi6i thigu ode dang cau néi va. finn thio xuét hign ofa thing dang trong bai thi that. di véi méi dang, sch gisi thieu chién thudt lm bai higu qua nnd va vi dy thye t8 68 ngudl hoo d8 &p-dung trong bai thi that. Actual Test Cae bai thi duge bién soan theo hinh thie ‘va 46 khé oa bai thi that gdp mquéi hoo ty anh gid nang lye ban than tube ke th va qua 66 luyén IELTS Listening higu qua nha. Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Eten — Hackers Practice & Hackers Test Bang cach &p dng kién thde vé ofc dang ‘cu hdi va chién thugt lam bai vao ede bai luyén tp 6 hinh thie giéng bai thi that inhuing 6 dai khdéc nhau, nguéi hoo 6 thé vita t€p trung luyén tap vila nang cao Kha nding thich Ging véi a6 thi thi Phu tue Phrdn hai dp v8 ofc théic mae thuting gp sidp nguts hoe ©6 thé tent mc NS Kh tr Ibi cc cau hdi oa phd thi Nghe. Ngoal ra ban 86 6n luyén higu qué hon vol danh sch che ti vung en thit cho méi chi d8 duce ligt ke chi-6t va he théng. ptnndeeaitnese ‘9 MAM OMTGaca am ETAT GIUP BAN DAT DIEM CAO 03 Dap an, script, phan tich va giai dé gidp nang cao nang lyc! Sip, phn th dap dn va te vg ‘Sich dua ra nhiing phan tich chinh xe-vé cfc dang bai va cung ofp ning ta vung quan trong a nguts ge knéng oi higu ma cin ting eutng vén ti wyng mt cach 06 trong thm, SSéch dua ra.nhdng gidithich chi Wét cho cde dap dn gdp nguei doe vita higu «6 cfu tr i, Via lam quen vai oe phuong php va chién luge tr i Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Brera — 04. cac cuén sch con lai trong bo HACKERS IELTS Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ JELTS READING Guén sfich phan tich day di tung dang céu hii va chién luge 18m bai twong dng trong bai thi Boe. Cae bal doc luygn tap 26 0 di vad khé tang din, bao quat tt 8 cfc chi <8 hay gp trong bal thi Reading cia IELTS: Nol dung bai dgo dugo dich ra tiéng Vigt va gidi thich dap &n kj ludng. 1ELTS SPEAKING Guén sich o€p nhat 20 cha d8 hay duge hdi inhat trong bal thi N6l vét dan bal chi tiét va cau Wa (ol mu 48 gidp ban thet ty tin khi ue vaio phéng thi Ndi (ELTS WRITING Gud séoh phan tich dy di ting dang 48 va chin luge lam bal tusing ding trong bat thi Vi6t Cao miu edu va cdch dung ti "dar duge it ke theo cha 0, Sich con hudng dn ban céch lap ddan 9 va tridn Khal than bai vi6t diy di. 8a HACKERS IELTS Usteoing glip bomen cat HY O Gidi thiéu ky thiJELTS WIELTS la git He thing kim ra Anh nga qué t6 (ELS) ba idm ta ning ifengén nga oda nhang ngued mun lam vige hoc hoc tap bling ting Anh. Cc Kj ning Nghe, Bee, Viét va NOI 88 ibn ra trong téng cfng 2 gid 55 phat. Biém IELTS duge danh gia theo thang diém ty 1.0 dén 9.0. Bidm tg ta dim tung binh cia be phn ti 6 hal foal bai thi: Academic Module (IELTS Hoe thuét) f& bai thi danh cho hoc sinh chudn bj du hoc 3 cdc truting dai hoc hod cae cc $8 giéo dye cao hon. General Training Module (IELTS Téng qual) danh cho ngudi musn di cu, fim vide, hode lam vige tai céc nude Anh, Canada, Uc, My. Trong hai foal bai IELTS nay, phéin Nghe va N6i Id ging nhau nhung Boo va Viét kha nha Cau tric bai thi IELTS Hoc thugt . S8 gag bai Thdigian . nti ciety Phan wacéu hd kim tra te Bai nghe bao gém of glong Anh Bén bai nahe B0phit | Uc, My Téing cng cd (Tha gian | - Thi sinh o& thém 10 phat sing a Listening 40 cau hal tw 10 110 | in ap an vaio phidu tr& tot (nibsi nghe pat riéng | - Bal nghe g6m céc dang cau hot Wedubdi) bi) | tide nghiem, ca tr lt ngén, en ‘V0 6 trdng, ho&n thanh biéu bang. sbatdoe Bi dpe cl va ni dung vé nhiéa Tina 40 ena chi 8 kha nha bee nohibm, eau ng, cn vo CUE cch6 tring, hoan thanh bigu bang. Tole vet ha = Khong 66 sy pha cha tha glan wirig | Peseta | ao are | fang ol 2 can SESS idm Task 2 nhiéu han Task 1 Thai gian cha dg 8a0.g6m3 phn = Phéng vn tinge ip 1:4 ve giém Phd 10-15 eau Khao Speakin 19-44 ph mS | Phin dete hi 14 pr at o& n-dung bal thi Noi ge Phan 46 Bu hi him ll Knoding 2 gi¢ 55 phat Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ @ Brera — PS ASIN IMCSc Ndi dung lién quan dén ky thi lELTS Thai gian ‘Buge tién hanh khofing 48 lén mot nam, 2 ~ 4 Kan mot thang Kj thi s8 duige t6 chic tai dia diém duge chi dinh ofinh thie bai meme H6i déng Anh hode IDP. Thi sinh o6 thé ding kj truéo ti thiduS dn 7 ngay (Veh ang i 6 thé két thd sm hon dy kién) Gach ding ky + Bing ky qua Internet: H6i dBng Anh hode IDP bang kj true ip: Tal da aiém duge chi dinh chinh thd ba Hoi déng Anh hoe IDP Ld phi th: ~ 5.000.000 vnd Phi cp bang dig - Gi min phi bang diém a6n cd tu’ng math’ sinh yéu cfu trong ving 4 tan ké ting thi = Néu mun gif nhiéu hon 5 bang diém hofe sau 4 tuéin ké ta nga thi, thi sinh phil tr I@ phi Le phi Hin thie thantodn’ | The tin dung, tin mat Hoya ki thi | Ban e6 thd duge hoan ii 75% le phi 15 ngly trude ngdy thi hing cay khi-aithi | Chi OMT, COCD vat chigu duce chap nh trong ngiy thi Ban o6 thé kiém tra diém s6 tye tuyén sau 13 ng ké ti git thi ‘C6 thé Iva chon nhan gidy chdng nhan true tiép hoe git qua auvong bwu Gign idm thi wa piiowa, | Phi tra: Thi sinh nop ban g6c két qua thi va don daing ky theo dudng buy dign bode truo tuyén “Thi sinh o6 thé ding ky phdo ta phd thi minh mu6n trong 4 phiin Kj ning Tips ‘Thi sinh phi mang theo hé chi€uICMT/GCCD da ding ¢ng ky thi a6 glam thi kiém tra ‘ufc Kh vo thi. “Ta ovat dung od nhan déu ph git 6 rl git 46 trude Kh vao phiong thi “Th sinh duge chup dh vat kide tra iu van tay true Ki vo thi Giga 3 phan thi Nghe, Boo, Viét khéng 06 thal glan nigh ri8ng. Trong trading hop cn dt ve sinh Ki dang lm bai, thi sinh ra khdi phéng thi phai duoc sy glam sét ca giém thi Lich thi ndi sé duge théng bao riéng t6l ting thi sinh. rales teLts. 13 Ung That Khi Chua Thtt f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ ‘bn ts Etrr nr — oMm CT eult nea avatar fmt B Thang diém lELTS Band Score Bal thi IELTS danh gid naing ic Anh ng@t eta thi sint:qua cde band diém, Duél day & miéu t& ting band aiém. C6 nding lye tiéng toain din va thé hign duge kha ning st dung e ‘igén ng pho hgp, chinh xc, thinh theo, ndm bt duge moi Khia canh ca ng’in ngo. 06 nang lic ting toan dign di: cdn mac mot 9 it 16i sit dung jser_| ng6n ni thigu chinh xée va chua phd hap. C6 thé hiBu nm trong mét val tinh huéing Khong quen thube. C2 kha ning xi iy t6t ed tran lun phde tap, chi et C6 nang lye ting t6t dd cin mot 96 16i SB dyng ngén nge thiéu chinh xée, cha phi hgp, va hiéu nhém trong mot stn hung, Nhin chung ¢5 kha ning xi t6t ngdn ng phic tap va hiéu duge cée lp an oh tt. ducer 'Nhin chung e6 kha nang et! dyng ngén ng higu qua dd bn mat 86 I8i thi6u chinn x60, khéng phi hap, hoe higu nhém ¥. Co thé ait dung va higu eB efi tric tuong di phd tap, dis bibt trong nhing tinh hung quen thube. Co knd nang sii dung ngén gt tueng dl vA nim duge y nghiaod Modestuser | ban ela ngén nigittreng hau hét ogc tinh hudng di cén me nhigu 18. C6 Kha ning giao tgp oe bain trong cd lnh wye-quen thude. Kha niing giao tiép gidi hen trong cdc hinh huéng quen thuéc. 4 | Limited user | Thung xuyén gp vén 6 trong vigc higu vi din dat. Khong 06 kh ning at dung efe edu tre phde tap, Extremely limited | Chl truyén tii va higu duige n6i dung eo ban nhét trong cae tinh 86 hhuéng quen thud. Thudng xuy8n glip khé khiin trong glao tip. font user | Gp rétinhiéu kh6 kha ong vie n6i va viét tiéng Anh | Khong os ke ring I nding sit dung tiéng Anh, ngoaltrir mot vai ti vung Thi sinh khong du thi Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Brera — [BGéch tinh diém thi lELTS MBIky ning du éugo tinh aiém riéng va diém tng, IELTS Overall, aiém tung binh e6ng cia béin aiém thanh phiin. Ce co quan, t8 chide sti dung diém IELTS dé dan gia nang ive ting Anh ciia (ing vién déu 06 nhOng yeu ofu kha nhau vé 86 diém thanh phan va diém Overall cin dat. Thi sinh cn da vao nhng quy dinh Heng nay 48 fn ké hoach chun bi that phU hop cho ki thi Bat diém cao trong mot phan thi thé manb 06 thé hé tre eho prin yéu thé hon, nhung nu sy kha bist gida cf diém thanh phan qué lén 88 &nh hudng én giém Overall. Vi vy, rt khé 48 dat ciém cao ri6u thi sinh chi tip trung vao mot Kj ning nhét inh bo 0 Dust day lt vi dy tinh band diém, Band diém Overall aiém trung binh eng cla bén diém thanh phn vl 88 dug lam won theo quy tie lam ton 36 thép phan. BENIN | a thanty phan a ae Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr — OMIM AATEC crite h Renin etal Nt keaT ‘Bai thi IELTS Listening gém 4 Section v6i 40 o&u hdl, m6i phéin 6 10 cdu. Ci bal nghe duge phat &m bling ging Anh, Ue va. MY. This gian lam bal la 90 phat, trong 46 cé 10 phat anh cho vige ghi dip én vo phi tr Wt. INCSu tric bai thi IELTS Listening ai ti ding GB can nd HO thoai gia hai nguéi vé chi 06 SECTION 1 HO! thoat gida hai ngutt vé ose chi a thueng ngay SECTION 2 | DOcthoalvé clochi.dé thutng ngay | MBI phan motnoi | MBiphén 10 sections | HO thee! gita 2-4 nguti vé mot chi 48! dung khéc | edu hal mang tinh chuyén mér/ hoo thuét hau i v8 mét hd a mang tinh secrion a | 2% thoal v8 mot ci ang chuyén ménfhge thugt MDiém dac biét cita bai thi IELTS Listening ‘B6i v6i Section 1-2 - 3, bai nghe cho ting Section duge téch lam hai dean. Trude méi doan, thi sinh 96 06 thai gian a8 phéin tich 46 bai, Gi vdi Section 4, bai nghe dude phat én, khéng ng quang. Trude khi bai nghe bat du, tht sinh 88 06 thdt gian a6 phan tich 46 bal © Saw hi két thd mi phén thi, thi sinh e6 30 gidy 48 kiém tra Iai dap an. ‘Sau ki két thie tét 8 cae phn thi, thi sinh 66 10 phiit 48 chuyén ede dap n ti dé bai vao phiéu ta iat Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ @ Brera — ‘CAC DANG BE IELTS Listening Dang dé Gidithiet/ dana Multiple Choice Liya chon dp an trong nhiéu phuong én cho true Note/Form Completion | in dap én vao ché tring trong cau hay doan cho trude Table Completion ign dap én vio obi tréing trong bang bigu cho trudo Semence/Summary Chon dép &n dé di6n vo ché tring trong cau/doan t6m Flon-chariDigram Completion | favisu déisa 46 cho tube Lua chon ap €n trong danh sch sao cho phi hyp v6i Matching ‘8c thong tin cho true Bién hot chon dap 4n 48 din vio ché tréng trong ban Map/PlaniDiagram Labeltin . d6iban v6i80 dé cho truée Short Answe ign dp dn vao adic cau hei cho true WChién luge luyén tap IELTS Listening 4. Lamn quem vel phat don va mg gu ih ‘Dé c6 thé nghe tt, ban phai nghe va lam quen véi ngi am, nga digu da dang cia ngusi ban nig. Bae biet, hon midt nda nGi dung bal thi IELTS Listening dudc néi vd gieng Anh-Anh, vi vay ban cén phai im quen véi ngi am va nga digu cba giong nay. 2. Taig outa wh tr wg Ban s@ khong thé nghe duoc nhdng t wyng ma minh chua bit, vi vay hay o8 ging ghi ns ning ti wing xu8thign nhiulén trong séch. Hon nla, chi hgcthuge nghia ca tla chu 40 ma cbn phai ghi nhd cach phat am chinh xac. 8. Luyen tap din gli theo nhidw ech Khée nhaw. ‘88 cb nhigu truting hop ban edn phai din dat ni dung trong dé bal theo cach Khée ma khong bi sai nghila, vi véy hay én luyén phan bai t@p trong sch hing ngay. Bing oti giét han trong vide thay ditt! ving, ma hay thi! thay déi c& cu trie ng phap cla cdu 4. Luyén tap nghe-ehép chin ta IELTS Listening bao gém eéc dang bai yéu céu ban nghe va dién dap én ding, vi vay ban fin luyén tap nghe va chép lal cae n6i dung nghe duge mot cfich chinh xéo. Vige nay 96 lip ban dé dang phat hién nhing phén ban than on cai thign. io igure Lice va chin gc Goch TF Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr — © Ké hoach hoc tap Dua vo két qué cda bai kiém tra ty dénh gid (Diagnostic Test - 21), hay tham khdo hai ké hoach hhoe t&p duit day va xAy dung cho minh ké heach phi: hop nhét Kéhoach MEET icin gros ot aig 2 tu ny Bay 1 Bay 2 Day 3 Day 4 Days | Bays ChiHP | GhiHP | Gy yy | Ch2HP Weekt oT Snip or | Tuwng | Towne | pyChtHT | Trung e144 444, Tirwung W145 4145 Onitip oh crane | chant v0" | onsue | chau | chanp WO? Tuwmgit4s |Towungt.148 Ontépix | Tewna | ChOHT | Tuweg vet4s ol mie | waa | Tevangtnts7 | tatae On tap Ch ‘ . no” | cnsue | chsHp | chenp Weeks yore ig | OSH Onaga | Tevung ChsHT Tuwung uwng twin wet | tas | Tuwng 160 | t.180 ohenP cn7 HP chew | cn7He | Ch7HT | Ontgpch Wet 4p vung 6.181 | Tervung tr.1St) On tag 5-7 Ar On tip AT ee | * fu mucin noe tong 8 tu, ban 0 chin dis ny ung hoe 8k ngby a he tong hal my. ” | Ké hoach (Néu kam bai Diagnostic Test ding ty 26 eau tr8 xuting) Bay De Da t Bay Saya Sh1HP | ChiHP weet = pr Oniwpot | enepor | chive | Tuwng | Tiwmng eae tla chiar | Ontig cnt chane | cnane | Gnent Week2 ry Oryunas) Ontet | chenp | Tawng | Tuving | Tiwng 5} ng t.148 1.148. e146 Optio cn2 chaHP | Chait | Ontipchs Weok3 Onigpd |. chaHp | Tuwng | Towng | Ont@ptr | ChaHP wng waar waar wg chaup | C4HP | ChaHT | Onpana onsHe Wook nA 4g) Twa | Towng | Onapt | cnsne | fuvyng wre 1.148, tr.14 whg tr.149 char | Ontipcns casHe | cheuT | Ontipone Weews 7,SPSHT | “Ont | chen — Tuwne | twa | “nteot a 4 380 t wg , | Ontipch7 eG | CNTR | “One | cn7HT at Gntipat | OntipaT wing sr] Ont DDT: Diagnostic Test HP: Hankors Practc®: HT: Hackers Test AT: Antal Test Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ @ Brera — HUGNG DAN SU DUNG KE HOACH ON LUYEN 4. Hing nga, bay 66 ging hoo hét kh lugng kién the theo ké hogch 2, Bat déu bling vigc tim hiéu ky e@¢ chién lige lam bal, sau 46 Ap dyng vo Hackers Practice va Haokers Test dé ghi:nhé lau han. 8. Trong khi lam bi, hy cof nhu ban dang tham gia Ky thi thét. Sau kh lam xong, fry tham ko ce gol. gl thich, phan tich cla séch vé cto dap an ding, dap 4n sai 46 ty rat kinh nghiem. 4. Hay bait du m&i chung vot phiin Hackers Practice va Haokers Test, sau 66 Két thie bling vige gidi va 6n tap Actual Test. 5. Trong trutng hap ban khéng thé hoan thanh Ké hoach oa mot ngay nhu. da dé ra. hay tidp tue hig va of ging hodn thanh bai tap efia mot tudintrudc Ki tun 6 két thd. Biing That Khi Chua Thi f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ @ Etrr nr — AHREERS TELTS LISTeuiyt OQ DIAGNOSTIC TEST ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g Emcor nona = SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 fe the notes below Write ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER tor each an. KINGS PLACE TENNIS COURTS Example tennis and... badminton. courts Facilities + Has indoor courts for iennis + Pro shop sells rackets and 2 Class Details | + Complete beginner lessons are 3 a week Cla | * Boot eekly + Intermediate learners participate in a competition for 4 + Can play a game with the instructor to check their § Comprehensive Package + Includes 6 booking of courts unts at pro-shop and on lesson: + Cost-7£ per month for first-time members Learner Package: + Includes access to all tennis cou + Members can use the & for an additional fee + Gots off of classe: Signing up + Most 10 Daniel back fo confirm the trial Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ PrCrr nia = SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 6 0111-20068 Questions 11 and 12 Choose TWO leiters, A-E. {112 Which TWO characteristics of the dinosaur exhibits does the speaker highlight? A. bone displays posted drawings B © interactive activities D_re-creations of creatures E explanatory timelines Questions 13-16 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C: z 413 What is special about the Under the Sea exhibit? A. Itshows how dolphins swim by using models, B It contains a life-size display of a blue whale. © It compares the evolution of fish and other species. 44 What aspect of sharks does the model display in the shark area focus on? A their nature as hunters. B how they raise infants © thelr oycle of life 45. The plant Ife exhibits allow visitors to view displays of A. gatdening mechanisms. B flora from diverse environments. © rare wildflower seeds. 46 Atthe Activity zone, human development is depicted through A movie sereenings. B__three-dimensional presentations. © staged demonstrations. ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr = Questions 17-20 17 Information centre 18 Cloakroom 19 Children’ Gift shop Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g Etrr nr = SECTION 3 Questions 21-30) or21-30m ‘Questions 21-24 What effect does art therapy have on the following age groups? Choose FOUR answers from the box and write th | & enhances cal ably 22 Adolescents a orrect letter, A-E, next to Questions ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g Questions 25-30 he letter, A, B, or C. 25 will the students conduct interviews with as part of their research? A patients of art therapists B logy experts c fe journalists 28 What is Raymond worried about? here are not many st on multiple age ranges. s tle material written o selected topic. There may be insufficient time to write about all th collected data ng to the professor, the students could study preschool children and A there is not enough material on people of 3d for bot her ages. lar therapies have been groups. © there is.a word limit for the 28 How do senior citizens tend to react when asked to express themselves through art? ‘A. They draw things that they see around the B_ They are hesitant and don't know what to draw € They take to it very quickly 28 A Bless 50 © improved mental functions. 30 How does art therapy that includes music help patients? ‘A Itallows them to express al feelings. pe B Itallows them to rei © It provides them with a sense of unity Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr = SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 0) 0131-4005 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below. Wite ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF RAILWAYS Railway development in Great Britain “The first locomotive invented by Richard Trevithick was not at success, Large-ecale rail construction began in the UK in the 1830s due to industralisation. Industrial areas needed 92 to port cities, which trains provided cheaply and quickly. Global expansion of railway systems Global raliway construction allowed 39 trade to grow rapidly Rapid railway development occurred in North America in the 19th century. a6 discovered in the West provided further motivation for building railroads across the continent, Historie occasions affecting railways Introduced in 1912, diese! fuel allowed locomotives to transport larger weights mux fastor Extremely long journeys could now be made in a few'35 Raivays were miltary 36 during the two world wars and were ebuilt afterward. Reasons for growth in train transport 37 needed @ more efficient way of moving their goods during periods of industrialisation. Railways also allowed some Europeans to manage their 38 Current trains and railway systems The fuels used for trains are now 39) and better for the environment ‘The rapid improvement of 40 rallway networks in several continents made rail highly populer, Trains may become more popular because they are fast, efficient, and affordable. ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr = re FELTS LISTE errr Multiple choice fa dang bai chon dap ain chinh xc trong nhiéu dap an cho sin. Bay 1a mot trong nhng dang phé bién nhét trong bai thi IELTS Listening. xudt hign trong hau hét ‘ac ky thi va c6 thé gap trong tat c& cdc phén, DANGBAI Dang bai Multiple choice yéu edu chon dip én chinh xéc 4 hoan thanh cau hogc tr lol ‘cau hi. Vi dang thd hai, dé bal ¢6 thé yéu cu chen nhigu hon mot dp én, vi vay trudc kkhi nghe, ban cdn chd y doc va kiém tra kj yéu cau ole dé bal. BOI khi, a8 bai cé thé yeu u chon dap &n ding dé dién vio bing hay biéu a6. a dip an ab Diy lt dang va chon mot dip chinh xéc rong cdc ep fn cho tre d hodn than ed. Choose the correct letter, A, Bor C. 1 Dr Peter Lyons has recently been best known for his A publications about islands. B dissertation on tropical plants, © extensive studies of rock eategorisations yl dang la chon dap n phi hop vi cu hal, Trong tring hop o6 niu dép & x80, ban 06 thé 88 phi chon 2-3 dip dn trong 865-7 dip én cho tide. | Choose the correct latter, A, B or C. 1 What is included in the scuba diving trip? A. equipment B training © anoffshore dive Choose TWO letters, A-E. 2:3 Which TWO topics does Michael want to include in his presentation? A. geographical features B hiatorical content E political significance Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr — il CHIEN LUGCLAM BAI STEP] “78 jichGei Doe ky yed cau Va tim tulcum tu khgaictia'dé bal (1) Dang bai Mutiple choice 06 thé yeu cu chon nhiéu hon mot dap din, vi vay ban edn kiém tra ky 86 lugng dp an ma 46 yéu cu {2) Ban cfin dige va tim ra tifeym ta kniéa cia 48, Nod ra ban eting nn doe Niu ofc dp an true kh nghe. ae ne A, Bord. —| ste ta hen rt EAP Me ry nn bh publications about islands. B dissertation on tropical plants. OF Féterlijoos Seu 48 extensive studies of rock categorisations. CHAPTER! 29 ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g STEP 2 ig righe cic f in bien quran 4a teg de gol y tra W: I've read his dissertation k categorisations, anc hat was the field wi M: No, that w él, Dang xual i vi véy ban cdin chd ¥ lang nghe phdin cubl cila doa i te im of ti e ang la Wr hay "be 61 dang bai Multiple chi phai nghe toan b6 nOl dung va iva chon mot dip & ben ¢ kj cc théng tin idm quan va fim s thong fin ny c tl theo cach gi6ng hod K ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ q Etrr nr oo sitet mie gaidhowradp ards Lue chon dip dn thé hign dng ndi dung ma ban nghe dug (dap én 66 thé duge dé dat theo cach khée 60 v6i ndi'dung nghe). Sau Khi lya chon, ban edn kiém tra tinh chinh xée ofa dap an. Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. | B dissertation non tropical plants ©, idm ba ip 8 ‘ap dn B 06 t6i hal ti"ién quan la ‘dissertation’ va ‘tropical, tuy nhién dé an ny thye chit la vé thye vat nhigt d6i. Vi thé, 6 la dap an sal Boan thought that was the field where he had the most expertise" (T6i da doc bal luancila 6ng thoal tuy c6 48 cp ti "ve read his dissertation on rock categorisations y vé phan loal 6a, nén t8l nghT ring 86 la chuyén nganh eta 6ng dy), nhung ONE We | te ONE WORD ONLY forthe answer. + | Climate change is having araiiaticsetfeat on + and wildlife in the Arctic, | cuarTers ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ q Etrr nr = ws STEP 2 Tlfeym tl khéa 06 thd dugo nhe tél trong ni dung nghe theo each giéng hoe khéc so vai Firstly, CO2 emissions are the main cause of ol hange in the Aretic, 4 i w fouridh effed which . ofound fect has a devastating impact on local wildlife. The only way to halt or reverse these effects on th Aretic ucing the amount of CO2 we put into the atmosphe Complete the sentence below. White ONE WORD ONLY for the answer | 1 Climate change is having SMPAREHIS SHEA on and wildife in the Arctic Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g PrCrr nia = STEP Didnvikieni tre day any Ban cfin liga chon thong tin phi hop ti ni dung nghe dude a din vao ohé tréng. Sau kh 4ién, hay kiém tra lal 48 che chén ring dap an théa man yéu ou va khdng m gi phap. Complete the sentence below. a - White ONE WORD ONLY for the answer | | 1 Climate change is having a dramatic effect on afta and wildlife n the Arctic. © ‘ : Ors 1. Trong dang bai Sentence/Summary/Flow-chart/Diagram completion, dép én thuong la danh tu, tuy nhién eGing c6 truéing hgp la déngytinh tt hose ph tu, vi vay ban odin xo dinh r logi tu cdn dién. Vol trudng hop dlép dn la danh ti hoge dong tir, ban on am bao viét ding dang s6 nhiéu hay s6 it va thi cia tt, 2. Gée thc més fién quan dn phugng phaip t 16 dang bai nay s8 duge gidi dap trong phan Héi~ Bap trang 136. Céc gia thich ohi tiét va vi dy trye quan 88 gidp ban nim duge nhiing diém cén luu 9 48 66 mét dap an chinh xée. CHAPTERS ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr = mogrhremnosaouonias 2 HACKERS PRACTICE n vao ché trong. Bal nghe sé dug chia thanh hal doan nhé. 01 Wehavean which includes 02 The price for the tour is a will be 03 The view of is great. 04 The train wil and our bus is at 95 You might want to incorporate from n your report 6 In-ego depletion, an individual exercises Installing on your house can y more thar 08° A successful company must as often as possible to make studies in your report. 5 desires hal ul company must Bling That Khi Chua The f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ @ 99 shaped our contemporar HACKERS TELTS WASTING: = The Maori peoy perform to the 10 The cylinders on the machine roll the 11 Onaverage, inthe United States eam 12 The clownfish and the sea anemone with 13 Per night can improve the brain's 14 The Central Piateau isa ‘covering 15 The Sooratic method is a way of facilitatn among, te geologist Charles Lyell was a In the study of who has shaped our of geology. Sips The Maofi people perform dances to the rhythmic movements of a ball on string. The cylinders on the machine roll the recycled materials info a sheet. On average, women in the United States eam 78.6% of what men do he clownfish and the sea anemone help one another with basic survival needs. Eight hours ofsléep pet night can improve the brain's retention of memory. The Central Plateau Is a flat stretch covering notthem Mexico The Socratic method is a way of facilitating sooperative commurication among stud: goolopist Chatles Lyell was a pioneer inthe study ofthe causes of earthquakes who has view of geology. CHAPTER 4 ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g unsjeauaqias a Questions 1-4 7 au the flow-chart below. Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next 10 Questions 1-4 ate office website receipts ormooa> plan | Registration Process for Annual Charity Bicycle Tour Register for the event on the charity's t Provide an 2 onthe form 4 Get sponsors willing to donate funds if you complete the tour 4 | Bring bieyele and necessary 4 ors after finishing the tour | Gather donations from spon: 4 | Distribute 4 to donors for tax reasons Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Questions 58 Complete the summary below. Wiite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. The dectine in outdoor play ‘The amount that children play outdoors is steadily dectining with 5 {ess use of playgrounds than ten years ago. People at 6 will be given a survey to discover why outdoor play is decreasing. The increasing amount of exposure to media seems to play a role. The effect of more 7 studying, and a general laok of green spaces for children to use could be causes for this decline. Itis also possible that parents are more wary of letting children play alone 8 without supervision, 1 ve Berg Eyam 1 SHTAI SEKI na CHAPTERS ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g Etrr nr = Questions 9-13 0 fe the flow-chart below. Waite ONE WORD ONLY for each ans The Process of Cleaning Moray Eels by Wrasse Fish Wrasse fish get together 9 the reef and walt Wras ish come towards the moray eels when they are The cleaner fish eat parasites and from the eels’ Dead 12 are picked off the eels by 2 ung That Khi Chua Thit f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g Questions 1447 () awy Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Tom is mostly interested in taking a IMierature course. 15 Students are required to take introductory modules during the first year. 16 literature is one example of a prior optional module topic. The modules influence students’ decisions about for dissertations in the final year 9 esBeg cuarrens 63 ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ g Questions 18-21 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer Advantages of Living near Live Voleanoes People's reasons for living near volcanoes reveal how volcanoes influence the 19 Fossil fuels make up only ‘% of loeland’s total energy usage. into soil for farming Accumulated voloanie ash is 21 Volcanoes are also attractions that can generate a lot of ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Questions 22-25 0 Complete the diagram below. White ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. ‘THE COMPOSTING PROCESS Waste is put in a bin before being processed. 25 Finished compost can be put into the 22 The materials are | y % f moved into the — drum once the is pulled, 23 Drum rotates and churns waste for 24 Oxygen minutes. with organic materials. over a period of six weeks. ‘Babin Sent «Phi igh + id hich trang 231 Hy Bi 85 ‘Bung That Khi Chua Thit LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ SECTION 4 Questions t-10 Questions 1-4 Compiete the sentences below. White ONE WORD ONLY for each answer 1 The company trom the case study produced smartphones with irresponsive 2 The company promised complimentary upgrades to the model the year after the detective line was launched. 3 A produet problem can be an to reinforoe customer ties to a company. 4 Showing for consumer is a vital technique for customer service professionals. Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ @ Brera — Oe ENG} Questions 5-10 Complete the notes below. Wille NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. JERVICE RECOVERY PARADOX Perceived value of service recovery + Customer needs are’S to each individual's wants. + Some of the case study company’s customers viewed the upgrade as sufficient; others did not. Customer dissatistaction + Every business works to reduce the number of unsatisfied customers. + Customer dissatisfaction is always subjective, and there is no definitive 6 to this Issue. + The company had 7 from consumers following the service recovery, revealing its capacity to keep customer dissatisfaction levels low. Customer trust + A strong asset fora company is & Changing behaviour + Customers may switch to 9 firms when service has failed. Exceptions to the service recovery paradox + The service recovery paradox is not 10 in ail situations + Itdoes not work when poor-quality products come out frequently. (Bs 3H * Seis Phan veh Gid ahveh Wand 242) CHAPTERS 87 Biing That Khi Chua Thi f LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ @ Etrr nr — ELT LISTER PE) Matching la dang bal yeu céu n6l thong tin trong cdc cau duge dénh s6 voi dap dn cho truée a0 cho phi hep véi noi dung bai nghe. Bay la dang bai thug xuyen xust hign va cha yéu ‘93p 6 Phdn 2 va Phén 3 trong bai thi IELTS Listening, DANG BAI Dang bai Matching yéu céu n6l thong tin trong ¢ée cau duge dénh 86 véi dap n trong mét danh séch cho trude sao cho phil hyp vai ni dung bal nghe. Sé lugng dap 4n khéng nhét thiét lu6n bling 66 cau auge danh 96. Trongtrutng hop ny, mbt a8 dip &n ob thé Khong due si dyng hoge si dung nhiu han mét ln. Which description best fits the following exhibits? Ohoose THREE answers from the box and waite the correct letter, A, B or C, next to Questions 1-3 Descriptions A. Itean get crowded. B itis temporarily inaccessible. © Itfeatures wilde from different continents. Exhibits mineral and gemstones human evolution exhibit insect collection Biing That Khi Chua Thi LOP HOC THU IELTS 0-7.5+ Etrr nr —

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